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2013-07-30 10:56 8004687 Anonymous (I-Cant-Leave-You-Your-Too-Cute.jpg 495x322 30kB)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWV ElQ6NfcE When was the last time you got rejected? PS - I love you :)

2 min later 8004730 Anonymous
girl wanted me, hung out for weeks, got drunk, ended up in bed, went over past history, was honest and said i was virgin, she instantly changed her mind, left, and never talked to me again >but i heard that she made fun of me to her friends

5 min later 8004768 Anonymous
>>8004730 Ouch dude thats harsh

9 min later 8004819 Anonymous
>>8004768 yeah that was three years ago now, turned me into a shutin, i cant even look at girls anymore she won, i lost, another good man gave up on life...

14 min later 8004879 Anonymous
>>8004819 Don't give up so easily, brother. There's plenty of bad things that happen in life, just as there are plenty of good ones.

15 min later 8004884 Anonymous
>>8004879 dont listen to him, people give you false hope just so they can laugh when the world beats you down again

19 min later 8004942 Anonymous
>>8004884 Don't listen to him, his view of others is stunted from a social altercation that wasn't healthily managed.

24 min later 8005004 Anonymous
>>8004884 Fuck off lost V-card at 24 to a beautiful caring gf . now am 25. this is my last week: >thursday: Date with a cute 19 year old, but she's moving away soon so we don't know whether to actually get to know each other or not. she's super intelligent and way more fun to talk to than most girls I know. >saturday: Flirt a little with girl I've met once before on a party, she asks for my number but I told her that meetin is kinda complicated at the moment. (among other things because I banged and dated her flat mate which we kept it kinda secret from our social circles) >monday: Flirt with the little sister of a friends gf (around 21 yo.), didn't really went anywhere but she just added me on fb and wished me good night. >today: Nothing much but I smiled at a qt asian and she went through the (empty) tram appartment and sat down beside me. Just because you met one bitchy cunt shouldn't make you throw it all away

29 min later 8005070 Anonymous
>>8005004 wow, what a vapid, pointless existence you lead you were so close to ascendency but you reverted to animal instincts, shameful

34 min later 8005138 Anonymous
>>8005070 Why? because I get to know people? yeah what a superficial asshole I am... I had sex with two people in almost two years, one within a relationship, one within something erm complicated that lastes for 5 month. looking for a parnter that actually fits your personality is much better than clinging to whoever is willing to spread her legs... at least in my book

39 min later 8005202 Anonymous
>>8005070 >vapid There's that word. That word is one only pseudo-intellectual bullies use. You use flowery language to pretend you're not some 300 pound neckbeard in a $5000 trailer, don't you?

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