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2013-05-21 05:37 7006920 Anonymous (Fat vader.jpg 600x450 23kB)
This is the reason fat people have the force with them. F = ma

6 min later 7006970 Anonymous
But fat people cannot fun very fast so there acceleration is shit. 400 multiplied by one is still just 400.

9 min later 7006986 Anonymous
>>7006970 > fat people cannot fun very fast Velocity =/= acceleration. An NFL offenseive linemen can exert much more force than a NFL wide receiver.

14 min later 7007026 Anonymous
>>7006986 Are you retarded? The equation has nothing to do with which direction you are going. 400 multiplied by 1 is 400 while 220 multiplied by 2 is 440 thus the lighter weight person is exerting more force than fatasfatass. Am I actually arguing mathematics on /r9k/?

17 min later 7007055 Anonymous
>>7007026 do you know what NEET stands for onlineiqtestsbloxx

18 min later 7007063 Anonymous
>>7007055 Yes. What does that have to do with the Laws of Motion?

22 min later 7007091 Anonymous
>>7007063 He is trying to troll you by changing the topic. Don't fall for it m8.

27 min later 7007124 Anonymous
>>7007063 I was suggesting you shouldn't be surprised that robots don't physics, because despite all the "hurrr durr normalfag scum I can't relate to stupid sluts" shit, robots are often pretty ignorant and/or retarded I am not OP

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