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2018-12-23 05:37 50005853 Wittgenstein (1237121_732208066806375_1142890839_n.jpg 960x540 45kB)
Have you ever had a concussion originally?
0 min later 50005867 Anonymous
Yeah and unironically it was during a soccer game, in gym class. The next class period after, I had science, and I found it super hard to pay attention, I was even forgetting how to form sentences. I felt like a retard.
2 min later 50005888 Anonymous
Yeah. Dumb friend decided to turn left while in the wrong lane and got T-boned by a guy driving 30 mph over the speed limit. Impact was right where I was sitting. Lost consciousness for a while and drifted in and out of consciousness for the next hour while the EMTs were questioning us
7 min later 50005955 Anonymous
I got one after walking on the kitchen counter tops when I was 10. Guess I fell off. Woke up in my bed with my mom and sister standing by me telling me not to fall asleep.
8 min later 50005978 Wittgenstein (a-medical-illustration-of-types-of-traumatic-brain-injury-16X9-1024x576.jpg 1024x576 83kB)
How on. You went to class right after getting a concussion?
>getting in and out of consciousness for one hour
Holy shit, were you bleeding hard?
9 min later 50005998 Anonymous
I was fucking my sissy in the shower and he slipped and hit his head he was out for a solid 5 minutes but I kept fucking him
10 min later 50006018 Anonymous
Yes I did, I didn't say anything about it because i didn't want to make too much of a fuss (also social anxiety)
11 min later 50006021 Wittgenstein (aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXZlc2NpZW5jZS5jb20vaW1hZ2VzL2kvMDAwLzAzOS84NDcvb3JpZ2luYWwvc2h1dHRlcnN0b2NrXzEwMTAwMDcwNy5qcGc=.jpg 660x522 40kB)
>Guess I fell off. Woke up in my bed with my mom and sister standing by me telling me not to fall asleep.
Not going to sleep after being concussioned is a myth. It doesn't change anything if you fall asleep or not.
18 min later 50006139 Anonymous
2. Once I was helping build a barn and I got knocked off some scaffolding, fell like 15 feet. The other time I was loading a truck and an I beam fell, hit me in the head and knocked me off it.
I mispelled words for like a year.
23 min later 50006222 Wittgenstein (pe-anatomybrain1.jpg 340x403 97kB)
>Yes I did, I didn't say anything about it because i didn't want to make too much of a fuss (also social anxiety)
Imagine literally getting concussioned and not doing anything because you're too shy to talk about it. Lol
>fell like 15 feet.
Holy fucking shit m8.
>I mispelled words for like a year.
Did you also get amnesia?
57 min later 50006683 Anonymous
I've had like 4. They're not that bad. They suck, but it's not the worst that could happen
If there's an upside I might have something in common with Tom brady
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