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2019-06-21 04:55 53006208 Anonymous (eighteen.png 889x537 775kB)
>he thinks that cute modest looking 18 year old freshman is a virgin
oh nonononononono
0 min later 53006218 Anonymous
>>he thinks that cute modest looking 18 year old freshman is a virgin
2 min later 53006237 Anonymous
It's 2019, you've got 12 year olds on Facebook wondering how anyone over the age of 16 is a virgin.
7 min later 53006304 Anonymous
also gib sauce on her i NEED more of her
11 min later 53006341 Anonymous
my sister, fuck you
12 min later 53006348 Anonymous (orig.jpg 1280x720 66kB)
Bit she is always alone in the library and wears glasses. Surely she must be pure?
13 min later 53006364 Anonymous
you vampire toothed bitch, fuck you
13 min later 53006366 Anonymous
Chad cums on those glasses every night
1 hours later 53007066 Anonymous
Well, she isn't getting pounded in the pussy by Chad in the library.
You can't moan and scream of joy in the library.
But as soon as she leaves, she just gets up to Chad's car and starts sucking his dick, then they fuck right there in the car.
A car with tinted windows all around, you'll notice it if you pay attention.
But yeah, the shy lonely chicks have a tendency to be surprisingly bad at not being promiscuous.
1 hours later 53007226 Anonymous
>tfw 7.5/10 but so shy not even chad wants to fuck me
1 hours later 53007231 Anonymous
>>tfw 7.5/10
1 hours later 53007261 Anonymous
They are all dried up by 18
16 is when you got to get them
legally in your province of residence in accordance with your nations laws
1 hours later 53007268 Anonymous
seems like we're moving towards pedophilia, whats next? gotta get em while they're 9?
1 hours later 53007302 Anonymous
also 7.5 is generous toastie
1 hours later 53007304 Anonymous
stacy? is that you?? get off r9k
1 hours later 53007315 Anonymous
>thinking its real
1 hours later 53007383 Anonymous
hahahahahahahahhaha I killed your thread and im smoking weed hahahahhahahhahahhahahahahahahahhah ahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
1 hours later 53007402 Anonymous
just imagine - 100 years ago, this could have been a wholesome wife
lol w/e who cares id still fap to it
1 hours later 53007417 Anonymous
100 years ago I fucked you
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