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2018-12-23 02:56 50003864 Anonymous (desu_tiem 124.jpg 385x429 62kB)
Anyone else enjoy making robots feel bad and sad? Schaudefreude?
1 min later 50003885 Anonymous (1541451587534.jpg 720x569 39kB)
Do you by any chance have BPD?
4 min later 50003906 Anonymous
>thinks she has any effect on males
7 min later 50003932 Anonymous
whenever some smug faggot on here tells me to kill myself it actually inspires me to go on living just so i can spite him and feel self satisfied about it
>b-but your life is sad!
>y-you-you're gonna d-die alone
get fucked nigger
27 min later 50004162 Anonymous
unironically enjoy giving advice when it applies to the situation in hopes a robot makes it out, even if i get (You)s calling me a normie and to fuck right off. had my own friend help me out years back and i just want to pay it forward. making other people feel bad is lame bro
31 min later 50004225 Anonymous
you are too good for this place.
(wait how the hell is this not original?)
36 min later 50004280 Anonymous (arn.jpg 292x173 4kB)
nah unfortunately my advice is pretty limited and usually isnt very helpful/relevant but thank you. if you have any issues i hope you can work through them anon. we're all gonna make it
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