4chan archive /r9k/ (index)
2019-06-21 03:33 53005486 Anonymous (1557640836512.png 346x450 149kB)
>tfw can easily message and attract average and below average looking women on the internet
>always end up ghosting them instead of getting laid
What is wrong with me? I got interest recently from a butterface with a 10/10 fitness model body, and an average faced girl who was kind of overweight but had HUGE milkers. Why can't I pull the trigger? Its like I want to stay a virgin.
4 min later 53005552 Anonymous
You are a baby boy.
26 min later 53005883 Anonymous
Post the pics then
And tell where you found em
31 min later 53005961 Anonymous
Avoidant Personality disorder. I think I have it too and can relate to your post
33 min later 53005987 Anonymous
Same but its only because theyre so boring. Most women are. Tfw no interesting gf
37 min later 53006032 Anonymous
I wont post the pics because im lazy, I found the butterface on fetlife and the other on /trash/ though
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