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2019-04-17 10:04 51984182 Anonymous Giving a little back to anons. Attempt 4/? (Distant Bells.png 600x600 335kB)
Make your case here. Tell me a little about yourself and how you'd spend the money. Today I should have 50 euros each for 9 anons. Bitcoin only. Another anon gave me the idea to give to mean anons too, instead of just the nice ones, since they perhaps meant well the most. So don't be shy to tell me if you hate my constant spamming hahaha! I could use some critique haha.
I'm also on sedatives right now so don't worry about me lashing out like yesterday.
2 min later 51984228 Anonymous (1535326985274.gif 720x720 331kB)
Stop giving out your money man, it makes me sad. Both for you and the pieces of shit who reply.
3 min later 51984237 Anonymous (1549626976276.jpg 330x381 74kB)
Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
5 min later 51984274 Anonymous (1.jpg 220x192 31kB)
It's okay. I have plenty and no use for it anyway.
I just can't stop myself, can I? Haha.
5 min later 51984283 Anonymous
I don't know if I should ask for money. I don't need it, and I'd probably not spend it since I'm too miserly. I also actually like your threads so I don't feel like you need to pay me for looking at them. In fact, I think I'm the attention whore here. I post in your threads because you always reply to everyone, and it feels nice to get (You)s. But this offer is still tempting. Should I do it, Aiste? Should I abandon any dignity and beg you for money?
7 min later 51984304 Anonymous
I would just save it.
7 min later 51984313 Anonymous (1438168505936.jpg 600x600 96kB)
Can I draw you a cute picture, senpai?
8 min later 51984327 Anonymous (2.jpg 860x1000 364kB)
I'm not paying you to look at my threads. I just want to give back a little for putting up with me.
You're already smarter than me then hahaha.
Yes! That would be very appreciated.
11 min later 51984367 Anonymous (thonker.jpg 1024x1024 64kB)
I'm just a 18 y.o who got kicked out from home. I'll propably spend the money on instant ramen
11 min later 51984371 Anonymous
>I'm not paying you to look at my threads. I just want to give back a little for putting up with me.
I know, but I don't think you need to "give back", since I didn't give you anything in the first place. I didn't read your threads to make you feel better or give you attention; I did it for my personal, selfish reasons. I didn't "put up" with you, I enjoyed your presence. Does this warrant me getting payed?
12 min later 51984379 Anonymous (1520921701841.png 244x244 80kB)
What would you like me to draw?
15 min later 51984448 Anonymous (3.jpg 550x413 46kB)
Done. Why were you kicked out? Also ramen isn't the most economical choice.
To be honest, most people I gave money to probably haven't posted in any of my threads, like the fellow above. So you're already more deserving.
Whatever you think would make me happy.
17 min later 51984462 Anonymous
I don't need your charity faggot I've probably got more money than you, you condescending asshole.
21 min later 51984528 Anonymous
>To be honest, most people I gave money to probably haven't posted in any of my threads, like the fellow above.
Why do you give them money? It's not "giving back" if they haven't posted in your threads before. What sort of feelings are you experiencing when you give them money?
22 min later 51984554 Anonymous
You're back!
>tfw last two threads 404d before i recieved anything
I'm the anon who's saving up for music recording shit. Your thread made my day
0x2C0CeB35d267208c94e81C6b73B131c39 464fF69
You don't know what it's like being a poorfag neet. I'd eat my own cum for 50 bucks
23 min later 51984568 Anonymous (owo3.jpg 988x335 38kB)
so here's the story;
As a child I got my IQ measured. That give me a chance to get in a good school for free. It wasn't my desicion but you have to do what your family wants as a child.
So I went to school. Class was full of people more intelligent than me so it was a bit hard for me. We never socialised so it fucked me up.
I wanted to go to a normal highschool after spending years with that people. It was a mistake.
I spend 4 years getting bullied. And I was kicked out the day hs ended.
23 min later 51984575 Anonymous (1555274891088.png 150x154 14kB)
I would probably buy some manga to add to my collection, been meaning to read love is war for quite a while now, maybe gabriel dropout.
25 min later 51984600 Anonymous (4.jpg 550x413 57kB)
That's fine. I'm not trying to fund your college education. It's just a little treat. Gifts don't have to be expensive to mean something, you know? And it's great if you have more than me.
I have no way to know. I'll just assume they've all been nice to me at some point. For all I know all these people could be Gunjy with different personas.
Sorry anon your address is invalid. I remember it from last time.
>As a child I got my IQ measured. That give me a chance to get in a good school for free.
What country does that? Though I can relate to the rest of the post a bit.
I can't give you anything telepathically, you know.
25 min later 51984608 Anonymous
Forgot to add my wallet cus im retarded
26 min later 51984627 Anonymous
i dunno anon, i posted my wallet and you just ignored me
im a poorfag but not gonna beg for 50 euros
27 min later 51984631 Anonymous
>What country does that? Though I can relate to the rest of the post a bit.
Not specifically a country. Just a private school.
27 min later 51984633 Anonymous
>I have no way to know.
Fair enough. You still didn't tell me how donating to Anons makes you feel, however. Please tell me, if you don't mind.
27 min later 51984635 Anonymous
50$ would be sufficient for an analog of nembutal so that I may kill myself.
It being in btc is highly advantageous in this case.
28 min later 51984652 Anonymous (1553653507563.jpg 711x620 53kB)
Yeah my bad, sorry
Heres the wallet, thanks if you do desu.
30 min later 51984687 Anonymous
If dubs, OP buy yourself something nice.
30 min later 51984689 Anonymous
>your adress is invalid
Are you sure?. I made a second one because i lost the key so maybe this one is good
31 min later 51984697 Anonymous
I want my e-reader ,Aiste gimme my damn e-reader u cute schizotranny!
31 min later 51984705 Anonymous
hello again ! :> i posted in one of the previous threads but u hadnt received the money or something :<
i have an opportunity to do a short work experience course in a different continent and my university wont give me full funding for it and im not able to work much alongside studying so im trying to save up where i can :> any amount would be really appreciated and if not im still really grateful for the opportunity and its really kind of you to do this for strangers, im sending blessings your way
32 min later 51984718 Anonymous
pathetic that you want to buy peoples sympathy with money
32 min later 51984725 Anonymous
Does it make you happy to be nice? I'm trying to be more nice generally. Does it improve your quality of life?
35 min later 51984775 Anonymous (Houraisan.Kaguya.full.538120.jpg 612x700 326kB)
More head pats for Aiste~ and some music.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWk tLI5nDyI
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqK jIT1ECZg
36 min later 51984782 Anonymous (5.jpg 736x900 368kB)
Sorry, I had issues with Coinbase at the time. Post again.
I see. Still sucks.
I just hope that wasting all my fortune will maybe stop me from being such a coward and help me finally end it. I've already wasted around 8000 euros over the past 3 weeks, but it wasn't very satisfying, so I thought about giving back to the people that helped me the most.
A noble cause haha. Why do you want to end it though?
Yes. I'm not sure but your address looks different from others, maybe that's why. I'm using Coinbase.
Damn, did I miss you? Haha. Done.
I already get a ton of sympathy anyway. I just want to give away my money so I can end it.
Maybe. I'm just empty or anxious all the time.
40 min later 51984849 Anonymous
Where do you find all this money? And what are you gonna do after it ends?
41 min later 51984856 Anonymous
>>Sorry, I had issues with Coinbase at the time. Post again.
0x3Bb478f8773c7F6de942366e700952C1a bF45152
just say if you dont want to send me money anon, not like i will be angry
besides how do you know that people say truth here, its easy to make up a story about being a loser
also sorry about my shit grammar but im kinda drunk, drinking is the only thing still making me happy
44 min later 51984913 Anonymous
>help me finally end it.
That wasn't my first guess, but I suppose I expected that to possibly be your reason. I don't know if I necessarily dislike that idea. You're going to spend that money on something anyway, such as those 4chan passes. And if you do go through with it, at least I'll have something more concrete to remember you by if I keep this money in my wallet.
Regardless, I don't know if giving away all your money is going to help you be any more brave. It probably wouldn't put you in a hopeless situation as you live with your father (if I'm not mistaken). You'd probably make your life even worse, but not enough to where it'd push you over the edge. I can't decide if I want to contribute to such a possibility, so I suppose I won't ask for money in this thread. Perhaps I'll ponder about it a bit more and if you make another thread tomorrow, I may have a conclusion ready. Thanks for talking to me again, and sorry for being so selfish (the only reason I interrogated you like this is because I don't want to make myself feel guilty). Good luck in life, or death, whichever you choose.
44 min later 51984920 Anonymous
Thank you anon. My income pretty much perfectly matches my expenses so you just made my year. Hope you feel better soon.
45 min later 51984930 Anonymous
>A noble cause haha. Why do you want to end it though?
The game is boring so there is no reason for me to bother playing, ykno.
45 min later 51984941 Anonymous (UXrhQDs.png 255x253 92kB)
Why are u doing this desu
Are u giving away all ur money cause u plan in killing yourself
45 min later 51984943 Anonymous
>Yes. I'm not sure but your address looks different from others, maybe that's why. I'm using Coinbase.
Fug. I've made another one, hopefully it works this time (i'm tetch illiterate). Either way thanks, you have a kind heart
47 min later 51984958 Anonymous (1552828795386.gif 582x540 1605kB)
Thank you fren <3
48 min later 51984975 Anonymous
Dude please don't end it. You are worth more than me and AT LEAST 70% of this board put together
49 min later 51984993 Anonymous (6.jpg 413x550 46kB)
It really won't work. Yours is the only one with 0x in the front. I think that's the issue.
Born a bit lucky in that regard. Not so much in other areas. I'd like to kill myself afterwards in hopes that I don't reincarnate, but I'm too much of a coward.
I don't live wit my dad really. He just has to take care of me because I'm schizophrenic or whatever.
No problem.
True. There isn't any escape really.
I'd like to. But I'm too much of a coward. I'll probably end up in a mental institution again.
I probably won't. Like I said, I'm a coward.
55 min later 51985082 Anonymous
>tfw it actually arrived
Dude, you made my day. Please don't kill yourself. Talk to someone irl. I'm a stranger on the internet and i don't want you to die so there's at least one person irl who doesn't want you to die either
56 min later 51985087 Anonymous
Anon dont end your life you only got one as cliche as it sounds
Anything helps it's been a really tough month. 1PEEnW9b9EawxLiggF5ByhvGZcAEvyNC77
58 min later 51985132 Anonymous (7.jpg 794x794 218kB)
I'm a coward so don't bet on it.
That was the last one for today. I want to leave some in case I need another pass.
58 min later 51985134 Anonymous (11745482_1144210428925883_5612437980395458539_n.jpg 453x604 42kB)
Does your current role please you?
1 hours later 51985156 Anonymous (8.jpg 794x524 120kB)
Nothing ever pleases me, anon.
1 hours later 51985184 Anonymous
Where did you get this cat series from?
Will you ever show us the art/landscapes you drew before?
1 hours later 51985196 Anonymous (tumblr_p03642Xkoe1wd3q54o1_1280.png 800x650 614kB)
>Nothing ever pleases me, anon.
There are plenty, of course they ultimately amount to the same, but nonetheless.
1 hours later 51985225 Anonymous (9.jpg 201x251 11kB)
They're all by Louis Wain. I think they're very cute. I've destroyed my own art a very very long time ago.
I've tried many things. I think I'm under too much pressure now. Once they label you, there's really no going back.
1 hours later 51985226 Anonymous
Goodbye kind anon. May you find happiness and love and a life full of kind people such as yourself
1 hours later 51985241 Anonymous
I will pay YOU 3,000$ to meet up and let me hug you for 15 minutes, what do you say?
1 hours later 51985273 Anonymous (10.jpg 486x640 140kB)
I'll still be here for some time.
Anon, hugs are way more valuable than that haha. But I'm too paranoid over meeting anyone irl. You'd just hate me. Go read some accounts on how schizos get treated in person. It's not a nice experience for anyone.
1 hours later 51985301 Anonymous (cyber_world.png 670x600 633kB)
1 hours later 51985320 Anonymous
give it too me i have lost 17k in bitcoin gambling over the last 2 years.
1 hours later 51985327 Anonymous
>more valuable than that haha.
That's all I can afford, sorry.
>But I'm too paranoid over meeting anyone irl. You'd just hate me.
It's 15 minutes only. We don't have to talk or meet each other ever again if you don't want to.
1 hours later 51985349 Anonymous
Holy shit care to share your experience in detail?
1 hours later 51985360 Anonymous (11.jpg 385x470 90kB)
You're a kind person, anon.
1 hours later 51985393 Anonymous
idk i'd probably buy some vidya on steam
1 hours later 51985420 Anonymous
I'm not the Anon you're replying to, but could you link such an account? All I am finding are tips for how to talk to schizophrenic people, rather than the experiences people have had talking to them. Whilst I'll likely never meet you in real life, if I run across another schizophrenic person, it may be good to know what to expect.
1 hours later 51985487 Anonymous
Hey, I just want you to know that your life has meaning, I know it may seem harsh right now but please PLEASE don't do anything to hurt yourself, you'll find your happiness one day, life has ups and downs, please don't do anything permanent. Hope you have a good day
1 hours later 51985511 Anonymous
I don't want any money because I don't know what how bitcoins work and don't care. I just wanted to say if I had 50 I would buy a better mic to shit talk discordfags
1 hours later 51985534 Anonymous (Untitled.png 1007x173 37kB)
I don't have any links right now. I think it was a thread on Reddit. Here's one account that stuck with me. Makes me anxious thinking that this could be me one day.
Thank you.
>I just wanted to say if I had 50 I would buy a better mic to shit talk discordfags
Good cause. I hate discordfags too.
1 hours later 51985643 Anonymous (large_23.png 474x315 298kB)
Schizo as in schizophrenia, schizotypal or schizoid?
1 hours later 51985647 Anonymous
>Stop giving out your money man, it makes me sad. Both for you and the pieces of shit who reply.
ditto this is kinda sad, it's like you're throwing out your life's remnants to piranhas.
Go buy yourself a pizza and some cake.
1 hours later 51985678 Anonymous
Huh. I suppose it truly would be a bad idea for us to meet, then. I'd likely act dismissive about any conspiracies you present (that's already how I feel about those photos of the fire you posted). Then I'd feel bad for you having to be this way. I guess I already feel that way even now. It's relatable as I also have trouble letting go of certain feelings (including paranoia) despite consciously knowing they are invalid. Then again, maybe it's not too bad as you seem to seek out pity of your own accord, although I may be mistaken about that. Would you want people to feel sorry for you, or to treat you normally and ignore the paranoia you display, or attempt to take everything you say seriously?
Either way, I don't think it would get in the way of a hug, if you were brave enough to go for one.
1 hours later 51985683 Anonymous (12.jpg 465x596 170kB)
"Paranoid Schizophrenia"
I did all of that too. Spending money on myself doesn't make me feel any better.
1 hours later 51985713 Anonymous
I recognize that pic. Wasn't that drawn by some guy who went insane?
1 hours later 51985719 Anonymous
>"Paranoid Schizophrenia"
Oh, you pulled the short straw.
Enjoy the ride.
1 hours later 51985738 Anonymous
>I recognize that pic. Wasn't that drawn by some guy who went insane?
Not op, but I've seen it on some LSD tabs IIRC.
1 hours later 51985777 Anonymous (13.jpg 300x240 49kB)
>Would you want people to feel sorry for you, or to treat you normally and ignore the paranoia you display, or attempt to take everything you say seriously?
I don't know if it's really pity that I seek. I just want to have nice conversations with anons. But I suppose my life is so sad and pathetic that pity is all I manage to attract haha. I would very much like to be taken seriously, but people have limits, you know. Even other schizos end up getting irritated by me.
>Either way, I don't think it would get in the way of a hug, if you were brave enough to go for one.
I feel like I'd have to earn it, regardless of how much I want it now. If I was a girl, I'd hug a lot, I imagine haha.
Louis Wain. He's made a lot of cute drawings of cats. Too bad people only focus only "le crazy schizo art". Very unfortunate what they did to him.
I'm trying.
1 hours later 51985787 Anonymous
>tfw finally trust Aiste doing this out of good will with zero bad intentions
>tfw dont feel comfortable yet using, and thus supporting a currency whose main feature is logging forever each and all transactions
uguu 50 euros aint that much anyway
1 hours later 51985870 Anonymous (14.jpg 969x1348 1148kB)
It's amazing to me how inflated my capabilities to manipulate and dox people are. I'm actually pretty tech illiterate.
1 hours later 51985882 Anonymous (95f.png 655x509 42kB)
Not much to it really.
>be me
>need money but dont want to wage cuck
>decide to gamble
>dont want to be tracked or deal with taxes and shit
>decide to use bitcoin
>gamble and lose and keep losing
>go to biz to find other cryptos as investments.
>buy 30k ripple when it was less than a cent.
>keep gambling on the side and losing
>even sell all my ripple :(
>btc and cryptos boom
>ripple becomes $3
>tfw when i could have made 100k
>keep gambling and losing money
eventually u lose track and look up boom u have wasted a whole lotta money. i keep playing hoping i can get lucky and get out of the whole
1 hours later 51985902 Anonymous
I see. Thanks for clarifying your feelings on this. Maybe it'll help me treat a person better in the future, if I come across someone like you. I'm also realizing that all this contemplation might trigger your hallucinations, so I should probably stop asking you all these questions.
>I feel like I'd have to earn it, regardless of how much I want it now.
Well, I don't know if you earned it or not, but I want to hug you. It's just how I feel, so it doesn't really matter whether you deserve it or not. Even if this is all an elaborate (and expensive) roleplay and you're manipulating people to feel bad for you, I still want to hug you. Emotions truly are a defect, albeit sometimes a beautiful one.
1 hours later 51985967 Anonymous
I know Ice Tea, I know. Sorry I didnt mean to say that (it was probably your brief association with the aussie hikki neet what made me feel that way). Im unironically very, like very paranoid about digital currencies (that TPTB would have total control of) being the downfall of freedom in the next decades. No one will be safe from Big Brother.
1 hours later 51985973 Anonymous
>very unfortunate what they did to him
What did they do to him?
2 hours later 51986074 Anonymous (15.jpg 365x450 104kB)
>I'm also realizing that all this contemplation might trigger your hallucinations
Don't worry. I don't think that's how it works haha.
Sometimes I feel like I'm a sort of loop. My life revolves around my bazillion issues. I pretty much do nothing else than worry all the time. So all my posts end up being about those things. And when I try to clarify that, I end up dragging everyone down even deeper into the pity hole. Even this post is no different. I need better hobbies haha.
I understand your concern. I really associated with him only in hopes of perhaps getting something from him since he's such an evil person. I didn't get much, so I kind of stopped engaging with him. Plus he said he's already been doxxed in the past, so kind of takes the fun out of it haha.
Attached a bunch of labels to him (which they themselves admit probably were false), paraded him through mental institutions and in the end tarnished his legacy making him nothing more than an "example" of how "crazy" and abnormal schizos are.
2 hours later 51986130 Anonymous
Damn that's pretty sad and i didn't know that. Psiquiatry is bullshit aniway
2 hours later 51986219 Anonymous (ApplicationFrameHost_2018-11-12_22-12-32.png 272x626 99kB)
>I don't think that's how it works haha.
I thought that maybe imaginary situations would do that to you seeing as you said reading fiction does. It's nice to know that isn't the case.
I see what you mean about being stuck in a loop. It's easy to fall in the trap of discussing your issues and trying to find solutions. I feel as though girls would be less likely to make this mistake, for some reason.
Getting some hobbies would be good. I can't recommend much as I, myself, don't engage in many. It's an eccentric idea, but what about making dress designs? You mentioned drawing before, and you like using those waifu-makers, so this might be up your alley.
2 hours later 51986325 Anonymous (16.jpg 1114x1500 542kB)
>I thought that maybe imaginary situations would do that to you seeing as you said reading fiction does
Something as simple as hugging people won't do it. After all, I already fantasize about it very often.
>I feel as though girls would be less likely to make this mistake, for some reason.
I think it would make it so much more bearable. Girls are just much more flexible when it comes to this. Men allow them to get away with more, I think. So it only makes sense.
>It's an eccentric idea, but what about making dress designs? You mentioned drawing before, and you like using those waifu-makers, so this might be up your alley.
Haha. That's a cute idea. Maybe I'll try something. I was mostly into landscapes and architecture. I don't know, maybe I should pick it up again. It's also been quite awhile since I made a nightwalk thread. I should get back to it.
2 hours later 51986349 Anonymous
Feels bad man. I'm sorry for your loss. I guess the only invest what you can afford to lose rule plays here, else you'd have HODL'ed for longer. I will keep that in mind when I join the casino soon.
2 hours later 51986436 Anonymous
I dont know , Aiste . As I've already said many times I'm showing para/schizo symptoms and even the thought of nightwalks terrifies me. Even sleeping alone in a small house is unbearable to me really. I'm still not on the level of mental breakdowns however I have anxiety attacks, we'll see how it goes from here i hope i go truly insane and we can live with each other. Away from society.
2 hours later 51986443 Anonymous
It's great that fantasizing is still something you can do. It's one of the things that makes my life bearable, personally.
>I think it would make it so much more bearable. Girls are just much more flexible when it comes to this.
I'm not sure if you understood me correctly. I meant that if 4chan consisted primarily of female visitors, you'd probably get better replies in these threads (i.e. they wouldn't try to fix your issues, but would instead talk about fun things and distract you from your worries). It's just a stereotype that seems to exist, so I'm not certain how much truth there is to it, but it sounds plausible. I don't disagree with the notion that men allow girls to get away with more either, for what it's worth.
>I was mostly into landscapes and architecture.
That's something I want to try myself. I tried drawing characters before, and it was enjoyable, but landscapes may be more suitable for me. I daydream about them a lot.
>It's also been quite awhile since I made a nightwalk thread.
Certainly. I recall it was still snowed in when you made one a while ago.
2 hours later 51986540 Anonymous (17.png 413x549 331kB)
But those are the best things! It's people that are terrifying. Maybe once you go truly insane you'll start appreciating it haha. Then you can come live with me. This house is too big for one person anyway.
>I meant that if 4chan consisted primarily of female visitors, you'd probably get better replies in these threads
Very very true. I went on crystal cafe once (basically a female 4chan). It has a much nicer atmosphere. I wanted to post there, but larping as a girl is too tiresome and I didn't want to be a fraud.
There's just something so natural about them. They just make sense to me. I love photographing them too. Just haven't done that in awhile.
2 hours later 51986556 Anonymous
I meant landscapes, not women in the last post. I'm not a creep haha.
2 hours later 51986613 Anonymous (images.jpg 227x222 7kB)
oh, its the schizophrenic fag ban evading again, trying to buy popularity with money now? gee, you sure hit a new low, maybe save the money and buy yourself some meds instead of trying to convince newfags that you are a good person because we know the truth, you aren't, the only thing you deserve is eternal suffering
2 hours later 51986628 Anonymous
W E W fucking lad i was about to point it out and say bingo it all makes sense now, the id checks the flashing lights the men following you.
dont worry i believe you 8^)
2 hours later 51986637 Anonymous (18.jpg 570x407 58kB)
Well at least there isn't much lower for me to go. Unless you have some ideas haha. And what makes you think I'm such a terrible person?
I swear it wasn't a freudian slip.
2 hours later 51986643 Anonymous
Yeah people are scary too. I probably have the most cozy friend circle but sometimes I just get paranoid while I'm with them and get really anxious. Also I don't really like them anymore they bore me but don't want to hurt them by ghosting them, they hold me on a pedestal.
2 hours later 51986673 Anonymous
No don't worry I really believe you, obviously you forgot to quote that other Anons text portion about landscapes. This kind of mistakes irl can be very costly, be careful O_o
2 hours later 51986678 Anonymous
I've been to Crystal Cafe as well, though not enough to get a good feel for it. I'm surprised to hear you say that LARPing as a girl would be too hard considering the stint you did on here before. I haven't tried it extensively myself, however, so perhaps I'm underestimating the difficulty. Either way, fair point about it making you sort of a fraud, were you to do that.
Haha, I took it the wrong way before I read this too. I, personally, prefer cityscapes, though. Funnily enough, I like the atmosphere of the so-called "commie blocks", which you likely have plenty of in Lithuania. Nature is relaxing to be in, but it doesn't do much for me when looking at a photograph of it.
2 hours later 51986683 Anonymous (owo.png 512x512 208kB)
Can I receive a blowie behind the closest Maxima store instead of the 50? I don't really need the money
2 hours later 51986746 Anonymous (19.jpg 201x251 13kB)
I've ghosted all of mine. Even a girl that was interested in me.
>they hold me on a pedestal
>I haven't tried it extensively myself, however, so perhaps I'm underestimating the difficulty. Either way, fair point about it making you sort of a fraud, were you to do that.
It can be pretty hard. the longer it goes on the worse it gets. Plus I want to go there for a genuine relaxing conversation. Having to constantly lie would take all the fun out of it. Plus I'm sure people there know what being a girl is like far better so I'd just slip up and expose myself. /r9k/ is fine too. People can be rather friendly here.
Sure. But I hope it collapses while we're at it like the one in Latvia.
2 hours later 51986751 Anonymous
Have you thought of photoshopping 2D girls in real life photos like that popular VK dude? Must be a fun passtime, cute anime girls just feel right with depressing commie block backgrounds. I know I would do it if I had the skills.
2 hours later 51986766 Anonymous
I have a great idea for you to go even lower, like 6 feet lower:
>go to wallmart
>buy camera
>buy shotgun
>buy ammo
>go back home
>start stream
>load ammo into shotgun
>put shotgun in mouth
>pull trigger
there you go, with this, you can go lower than ever, dont forget to stream in 1080p so I can get a good recording to spam here, its not like you will be missed but at least some people who know who you are might get a kick out of it
2 hours later 51986789 Anonymous
not! yes! true! false!
remember yet, darling? my dear? do you?
firmly attached. Do you feel pain?
Bittersswwweet like the 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine on my t0ngue
Excuse me
creepy things
arrogant arrogant arrogant arrogant arrogant arrogant
Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible Terrible
I'm not scared of you! I don't smell anything.
are wa dare da
7690 IF N8>N9 THEN VSA=BCM0,
7700 VTH=0:: VSC=B[M0,1]:: D
8000 STAB[0]="GBWP":: SUNT
8010 GOSUB 1900:: BASE
2 hours later 51986793 Anonymous (2327_nlgyYQ5B.png 600x600 449kB)
>when your persona is so boring and needy of attention that you start using money as primary motivator, just to barely keep popularity alive
2 hours later 51986797 Anonymous (honkd.gif 480x270 1911kB)
If that's how I'm gonna lose my virginity then I accept. See ya in 20
2 hours later 51986808 Anonymous (1505245669823.png 400x267 89kB)
What will you receive in the next round?
2 hours later 51986819 Anonymous (1551628841335.jpg 900x506 185kB)
I actually used to do this a lot. I used to spam jannies with this shit. That's how I got my first rangeban actually.
Thanks. I'll consider it Mr. Edgy Zoomer.
It's a hell of an existence, I tell you.
3 hours later 51986839 Anonymous
To be fair this is not new at all, anons have been doing it for ages in the form of Steam gifts. At least OP is upfront about it, plus he gets a much bigger pool of potential friends.
3 hours later 51986857 Anonymous
don't just consider it, actually do it you fucking pugnant abomination, you are a monstrosity on this earth and I hope only the worst comes to you, I cant wait for the day the mods find a way to rangeban you forever so you can fuck off to another chan and I will never have to lay my eyes on your schizophrenic spewings here
3 hours later 51986873 Anonymous
In my view, withholding information isn't something that should be considered a lie in most cases. If you don't tell them that you're a male, yet refrain from stating that you're a female as well, you could probably skirt by for a while before anyone poses a direct question, requiring you to either lie or reveal that you're a guy. Having said that, I do agree with you on it likely being a taxing facade to uphold, so I'm not suggesting you go there.
Well, I'm going to do something else now. It was nice talking to you, Aiste.
3 hours later 51986965 Anonymous (1551569295839.jpg 852x480 225kB)
You really are a warrior. Telling schizos to kill themselves on the internet.
I'd end up having to lie pretty soon. I don't see just withholding info working longer than just 5 minutes. Nice talking to you too, anon.
3 hours later 51986989 Anonymous
Idk they seem to like me a lot, mostly because i'm weird to them so they find that interesting . Other than that i dont think i have much redeeming qualities in their eyes.
3 hours later 51987078 Anonymous (57820_nY3xYwwK.png 600x600 305kB)
>plus he gets a much bigger pool of potential friends
I bet those "friends" will leave sooner then politicians forget their pre-electory promises. Money is a shit adhesive in this kind of situation.
3 hours later 51987167 Anonymous (22.jpg 300x298 14kB)
I know anonymous posters that give (you)s aren't exactly the same as "friends", but it honestly meant a lot to me over the past few months. I don't care if they come and go. I like speaking with random people. This is the only place where people aren't overwhelmingly mean or manipulative to me. And I get plenty of (you)s without money. I just want to do something nice. I've already spent thousands on myself over the past few weeks and it didn't make me feel any better. So why not give some to the people that actually helped me? Plus maybe it will actually help me overcome my eternal cowardice.
3 hours later 51987175 Anonymous
if you're still giving it out some cash- I recently was fired because of medical issues preventing me from doing most of my work, even though I work from home. I am having a hard time finding work, and I mostly freelance. Unfortunately this isn't enough to sustain me and I am going to have to move back into my parents house. Right now I have less than 100 euros in my bank account. Any help is appreciated. 19QVymn6XwTYm9nuCCCrsCw5pry8uGzRgy
3 hours later 51987185 Anonymous
All I want from you is your discord aiste
3 hours later 51987237 Anonymous
Sorry. Out of coin for today.
Only if you let me dox you.
3 hours later 51987247 Anonymous
Alright, guess I was too late this time
3 hours later 51987263 Anonymous
>Only if you let me dox you.
you can try
3 hours later 51987299 Anonymous
Ill let you dox me ,Aiste all I want is your discord!
3 hours later 51987322 Anonymous
Alright, how about this? Instead of dumping your life's savings onto strangers completely, let's make a deal:
Do you like art? I'll write you a about my favorite artists and you can learn a little about them from me. I do research on them for school so I actually know my shit.
If not art, I can do any sort of autobiographical narrative writing that I think people might find interesting.
I don't want more than 20 euros though. Tbh you could probably ask me to do it for free and I just might, though I'm a little short on time. You seem like you could use a good story, and I don't even know how to accept bitcoin.
3 hours later 51987408 Anonymous (1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.png 600x600 399kB)
I'm honestly done with Discord.
I don't have any other way to send than bitcoin right now. Paypal won't work. I appreciate the offer though.
3 hours later 51987435 Anonymous
>I bet those "friends" will leave sooner then politicians forget their pre-electory promises.
True, in fact many of them have already admitted being new to iceteas threads.
>Money is a shit adhesive in this kind of situation.
Agree, money cant buy friends.
Ive been posting in your threads for a while. Many reasons, partly because Im kind of lonely, because I honestly think youre an interesting person, because I relate to some of your issues and (ex) beliefs, because once you said you kind of wanted friends and attention without committment and I wish I could do the same (though it only works one way here since you dont know me) and because le sunk cost fallacy meme I cant leave now >:^( I need to know where this ends. Is it ok if I consider you a friend? I know theres at least someone else who feels that way.
>spent thousands on myself over the past few weeks
What did you buy if I may ask?
>overcome my eternal cowardice
When and if you decide to end it all go to 8ch /suicide/ board, it has good advice. Theres are a some painless and reliable methods out there.
3 hours later 51987457 Anonymous
I am having trouble paying off my student loan debt. My family has extensive medical bills. Sister has a shunt and needs brain surgery. Probably needs repair work on it, acting erratic lately and it was installed in 1995. Cousin is undergoing chemo for stage 4 cancer and just had an operation to remove it. Grandpa survived cancer but is old and tired. Primary breadwinner. Grandma's dead. My mom is in prison. My dad has a gambling issue and would be homeless if not for charity and support.
I want to study medicine and be a doctor. I have acceptance letters that I keep in a shoebox under my bed and stare at at 2 AM. I work as a delivery driver because I feel guilty asking my grandpa for 10 bucks for gasoline. A full day's work minus gas costs nets me 12 dollars in profit on average. That's enough for one combo meal at Carl's Jr. My sister does sex work.
3 hours later 51987570 Anonymous
What other means of communication would be possible with you besides these threads you make. I ll let you dox so you can hold something over me , this will assure your safety and you will never be afraid of me.
3 hours later 51987590 Anonymous (1553777696955.png 600x600 185kB)
It's okay to consider me whatever you want. I honestly have little control over what people think of me and I don't care. I know I'm an attention-whore and all the other things people say about me. But looking from my perspective, how I'm perceived here is the least of my worries. I hate when people are mean to me, but I will endure all the shit just for a single nice interaction like this. I literally have nothing to lose. I wish I could approach this some other way, but you're right about the sunken cost fallacy. I'll sink with the ship now, but at least I'll have "friends" while I do it, no matter that they're not really real.
>When and if you decide to end it all go to 8ch /suicide/ board, it has good advice
Been there haha.
Sorry. Out for today.
None that I care for.
3 hours later 51987657 Anonymous
It's fine. Appreciate the (You) either way.
Best of wishes, anon
4 hours later 51987741 Anonymous (1534327639152.png 540x674 326kB)
>I'll sink with the ship now, but at least I'll have "friends" while I do it, no matter that they're not really real.
Ah, I'll sink with you then, fren
4 hours later 51987810 Anonymous (00х.png 600x600 341kB)
I hope you have nothing to lose then.
4 hours later 51987951 Anonymous
I don't think I have something important to lose. I'll accompany you in your venture to hell through these threads, and if you ever come out of it maybe you'll have a real friend after that, if not I'm ok with watching your descent into it anyway.
4 hours later 51987957 Anonymous (55844_UDp9jQfX.png 600x600 105kB)
Why are you interested in people at all then? I doubt you receive anything in return.
4 hours later 51987970 Anonymous
Wait is this gazzette?
4 hours later 51988100 Anonymous (ddd.png 600x600 179kB)
Then let's go! You can abandon me once I start believing that my milk is from the future haha.
I receive nice interactions. As sappy as it sounds, I like nice, fuzzy and cuddly things. Or "drooling" as my mother would call it. That's one reason I want to be a girl. They get to have it without any stigma. It makes me feel really good when I get a cute reply, even if they're "larping" or something. At least for a moment it makes my paranoia feel very distant. It's almost orgasmic.
4 hours later 51988173 Anonymous (55514_yp9CVFuA.png 600x600 70kB)
In your place, if I had plenty of money with no use, I'd be doing investment opportinities research, or at least deposits. Or build a gaming rig at least. But since you have a condition, I'll just wish you good luck and kindly fuck off. Not like anyone would care if you or me disappeared.
4 hours later 51988180 Anonymous (1554103354762.jpg 425x425 31kB)
>once I start believing that my milk is from the future haha.
But that's just the warm up!
4 hours later 51988245 Anonymous (Untitled2.png 1717x291 29kB)
I bought a gaming laptop, but don't even play anything. Oh well. Good luck to you.
I've already had some mean idiot ruin one friendship of mine with a list all my "delusions". So if you want to laugh or back me up, here goes.
4 hours later 51988272 Anonymous (31973106b35252bbfb68dfe8fe2901cd.png 564x564 636kB)
die die die die die die die die die die die die die die
4 hours later 51988289 Anonymous (Untitled3.png 1304x753 135kB)
And I addressed all of his points in case you're wondering.
4 hours later 51988325 Anonymous
Gaming laptops are a meme, unless you're ready to pay 2k or more. Plus regular rig is twice as cheaper, easier to maintain but still retains the same specs.
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