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2013-02-28 05:31 5873604 Anonymous (elite_garbage_man[1].jpg 232x305 28kB)
ask a garbage man anything

3 min later 5873625 Anonymous
What's your favorite sport to watch on tv?

3 min later 5873633 Ozymandias
Why is a raven like a writing desk? and What's the speed-air velocity of an unladen swallow?

4 min later 5873648 Anonymous
>>5873625 none, i don't like sports anymore. I used to enjoy them- but that was when my father and I where on the same page. >>5873633 I'm not from a native english speaking country- does that priviledge me to not get your references?

5 min later 5873663 Anonymous
smell my nuts garbage man

7 min later 5873673 Anonymous
>>5873648 That's a shame. I greatly enjoy watching tennis, it's so relaxing.

7 min later 5873674 Anonymous
You knew we were going to ask you what the weirdest thing you've ever found is, so why did you not post that in your first post?

7 min later 5873679 Anonymous
>>5873674 No one's asked that yet though.

11 min later 5873707 Anonymous
>>5873604 Are you proud if smelling like shit every day?

11 min later 5873708 Anonymous
>>5873674 I don't go trough the garbage, and in our country we have bins that get lifted into a truck. So theres no need to fondle around. A co-worker fondles around though, he found roughly 660 dollars , 500 euros, in a wallet once.

11 min later 5873713 Anonymous
>>5873707 the only stanch I have is from the sweat from working hard. I keep myself clean.

13 min later 5873722 Anonymous
Are you not concerned about all the harmful chemicals (gases, heavy metals) you are exposed to during your work?

14 min later 5873735 Anonymous
>>5873713 What country are you from? There might be a follow-up question depending on what your answer is

15 min later 5873741 Anonymous
>>5873722 not at all. Not planning on doing it all my life- when people dispose toxic waste they usually make sure its unreckognisable so that would be bagged up pretty good. Also, disposing illegal waste in your private trash bin is the most stupid thing to do. The biggest concern for me is small dust or metal particles ruining the inside of my nose.

16 min later 5873749 RUSSIAN

16 min later 5873750 Anonymous
>>5873735 form the follow-up, and see if it fits what you think. I'm from europe.

16 min later 5873757 Anonymous
>>5873750 Well if you're from Norway like me, isn't it horrible to be working when it's cold?

17 min later 5873761 Anonymous
>>5873749 whatch from what direction they come from. They'll place your bin in the spot thats most convenient for them to replace it. So if they pick it up at another spot the drop-spot will be moved too.

18 min later 5873770 Anonymous
>>5873757 It's hard work, you don't really get cold. I'm a bit lower european then you so -3 is the hardest i've encountered.

18 min later 5873775 Anonymous
can we get new garbage bins if ours is broken? It's the garbage mans fault for just throwing it on the ground

18 min later 5873780 Anonymous
>>5873770 Oh lol, that's nothing

19 min later 5873787 Anonymous
>>5873775 Yes, contact your garbage disposal agency. Most likely your district .

20 min later 5873792 Anonymous
how much do you get payed? and how hard is it to become a garbage man?

20 min later 5873794 Anonymous
>>5873604 Do you like our job??? Do you find it hard to talk about your job to people?

21 min later 5873804 Anonymous
>>5873787 alright sweet. I was gunna go take a picture of it but it would be a little weird if someone saw me.

21 min later 5873812 Anonymous
>>5873792 around 9 euros per hour. It's not hard to become one, it's just hard work. >>5873794 I don't find it shameful or something- and when you work hard all day you need to switch off actively thinking about your work. So i would say nor enjoyable or totally dislikable.

22 min later 5873818 Anonymous
>>5873804 people take pictures of random stuff all day.

23 min later 5873826 Anonymous
>>5873787 Go to a local recycling center, they normally work with the garbage disposal agency and will charge you a small fee for repairs/new bin. >I helped my grandpa do this.

23 min later 5873830 Anonymous
>>5873818 yeah, but I'm a girl so I'd have to ducklip in front of it

24 min later 5873844 Anonymous
>>5873826 Are you answering today? The garbage bin is owned by the garbage disposal company. If it's broken, it's their job to repair or replace it. Without cost.

25 min later 5873851 Anonymous
>>5873830 Nice way to ask for attention. now get out.

26 min later 5873863 Anonymous
what happens when someone claims their bin has been stolen? do you guys just go around picking up the bins that look like your companies? If I stole my neighbors would they pick it up from my drive?

26 min later 5873867 Anonymous
>>5873851 yeah, but, like, that's just your opinion, man

29 min later 5873885 Anonymous
>>5873863 No, bins are chipped. The truck doesnt lift wrongly chipped bins or notified bins. If I find you offer me a stolen or wrongly chipped bin a few times, I'll make sure to never pick your trash up again. When someone claims their bin has been stolen it gets replaced and the old bin gets notified as "not a bin of our company", so that the truck won't pick it up

36 min later 5873952 Anonymous
not even questions about my IQ or high-school? i would assume you guys would assume i made wrong choices or totally aspie by doing this work.

37 min later 5873966 Anonymous (image.jpg 960x720 307kB)
>>5873818 Alright, I went out and took a picture. OP do you think this one is messed up enough to get a new one, or is it a normal amount of messed up?

38 min later 5873980 Anonymous (1362071301738.jpg 960x720 304kB)
>>5873966 of course it's upside down. can't do shit right today

38 min later 5873981 Anonymous
>>5873966 not even rotated it huh. Cool for you. I would consider a replacement. Also, wtf- small bin. In our country bins are big, and have weels.

39 min later 5873998 Anonymous
>>5873980 good you for rotating it. But it's shitfaced real bad. I would give the company an angry call and explain how shitfaced your bin is.

41 min later 5874013 Anonymous
>>5873952 nah.....garbage men are completely necessary in society, and we all appreciate having our trash collected.

43 min later 5874041 Anonymous
>>5873981 yeah. I never know which way it will turn out when I'm uploading from the ipad. We have Wheels but they are in the back, kinda connected to those metal things on the bottom that are supposed to hold it up. >>5873998 dunno if you're the same person from above but yeah, thanks

43 min later 5874045 Anonymous
i was going to ask the weirdest shit you've ever found, but you said you dont touch it. idk what to ask now

46 min later 5874075 Anonymous
>>5874041 same person yes;) >>5874013 true, but im underachieving. >>5874045 use your imagination, im still a human so you could ask anything

46 min later 5874076 Anonymous
I guess I'm kinda assuming this is a temp job, so, what are you trying to do after you stop being a garbageman?

48 min later 5874092 Anonymous
>>5874076 Why wouldn't he want to be a garbage-man long term? They get a quality salary -- some make $80k -- and benefits.

49 min later 5874105 Anonymous
>>5874076 Leave all my problems behind and go to finland. Or some other still suitable european country. Later on form my own business. but that's way later.

50 min later 5874110 Anonymous
>>5874092 so you like your job, or you just like the benefits of it?

50 min later 5874118 Anonymous
>>5874110 oh scratch that, thought it was OP replying >>5874105 what kind of business?

53 min later 5874139 Anonymous
>>5874118 Any type of business that provides me with enough cash to forfill my life goals;) they're kind of private, but envolve starting several factories in afrika and building cities there. designing my own house that is completely self providing, form a cluster of intellectuals to invest in

53 min later 5874145 Anonymous
Thank you for doing an important service to society.

55 min later 5874163 Anonymous
>>5874139 to myself, check grammar before posting. Fulfill, involve >>5874145 thank you

55 min later 5874164 Anonymous
>>5874139 that's p cool OP. I've been building my own business from the ground up so I know how hard it is. how did you get started at your job

57 min later 5874180 Anonymous
>>5874164 By going to alot of different job agencies and work places, only to find this was the only available job. They didn't even need me, but i got a few days of work and did my best so well that I have a full workweek

58 min later 5874189 Anonymous
So how's the pay? What kind of qualifications did it take to get the job?

59 min later 5874201 Anonymous
>>5874189 >qualifications hahaa. Good one. Not being a little bitch about hard work i guess? I've told the pay already, its around 9euros the hour and I make around 8 hours a day. Average of 4 days a week.

1 hours later 5874210 Anonymous
>>5873604 Though your job is unglamorous and I wouldn't want it in many ways you are more important to society than a musician or a film star. When you applied, did you need a lot of experience?

1 hours later 5874211 Anonymous
>>5874201 1234 euros a month average. Netto.

1 hours later 5874234 Anonymous
>>5874210 Experience on what would that be? They would prefer someone which truck drivers license, but I just load.

1 hours later 5874240 Anonymous
Sorry for the poor grammar guys. Let me grab some coffee.

1 hours later 5874255 Anonymous
>>5874234 They probably won't take people that are obviously out of shape either because they would be unable to do the hard work.

1 hours later 5874283 Anonymous
>>5874255 well, the last place where people are pre-judged is there;) woman are welcome, just as skinny fucks.

1 hours later 5874295 Anonymous
Are you really made out of garbage?

1 hours later 5874331 Anonymous
>>5874295 You must be fun at parties

1 hours later 5874465 Anonymous
I'll bump it up one time, just for interest of attention.

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