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2019-06-21 07:13 53013925 Anonymous Lets Bully Robots (JPEG_20190606_063957.png 436x436 351kB)
If this board is really just becoming full with normal people then why aren't we bullying Robots, Virgins, and Incels? Maybe if we take away they're little play house they'll take a shower and go outside. Maybe even get laid, LMAO.
1 min later 53013944 Anonymous
Because that's a stupid meme
1 min later 53013953 Anonymous
anime is peak virgin
2 min later 53013962 Anonymous
t. airfag stuck on a base
6 min later 53014017 Anonymous
Yeah in 2004 grandpa, weebs can get laid now.
26 min later 53014304 Anonymous (1429298602835.jpg 1024x768 274kB)
The true heirs of this site are anime fans, "robots" and "incels" should be elsewhere if they don't like anime anyway.
Postan best OP
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7H PyUcy37I
32 min later 53014367 Anonymous
>Still can't get over how Cowboy Bebop basically ripped off this Opening. The OVA was sick and the manga was even better, Dark horse has a lot of good IPs.
Also yeah I agree anon, but apparently were the normies now because we have Lesex. Tbh these virgins are just salty, Lole.
53 min later 53014625 Anonymous
shut the fuck up you stupid tranny
55 min later 53014664 Anonymous
Seriously when did liking anime start equaling tranny. This just feels like another excuse from /pol/ and reddit fags to remove anything /a/ related from the site.
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