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2013-04-10 02:54 6431400 Anonymous (bitcoin.jpg 620x430 117kB)
So which robots have bitcoin addresses? If you're on 4chan whining you might as well be making disgusting amounts of money in the process
51 min later 6431995 Anonymous (1249216862961.jpg 781x592 81kB)
>made enough to buy a condom
55 min later 6432033 Anonymous
I have approximately three dollars worth in bitcoins
This niggas gonna be rich
56 min later 6432045 Anonymous
can you transfer bitcoin equivalency to your paypal and have it be actual money? if not then where the fuck will I use this stupid inflated shit
57 min later 6432049 Anonymous
send it to your bank account, paypal isn't into shit like this
59 min later 6432073 Anonymous
you can do that? wouldn't you have to like, put your bank info on some shady bitcoin site?
1 hours later 6432117 Anonymous
How to get bitcoin>?
1 hours later 6432130 Anonymous
Most of them are legitimate. If you live in the United States use coinbase.
Enter your banking account credentials, confirm it, transfer the bitcoins from the wallet on your computer to the one online, and place the money into your account.
You can always remove your account credentials after you're finished too.
1 hours later 6432153 Anonymous
so can I not buy half a bitcoin, I need to buy one whole one? what is the inflation rate on these? will I wake up tomorrow and see immediate gains?
1 hours later 6432165 Anonymous
We buttcoin now,
1 hours later 6432169 Anonymous
you can buy half a one
as for the gains, probably -- especially considering they're up to $200 a piece now
1 hours later 6432199 Anonymous
any internet economists predicting when this bubble bursts?
1 hours later 6432206 Anonymous
everyone has been saying it's going to burst for a while now, but it's still climbing
It was at $60 about two weeks ago
1 hours later 6432235 Anonymous (1203.jpg 410x612 21kB)
>you have how many bitcoins, anon?
1 hours later 6432321 Anonymous
why am I not smart enough to make money online
1 hours later 6432369 Anonymous
>tfw friend wants to get into Bitcoin
>tfw sell him 7 coins at $160 after seeing them peak at $150 previously before dropping to $100
>tfw they keep going up in price to $230
1 hours later 6432371 Anonymous
>1 year ago
>Bitcoins at about $7
>Strongly considering purchains bitcoins since "they're the wave of the future".
>Read Mt.Gox on taxes and get scared off
>Know there's a good chance it might take off
>Go to website do and fill free surveys for a couple of hours and get .22btcs
>Today it's now worht at around $50
Whoop whoop!
1 hours later 6432409 Marker
where have you been nigger?
they're 230
1 hours later 6432419 Anonymous
$230 * 0.22 = $50
See how math works?
1 hours later 6432426 Anonymous
Apologize. tripfaggot. I want you to apologize.
1 hours later 6432441 Anonymous
To be honest, there is no garuntee it will.
I mean, sure, in order to survive, it has to turn from a speculative currency to a general use one.
But how would that work? Well, let's assume that in order for it to actually work, as a transactional currency, people have to hold small amounts. You can't buy a burger without 10 dollars of american money.
So assume each user has on average, even 10 dollars of loose "bitcoins".
how much money would that be? Well, the current total dollar value of bitcoin, if planet money is to be believed, is 1 billion, right?
That's 100 million people each with 10 dollars in loose change.
Translation: even if bitcoin stops being speculative, if it successfully transitions into an actual CURRENCY, the total value of all bitcoins in circulation would have to stabilize at the total number of people who want to use bitcoins multiplied
and by the looks of it, that could be above current market price.... if what I have heard is correct. Even one of every 3 americans, with no other nationalities taking part, would easily hit a total dollar value of currency in play of 1 billion..
Of course, everyone could lose faith in it tomorrow and the number of people who want to conduct business in bitcoins could equal 3.
1 hours later 6432454 Anonymous
using a bitcoin site that taxes you
1 hours later 6432461 Anonymous
whores haven't heard the word "bitcoin" before.
1 hours later 6432463 Anonymous
bitcoin atms are already coming
1 hours later 6432468 Anonymous
wait you get taxed for purchasing bitcoins or from the income it gives you?
1 hours later 6432469 Anonymous
Lets say I had bitcoins worth of 50k. Is there anyone who would actually want to buy these if I wanted to turn them into money?
1 hours later 6432481 Anonymous
argh, I cannot into writing. The price would stabilize at the total amount of money people want to have on hand to conduct business with multiplied by the total number of people who want to have bitcoins to use for transactional purposes.
Really, when you think about it, why didn't they call them bytecoins. Obviously, for any in person transactions, fractions of a bitcoin are already basically mandatory. How often do transactions take place in increments of 200 dollars?
Really, I feel like the standard unit of measurement would be better located in the 5-25 dollar range. So it wouldn't be necessary to use so many digits behind the decimal. you know, 10 and a half, instead of 1.035.
1 hours later 6432499 Anonymous
how fucking hard is it to put up an atm? it's a fucking vending machine. In fact, it's exactly like a vending machine, because the coins could be stored offsite and then wired in as purchased, so unlike an atm, it wouldn't be possible to smash it open and take all the cash out.
the real test is wide acceptance. Once people can start actually using it, like paypal? then I would say it's here to stay.
1 hours later 6432501 Anonymous
I'm not an economist, but I think bitcoins will hold a majority for a simple reason: The rate at which new bitcoins are being introduced is fixed at a rate much slower than demand is increasing.
Intentional devaluation of currency is done by printing money at a rate much faster than demand is increasing. With bitcoin's "printing" being done at a constant rate, that's not an option. The only other way that it could drop in value is if it stops holding value.
Bitcoin has value currently, you can use it to buy drugs (and other stuff, but pretty much just drugs). If people suddenly decide to start buying their drugs with Dwolla or something, then Bitcoin loses its utility, and demand either flattens out or decreases. Either of those means a decrease in price.
To be honest, I don't think the DEA is ever going to shut down Silk Road (not from lack of trying, but simple inability), and they're not likely to shut it down on their own (estimates of their commission are in the millions of dollars). So, that's why I don't think the Bitcoin "bubble" will pop. It may very well stop rising, but I don't think it'll happen soon.
Tl;dr: If you have inside information Silk Road will shut down, sell your bitcoins ASAP.
1 hours later 6432511 Anonymous
it would be possible to trick the machine into giving you its coins
1 hours later 6432513 Anonymous
trying to buy a whole buttcoin on coinbase and that shit is already done for 24 hours, anyone know when their cycle begins anew so I can sleep or something?
1 hours later 6432515 Anonymous
If you wanted to sell them all at once, you'd likely have to give a "bulk" discount. Otherwise you could sell a bunch at x a piece.
1 hours later 6432517 Anonymous
Remember when bitcoins were new? They were super cheap. If I recall correctly, it was several bitcoin to the dollar, instead of hundreds of dollars to the bitcoin. The creators had no idea that it would take off like it did.
1 hours later 6432522 Anonymous
Income derived from the sales of bitcoins.
1 hours later 6432528 Anonymous
So it's mainly used for drug sales? Seriously?
1 hours later 6432541 Anonymous
50,000 usd in bitcoins works out to 213 coins at the going market rate of 234 as time of posting
i've seen larger amounts get sold/bought in one go on mtgox, if you're smart you could cash out slowly and bank on the market price going ever higher, or buy small amounts of btc quickly to drive up price then sell a larger amount a higher profit
but yeah, liquidity on gox is pretty good for medium sized trades np
1 hours later 6432562 Anonymous
and money laundering
and speculation
and a myriad of small start-up bitcoin based businesses
but nothing major, yet.
1 hours later 6432571 Anonymous
Yeah, the Silk Road is huge. Think of it like Craigslist for illegal stuff, but almost exclusively drugs (they had a guns spinoff, but they stopped it a while back). Data about the amount of money that passes through it is kept secret (for obvious reasons), but I've heard estimates in the tens of millions [citation needed].
1 hours later 6432577 Anonymous
Tens of millions of US dollars, I should clarify.
1 hours later 6432579 Anonymous
The only way to win when speculating a bubble is not to play.
1 hours later 6432588 Anonymous
But you can already do that with real ATMs. The difference is that a real ATM is also a store of value in the physical sense: if you don't have the technical acumen to defraud an ATM (which I have not really heard much about this happening), you can still just get a cutting torch and a crowbar, which I am confident would work.
1 hours later 6432598 Anonymous
Why would people invest in something like that, even if its unlikely they shut down the silk road thing, why even risk losing that much money?
1 hours later 6432599 Anonymous
Yeah, I suppose new slang will just have to evolve. Something that we can call a hundredth of a bitcoin. So that we have a reasonably sized unit of commerce.
1 hours later 6432616 Anonymous
Because it's an incredibly lucrative business?
Arms dealing and drug dealing has made huge amounts of money. If you can be involved, and make money, while not actually being directly involved or indictable? why not?
1 hours later 6432624 Anonymous
I've got 5.6 btc at the moment. Kind of kicking myself because i bought something on sr a couple days ago and it shot up nearly $100.
1 hours later 6432646 Anonymous
The risk of any individual user is very small. Honestly, the bigger risk is simply not getting paid for your product or not getting your product after paying for it (and they have a very sophisticated escrow system to keep that to a bare minimum).
Even if the whole system went under, most people would only be out a hundred bucks or so, and even the biggest sellers would probably only lose a couple Gs. If they are smart, they keep as little Bitcoin in Bitcoin form as possible.
1 hours later 6432650 Anonymous
How much money? You can invest as much or as little as you want.
If you would've invested a grand about two months ago, you'd have made a profit of 6,500+ right now.
1 hours later 6432682 Anonymous (1364440865174.jpg 500x377 127kB)
accepting even 0.0000001 bitcoin
Just so I can say that I have.
1 hours later 6432732 Anonymous
I have no buttcoins, but I'm afraid to join this late in the game. Is it still worth it?
I has a address
2 hours later 6432763 Anonymous
>tfw some guy donated me some spare bitcoin change he had when it was worth nothing
>tfw when it's worth 20 bucks now
2 hours later 6432779 Anonymous
do i need to use TOR at all for managing bitcoins/accessing silk road?
forgive me, but this thread might have convinced me to into bitcoins
2 hours later 6432783 Anonymous
Well, it doesn't look like it's going down soon. That said, people thought stocks couldn't go down, then the Great Depression happened. People thought the Internet was a sure moneymaker, and the Internet Bubble popped. Housing was a great investment, and now we're where we are now.
History says you're an idiot if you invest now.
r9k says you're an idiot if you don't.
I say put a couple hundred bucks in if you can spare it. If you get lucky, buy a bunch of drugs and get higher than Snoop Dogg. If you lose, you're not out too much.
2 hours later 6432795 Anonymous
Managing bitcoins: No.
Silkroad: Yes.
Google "how to use silkroad" or something similar, there are dozens of good guides out there. Be careful about the actual TOR link they give you: It's changed a couple of times, and there are tons of phishing sites. The link at leddit /r/silkroad is legit and up-to-date.
2 hours later 6432800 Anonymous
you don't need tor for bitcoins, but you need it to access silk road.
Download the "tor bundle", it's the easiest way. It includes a modified firefox, then you put silkroad's address in the address bar and you're set
2 hours later 6432814 Anonymous
How do I even get bitcoins?
2 hours later 6432844 Anonymous
because there is evidence to suggest that we're just getting in on the bottom floor.
it's only been around for what, 3 years? It will take time and public exposure to really reach the next level. Historic prices are already leading to more word-of-mouth, look at the number of bitcoin threads on 4chan as the price has gone up
not saying a higher price is necessarily good for the currency itself right now, but it at least gets it some public exposure and provided it doesn't spectacularly crash, more and more people will be drawn to the idea of doing business in bitcoin. Mtgox makes a shitton of money every day in trading fees. Must be millions
2 hours later 6432846 Anonymous
>Tfw no one explains how to get bitcoins
2 hours later 6432856 Anonymous
multiple ways
you can buy them face to face from others looking to sell their bitcoins for physical cash
you can sign up for an exchange, move USD or equivalent currency to your account, and then execute trades to purchase btc/sell btc, then withdraw bitcoins to wallet, or withdraw cash back to your bank account
2 hours later 6432873 Anonymous
What's this I heard about mining or earning bitcoins though?
2 hours later 6432887 Anonymous (master.jpg 449x319 40kB)
>1. go on http://earnfreebitcoins.com/
>2. type in 18VaQKAV485d55osxRzVzkPwycUmizuddk in the address line
>3. earn bitcoins!
2 hours later 6432890 Anonymous
You need GPU power, not CPU power, and so much of the easy stuff has been mined already that you are really going to end up using more money in electricity than you earn in bitcoins.
2 hours later 6432903 Anonymous
because you shouldn't.
To make serious money you'd have to risk a lot of money. It's not worth it, too risky.
anyway, if you actually need them or wanna buy them, there are several ways. Personally i bought mine on bitstamp.net, cause it's good if you're in europe (you send a wire transfer to them and within 1 day you get your bitcoins).
In the us most people use mtgox, but now it takes weeks to confirm accounts (you have to send copies of your documents). There are other exchanges for american people anyway, just google.
2 hours later 6433008 Anonymous
I think I played a dota game with you yesterday
2 hours later 6433014 Anonymous (happymerchant.jpg 263x192 16kB)
yes yes
just spend 1-5minutes on our malware website while we install keylogs on your computer so you can get your .01 of a bitcoin.
hehhehe silly goyim
2 hours later 6433290 Anonymous
You just need a wallet first and a unique address
2 hours later 6433506 Anonymous
I remember using an earn bitcoin site 3 months ago
it had .00002 bit coins or 1 penny, I remember calculating it
Its probably 2 useless dollars now
I have 3 sitting on my amazon since last year so I dont give a fuck
2 hours later 6433532 Anonymous
>using google to look up anything silkroad related
>not using startpage or ixquick to do this
>being this fucking retarded
2 hours later 6433571 Anonymous (new_litecoin_logo_large.png 256x256 39kB)
scrypt > sha512
being widely mined from the beginning > obscene wealth concentration
Future proof your cryptoholdings, everyone. Bitcoin is the canary in the mineshaft.
2 hours later 6433580 Anonymous
sha256, I meant
2 hours later 6433585 Anonymous
>That feel when you're a poorfag and all these buttcoin threads make you feel terrible for not being able to participate
3 hours later 6433628 Anonymous (my nigga.jpg 3200x900 812kB)
my nigga.
(Ignore the shitty rates, I'm using my computer ATM...)
3 hours later 6433772 Anonymous
>first picking mid Fizz
I'm sorry for your lp loss
3 hours later 6433782 Anonymous
>tfw waiting for 5k to wire to mt gox
they said it'd take 5 business days ;_;
3 hours later 6433793 Anonymous
I don't see how Litecoin is viable, it has all the negative aspects of Litecoin but none of the commercial support that actually makes Bitcoin worth using. I'm pretty sure most Litecoin users are the people who go "I wish I had bought Bitcoin at $1 !! Oh look, here's something exactly like it and it's a $1 !!".
Definitely it's driven even more by speculation than Bitcoin is.
3 hours later 6433820 Anonymous
litecoin is faster, when bitcoin gets even bigger it'll be hard to send coins without fees, which could be very large if the btc price keeps going up
3 hours later 6433834 Anonymous
litecoin has been around for 1.5 years and gotten only 15 merchants on board, when bitcoin got several hundred in the same time when it was starting. litecoin will get merchants super slow because merchants can just tell litecoin owners to convert to bitcoin to pay so they don't have to mess with it.
litecoin is insecure. a lot of posters in the litecoin attack threads think 20k is enough to rent a botnet and cause a chain fork, which could be profitable for someone with a short position. bitcoin never had this problem after gpu mining started, because bitcoin mining sucks on cpus.
the value of litecoin could drop very fast if someone makes substantial changes to the code and releases it without a premine.
people seem to love mining though, even if they lose money. perhaps we will see them constantly trying to bootstrap new alt coins, since they can't compete with ASICs. based on the data we have though, they will all grow at a slower rate than bitcoin, making them bad investments.
3 hours later 6433862 Anonymous
For anyone who wants to be nice and throw me at least 1. I have none and still learning about all this and how to mine.
3 hours later 6433866 Anonymous
>perhaps we will see them constantly trying to bootstrap new alt coins,
someone is behind on the times
3 hours later 6433868 Anonymous
You know throwing you 1 bitcoin is throwing you $230, right?
3 hours later 6433885 Anonymous
gib bitcoin huehuehue
3 hours later 6433904 Anonymous
This is the best address.
3 hours later 6433910 Anonymous
copypasta is delicious
3 hours later 6433952 Anonymous
Is it possible (read: reasonably likely) that I could mine a whole bunch of these now, and have them skyrocket in value?
3 hours later 6433960 Anonymous
A nigga can hope can't he?
3 hours later 6433966 Anonymous
no, mine bytecoins
3 hours later 6434028 Anonymous
We're winning! :D
3 hours later 6434057 Anonymous
> I've got 5.6 btc at the moment. Kind of kicking myself because i bought something on sr a couple days ago and it shot up nearly $100.
Welcome to the problems of deflationary money.
3 hours later 6434159 Anonymous
Is Litecoin better than Bitcoin and what places can you exchange Litecoins for actual currency like Bitcoin?
3 hours later 6434246 Anonymous
let me google that for you, the thread
3 hours later 6434344 Anonymous (1345694716715.jpg 2560x1600 313kB)
>I love a man who knows how to mine
3 hours later 6434358 Anonymous
>first thing that came to my mind was minecraft
kill me
3 hours later 6434372 Anonymous
>mining gets you $$
>bitches love $$
hop off. you're wrong.
3 hours later 6434376 Anonymous
I had around 5.5 Bitcoins about six weeks ago
I sold at $44
3 hours later 6434385 Anonymous
you can actually earn bitcoins through minecraft
3 hours later 6434404 Anonymous
first thing that came to my mind was mining on runescape
yes i'm a virgin
5 hours later 6435127 Anonymous
Guys, don't suppose anyone here has experience with the Silkroad 4/20 sales?
5 hours later 6435406 Anonymous
its this whole mining bitcoins like cracking trips?
5 hours later 6435409 Anonymous
Feds watch SR these days, you'd be ballsy or stupid to try it.
5 hours later 6435426 Anonymous
Because I'm not a retard and don't buy into Ponzi schemes.
Do you honestly believe you will become rich with magical money that comes out of nowhere? This is why moot doesn't want a finance board here.
5 hours later 6435442 Anonymous
>Ponzi schemes
top lel
1.779 0.163