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2013-07-25 08:10 7916726 Anonymous (cross-burning-at-nighttime-ku-klux-klan-kkk-rally[2].jpg 600x424 21kB)
You know who the best bros, are? Effeminate heterosexual males with logic and reason as their main thinking drive

9 min later 7916853 Anonymous
>>7916726 And does anyone want to tell me why I'm high even though my last hit was like 1 week ago?

11 min later 7916878 Anonymous
>>7916853 Congratulations, you have obtained derealization. I know that feel, bro. It's felt like I've been high for 2 years now.

15 min later 7916913 Anonymous
>>7916878 Hahaha why the fuck am I laughing like a total idiot? All I want to do is hug some person.

15 min later 7916923 Anonymous
why do they need to be effeminate am i missing something

31 min later 7917115 Anonymous
>>7916923 Because they are likely to have feelings. Like rainbow-filled pies type of feelins.

33 min later 7917137 Anonymous
>>7917122 who don't like attention

34 min later 7917142 Anonymous
They don't need to be effeminate. You had me at 'logic' and 'reason'.

35 min later 7917159 Anonymous
I want a bro like this, OP. Everyone is manlier than me which makes me feel insecure or they're just an idiot.

35 min later 7917166 Anonymous
>best bros >effeminate try again

37 min later 7917184 Anonymous
>effeminate nah man

37 min later 7917188 Anonymous
>>7916726 Dude, the best bros are masculine homosexual dudes who can be rational and work as an excellent wingman.

37 min later 7917190 Anonymous
>>7917166 Being effeminate doesn't mean being gay or flamboyant. It means being in touch with what woman really think. They are your bros because they can give you solid advice on how to get the best of girls.

38 min later 7917199 Anonymous
>>7917190 nah nah man effeminate dudes are bitchy, catty, cutthroat motherfuckers

40 min later 7917208 Anonymous
>>7917190 >effeminate men >how to get the best of girls oh wow you are so funny keep going

41 min later 7917216 Anonymous
>>7917208 nigga if you're gonna take my side could you not be a big baby bitch

42 min later 7917220 Anonymous
>>7917199 Better than brodudes who say stuff like "nah nah man" and don't capitalize or punctuate. I bet you think the best way to shoot the shit with people is with constant friendly insults and you call people bitches for not playing sports or drinking beer. Caveman.

42 min later 7917221 Anonymous
>>7917208 they have feelings and they have logic and reason by their side. they know how to deal with alphas who haven't grown maturely and they know how to deal with the bitchiest and hard to get bitches

42 min later 7917222 Anonymous (ni66er.png 500x326 217kB)
OP you are pushing it...

43 min later 7917239 Anonymous
>>7917220 Yep Catty as fuck

45 min later 7917255 christfag
i disagree, the metrosexual straight guys tend to be just as bitchy as the effeminate gay kids - gossiping about each other and having dramatic fallings out it's symptomatic of a lack of character - which i tend to blame estranged fathers for, cos young guys don't have strong male role models in the home

45 min later 7917259 Anonymous
>>7917239 He's not a true effeminate man. He's a bitch. But yeah, effeminate man with logic and reason and who are assertive are the ones to dominate.

45 min later 7917260 Anonymous
>>7917221 Yeah, but they don't do a thing with it because women don't find them attractive. They also usually have low self esteem and a bit of a narcissism complex, so they spend all day on the computer or at work, making sensible financial savings and waiting for virtual reality to happen.

46 min later 7917263 Anonymous
>>7917220 take it easy i feel where you're comin' from, i know plenty of people like that personally i try my hardest not to cut at people, and i don't drink sports are pretty fun to watch, but i don't play i guess i am generalizing and stereotyping but i've just had bad experiences with them, and i guess you've had bad experiences with the opposite kinds of people

46 min later 7917269 Anonymous
>>7917255 But if they stayed to be beta providers, they wouldn't be alpha role models. See the problem?

47 min later 7917274 Anonymous
>>7917259 >effeminate >dominate This doesn't happen.

48 min later 7917286 Anonymous
I remember everything OP.

51 min later 7917314 Anonymous
>>7917286 huh? perhaps i didn't use the correct word. How about a strong guy with feelings?

52 min later 7917331 Anonymous
>you will never have a black weeaboo friend

52 min later 7917333 christfag
>>7917269 > See the problem? yes, the problem is that you think categorising humans as 'alpha', 'beta' etc, is a legitimate scientific delineation

53 min later 7917341 Anonymous
>>7917255 I grew up without a father, but I'm in no way effeminate. I just grew up faster than the other kids. I am proud that I grew up without a father, because who I am today, is mostly my own path in life, that I choose, and I worked for. Most of these people are constantly bitching about their family situation though.

53 min later 7917342 Anonymous
We make excellent wingmen. Most of the time I care more about my friends getting laid than me getting laid. I've even gone as far as dropping a girl who's all over me, to help a bro out in trouble

55 min later 7917365 Anonymous
Effeminate men are what's wrong with the world. More than half of our population already has vaginas, we don't need effeminate ladyboys who can't do any real work.

57 min later 7917384 Anonymous
>>7917365 >Who can't do real work They are typically white collar workers, so why would you care about real work?

59 min later 7917404 Anonymous
>>7917365 But I want to fuck them.

1 hours later 7917412 Anonymous
>>7917274 They dominate where it matters.Acquiring long-term relationships and marriages as well as acquiring dominance in STEM majors.

1 hours later 7917425 Anonymous (images-16.jpg 244x207 11kB)
Pic related its the OP minus tits of course haha

1 hours later 7917427 Anonymous
>>7917404 Ladies and gentleman, this is why we are fucking awesome. We need assholes to keep our egos are bay sometimes, but we get the good pussy.

1 hours later 7917432 Anonymous (faggot.jpg 600x547 34kB)
>>7917220 Confirmed for bourgeoisie faggot.

1 hours later 7917444 Anonymous
>>7917425 Effeminate wasn't the word I was looking for. More like assertive man with feelings. Yeah, effeminate man are prettyboys. Never mind that.

1 hours later 7917447 Anonymous
>>7917384 Because regardless of being white collar, there's still manual work around the house to be done; and in the state of emergency protecting your wife/girlfriend and/or children?

1 hours later 7917455 christfag
>>7917341 yeah, but the fact that you felt offended at the idea of being thought effeminate suggests you're actually over-compensating a bit and trying to be more macho that's the other extreme that guys go for when their dads leave, attempting to be a man long before they're ready ...and they often turn into the guys who think being 'alpha' and shagging lots of chicks is the be-all and end-all of their existence (though that's somewhat tied to their resentment toward their mothers)

1 hours later 7917501 Anonymous
>>7917447 >still manual work It's not like it's going to require massive muscles being an assertive man with feelings doesn't mean he can't lift or do martial arts also, GUNS

1 hours later 7917513 Anonymous
>>7917432 >bourgeoisie u wot I really don't see how you came to that conclusion. By the way, I'm not the guy you were replying to.

1 hours later 7917540 Anonymous (Shunsui_Kyouraku_by_KissMeUndead.jpg 900x1093 234kB)
>>7917455 >yeah, but the fact that you felt offended at the idea of being thought effeminate suggests you're actually over-compensating a bit and trying to be more macho Please tell me, what would a man be, without a little pride ? >that's the other extreme that guys go for when their dads leave, attempting to be a man long before they're ready. Well, it's more of an necessity, rather than attempt. >...and they often turn into the guys who think being 'alpha' and shagging lots of chicks is the be-all and end-all of their existence You should go out more. I won't even bother to answer this.

1 hours later 7917578 Anonymous
OP here. FUCK! I meant assertive guy with feelings (altruism?) You guys were right though, effeminate guys are massive butthurt faggots.

1 hours later 7917592 Anonymous (Autism at its finest.jpg 548x618 44kB)
>>7917455 For some reason, that post screams autistic neckbeard virgin.

1 hours later 7917607 Anonymous
>>7917501 There's a difference between being effeminate and having feelings. Huge difference, actually. One's a massive faggot that should be wiped off the face of the earth, the other is non-sociopathic.

1 hours later 7917618 christfag
>>7917540 >Please tell me, what would a man be, without a little pride ? humble >Well, it's more of an necessity, rather than attempt. ikr >You should go out more. i've been out for ages sweetheart ...but you realise in stooping to ad hominem and refusing to engage with the subject, you're betraying your true feelings - cos to make you so irate as to try and attack me on a personal level, only shows i've touched a nerve and told you something you don't want to here

1 hours later 7917623 Anonymous
>>7917607 Yeah, fuck that. Fuck you effeminate faggots. HOLY FUCK. The amount of butthurt and sense of being right is disgusting

1 hours later 7917625 Anonymous
>>7917513 Anyone who calls someone a 'caveman' is pretty damn stuck up and white collar.

1 hours later 7917650 Anonymous
>>7917618 >without a little pride A girl, you idiot. Humble still have some sense of pride about themselves (self-esteem and self-respect). >sweetheart HOLY FUCK! I want to punch you in the face right now.

1 hours later 7917668 christfag
>>7917592 you realise that people only attack each other with the things that worry them, right and like the other anon, the only reason you're so offended by my words is cos you know i'm right amirite?

1 hours later 7917693 Anonymous
>>7917668 >it's cause you know I'm right JESUS FUCKING CHRIST ON AN ALTAR. KILL YOUR FUCKING SELF. You're not humble at all. You're not isolated because you care too much either. You're isolated because you have a big fucking mouth and daddy issues. FUCK! Don't actually kill yourself, but seriously quit being a little bitch. The only woman you will attract like that is dried up bitches who will take you for all your money and shit. My gods, I have never been so riled up.

1 hours later 7917721 christfag
>>7917650 pride is dumb, self esteem is poop - if you have an innate talent, it's something you were born with - a blessing from God, and not something you can say you earned now maybe if you worked your arse off to acheive soemthing you might have some argument for saying one's pride is warranted, but again; that's poop ..,because again; God gave you that blessing of will-power and strength, so it's not something you can say you did all on your own >HOLY FUCK! I want to punch you in the face right now. only further proving you're repulsed by anything feminine - my inciteful comment evoking the exact reaction someone who's trying to hard to be a man, would explode into

1 hours later 7917740 Anonymous (bleach_kyouraku_shunsui_by_killjoysch-d4bxng3.jpg 1198x616 389kB)
>>7917618 >i've touched a nerve and told you something you don't want to here Well, if you insist, I guess I have little choice. It's the general purpose of every average man, to fuck as many women as possible, until they wither away. It is normal, since we are humans, evolved animals. Unless you feed your soul with something, you are left with your primal instincs : eat, drink, fuck, shit. As humans, there are to be added the following : alcohol, parties, TV, newspapers, and other modern activities. The basic instincts affect every single human being, and it is solely in our hands, the power to use them correctly. These basic instincts do not distinguish between "alpha" and "beta". It would be hypocrite of me, and you, and every other anon, to refuse a cheap fuck, in the following 15 minutes, with a woman good enough for one's standards. >>7917668 Terrible troll.

1 hours later 7917756 christfag
>>7917693 well thanks very much for the advice, but you're assuming i hold the same values and desires for what i get out of life, that you do i don't but thanks for trying

1 hours later 7917761 Anonymous
man will y'all just chill out damn, just hug it out or somethin.

1 hours later 7917780 Anonymous (1356875380795.jpg 603x363 43kB)
>>7917693 Captcha: sidesbro also

1 hours later 7917788 Anonymous
>>7917721 Yeah, nah. You're a cunt. Yeah you may have been blessed with your talents, but if you don't work hard that makes you an idiot. There is an innate pride in wanting to help your fellow man. You don't care about people but your inflated ego and your sense of right. I don't know what you're going through, but talk it out with a close friend. You have way too many emotions to be a functioning member of society. Express your actual feelings about the problems that are affecting you negatively instead of channeling that hate against women and people who are having fun while you're being buttmad about your sense of self-worth and lack of anything, really.

1 hours later 7917825 christfag
>>7917740 >It's the general purpose of every average man, to fuck as many women as possible, stopped reading right there to ask,. what would you know about the purpose of a man - you don't even know your Creator, do you? you're just a scared little boy trying to fill daddy's shoes and resenting your mum for making you carry that burden - so you're making it all up as you go along, thinking that being an alpha jock is where it's all at - and getting really butthurt when a real man comes along and tells you that all your security and every foundation you hold dear is made of shit shit that is melting in the rain of reality, cos you know deep down how unhappy frightened and scared you are quit trying to fake it til you make it - the facade is cracked and peeling right in front of me and you need to wise up and find the true meaning of being a man before you turn into the kind of entitled asshole your dad is

1 hours later 7917868 christfag
>>7917788 >I don't know what you're going through, but talk it out with a close friend. Y why do you assume i'm going through 'anything' except because you can't imagine anyone would come to this poop-hole of the internet unless they were here for the same reason as you but anon, if i wanted to sort my life out - HERE is the last place i would seek solace, because as you so rightly say sir; we're cunts but the thing is kid, this old cunt has seen a lot more of life that you have, and what i'm trying to do is help a bunch of scared little boys to l2man ...cos that's what real men do when they see children crying

1 hours later 7917918 Anonymous
>>7917756 >Christfag >Doesn't want to help people Does.. what? So you're a faggot hipster as well? Joining religion because you can't be bothered to think for yourself and are afraid to put themselves out there for fear of rejection. >>7917761 Angry discussion here. Don't get involved, Mr. Hippie. >>7917825 >stopped reading right there So, you read pretty much everything HAHAHA You do realize that you're also a faggot with daddy issues who's dad was never there to give them some sort of guidance. >>7917868 >kid That almighty sense of pride and ego! >has seen a lot more of life that you have Bitch please. Been there, done that. You're a cynic. You need to let your guard down one last time and let someone betray your trust and see the beauty of the world again to finally grow up. Seriously, talk about your feelings with someone in real life or go out and live a little. Rejection isn't so bad and sex isn't so great. You're the guy who hasn't experienced life. A guy who truly has experienced life knows his place, the mutual respect for every human being regardless of their profession or behavior, and how everyone is a petty little bastard.

1 hours later 7917921 Anonymous (Are you angry dude.png 500x434 32kB)
>>7917668 >Implying I'm actually mad

1 hours later 7917935 Anonymous (1358347857231.jpg 455x297 58kB)
>>7917825 >before you turn into the kind of entitled asshole your dad is. You are judgmental. You are worth less than shit. Sure, my father didn't do the best thing for most of the family, but it's not our right to judge his actions. And certainly not yours. >resenting your mum for making you carry that burden. Mom is proud of me. I'm even sending her on vacations. Again, not your concern. >thinking that being an alpha jock is where it's all at. >real man comes along and tells you that all your security and every foundation you hold dear is made of shit. Why are you judging so much ? You are either a terrible troll, or a real sad person. You judge everyone, and think you are superior to all. Your life is perfect, and the others are shit. Well, guess what ? You are nothing but diarrhea left in the rain. You are the worst scum in the world. You failed to release your issues, in the real world, so you try here, thinking this "shithole" is filled with betas that will cry and worship you. Keep living in your fantasy world.

1 hours later 7917951 christfag
>>7917918 >Bitch please. Been there, done that. no son, no you haven't cos if you had, you wouldn't be so butthurt when someone challenges you

1 hours later 7917972 christfag (¦3.png 33x33 1kB)
>>7917921 stating it categorically - you're irate kid, otherwise you wouldn't keep coming back to fight me admirable by the way - but still pretty dumb when you're getting owned like this

1 hours later 7917977 Anonymous
>>7916726 Homosexual intellectuals.

1 hours later 7917989 Anonymous
>>7917935 Pretty much this, dude. I am laughing so hard, not because I am laughing at you but because I'm laughing at myself. I was in the exact position as you. Maybe I wasn't ever so bad to the point where I to say hipster-level shit like you did, but I was there. But yes. You need to find a way to release your stress. I mean really release it. Open up to your mom or friend and stop caring about what society thinks. Live a little. You don't have to go to parties or clubs, but you do have to find a way to release yourself.

2 hours later 7918060 Anonymous
>>7917951 I'm not even mad, brah. You're on 4chan though, learn to read the lines between actual mad words and troll words My family was poor, I never fit in with anyone even the nerds, I am unnattractive, and the only thing I had going for me was school. I went to college, got introduced to drugs, got betrayed by my friend, rejected by a girl I was crushing on after I got the courage to ask her out, grades were average, sister has liver problems, made no connection the first year in college besides 1 person, little interests... The only thing I had going was my sense of empathy and hope for a brighter tomorrow. I finally lost my virginity to a hooker and did psychs. In the end, the problem was me. You may be a nice guy, but you need to express yourself. No one is a mind reader. if you're really a nice guy, you will fit in without a problem as long as you remain who you are. If you don't fit in, then it's time to seek professional help for any anger issues you may have.

2 hours later 7918139 Anonymous (47a77118-d81e-11df-8228-a8bfc396a36f.jpg 640x480 75kB)
>>7917989 Again, you judge me, as if I have no social life, and live in the basement. >hipster-level shit Actually, I read books. Books make you think on a different level, than the average humans. It is not a shame to read books, it's a great plus, and I'll keep on doing it. Besides, you will never be in my position. No matter how hard your strive, with your mentality, you will never reach me.

2 hours later 7918148 Anonymous (what-are-they-up-to-Tommy-Chong[1].jpg 300x400 38kB)
>>7918060 Once you really are mature, you are mature on an emotional, social, and spiritual level while realizing your part in the world and the equality of all living things. Imagine being like pic related.

2 hours later 7918161 Anonymous
>>7916726 >You know who the best bros, are? Took me like a minute to read that sentence because of the weirdly placed comma. What the fuck's wrong with you, OP.

2 hours later 7918162 Anonymous
>>7918139 Go out and put yourself out there. Behaving like this isn't healthy. You can have a social life, but you're still lonely.

2 hours later 7918174 Anonymous
>>7918161 I am high off life. Like you have no idea. I finally who I must become and my actual self-worth.

2 hours later 7918239 christfag
>>7918060 yeah son, you're still trying to fix someone you assume to be just like you - but anon, i've seen some poop see i was born in Belfast at the height of the civil war, my father being a paramilitary commander who was instrumental in the deaths of many people in ireland - i've been in several bombs and been left for dead in a hole in the beach and i've seen so many of my friends and family destroyed by conflict that i can't even keep count - though the flashbacks and the nightmares bring them to mind quite often so of course before Jesus rescued me, i went out and did all the drugs and all the secks - all of them - so i've been outside and i've walked the stupid trails you're currently on - indulging in every licentious passion i saw fit, and i've traversed these paths all the way to the end, and found ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL so like i said earlier anon, if i wanted solace or even help, i wouldn't seek it here cos you guys don't know poop ...but as a survivor who gives a poop about you kids, i think i have something to give you - and it's the no-bullshit statement that; pretty much everything you think about life is wrong

2 hours later 7918252 Anonymous (original.jpg 640x480 22kB)
>>7918162 >Behaving like this isn't healthy Why not ? I read books, I develop myself, I have a great team with which I work, I'm chilled, I'm relaxed, and I'm always positive. And guess what : This is the team's attitude aswell ! It's a chilled, positive, working environment. Sure, I need to be careful, for the team not to turn into a pack of lazy bums, but I'm certainly not holding a whip at the meetings. I also make nice money, being relaxed, chilled, and laid-back. So why not continue ?

2 hours later 7918281 Anonymous
>>7918239 Christfag, what about the hypergamy that's destroying our civilization? What about the extermination of whores and feminists?

2 hours later 7918308 Random
>>7918239 >I've seen some poop Yeah, you have seen some shit, but the one thing that you neglected to mention was whether or not you actually told anyone about how you feel? Talking about your feelings and accepting your weaknesses is a damn sure sign of being mature. If you have done neither, you are not really mature. >I'm chill Except you judge. You've been to the depths of your own personal hell, but you have yet to experience the beauty of people. Both exist, and you're staying fixating on the negative. People can and will help if you decide to ask for help in a non-bitch mode and assert that you can't continue. You're not healthy because you're lonely. You have have a group of friends like I said, but it really sounds like you're lonely. The popular guys who go out to parties and shit? They can be lonely to. Talk to someone about your feelings and experiences who actually cares. I would care but I'm sleepy.

2 hours later 7918327 Anonymous
>>7918252 >I read books That doesn't mean anything. You need time for yourself. Time to evaluate your actions as well as the actions of others. You're just judging. You're lonely and need to find a way to express yourself as well as finding a person to confide your deepest and darkest secrets.

2 hours later 7918401 christfag
>>7918281 meh, empires come and empires go - and a parallel to the great american/western empire is that of Rome, and how after it moved away from the core values of the republic, it puffed up with pride, indulged in all manner of immorality, thought itself secure...adn was completely unprepared for the horde at the gates so yeah, same poop - different era...and i don't mind cos my job isn't to rescue humanity that honour belongs to Jesus >>7918308 > you neglected to mention was whether or not you actually told anyone about how you feel? lol you are funny kid - it takes a whole big mess of people to help you make it on your own - and as someone who has survived, you can safely assume i have something of a support network around me but look at what you're doing kid - you're still trying to pick away at me to find my weak spots, cos you still feel uncomfortable at being challenged it's as if i've just dropped my man-card on the table and some snot-nosed bureaucrat is trying to see if it's legit before i can pass the border into man-town sweetheart; if i want into man-town i'll blow-torch my way through the walls

2 hours later 7918403 Anonymous (9beb56b5ea54e0_full.jpg 640x480 35kB)
>>7918327 > finding a person to confide your deepest and darkest secrets. Amen to that. I just can't be bothered to find such a person, these days, being always on the run. I barely have time for myself these days. Luckily, today, I decided to take a day off.

2 hours later 7918434 Anonymous
>>7918401 ... and i tip my fedora of to you

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