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2014-04-12 03:52 11295612 Anonymous (richhh.jpg 500x516 70kB)
...so? What's yer total?
1 min later 11295630 Anonymous
Wow I actually owe them money
4 min later 11295651 Anonymous
33% higher than the average woman.
4 min later 11295659 Anonymous
>caught doing something that you shouldn't have been doing
>done something you regret
>peed in the pool
Has anyone not done these?
6 min later 11295677 Anonymous
This plus 10.50
6 min later 11295681 Anonymous
seven dollars
6 min later 11295683 Sticky
$41.50 I think
So numbers don't count in making a post original apparently
7 min later 11295685 Anonymous
9 min later 11295704 Anonymous
man, I'm just too drunk to add these up right now
i did: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 16, 18, 19, 20 (probably, can't remember it though), 21, 22
10 min later 11295713 Anonymous
>And the total with be your title
what are you even talking about
13 min later 11295737 Anonymous
67.50 plus tip. now what?
15 min later 11295756 bb
whatever that is minus 5
23 min later 11295839 Anonymous
thirteen dollars even.
>a drug
2 hours later 11297028 Anonymous
1 No
2 No
3 No
4 No
5 No
6 No
7 Yes +2 USD
8 Yes +0.5 USD
9 No
10 No
11 Yes +2 USD
12 No
13 No
14 No
15 No
16 Yes +1 USD
17 No
18 No
19 No
20 No
21 Yes +1 USD
22 No
6.5 USD
2 hours later 11297037 mvx
>tfw too beta to pee in the pool because I was afraid of that red ring bullshit they told us about before lettting us in the pool
2 hours later 11297070 MentallyillHomosexual
>Done something you regret
Does that stack or is it a one time payment? Because if it's per regret I'm fucked.
$33.50 if it's just charged once. Either way that translates to about 20 pound so I'm still fucked.
2 hours later 11297074 Anonymous
$27 if you count unrequited love from a female aquaintaince that loved me back but we have no chance of making it work
2 hours later 11297081 Anonymous
Wow my self worth is so high
2 hours later 11297090 Anonymous
>and the total with be your title
nigga wut
2 hours later 11297118 Anonymous
I feel so normal
2 hours later 11297221 Anonymous
$63.50 Feels pretty normal.
2 hours later 11297250 Anonymous
I guess I'm some sort of degenerate or something
2 hours later 11297265 Anonymous
>Skinny dipping
>Got caught doing something I shouldn't have
2 hours later 11297270 Anonymous
6 motherfucking dollars.
2 hours later 11297308 Anonymous
I'm normaler than I thought.
2 hours later 11297340 Anonymous
>tfw $3
Is that good or bad?
2 hours later 11297372 Anonymous
45 bucks.
>with be your title
2 hours later 11297460 Anonymous
>Kissed a grill
>cheated on test
>sleep in class
>fist fight
>peed in pool
2 hours later 11297491 Anonymous
could count being arrest altho i dont think it was.
2 hours later 11297499 Anonymous
24 dollars
it's okay funbots your past doesn't mean anything about you personally
you're all worth 100 to me!
3 hours later 11297534 Anonymous
I tried really hard to be a normal but I couldn't keep up the persona. Back to NEEThood again.
3 hours later 11297728 Anonymous
peeing in pools is gross guys don't do it. I can't swim in public pools they are too disgusting
3 hours later 11297764 Anonymous
I think most people have done these before they hit 20.
3 hours later 11297791 Anonymous
>Got drunk
>Been in a fist fight
>Stole something
>Cried self to sleep
>Been in love (unrequited love counts, right?)
>Got caught doing something I shouldn't have
>Peed in the pool
3 hours later 11297825 Anonymous
$20, didn't count been in love though it could vaguely count.
>20 yrs old
3 hours later 11297873 Anonymous
$51.00, sure wish I had some more opportunities in life for public nudity now.
3 hours later 11297981 Anonymous
$41 bitches
Still kissless virgin
Just a drug fiend.
4 hours later 11298202 Anonymous
>No skinny dipping
>No expulsions
>No fist fights
>No crying self to sleep
>No streaking
>No arrests
>No spin the bottle
4 hours later 11298218 Anonymous
Man I don't even really have enough to clear my library fine
4 hours later 11298234 Anonymous
Holy fuck, how do you guys, like, have life experiences
4 hours later 11298261 Anonymous
$32 dollars not counting peeing in the pool. I peed in a Mormon baptism pool and deserve more than $0.50 for that.
4 hours later 11298268 Anonymous
>have had sex
>get drunk often
>have kissed opposite and same sexes
>fell asleep in class
>have stolen
>have done drugs
>dye hair regularly
>cry self to sleep a few times a week
>have been in love
>have been caught doing things I shouldn't have been doing
>have made out
>have peed in pools
>have played spin the bottle
>regret my entire life
4 hours later 11298292 Team Glasses
Feels normalfag as fugg
4 hours later 11298297 Anonymous
Fuckyouharriet. Why is this mootbloxed?
4 hours later 11298301 Anonymous
$13, assuming multiple counts don't add up.
If multiple counts do add up, I could keep listing regrets until I get tired of it.
Now then.
4 hours later 11298323 Anonymous
Could be worse I guess but hey.
4 hours later 11298324 Anonymous
$34 bucks flat.
4 hours later 11298339 Anonymous
Fell asleep in class
Done drugs
Cried yoursel to sleep
Caught doing something
Peed in pool
5 hours later 11298621 Anonymous (yohomes.png 500x531 620kB)
$57.5 bloxin' toxin'
5 hours later 11298685 Anonymous (1375972332233.gif 301x300 971kB)
Mostly regrets and drugs, getting drunk, etc
Nothing with grills nothing at all
5 hours later 11298690 Anonymous
What's my title?
5 hours later 11298705 Anonymous
Maybe things haven't gone so bad!
>I don't even have that amount in my bank right now
Oh wait....
5 hours later 11298744 Anonymous
Check my 63.
5 hours later 11298754 Anonymous
If they did then every post quoting someone would be original.
5 hours later 11298977 Anonymous
Cray cray I know
6 hours later 11299066 Anonymous
75.5 for me, not that bad actually.
6 hours later 11299080 Anonymous
Shit, I'm nothing but a dirty degenerate
6 hours later 11299089 Anonymous
43 Dollaridoos, man. That's my total.
6 hours later 11299110 Anonymous
My life is fucking miserable.
6 hours later 11299129 54m50n
and yet I'm still a total loser who will probably be here for the rest of his life
9 hours later 11300246 Anonymous
Bout tree fiddy.
No but seriously, $19 dollars. Everyone here is more normal than I first thought.
9 hours later 11300269 Anonymous
But the kiss was from first grade
>tfw two 5 year old girls fought over me
9 hours later 11300281 Anonymous
>kissed someone of the opposite sex
>cheated on a test
>fell asleep in class
>been in a fist fight
>stole something
>done drugs
>cried yourself to sleep
>got caught doing something that you shouldn't have been doing
>made out with someone
>played spin the bottle
>done something you regret
$32.50 :^)
9 hours later 11300288 Anonymous
Legitimately $5, can anyone beat that?
9 hours later 11300289 Anonymous
$56.50 here
anyone else had a lot of experiences?
9 hours later 11300315 Anonymous (Uniform_polyhedron-53-t01.png 800x800 21kB)
9 hours later 11300362 Anonymous
Mah niggas
Life is good
9 hours later 11300365 Anonymous
Welp, looks like I got $42.50
>tfw regardless of the shit I've done, I'm still a virgin NEET
9 hours later 11300402 Anonymous
Not bad.
not original
9 hours later 11300406 Anonymous
I take cash or check.
9 hours later 11300417 Anonymous
A mixed bag for sure
9 hours later 11300429 Anonymous
$53 Master race reporting in. Fuck rules and regulations I neet how I want.
9 hours later 11300434 Anonymous
I... I've done all of those things
9 hours later 11300435 Anonymous
Might as well list them:
Got Drunk (7)
Went Skinny Dipping (5)
Stole Something (2)
Cried Yourself To Sleep (1)
Been in Love (4)
Got Caught... (1)
Got Arrested (5)
Done Something You Regret (3)
9 hours later 11300437 Anonymous
What's the point of this and why did I just participate?
9 hours later 11300455 Anonymous
I can't even buy an Xbox game from 2008 at Walmart.
9 hours later 11300470 Anonymous
reminder if your total is more than $10 you are not r9k
9 hours later 11300487 Anonymous
but drugs and getting drunk are /r9k/ traditions
Robots also tend to regret everything, often smoke and fall in one sided love with every girl they meet
9 hours later 11300495 Anonymous
Welp, might as well just tie my noose now.
9 hours later 11300521 Anonymous
had sex
got drunk
kissed someone of the opposite sex
cheated on a test
been expelled (from university)
stole something
cried yourself to sleep
been in love
made out with someone
done something you regret
9 hours later 11300526 Anonymous
20 bucks
now what
10 hours later 11300545 Anonymous
No they're not you fucking normal-fag
10 hours later 11300553 Anonymous
Closest I've come to falling asleep in class was pretty much asleep with my eyes open, then I made one of those muscle jerk movements and ripped a sheet of paper, sound woke me right up
10 hours later 11300564 Anonymous
If you've never taken drugs, smoked or got drunk to escape your pain and sorrow then you are not /r9k/
10 hours later 11300577 robot2000
Done most of them
10 hours later 11300605 Anonymous
>people complain about how filthy public pools are
>swim in the sea where there is fish piss/shit, billions lbs (and pounds) worth of cocaine, oil and other shit
If arrested includes being put in a cell for 6 hours for theft then 56.5
10 hours later 11300613 Anonymous
been in love
got caught setting off a firework in school
done something I regret
11 hours later 11300989 Anonymous
Well, it was fun.
11 hours later 11301010 Anonymous
$7 (got drunk)
11 hours later 11301017 Anonymous
So original ohmahgawd
11 hours later 11301045 Anonymous
What is this? Are you going to pay me for being awesome or is this my normalfag fine?
11 hours later 11301075 Anonymous
Eh. I guess.
fuckyouoriginalcommentfilteryoufilt hysonofawhore
11 hours later 11301114 Anonymous (_1393938054251.jpg 125x125 18kB)
>cheated on a test
>stole something
>cried yourself to sleep
>peed in the pool
>done something that you regret
I've really lived quite a life
11 hours later 11301135 Anonymous
I'm a normie #yolo
11 hours later 11301153 Anonymous
11 hours later 11301193 Anonymous
>26 even
>ctrl+f streaking
>nobody else
come on anons, live a little.
12 hours later 11301318 Anonymous
>Got drunk
>Cheated on a test
>Fell asleep in class
>Got expelled
>Stole something
>Dyed my hair during the emo craze of 2005-7
>Cried myself to sleep
>Got caught doing bad things
>Peed in a pool
>Regret my life
12 hours later 11301329 Anonymous
>>come on anons, live a little.
tfw self image issues.
12 hours later 11301347 Anonymous
$43. But some of that shit on that list is edgy high-school level shit. My life is boring as fuck.
12 hours later 11301362 Anonymous
>tfw poorfag in quality of life
12 hours later 11301371 Anonymous
>some of that shit on that list is edgy high-school level shit
Don't go raining on my parade now, my edgy phase is all I have.
12 hours later 11301373 Anonymous
>The total with be your title
12 hours later 11301389 Anonymous
But I had 29 years to do it....
12 hours later 11301395 Anonymous
$3.50 for peeing in a pool and doing something I regret.
12 hours later 11301399 Anonymous
$87. Damn I'm the most normalfag of /r9k/ apparently. I only just lost my virginity at age 22 last year.
17 hours later 11304233 Anonymous (dollars.jpg 500x516 100kB)
see pic for my stats
17 hours later 11304244 Anonymous
How did that happen? I'm 22 now and kind of depressed that I'm older than the college kids in my town.
17 hours later 11304249 Anonymous
37, but I feel like I should count number 22 multiple times.
17 hours later 11304274 Anonymous
Only things I haven't done are skinny dipping, been expelled, went streaking, peed in a pool, or played spin the bottle.
17 hours later 11304314 Anonymous $14.50
I have cried myself to sleep, but it was only because I was a hormonal edgy angsty teen and had been thinking about death.
I don't know if that's better or worse than having cried myself to sleep over some slut.
17 hours later 11304328 Anonymous
Never gotten drunk, smoked cigs or have done any drugs but i've still been arrested, had sex, been in love and all that relationship jazz.
But I guess I have done drugs if I've gotten a shotgun of weed. Does it count if you've never gotten high?
18 hours later 11304348 Anonymous
I cried myself to sleep while I was drunk, manic, and trying to deal with the epiphany that if I didn't turn myself over to the authorities, I'd likely kill myself if I didn't die alone, miserable and never having known love.
Surely it's more pathetic to cry yourself to sleep from sheer self-pity and selfishness than over someone you loved or your own mortality.
18 hours later 11304370 Anonymous (1377511782830.png 468x361 36kB)
im not living my life correctly
18 hours later 11304455 Anonymous
>tfw you're a neckbeard NEET shut-in
>tfw you still scored highly
Where did it all go so wrong?
18 hours later 11304472 Anonymous (eGo1NmV5MTI=_o_welcome-to-the-nhk-welcome-to-the-nhk.jpg 512x288 37kB)
Should I get off /r9k/?
18 hours later 11304494 Anonymous
Can I use it to buy more beer?
18 hours later 11304496 Anonymous
>black boxx
18 hours later 11304543 Anonymous
51$. It means nothing though because negatives and positives are both worth a lot. I cant see anything that would be measurable from that list
1.322 0.101