4chan archive /r9k/ (index)
2018-12-23 05:12 50005550 Anonymous (npc.jpg 640x480 28kB)
>Be me legendary hacker
>Go to the NPC creation center
>Hear knocking on the door
>It's Tumblr
>Send NPC 3899498 and 273978
>Go to Kroger
>Ask if they have any more NPC parts for sale
>They say no
>Hack FBI helicopters so the crash into Kroger
>walk home
>Look up
>300 Npcs are trying to login into 4chan
>One of them passes the captcha and Makes this post.
>Hacks Tumblr so it says NORMIE SCUM.
13 min later 50005701 Anonymous
OP is a cumskin nigger
1 hours later 50006727 Anonymous
is he a cumskin or a nigger now?
2 hours later 50007489 Namefagging OP
>Angry cumnig detected
Both. Only a cum-mut like you would ask that.
0.567 0.031