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2019-06-21 07:04 53007626 Anonymous (Krist-Novoselic.jpg 900x600 76kB)
I'm not gay but there is no way this isn't the coolest man to ever exist. This man is everything anyone wants to be. The ultimate chad.
1 min later 53007651 Anonymous
Krist is pretty fucking chad, I can't deny
2 min later 53007661 Anonymous
who ls this person
3 min later 53007669 Anonymous
he was a zero talent fucktard
thankfully someone else wrote his basslines in nirvana's most important songs.
4 min later 53007681 Anonymous
i thhink he realizes this, which is why he's a politician now
6 min later 53007714 Anonymous
Bass player for Nirvana
I wouldn't call him no-talent. His basslines were very simple and didn't require a lot of skill, sure. Kurt Cobain's guitar riffs were also super simple. Sometimes you don't need to write the best instrumentals to make great music
11 min later 53007761 Anonymous
christ novoselic , bass player of nirvana
0.464 0.025