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2013-05-21 04:15 7006339 Anonymous (Marky-Mark-mark-wahlberg-24881240-300-403.jpg 300x403 27kB)
So male robots what is your relationship like with your father? For those of you who had an absent father/poor father figure growing up do you feel that contributed at all to your current situation, whether it be good or bad? Do those of you who plan on having children in the future think that you'll be able to set a better example than your own fathers or do you feel you're doomed to make the same mistakes he did? Pic semi related, a great dad.

3 min later 7006374 Anonymous
I haven't talked to my dad in a few months, he's called a few times but I never answer. Not that I'm intentionally avoiding him but I don't have anything to say to him, or my big (half) brother for that matter. We don't really have much in common, I grew up without him and he would make occasional appearances in my life when I was 14-18 just to tell me what a bad job I was doing on my own or give samples of advice, most of it sounded like it was from movies. I'm a failure/NEET/drop out, can't blame him though.

3 min later 7006377 Anonymous
He's very disappointed and I'm sure he's come to expect failure from me but he tries really hard to help.

4 min later 7006386 Anonymous
I don't talk much, my father doesn't talk much, we usually just kind of grunt at each other. We do talk of course.

6 min later 7006399 Anonymous
I kind of wish I could replace my father with anyone, which is why I latched on to different father figures in my life. Mainly my older sister's and cousin's boyfriends, my mom being too old and fat to attract men by the time I needed fatherly advice. Growing up in a house full of women sucked for me but I've had friends in the same predicament who came out ok.

7 min later 7006403 Anonymous
>>7006399 >had friends in the same predicament who came out ok. Actually scratch that, my friend that came out really well lived with his sister and her long term boyfriend.

12 min later 7006431 Anonymous
We never really talked when I was a kid but we are starting to kind of come together now even if it is just a hello once or twice a day.

13 min later 7006441 Anonymous
Weird. He's mostly a beta pussy when it comes to dealing with other people. Passive aggressive, manipulative and will wine or through a tantrum when he doesn't get his way sometimes. We don't share any hobbies or past times. No real common ground with religious beliefs or politics ether. He's never been a bad parent to me but he's never really been particularly good. I love him but overall he hinders my life more then he ever adds to it. Could be worse.

16 min later 7006459 Ambrose
Non existant But I got my job without him, I learned how to play ball without him and.. well I probably won't marry a cute honey and have me a whole bunch of kids but still.. How come he don't want me, man ;_;

18 min later 7006468 Anonymous
He's an old man who I have nothing in common with and didn't raise me, when he lived with us very briefly I hardly ever saw him. He has four children, that we know about, and talks to one of them with any consistency. The rest just dislike him, the guy has a good job though but lives in a shithole apartment. That will might be sweet but likely not.

25 min later 7006507 Anonymous
>>7006441 Damn, do we have the same dad? Do I have a sibling that I don't know about. Wow you described my dad basically 100%, every fucking trait really.... I guess I don't have much more to say, it is what it is :/ Are you by any chance not white like me? >tfw I secretly wish I was white and my dad too so atleast he would make more of an effort in trying to bond with me.

30 min later 7006534 Anonymous
>>7006507 Nope, I'm white as hell. Half hour in the sun and I burn. I feel like a shit complaining about a parent that never beat me or treated me badly but it just sucks missing out on all the things a good dad should do with a son and teach him about life.

34 min later 7006563 Anonymous
I just always wanted a dad like Laurence Fishburne in Boyz in the Hood Or Laurence Fishburne in What's Love Got To Do With It Or Laurence Fishburne in real life

40 min later 7006598 Anonymous
>>7006534 Eh I'm brown. My dad definitley beat me a decent number of times as a kid. He still does maybe once in a blue moon, but now I just kinda fight back and it gets pretty bad for the both of us. We seem to patch up later, but I can't help but feel the relationship is only getting worse...

45 min later 7006632 Anonymous
>>7006339 My relationship with my dad is pretty nice I guess. We don't talk often but when we do he tries to give me some random life advice which is nice. One of the reasons we don't talk much is that he's always making some generalization about my generation and that annoys the shit out of me. Also he refuses to believe that I've ever read a book or watched something on TV that wasn't a comic or ''that Jap shit''.

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