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2013-03-12 06:07 9014041 Anonymous (image.jpg 640x424 57kB)
You walk into school through the cafeteria doors to start your day at high school. You notice a few kids in the cafeteria chatting about ponies and anime, and some others doing homework. You walk through and turn the corner to walk down the hall. You go aways without seeing anyone, and you stop at your locker. You grab your books, and head back to the cafeteria. You step back inside. Everyone is gone. You look around. All you see is piles of paper and pools of blood everywhere. You look back into the hallway and see a classmate torn apart and spread all over the hallway, blood everywhere. At the end of the hallway you see faint shadow of a pony, and Pinkie's giggle. HOW FUCKED ARE YOU?

1 min later 9014092 Anonymous

2 min later 9014123 Anonymous
You never gave us the unique conditions like the other threads. We are all equally fucked.

2 min later 9014126 Anonymous
Well, since she managed to kill a bunch of people in a matter of moments, I'm guessing I'm as good as dead.

3 min later 9014153 Anonymous
>>9014041 >start your day at high school We're all equally fucked because we would be banned from posting here

3 min later 9014156 Anonymous
>>9014123 How are we all equally fucked? It's just pinkie pie.

6 min later 9014224 Anonymous
Sorta, my high school had the cafeteria is near the chemistry lab and had some chemicals to make napalm and stuff and i had anarchist cookbook.

14 min later 9014467 Your Friendly Neighborhood Anon
Mines got two so I'm going to assume the one still connected to the building so I just run out the glass door near where I am standing/ smash through if needed and run home Nopeing all the way. No time to grab my bike.

14 min later 9014469 Anonymous
>>9014224 You used gasoline and styrofoam?

17 min later 9014563 Anonymous (___1359855827290.jpg 1024x768 717kB)
>Throw Pinkie the dragon dildo strap-on I keep in my backpack for this specific scenario >Spread asshole wide open >MyBodyIsReady.jpg

23 min later 9014750 Anonymous
>LE PINKIE IS INSANE BECAUSE CUPCAKES WAS SUCH A GOOD FANFIC! XDD KILLER PONIES ARE THE BEST BECAUSE THEY'RE DARK LIKE ME 0_o XDDD This is actually my least favorite part of the fandumb. The headcanon shit about the mane 6 secretly being homicidal horses

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