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2019-06-21 07:28 53014134 Anonymous (arizonapomegranate-500x666.jpg 500x666 29kB)
For me, It's Arizona with pomegranate.
20 min later 53014394 Anonymous (IMG_0154.jpg 2592x1936 1135kB)
Very pretty bottles, but too expensive to drink on the regular. For me it's cola.
28 min later 53014494 Anonymous
How expensive is it for you? We have them for about 2 euros, depending on where you buy them.
30 min later 53014524 Anonymous
I live in south africa and they're pretty pricy. I love lipton ice tea though.
33 min later 53014557 Anonymous
Cool, never thought I'd find a Anon from South Africa. Haven't tried Lipton ice tea, I'll try it out sometime.
45 min later 53014732 Anonymous (serveimage.jpg 950x635 146kB)
strawberry arnold palmer is best
56 min later 53014868 Anonymous
Do you lot even have water?
1 hours later 53015423 Anonymous
kek, nice one fren
2 hours later 53015958 Anonymous
bump anons, i want to know your drink preference
7.158 0.025