4chan archive /r9k/ (index)
2012-09-06 01:26 3675263 Anonymous (dog.jpg 450x800 305kB)
When did it become acceptable to state that you browse 4chan and to spread internet memes irl? Today, I heard some faggots talking about 4chan being such a 'bad' website and saw another faggot wearing a "Cool Story Bro" shirt. I then saw the clubs that were available at my school and saw a mlp 'brony and pegasis' club

1 min later 3675278 Anonymous
apparently that became acceptable a long time ago op, don't know were you've been

2 min later 3675282 swami
when did it not

6 min later 3675326 Anonymous
Back in 2008 or so, when the Chanology bullshit happened.

9 min later 3675349 Anonymous
summer exist since the dawn of time

10 min later 3675366 Anonymous
>>3675263 >See a Justin Beiber lookalike wearing a "fuck yeah" meme sweatshirt that had "like a boss" incorrectly as the caption. >Resist the urge to sack him. >Remember when memes were accepted on 4chan and actually funny. >Feel sad.

10 min later 3675371 Anonymous
It never did. People are just faggots.

11 min later 3675378 Anonymous
>>3675326 pretty much this. Started out with everyone saying "epic"

14 min later 3675415 Anonymous
>Be today >Good friend tells me of an acquaintance of ours >We both find him incredibly hipsterly annoying and pretentious, but tolerable >Get told he bought a t-shirt with some dolan duck/goofy pls comic on it >From this day forth I vow to deny his existence, and to smite memes when they leave the realm of the internet. Needless to say, I was indeed mad.

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