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2019-06-21 06:51 53013649 Anonymous (images.jpg 225x225 6kB)
>i was an alt righter 2 years ago
3 min later 53013698 Anonymous
What made you abandon your alt right beliefs? Did you just decide that having a socially unacceptable ideology wasnt worth it or were you actually convinced that the alt right is wrong?
5 min later 53013709 Anonymous
I was close to being one too, before the alt right was really mainstream. I look back on that shit and I fucking cringe. How much time did I fucking waste watching Anita Sarkeesian videos
5 min later 53013712 Anonymous
i just realized that politics were a waste of my time and i don't care either way
5 min later 53013714 Anonymous
What even is alt right anymore? Seems like none of you retards can even define it consistently
16 min later 53013846 Anonymous
You have to be a true brainlet to fall to either the alt-right or the extreme left. Both retarded ideologies for closed minded retards.
1 hours later 53014553 Anonymous
>I am an ____
>I was a ______
You sound like a faggot who doesn't actually have any meaningful thoughts of his own and just starts following any person that makes a point of any kind like a lost kid
I respect the exact opposite of my ideals, if he is dedicated to his beliefs, infinitely more than someone who has no concrete base for their beliefs and can jump from one to the other based on "well huh, that sounds reasonable I guess"
1 hours later 53014952 Anonymous (German General Anton Dostler is tied to a stake before his execution by a firing squad, Italy, 1945 color.jpg 1600x1312 187kB)
Good, now go back, you deserve no mercy for your crimes.
2 hours later 53015346 Anonymous
>claims to have been an "alt righter"
>didn't realize it was just a meme movement by people who wanted trump elected
You dun goof'd
t. White nationalist/separatist for 11 yrs, always hated the term "alt right"
2 hours later 53015374 Anonymous
>>i was an alt righter 2 years ago
ask me if I care
2 hours later 53015400 Anonymous
if you care you?
2 hours later 53015416 Anonymous
>if you care you?
2.194 0.055