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2013-01-13 09:49 5225298 Anonymous Worldwide Economic Collapse (franklin_money_system.jpg 800x400 40kB)
Is /r9k/ aware that your way of life is about to change drastically in the next few years (or sooner)?
Shit is hitting the fan. The US dollar is about to cease being the world's reserve currency due to the Federal Reserve's continual printing of money causing inflation.
A little known fact is that countries can only buy oil with the US dollar.(kinda like you can only pay your taxes in dollars) This produces a constant demand for dollars on the world market, no matter how many we print. This is why we go to war in the middle east. When Gadhafi, and Saddam Hussien tried to move to accepting gold for their country's oil, it cost them their lives. This is the reason we have such a huge military. To defend our dollar. Our money is created by debt but is backed by more than just a promise to pay. It is backed by oil.
This is the dirty little secret that nobody is talking about.
My prediction is that China is going to announce that OPEC will begin trading oil in their currency, and dump the US $.
When this happens, trillions of dollars will come back to the US and people will be scrambling to stockpile on food.
Hyperinflation is coming, are you prepared?
2 min later 5225321 Anonymous
> A little known fact is that countries can only buy oil with the US dollar.(kinda like you can only pay your taxes in dollars) This produces a constant demand for dollars on the world market, no matter how many we print.
You... you don't understand economics.
2 min later 5225333 Allons-y
Why on Earth would China do this when we owe them so much money in dollars, and when they have a massive stockpile of dollars? It would decrease the value of the debt that we owe them and greatly decrease the value of their currency reserves. Secondly, increasing the value of their currency would make their imports less competitive and make it more expensive for companies to employ people in Chinese factories, which are the backbone of the Chinese economy. OP confirmed for not knowing shit about economics.
3 min later 5225349 swami
tl;dr the USD is monopoly money
thanks tips, its only been this way for 1.5 uears
5 min later 5225377 Anonymous
The dollars always been worth less than most countries.
8 min later 5225414 Anonymous
Money these days is only numbers on a computer screen. Multinational/international jew-owned banks run it all. There might be a "illuminati" group of houses co-operating, or maybe not - at the end of the day jews - or rather ZIONISTS - fuck over the rest of the world while all they care about is ISRAEL, their home land.
12 min later 5225462 Anonymous
China's been buying gold with their US dollars. Also buying rice and shit, enormous quantities of it. China's prepping.
14 min later 5225490 Anonymous
In my country they're already making plans on how to introduce Chinese to High School students.
Many believe it should be obligatory.
16 min later 5225510 Anonymous
>Edgy tripfag is a faggot
"Monopoly Money"
Swami, you live in fucking Canada, the USD has been on par with us for over a year now. If you're going to belittle someone at least have the decency to acknowledge that your own country is shit.
17 min later 5225523 Anonymous
lots of countries buy their oil in euros
18 min later 5225542 swami
>par on us for years
our dollar didn't even rise above the USD until recently and now we're just going to keep rising
20 min later 5225560 Anonymous
chinese is an archaic stupid language that most chinese don't even know. english is the only language worth knowing.
23 min later 5225591 dojo (864968.jpg 480x600 39kB)
>mfw have a stockpile of canadian pennies that have since drastically grown in value
26 min later 5225620 MP
Swami, every time you post your random, stupid fucking comments in threads i want to pop you in the artery and watch you bleed out. I mean seriously, quit it.
27 min later 5225635 swami
xXpenguin0fd00mXx *holds up spork*
30 min later 5225679 Anonymous
The other day I found 3 50c coins in my old wallet. I didn't even know we had those.
32 min later 5225702 MP (ywq5peypw4gmeqq5.jpg 480x360 19kB)
You....desperately need to be sterilized
40 min later 5225813 Anonymous
>Not realizing that Canadian and American currency systems are the exact same.
42 min later 5225845 Anonymous
I love Swami hate. It's literally the only good thing about her (keep purging, bitch!)
45 min later 5225889 MP
i actually got rip roaring pissed over something she posted back in an awesome thread, sadly the road is boring enough ill r9k on my phone while gunning. She just says the most retarded and ignorant things, yet all these feet kissers just swarm over here.
46 min later 5225902 Anonymous
why china want america to be poor, they still need to sell all their shit
47 min later 5225911 swami
coaxed into my snafu etcetc bumbuzzled
fuck off
>exactly the same
but our dollar is worth more then yours
athiests 1 christfags 0
51 min later 5225969 MP
Swami dear, the only things that bumbuzzle me are little tarts like you that think because they're girls and under age im going to let them off without a ticket. And there is no coaxing for snafu-ing. I am merely offended that your parents failed to abort you with a metal coat hanger like they should have. Yes, you may be whipping these little robots around willy nilly but im sure that whatever....thing lies beyond this computer screen wont do anything worth while, and may as well stay a "celebrity" on the internet
55 min later 5226019 Anonymous
This is the guy who predicted the 2008 recession while everyone was laughing at him. He seems to be the only guy with a clue what the fuck is going on.
1 hours later 5226116 Anonymous (facepalm.gif 320x240 818kB)
>acknowledging swamii posts
1 hours later 5226130 MP
there isnt a way to avoid them when she plasters 70% of the space with them
1 hours later 5226183 eeyore
Some guy the other day tried saying that the economy will bounce back and basically acted like the economy was still how it was in the 60s. I had a good laugh.
1 hours later 5226225 Anonymous (1353358898822.jpg 536x800 72kB)
So tell me,
who's going to profit from this?
The countries with huge debt or those with a small one?
1 hours later 5226228 Anonymous
You can filter.
chan x
1 hours later 5226246 Anonymous
China has been purchasing gold and precious metals with their US dollars. Several other countries are doing the same including Sweden, and they generally know their shit.
The dollar has 5 years left at best. Also before this turns into a My Country > USA thread understand that the western world is economically dependant on each other and when the US falls your country will fall with it.
Expect to see probably one more bubble inflated in the next year or two before a real collapse. You'll do good if you take advantage of that bubble. I'm not really talking about guns and bottle water and canned food though. I'm talking more about switching over your way of life and ensuring your investments by paying off your debts in full and not getting anything else you don't really need. Probably get some precious metals but know that when/if the dollar collapses the continuous ricing prices of precious metal will stabilize and plateau out. Still having them wont hurt.
You'll also want to look for a stable job that isn't so dependant on unchecked consumerism. Like if you work at a car dealership, a rent to own place, or bookstore you might want to start putting together a resume and look about going somewhere that is essentially recession proof.
Things people always need are going to be food, shelter, things like that. If you can you might want to learn a trade before then. Nursing. Welding. Something that will still be needed and something you can't do yourself. Especially since education and training problems are going to bottom out.
1 hours later 5226251 Anonymous
Oh boy we got a retard here. First, the dollar will not cease being the reserve currency. It's the safest money in the world because of our fuckhuge military. Second, inflation is a good thing. Third, we have been in this EXACT position several times and we always got out of it fine. Go read up on Kondratiev Waves.
1 hours later 5226256 Anonymous
Y'all niggas don't know shit about economics.
1 hours later 5226288 Anonymous
Quick, everyone get out their tinfoil hats!
1 hours later 5226310 Anonymous
>Shit is hitting the fan
>wall of youtube links with no description for any of them
go back to /pol/ doomtard
1 hours later 5226331 Anonymous
>the dollar will not cease being the reserve currency
Russia, India, and China have been trying to switch over to the Yuan. India isn't really playing ball yet because they get the worse out of the switch. The dollar is a sinking ship.
>Inflation is a good thing
Normally. But you don't take into account that inflation is rising and wages and unemployment are falling. we can't afford that inflation. Within the next few years a person working at McDonalds is going to need to work an hour and a half to afford a big mac.
>we've been in this EXACT position before
And all those times the cost of living went down to reflect lower wages and less jobs. Instead it's rising at unprecedented rates.
1 hours later 5226345 Anonymous
>Second, inflation is a good thing
Fembots and Rowboats, I present to you, the Zimbabwe school of Economics
1 hours later 5226373 Anonymous
keynesian economics
k..keynesian economics
1 hours later 5226380 Anonymous
would the merchant navy be a good trade/career to get into in case of something like this?
I mean, say I was an engineering officer on a cargo ship. My line of work probably wouldn't be affected at all, right?
1 hours later 5226399 Anonymous
probably not. Depends on the cargo though. If it's shipping nike sneakers and denim jeans then no it's not gonna work.
If it's shipping corn, wheat, and other grains and food than yeah it'll work out fine.
1 hours later 5226424 Anonymous
Inflation almost always causes wages to rise faster than the cost of living does. The only people hurt by inflation are the unemployed and people lending money. Hyperinflation is bad but hyperinflation isn't possible with our current economic position. The alternatives to inflation are deflation which fucks everything up and noflation which creates an economic environment with no growth. Inflation is the best of those options.
>wages falling
>an hour and a half to afford a big mac
>unprecedented rates
Nothing is new. This has all happened the same way and people said the same things and the same outcomes came about. Look at the stock market, is it crashing? No. Look at the billion dollar hedge funds are they selling everything? No. I trust the big money and the big money says the dollar is the safest currency in the world. And, the dollar is currently doing very well. Over the past six months we've gone from 1.2 Euros per dollar to 1.33 and we're on our way to 1.34.
1 hours later 5226450 Anonymous (1355782321019.gif 200x139 1663kB)
My sides are in superposition.
1 hours later 5226525 Anonymous
>Inflation is a good thing
Perhaps. Increased demand and less unemployment does bring inflation with it, but out unemployment is still high
With more and more Americans leaving the work force, this is definately bad
1 hours later 5226554 Anonymous
Keynsianism is only popular because it gives politicians and bureaucrats an excuse to gain more power. At no point in history has anything happened that has proven it right. Meanwhile Austrian economists have been predicting things with impeccable accuracy for ages.
1 hours later 5226567 Anonymous
Unemployment is coming down. Inflation creates an environment where companies want to expand which then creates more jobs. Our unemployment rate is high but its been coming down very well. We are inline with historical numbers.
https://www.google.com/publicdata/explore?ds=z1ebjpgk2654c1_ &met_y=unemployment_rate&idim=country:US&fdim_y= seasonality:S&dl=en&hl=en&q=us%20unemployment
As you can see from that graph we look fine.
1 hours later 5226614 Anonymous
>implying America will fall
If it is the only thing stopping this country from crumbling, we will fight a war with China. And we will win. They may have more manpower, but we have better hardware, and almost 10 times as many nuclear weapons.
1 hours later 5226615 Anonymous
Are they using the same method to calculate unemployment that they used to?
or are they using the new method and using that to compare to older unemployment numbers
1 hours later 5226631 Anonymous
>implying nuclear weapons will ever be used barring an alien invasion or terrorist attack
1 hours later 5226647 Anonymous
Craaawl out the the Fallout, baby..
1 hours later 5226651 Anonymous
The unemplyoment rate is decreasing because of the way it is measured. They simply no longer count people who have "left the workforce". This means that the unemplyoment rate is "going down" because is isn't increasing fast enough for the bogus measurement system.
If you measure unemployment the same way as they did during the great depression, things instantly look a shitload worse.
To make things worse, most jobs that are created are in the public sector, which needs to be funded by the private sector, meaning that they are just a drain on the economy.
America is fucked.
1 hours later 5226677 Anonymous
Yes America would become a shithole, but China would be even more of a shithole. We have 9850 nuclear warheads. They have 240. Their entire country would be completely ruined. Almost 100000 nukes is not something you recover from.
1 hours later 5226691 Anonymous
Fuck, one too many zeroes.
1 hours later 5226697 Anonymous
I'm pretty sure its all measured the same way. The economy is growing right now evidenced by the rise in the stock market. We've doubled from our lows, from 6500 to more than 13000. Public sector employment is fine because it all goes back into the economy. The real problem is that taxes are not high enough. We still have the Bush tax cuts in place and we are at war. You can't cut taxes during a war. And, again, this always happens. We'll raise taxes, cut spending, and reduce the deficit. America isn't going away anytime soon.
1 hours later 5226699 Anonymous
Pretty edgy bro.
Why the fuck would America nuke a country just because it's economy is collapsing? protip: it wont no matter how much yourd rather see the whole world burn and not just you.
Stop being 15 years old.
1 hours later 5226718 Anonymous
You are literally wrong about everything
7/10 made me rage
1 hours later 5226734 Anonymous
I'm pretty sure I'm right. Are you a republican/libertarian? Tell me your wonderful plan for saving the economy.
1 hours later 5226756 Anonymous
>The real problem is that taxes are not high enough
Obama's projected tax increases are expected to raise $1.6 trillion over the next DECADE
Our debt will have doubled by then
Spending is the problem, you double nigger
1 hours later 5226759 Anonymous
It's not. Unemployment right now is measured by everyone on unemployment benefits. It doesn't measure everyone out of work and looking.
if it makes you feel better though they extended unemployment benefits.
1 hours later 5226786 Anonymous
>I'm pretty sure its all measured the same way.
It's not. Unemployment SEEMS like it's falling, but that's because people are giving up and leaving the labor force (turning to welfare). The jobs are still going
1 hours later 5226792 Anonymous
Yeah, random OP retard on 4chan who saw zeitgeist predicted the collapse of the economy. Let's believe him! Better treat his conversation as if it was valid!
Trolling like this is how the tea party got people to listen to them. They don't know jack shit about shit, just let it die.
1 hours later 5226809 Anonymous
Spending is the problem. Maybe if read the part where I said you can't cut taxes during a war. What exactly do we cut to get so much extra money? The military is pretty much the only thing to cut for that kind of gain. We need to cut spending across the board and put taxes back up to how they were before the Bush cuts. We could also start running some inflation to reduce the debt load. Actually I don't know why we aren't trying to hit inflation targets right now.
1 hours later 5226875 Anonymous
The only reason i haven't filtered you is so i can tell you regularly how much i hate you. My only wish is for you to die from a Tabasco sauce enema.
2 hours later 5226907 Anonymous
She thrives on attention. If everyone ignores her she'll go away. I'm pretty sure she's Histrionic.
2 hours later 5226909 Anonymous
"austrian economists like me"
That was when i stopped watching.
2 hours later 5226941 Anonymous
Because you're intimidated when people who don't share your opinions are proven right repeatedly?
2 hours later 5226952 Anonymous
almost 250 nukes is not something you recover from. They have more than enough to wipe out every major city.
2 hours later 5226953 Anonymous
Get rid of the Federal Reserve and let the market take care of itself and a lot of problems, perpetuated by CEOs who don't want to give up their private jet, will go away.
It'll be a bumpy road at first but we'll finally get the economy we work for and earn. Not the one we feel we're entitled to.
2 hours later 5226960 Anonymous
The problem is that alarmists like you have been predicting that this is just around the corner for at least six years. You've lost credibility at this point.
2 hours later 5226972 Anonymous
not really not with missile defense grids and the need for multiple strikes to take out some targets
2 hours later 5226982 Anonymous
If shes histrionic then by replying to her were exacerbating her problem. This makes her life worse. I like that.
2 hours later 5227005 Anonymous
But in the absence of attention she'll go to more extreme means of obtaining the attention she desires. Could end up with her posting nudes or killing herself.
2 hours later 5227010 Anonymous
is it alarmist when it's right.
>predict problem with housing market
it crashes
>Govt lowers interest rates and "Stimulates" economy
>band aid fixes
>another crash is predicted
>it comes true
>lower the interest rates
>more stimulus packages and make work funds awarded
>more band aid fixes
Eventually duct tape won't hold our economy together anymore. They can keep fixing it like they have been but at what cost? It's only making our burden worse and worse until it gets to the point that we can't just brush it under the carpet anymore.
American interest rates are already down at 0. There's no point in stimulating the markets when people have too much debt and can't consume with the money anyways.
2 hours later 5227012 Anonymous
Because they refuse to use any maths and because their business cycle is pants on head retarded.
2 hours later 5227040 Anonymous
I seriously hope not
I seriously hope so
I've got my fingers crossed that shell become the next blowfly girl.
2 hours later 5227075 Anonymous
you guys are fucking adorable
2 hours later 5227078 Anonymous
We're on our last strings folks. Interest rates are a whopping 0%.
They're going to have to go up eventually. I'm scared shitless of what happens when they do
2 hours later 5227101 Anonymous (1321578561670.png 1111x658 207kB)
>thinking Keynesian economics work
2 hours later 5227117 Anonymous (1353371018131.jpg 500x375 22kB)
>not full retard
2 hours later 5227124 Anonymous
Then why have they been proven right so damn often while economists of other schools have been bumbling about making hilariously false predictions? There is so much old material on youtube of Austrian economists predicting all sorts of major events, often whilst being laughed at by mainstream economists.
If you follow the news then Austrians are frankly the only ones that still have any credibility.
2 hours later 5227195 Anonymous (6z1hsaiqifauwafivdm72svc6.png 1899x351 134kB)
>yfw the Fed indirectly caused the great recession of 2008 and the Austrians were right AGAIN
2 hours later 5227216 Anonymous
but isnt this a good argument for raising the minimum wage
2 hours later 5227251 Anonymous
Its a good argument for communism. Why should some profit while the majority dies poor and miserable. Communism is the true leveler of man. All humans are equal and should remain equal from birth to death regardless of any external factors. Reduce all men to peasants and conflict will end. Resource wars won't exist when no one uses resources. Destroy the technological enslavement. Destroy all the shackles of man.
2 hours later 5227277 Anonymous
Friedman was not an Austrian, he was a Chicago School monetarist.
Anyone with common sense can see the obvious flaws in minimum wage. You're not increasing anybody's wage, instead you're just destroying all jobs that earn beneath that threshold. Increasing minimum wage won't magically give employers the money to hire people at that wage.
2 hours later 5227309 male feminist
IMO citizen's income > minimum wage anyways.
2 hours later 5227317 Anonymous
Why does everyone always quote Austrian school economics?
I mean, we have a good education system and our economy/business schools mainly bring out people who get top positions, but why does everyone only quote economics related shit of us?
2 hours later 5227349 Anonymous
The name of the Austrian school simply refers to the nationality of its founders. It has nothing to do with Austria itself, and it doesn't represent the preferred economic policies in Austria at the time of its founding.
3 hours later 5228434 Anonymous
I find this video better explains what the OP means when he refers to the Oil Dollar
4 hours later 5228628 Anonymous
This video contradicts my worldview so im going to ignore it.
4 hours later 5228678 Anonymous
yea, this is great an all, but wtf are we supposed to do.
I mean after watching these videos and others it just makes you feel helpless. Yea rise and take the streets and all that shit is great, but it isnt practical. I dont want to lose my life over this. The people in charge hold all the power. It isnt like we can elect new bank ceo's.
4 hours later 5228873 Anonymous
not the same guy, but I'm pretty sure your a fucking moron.
4 hours later 5228983 Check Your Privell-edge (tumblah.jpg 1268x1456 141kB)
>chinese is an archaic stupid language that most chinese don't even know
Chinese isn't a language you mudblood
4 hours later 5228990 Anonymous
But thats exactly what you do, you take rise to the streets and drag the rich from their homes and manually redistribute the wealth to the people.
If all else fails get rid of all money period. And if all else fails then go to true anarchy. At least then people will be truly in charge of their own lives.
4 hours later 5229146 Anonymous
The only collapse that exists is the collapse of natural resources. We'll inevitably pay for this.
4 hours later 5229189 Anonymous (1330129664867.jpg 252x200 6kB)
>manually redistribute the wealth
>get rid of all money
>true anarchy
>At least then people will be truly in charge
Took me a while to find an appropriate laughing image. Thanks for brightening up my day, dude!
4 hours later 5229199 Anonymous
>implying taking other people's possessions will solve anything
most of the rich people's "wealth" is completely imaginary. Do you really believe Bill Gates has 50 billion dollars of "wealth" sitting around in his house? Its all fictional. Its tied up in imaginary stocks, bonds, treasuries, and mutual funds. None of it is actual wealth. The entire financial system is what's broken.
And what good does giving buba and his 17 welfare babies another person's "wealth" really do? The average citizen is barely above the intelligence of a functioning retard when it comes to finances. That was the biggest part of the problem. The banks can advertise they are giving out loans that are dangerous, but it won't do any harm unless people are stupid enough to take them. To me it seems obvious; if I'm are working at mcdonalds making minumum wage I cant afford a 300K house. I dont care what slick talking a banker spews out at me. I know i cant afford it.
4 hours later 5229205 Anonymous
Settle down 'er autist. Mandarin and Cantonese are Chinese.
4 hours later 5229223 Anonymous
Just like how english is "American". All those wetback spics need to speak american before they come to my country.
4 hours later 5229245 Anonymous
the worldwide economy is shit. that being said i dont really care what happens.
4 hours later 5229265 Anonymous
American English exists, the same way British English exists. They're different dialects of the same language
4 hours later 5229285 Anonymous
>completely imaginary
>Its all fictional.
Now, while you can't immediately access Gate's portfolio, that doesn't make it 'not real' or 'fictional.' It just means that it's in a more convenient form, you can still get stocks and bonds on paper if you really wanted to, but it's inconvenient and no longer worth the effort. A stock is a stake in a company, and buy owning that stock, you own a part of the company. You can vote as a shareholder what the company will do, and some stocks also pay dividends for you owning it. Bonds are basically corporate or government loans paid back at interest to you, the loaner.
Yes, it's 'real wealth,' it's just not immediately tangible wealth or assets, like 50 billion dollars in gold or cash sitting in his basement. He'd have to liquidate first.
4 hours later 5229322 Anonymous
it doesn't matter. you don't have any say or change in any of it. if it collapses it does, if it doesn't it doesn't.
There's jack shit you can do about it. Protesting, demanding reform, voting for new people, even threatening violence, none of that will remove the people in charge at the top.
The second some enterprising nig nog steals a tv in a social reform riot your movement loses all credibility and you're given labels and sent away to prison.
4 hours later 5229328 Anonymous
Where people got into trouble with the internet bubble and even today, is they invested in companies that don't actually do anything. Unless you have a tangible product i can hold in my hand its not worth it. The way to build up real wealth is to make a product and selling it for more than what it cost you to make.
5 hours later 5229470 Anonymous
most companies don't make anything but money.
5 hours later 5229502 Anonymous
>The way to build up real wealth is to invest in a company that makes a product and sells it for more than what it cost them to make.
Ah, there we go, much better. Also, index funds. Investing in the stock market long term is a pretty good way to retire comfortably. The stock market has had much higher returns over the years than your local bank's saving account, even considering the great depression, the recession, etc.
5 hours later 5229661 Anonymous
but what if the banker tells you, you CAN afford it? yea what then pal?
5 hours later 5229693 Anonymous
you can't sell that amount of stock without the price varying, it would drop extremely fast, basic demand/offer. Plus, on a long enough timeframe all stocks are worth 0.
Say, I have a lot of paper in my house, and a friend of mine really needs a small piece of paper, i give it to him for 10 dollars. Now i can say i'm technically a multi-billionaire (i just need to sell all the paper i have in my house). Problem is, there would be no demand for that, the price would drop immediately as i tried to sell that.
I can create a bogus company and sell a 0.000000000000001% share to a friend, and I'm technically a billionaire.
5 hours later 5229790 Anonymous
Are you sure you're even quoting the right post? Just because the wealth is not immediately tangible does not mean it does not exist. It looks a lot like you're just agreeing with me or repeating what I said. Obviously he can't sell it all at once when there's that much of it.
5 hours later 5229822 Anonymous
>tfw once i get my chemical engineering degree I will be valuable regardless of what shit goes down.
5 hours later 5229895 Anonymous
5 hours later 5229932 Anonymous
right post, and yea we sort of agree, i'm just trying to say that i don't think bill gates could liquidate 50 billions at all, ever. That way of calculating net worth is a bit misleading, just because a share has been traded at a certain price, it would never mean that the entire company could be traded at n_shares*share_value.
Who's gonna buy microsoft at a 225 Billions market cap in cash or equivalent? No one. It's not possible, unless you are the fed and you print that kind of money.
So how is it gonna end if no one buys it? The only other exit is bankrupcy, and given enough time all companies go bankrupt.
That's why Bill Gates doesn't "have" 50/60 billions.
Shares are only worth a multiple of the dividends, the nominal value is just a ponzi scheme where you make money by delling at a higher price until the guy at the end of the chain is screwed
5 hours later 5229963 Anonymous
good. life is boring. i wanna live like Mad Max
6 hours later 5230657 Anonymous (ron was right.jpg 225x275 38kB)
we should of listened
6 hours later 5230699 Anonymous
US dollar falls, several other countries fall.
Leaves a hole for one leader to unite the world and form us into a one world government.
6 hours later 5230734 Anonymous (laughingwhores.jpg 474x604 51kB)
>they think they live at the dawn of the collapse!
y'all niggers dont seem to realize that Y2K was 13 years ago
7 hours later 5231036 Anonymous
I just hope whoever gets in charge after all this is over is a pervert.
7 hours later 5231224 Anonymous (1356309895075.jpg 193x245 17kB)
>name one scenario that does not result in the interest on u.s. debt equaling the entire federal budget
7 hours later 5231242 Anonymous
econfag here. you are a fucking dumbass op, and you obviously have no idea what you are talking about.
november 2012 inflation rate 1.8%. 30 yr t bill rates 2-3%.
have you ever heard of quantitative easing? also, stop listening to extreme right wing bullshit.
7 hours later 5231268 Anonymous
>quantitative easing
>not inflation
We semantics now.
7 hours later 5231328 Anonymous
where did i say it's not inflation? it's the only expansionary monetary policy action available at the moment.
7 hours later 5231342 Anonymous
i'm saying it's not an issue cuz the inflation rate is low.
7 hours later 5231369 Anonymous
"Shit's hitting the fan, we're all doomed and happiness and prosperity as concepts will cease to exist!"
Said by <some douchebag> in the year of <any year from 10,000 BC up until present day>
"B-but I'm totally right this time, you just don't get it cause you stupid."
7 hours later 5231382 Anonymous
The inflation rate is low because we are stacking on debt without actually printing money or increasing revenues to pay for it.
I thought you were an econfag?
7 hours later 5231402 Anonymous
Oh, how you and every other lemming are in for a rude awaking. Hahaha.
7 hours later 5231410 Anonymous
>implying shit hasn't hit the fan over the course of human history
7 hours later 5231446 Anonymous
7 hours later 5231461 Anonymous
>being this mad that you aren't prepared for the Great Happening
there's still time.
7 hours later 5231493 Anonymous
>hyperinflation has been happening for years
No it hasn't, it has just been normal inflation so far. I don't claim that hyperinflation will lead to global conflict, but it certainly would lead to a global economic collapse.
8 hours later 5231578 Anonymous
what? the inflation rate is low cuz of excess capacity. there is weak demand throughout the economy which is why it is low, not cuz gov't spending. gov't spending raises inflation by stimulating aggregate demand...
and you never have to pay off the debt in the sense that you are saying. gov't can keep safely spending to stimulate the economy until people start to consider t bills as risky assets, which isn't going to happen anytime soon.
what is your point here? govt goes into debt during recession and pays it off during better economic circumstances.
8 hours later 5231606 Anonymous
we stopped paying our debts after world war 2
8 hours later 5231638 Anonymous
Nice forum slide, misinformant. How naive do you expect everyone to be?
8 hours later 5231642 Anonymous
The pendulum has swung too far, I posted this earlier:
Seriously, answer it if you can. We are too far in debt and will not have a way to pay for it. I understand the Keynesian root of your point, and I would normally agree with it, but there is a point when so much debt is amassed during a poor recovery that it cannot be paid for without stifling the economy by raising taxes and slashing spending.
8 hours later 5231656 Anonymous
The more important question is: does that actually matter?
Our national debt as a % of GDP is about equal or less than most of the other economic powerhouses of the world including the UK, France, Germany, and Japan.
I think there's an implicit agreement wherein we all get to spend as much as we want without having to bother to pay it back. It's actually a nice thing to have during an economic recession if you ask me.
8 hours later 5231663 Anonymous
And I also disagree with your point that treasury bills will not be considered risky any time soon, I think that we are inching closer and closer to that every day.
8 hours later 5231667 Anonymous
>shit has hit the fan over the course of human history
>bad things happened, life goes on
>boo fucking hoo
8 hours later 5231686 Anonymous
All of those countries are in a similar or worse crisis, and if people generally believed the idea that we would never pay any of our government debt back, how do you think they would react?
8 hours later 5231700 Anonymous
How emotional! I agree, life does go on, but it does not go on easily.
8 hours later 5231885 Anonymous
all t bill rates are low as fuck right now. the us isn't just going to stop being an economic powerhouse. the us govt is not a risky asset. PIGS are what is considered risky, hence why those govt bonds pay higher interest relative to t bills, and why their level of debt is unsustainable, and ours isn't.
9 hours later 5232440 Anonymous
its called a revolution dumbass, and if done properly it does work. Its what people do when left with no other feasible solution.
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