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2019-06-21 01:14 53003884 Anonymous (800px-Jean-Léon_Gérôme_-_Diogenes_-_Walters_37131.jpg 800x588 130kB)
Tried a shrink once but quit the session because I couldn't say anything about me due to distrust.
Considering trying again because can't take it anymore, just one thing. At which point can the doctor be obliged to reveal my secrets? Can what I say threaten my job, career etc? Can it put me to jail?
1 min later 53003907 Anonymous
only if you say "I'm going to kill myself" or someone else pretty much will they get involved
6 min later 53003969 Anonymous
they can't disclose any information unless someone is in danger or you give them consent to disclose information
8 min later 53003987 Anonymous
Why would you trust some normie
And yeah us they'd stab your ass in the back in a heartbeat, next second you're drooling on the floor with some stacy nurse hitting on chad in the psych ward.
13 min later 53004064 Anonymous
So I take as long as I don't threaten someone else's life directly I'm safe?
I mean if I just speak my thoughts and say like "I want to murder or torture X" is it enough to give her right to disclose info?
19 min later 53004128 Anonymous
>I mean if I just speak my thoughts and say like "I want to murder or torture X" is it enough to give her right to disclose info?
I do this all the time. My therapist is cool with it. You just have to pose a credible threat. Like saying you are stalking and purchased a gun. they'll tell. If its just I hate so and so and want to see them burn to death they wont do anything over it.
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