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2019-07-26 05:01 53588564 Anonymous (Wojak.png 645x773 8kB)
>start making money online
>a few thousand here and there
>finally enough money not to starve buy some clothes and shit and a little bit for fun shit
>people tell me I have to pay taxes
>well thats fine I guess how do I do that?
>you have to keep tracks of every receipt (i dont even have receipts) and see every single payment coming in, take note of every single payment, every single cost, calculate your total payments over the entire year, keep track of every single one
>if you get audited showing them your bank account isnt enough
>you need a fucking folder of every single calculation of payments and receipts and shit
wtf? im not doing all this. its too hard. all i do is accept a payment and withdraw it into my bank i dont have that and i dont have every single fucking payment ive recieved tracked and accounted for. wtf?
you want me to do ALL THIS for ME to GIVE you MY money? yeah good luck fuck off. im fine paying taxes but only if my bank shows me a thing that shows my total deposits and shit for the month or year but i am not fucking printing out 1800 pages of bank statements and calculating every single one. thats literally impossible
2 min later 53588587 Anonymous
>keeping track of your money is hard
And this is why you'll always be a poor loser living in squalor.
3 min later 53588589 Anonymous
If you would have done this from the start it would have been much easier. Not the IRS fault that you failed to do research and use a simple Excel spreadsheet for accounting purposes.
3 min later 53588591 Anonymous
Just download the fucking app related to your bank, it shows you every deposit and withdraw made on your account
3 min later 53588593 Anonymous
>implying anyone pays taxes on online income
unless you're making 50k+ or buying expensive shit, nobody cares
4 min later 53588603 Anonymous
Remember that your tax money is going towards brown people, single moms and illegal proxy wars for Israel, all of which are a detriment to your existence.
5 min later 53588611 Anonymous
I dont care but I wanna apply for Medicaid
they are small town ass country banks with shitty websites Ill check out the tab that says statements and see if it has total deposits for the year
8 min later 53588633 Anonymous
Move to Somalia then, you won't have to pay taxes there. Of course you'll be surrounded by the scary chocolate people but hey, at least the government knows its place right?
10 min later 53588654 Anonymous
I don't pay taxes, anyway. My income is below 11k/year which makes me exempt
12 min later 53588673 Anonymous
how are you making money online anon
14 min later 53588689 Anonymous
I thought that too. on reddit they told me thats for state taxes only you still have to pay federal if you make any money
16 min later 53588718 Anonymous
>My income is below 11k/year which makes me exempt
In other words you make so little money that the IRS doesn't think you're worth the effort. You're so poor the taxman took pity on you.
Scamming people online. It's small town probation anon everyone, I can always tell when he rears his ugly head.
21 min later 53588764 Anonymous
I'm going to stay poor until the day I die because the thought of giving money to the government makes me sick to my stomach.
22 min later 53588781 Anonymous
nigga you only gotta pay them 1k a year and then 2k a year if you actually start making some
or just launder some
27 min later 53588829 Anonymous
Thank you for that perfect example of cutting off the nose to spite the face.
30 min later 53588867 Anonymous
Lie nobody checks for medicaid/foodstamp. Welfare yes.
32 min later 53588889 Anonymous
OP how do you make money online. I promise I'm too lazy to follow through copying you.
33 min later 53588904 Anonymous
The government is not an inseparable part of me, and I don't need it. If the government going down means I die, I would not care one whit because it is my enemy.
35 min later 53588927 Anonymous
bull shit dude I applied and called them and they said I needed to deposit tax forms
35 min later 53588930 Anonymous
He scams people online. He's the same small town anon on probation for "being black" (read: he has a DUI). The same faggot who makes endless threads about God cursing him. The way he writes gives him away.
36 min later 53588944 Anonymous
Another thing OP: If you made say $20,000 and you report to medicaid $10,000 but the cutoff to recieve Medicaid is $50,000 then that discrepancy doesn't matter at all.
37 min later 53588956 Anonymous
I told them how much I made they said to upload and send tax forms and I said I dont have any and they said get some
39 min later 53588982 Anonymous
>Another thing OP: If you made say $20,000 and you report to medicaid $10,000 but the cutoff to recieve Medicaid is $50,000 then that discrepancy doesn't matter at all.
He's a single adult male. The cutoff for that is very low in every state in the union.
40 min later 53588992 Anonymous
42 min later 53589005 Anonymous
>not using intuit self-employed for your sole proprietorship
This is where you fucked up. Sign up for the application and pay the shitty fee (you can write this off). You don't need to do this immediately, but do it at the turn of the year in January 2020. Sync it with your bank account and it will automatically retrieve all of your transactions that you've made. You'll have to initially go through every transaction you made for the year and mark it as personal or business. Any income you've received from your business, mark, obviously, as business. If you spent anything for your business, mark it as business related (this will be deducted from how much you owe overall). It'll take maybe an hour or so max. You'll have to pay state and federal taxes. If it turns out that you owe money, pay it or setup a payment plan with the IRS.
You're welcome nigger.
43 min later 53589020 Anonymous
Enjoy jail you criminal. Not paying taxes is at least 5 years on jail.
49 min later 53589084 Anonymous
Did you make any salary wagecucking during this time period? and did you already report the money you made online to the IRS? If the answer is no to both of these then you shouldnt have even mentioned the online earnings.
50 min later 53589091 Anonymous
You're deliberately choosing to live as a pauper so you don't have to pay taxes. I know you probably think you're clever, but really, you're only ensuring you'll die a miserable wretch.
51 min later 53589101 Anonymous
thats only tax evasion retard thats like lying about how much or you forging documents or laundering them
how much does it cost? it just links up to my bank and automatically keeps track of every deposit in my bank account? if something in my bank comes from something not business related can i go in the program and make sure it doesnt add it?
54 min later 53589127 Anonymous
My god isn't money and my happiness does not stem from material wealth. I was born with nothing and I will die with nothing.
55 min later 53589136 Anonymous
It is a lot less than I thought. $17k in CA. Point is, no ones really scrutinizing any of this too hard unless your blatantly lying and make significantly more and especially in wage salary which can easily be verified
57 min later 53589159 Anonymous
No it's $16,000 to $20,000 for a single male
59 min later 53589171 Anonymous
>my happiness does not stem from material wealth
Are you really happy with subsisting on the bare minimum?
1 hours later 53589232 Anonymous
I make about 4k a year and that's about enough for everything I could possibly want. It allows me to eat well, affords me a gym membership and allows me to indulge sometimes, all the while saving.
1 hours later 53589243 Anonymous
The fact most people in this thread are against you proves how much these mindless drones rely on the government to tell them how to live their lives. Pathetic.
1 hours later 53589248 Anonymous
>all the while saving
Saving for what?
1 hours later 53589264 Anonymous
>how much does it cost?
I believe it's around $200 with the TurboTax bundle. Remember, you can write it off, so it'll diminish how much you pay back to the grubbermint. You should buy it before the turn of the year so you can factor it onto your 2019 taxes.
>it just links up to my bank and automatically keeps track of every deposit in my bank account?
Yeah, you input your credentials for your bank and it should pull all of your transactions. Before purchasing, make sure your bank is supported. They should have that listed somewhere.
>if something in my bank comes from something not business related can i go in the program and make sure it doesnt add it?
Yeah. You can set rules so you don't have to monitor it either and it'll automatically categorize everything for you as time goes on.
1 hours later 53589286 Anonymous
In case the well ever dries up, I will be able to sustain myself for an extended period of time.
1 hours later 53589313 Anonymous
200 dollars one payment? I looked it up and it said it was some monthly payment shit paying 10-20 dollars a month sucks its only like 1000 I have to pay in taxes or something so thats like a lot in contrast of the tax cost
1 hours later 53589343 Anonymous
>The fact most people in this thread are against you proves how much these mindless drones rely on the government to tell them how to live their lives. Pathetic.
I was prepared to jump in on his side, until he revealed that the whole purpose of this is so he can sign up to steal from me using the Medicaid program.
1 hours later 53589351 Anonymous
That's it? That's your plan? Christ, why are you even bothering to stay alive? No really, if you want to spite the government, why don't you just blow your brains out at the DMV?
1 hours later 53589358 Anonymous
I paid it all at once. I don't recall a monthly option, that must be new. Whatever works for you though. If you don't see it as viable then don't use it. Just make sure you account for everything when you do file or you're going to get supremely cucked by the IRS for not paying taxes.
1 hours later 53589371 Anonymous
what? I have fucked up health I dont even wanna go to the doctor its just my health is so shit everyone told me to do it and I feel fucked up 24/7 so I really think I should go
probably the only thing I would do with it is go to the doctor a few times and go do a checkup every 6 months or something and some blood tests
thats not compared to white trash on food stamps welfare and Medicaid and shit. one of my friends girlfriend was unemployed and using Medicaid to get a bypass surgery to lose weight and I know an autistic kid with middle class parents who gets food stamps because he doesn't wanna work and buys snacks and soda with it
be mad at them
1 hours later 53589376 Anonymous
do you think the bank offers an option like I can just see the total deposits over the whole year? that would pretty much be my income im pretty sure. is that a common thing?
1 hours later 53589395 Anonymous (46c148c8-917e-4540-acbc-57f18616c87a.jpg 1559x1080 657kB)
Wait a month. Resubmit the aplication omitting the $4k. I guarantee you will see no negative repercussions. If they ask how you support yourself say you had money saved up.
They're not gonna come after your animu figurines or piss bottles anon.
Or do it the right way and quit your bitching.
1 hours later 53589410 Anonymous
thats a poorfag I made a lot more than 4k
1 hours later 53589434 Anonymous
No. It's also not paying taxes. But if you want to get technical about it, he is avoiding paying taxes.
I sent a screenshot of his original post to a friend of mine st the IRS.
It doesnt take long to get a subpoena signed my a judge to get his IP address.
1 hours later 53589437 Anonymous
Honestly, small town probation anon, I can't tell who is more pathetic: you, or the guy who thinks living in poverty so he doesn't have to pay taxes is a brilliant idea.
1 hours later 53589453 Anonymous
I made a post asking how to pay taxes lol I hate white people fuck crackers
that guy. wanting to be poor so is retarded especially if its to avoid filling out 2 hours worth of forms. I dont even mind paying taxes its not that much its just I didn't know I had to up till now I just found out last week you have to pay taxes no matter how much you make
1 hours later 53589463 Anonymous
iis so retarded*
1 hours later 53589471 Anonymous
Why is anyone bothering to stay alive? To get cummies?
1 hours later 53589479 Anonymous
>Remember that your tax money is going towards brown people, single moms and illegal proxy wars for Israel, all of which are a detriment to your existence.
People who pay taxes are evil
1 hours later 53589484 Anonymous
>My god isn't money and my happiness doesn't stem from material wealth
Yet you often make threads whining about being poor. Stupid fucking nigger, you want to leave your small town? I should hitch a noose to the back of my car and drag you out of town by the neck.
1 hours later 53589510 Anonymous
>I hate white people fuck crackers
On second thought, you're definitely more pathetic than him. Come to think if it you guys are exact opposites. You hate white people, he hates black people. You want to be rich, he wants to be poor. You both hate the Man though. Oh, and you're both morons.
1 hours later 53589555 Anonymous
You're going to jail.
You thread also said fuck paying taxes.
That's why your going to jail.
I also told my friend to rough you up a bit
1 hours later 53589568 Anonymous
you guys act like the typical nerdy school virgins with no friends who are the teachers pet. I fucking hate being stuck in this place.
1 hours later 53589593 Anonymous
If this actually happens, tell your friend I owe him a blowjob.
By which I mean I'll pay a lady to do it. Or a dude. I dunno which way your friend swings.
1 hours later 53589609 Anonymous
And that makes you the kid who spends his entire day in detention because he thinks the rules don't apply to him.
1 hours later 53589661 Anonymous
You pipsqueak's act like you are required to pay tax. Not required, no nope nada
1 hours later 53589700 Anonymous
Yeah you might have to file but you likely won't actually end up paying anything/get it all refunded.
1 hours later 53589716 Anonymous
And you act like a common criminal.
Enjoy jail while I enjoy freedom
1 hours later 53589756 Anonymous
I dont even care if I have to pay I just want it to be automated instead of looking around every bank statement for 2 years and calculate every single deposit I make
i think banks can show total deposits per month or something i know one of my banks does it but not sure about the other
2 hours later 53589857 Anonymous
DUI nigger please you're not making actual money. Granted you claim to make more than most people on neetbux which is about 12-25k/yr.
Please get a story straight.
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