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2019-04-19 02:22 52003612 Anonymous Vicodin Withdrawal and Insomnia (8qRbj2Um.jpg 320x310 16kB)
>Be me >Injure shoulder. Find self in agonizing fucking pain when trying to sleep >Start taking vicodin for the pain >It works like a charm. Even helps me fall asleep >Shoulder gets slowly better >Stop taking vicodin >Terrible fucking insomnia Has anyone here gone through withdrawal before? When does it fucking end?

4 min later 52003669 Anonymous
>>52003612 It depends how much were you taking and the time you were taking. My withdrawal lasted for 3~4 weeks, but I was using it recreatively. Also, I'd even vomit during my withsrawal, shit was intense

5 min later 52003673 Anonymous (41324141.jpg 409x409 87kB)
withdrawalsfrom Vicodin, kek.

7 min later 52003699 Anonymous
thats not withdrawal, thats just being slightly irritable. you'll be over it in a day. you dont want to know what real withdrawal feels like.

13 min later 52003774 Anonymous
>>52003673 Well, NEET pepe, my sleep has clearly been disrupted by discontinuing this substance, so I don't know what else to call it. I was never a heavy user or anything, so I'm not sweating and shaking and all of that. >>52003699 > you'll be over it in a day. Well, I was up for 36 hours, got 9 hours of sleep and then have been up another 36 now. Apparently vicodin suppresses your brain's natural sleep chemicals, so the longer you take it, the harder it is to sleep without it.

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