4chan archive /sci/ (index)
2012-09-06 01:36 5030928 Anonymous (Sunset.jpg 800x600 71kB)
Hey /sci/ What do you use math for besides academics and being smarter than other people?

1 min later 5030936 Anonymous
this is a little vague, but programming and having fun, I guess.

4 min later 5030943 Anonymous
to talk about how much smarter you are than other people.

7 min later 5030947 Anonymous
>>5030928 I use it to evaluate risk in options trading, but math finds itself in every facet of science and technology.

7 min later 5030948 Anonymous
>>5030943 Yes, of course, but besides that!

8 min later 5030957 Anonymous
>>5030947 I do options trading myself... what do you do? look for over/undervaluations? Do you think they'll come up with new pricing models in the future that eliminate some of the shortcomings of the current models?

11 min later 5030969 Anonymous
Calculating tips, managing my finances, designing and building things, verifying other people's claims, comparing statistics across different scale....

13 min later 5030978 Anonymous
>>5030957 not really new models, but the current models are constantly being tweaked

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