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2018-12-23 05:37 50005853 Wittgenstein (1237121_732208066806375_1142890839_n.jpg 960x540 45kB)
Have you ever had a concussion originally?

0 min later 50005867 Anonymous
Yeah and unironically it was during a soccer game, in gym class. The next class period after, I had science, and I found it super hard to pay attention, I was even forgetting how to form sentences. I felt like a retard.

2 min later 50005888 Anonymous
Yeah. Dumb friend decided to turn left while in the wrong lane and got T-boned by a guy driving 30 mph over the speed limit. Impact was right where I was sitting. Lost consciousness for a while and drifted in and out of consciousness for the next hour while the EMTs were questioning us

7 min later 50005955 Anonymous
>>50005853 I got one after walking on the kitchen counter tops when I was 10. Guess I fell off. Woke up in my bed with my mom and sister standing by me telling me not to fall asleep.

8 min later 50005978 Wittgenstein (a-medical-illustration-of-types-of-traumatic-brain-injury-16X9-1024x576.jpg 1024x576 83kB)
>>50005867 How on. You went to class right after getting a concussion? >>50005888 >getting in and out of consciousness for one hour Holy shit, were you bleeding hard?

9 min later 50005998 Anonymous
>>50005853 I was fucking my sissy in the shower and he slipped and hit his head he was out for a solid 5 minutes but I kept fucking him

10 min later 50006018 Anonymous
>>50005978 Yes I did, I didn't say anything about it because i didn't want to make too much of a fuss (also social anxiety)

11 min later 50006021 Wittgenstein (aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXZlc2NpZW5jZS5jb20vaW1hZ2VzL2kvMDAwLzAzOS84NDcvb3JpZ2luYWwvc2h1dHRlcnN0b2NrXzEwMTAwMDcwNy5qcGc=.jpg 660x522 40kB)
>>50005955 >Guess I fell off. Woke up in my bed with my mom and sister standing by me telling me not to fall asleep. Not going to sleep after being concussioned is a myth. It doesn't change anything if you fall asleep or not.

18 min later 50006139 Anonymous
2. Once I was helping build a barn and I got knocked off some scaffolding, fell like 15 feet. The other time I was loading a truck and an I beam fell, hit me in the head and knocked me off it. I mispelled words for like a year.

23 min later 50006222 Wittgenstein (pe-anatomybrain1.jpg 340x403 97kB)
>>50006018 >Yes I did, I didn't say anything about it because i didn't want to make too much of a fuss (also social anxiety) Imagine literally getting concussioned and not doing anything because you're too shy to talk about it. Lol >>50006139 >fell like 15 feet. Holy fucking shit m8. >I mispelled words for like a year. Did you also get amnesia?

57 min later 50006683 Anonymous
>>50005853 I've had like 4. They're not that bad. They suck, but it's not the worst that could happen If there's an upside I might have something in common with Tom brady

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