4chan archive /r9k/ (index)
2018-12-23 04:55 50005321 Anonymous (ylyl1.jpg 800x521 116kB)
I fucking hate you guys and this place. Its so fucking pathetic, toxic and depressing but yet it's our home.
Merry Christmas
2 min later 50005364 Anonymous
Fable doth be in vogue, brother.
5 min later 50005411 Anonimous (1509828141564.gif 600x600 931kB)
Merry Christmas to you too anon.
And fuck this "be original" bullshit.
13 min later 50005503 Feliz Natal (f990dea074d894308bfe489f712e80ce.jpg 736x574 64kB)
Merry Christmas, lads
I wish I had a family that cares and a girlfriend to celebrate and go to a christmas mass with
53 min later 50006028 Anonymous
that has to be the most depressing christmas photo in the world
56 min later 50006091 Anonymous
>tfw all I've been doing is browsing /r9k/ and /adv/ for the last 2 days.
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