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2019-06-21 09:12 53008802 Anonymous (01_SPoW_051119.jpg 2400x1800 913kB)
Somewhere out there, in the vast nothingness of space
4 min later 53008856 Anonymous (1557238591042.jpg 800x920 76kB)
Is a waifu just for me
41 min later 53009170 Anonymous (ocean-3264053__340 (1).jpg 510x340 29kB)
i would like to escape
42 min later 53009178 Anonymous
Is a happy me ;_;
44 min later 53009193 Anonymous
Yeah mate im sure.
53 min later 53009250 Anonymous
>ywn explore and live peacefully and alone in the vast nothingness of space
1 hours later 53009323 Anonymous
goood thread
thank yuuu
1 hours later 53009354 Anonymous
You can try space engine, its pretty fucking scary the first time you play it and get lost
1 hours later 53009376 Anonymous
I never understood the fear of space travel
If you had enough supplies youd be fine
As far as we know there is nothing out there
1 hours later 53009393 Anonymous
1 hours later 53009419 Anonymous
You can literally get stuck inside your space ship if you lose momentum somewhere where there's nothing to push off of. Then you're stuck floating there.
1 hours later 53009432 Anonymous
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsZ FUzkVScU
3.331 0.028