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2013-03-09 10:45 6002935 Anonymous A ''mental illness'' is like playing tennis with a guitar. (14e87sj.jpg 350x850 28kB)
Let's say you have a guitar. You get your guitar and go to a tennis field, try to play tennis with it and, of course, fail. You start calling your guitar a bad racket, try to modify it to make it look like a racket so you can play tennis with it, still fail. Given the situation, you start to wonder what's wrong with your ''racket'', maybe other people tell you that it is you, so you spend all your time practicing to improve. Still nothing... You keep looking at other people and how they enjoy playing tennis, even those in a lower physical condition etc. There you have a picture of the situation where the "mentally ill" are. Everyone is educated to desire ONE single lifestyle (tennis player), disregarding what they actually are (guitar player). So, we might ask, what is needed to, instead of forcing the guitar in the tennis field, play music with it? I'd say just to get rid of that desire to play tennis and see what you have in your hands and what you can DO with it, without caring about what the tennis players say. Psychologists would be tennis players who trick musicians into trying to make their guitars into rackets, getting a big profit out of it of course. There it is, you can try to force yourself to fit that fairy tale we call normality, or you can stop giving a fuck and just live life.

2 min later 6002957 Anonymous
Fool, your words are useless to the mentally ill, myself included.... I can't even join the forces because I was molested.

7 min later 6002989 Anonymous
Goddamn it, now I really want to try and go play tennis with a guitar.

7 min later 6002992 Anonymous
>>6002957 Forces? What forces? What are you talking about. Plus, if you were molested well sorry for that, but life goes on, and you can't keep regretting what has been done; you can change however the role that fact plays today in your life.

10 min later 6003013 Anonymous
>>6002992 > molestation of the highest calibre: parental incest > implying it doesn't give people mental illnesses There was other abuse, so don't fucking dare say it can be changed, it's ingrained into who I am... I was fucking nearly 7 and under. And I mean the armed forces, can't even join... I get a psychologist soon.

12 min later 6003038 Anonymous
>>6002989 Seriously though. Any robots down for some tennis chords?

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