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2019-06-21 06:57 53007565 Anonymous (6.jpg 1046x1500 350kB)
Well, just turned 23 and still a kissless virgin.
I think at this point I will become a wizard.
2 min later 53007589 Anonymous
I'll be you in 7 months time. I dont feel things are getting easier with time, more like the opposite
9 min later 53007663 Anonymous (082.gif 305x320 1003kB)
I'm 26 and same. I had a lot of chances as a teenager. Had 3 women come up and ask me out (they were all uggos) but I sperged and mumbled something and walked away. I had 2 girlfriends but we never did anything at all because I was too young. Then I became a fat fuck and women became repulsed on sight seeing me.
11 min later 53007682 Anonymous
I feel like I can't go forward until I break this barrier.
Also nobody knows I haven't kissed anyone, not even my closest friends.
19 min later 53007773 Anonymous
If you manage to get a gf, will you tell her that you're kissless or keep it a secret?
20 min later 53007786 Anonymous
Fuck you I have never had a girlfriend nor had a girl ask you out I envy you
22 min later 53007808 Anonymous
Dont worry, I'm 26 and had a lot of friends who were virgins at 23. It all worked out for them eventually.
because they bought VR headsets. If you're a virgin past 21 you're fucked sorry dude
24 min later 53007835 Anonymous
Like that black mirror episode? They fucked each other in VR?
25 min later 53007843 Anonymous
Keep it that way man. No one must know how we live behind closed doors, or it's really all over.
26 min later 53007854 Anonymous
Not even, they just talk about their hentai shit.
30 min later 53007894 Anonymous
Someone must have deduced it or at least assumes it.
32 min later 53007914 Anonymous (__kitten_gravity_daze_and_gravity_daze_2_drawn_by_exlic__5ab5d51e6d66bd88c4656c5cd28ad59a.png 819x1280 396kB)
I'm not sure. Some might be repulsed by it. Others might get super excited they get to take my virginity (or I've read too many doujins). If I actually find someone interested in me, I'd have to know their personality first.
36 min later 53007944 Anonymous
Most people don't go around accusing others of being space aliens or vampires. It's nearly the same plausibility in their minds.
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