4chan archive /r9k/ (index)
2019-06-21 06:07 53013139 Anonymous (surenos.png 448x347 429kB)
Why are these guys hated? They tend to keep their beefs internal, stay in their own communities and don't go around shooting innocent people. Also, unlike the black gangbangers they fuck their own women and breed with their own kind.
5 min later 53013202 Anonymous (1547818624825.png 640x480 631kB)
Keep telling yourself that Pablo
48 min later 53013699 Anonymous
Ugly evil guys are the bane of my existence. They probably want to stomp me out for no reason, what's to stop them if they are ugly and evil? Scary.
49 min later 53013710 Anonymous
We gonna have a problem, foo?
50 min later 53013719 Anonymous
One of my old drug dealers was a Mexican cholo-looking guy. Cool guy, never ripped me off, robbed me, or anything like that.
1 hours later 53014064 Anonymous
They reproduce too fast, and their communities quickly overwhelm others. I also resent that I was forced to take Spanish classes in middle school
1 hours later 53014125 Anonymous
I don't hate them when they do their thing in their own countries.
But they're invading my country and shitting the place up. This is unacceptable.
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