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2013-03-12 06:00 9013853 Anonymous Twilight's Ascension (262046.png 1037x1150 250kB)
This was simply the most important moment in the series and it was not fair that it had less than one episode dedicated to show it. At least we can all agree on that, right?

1 min later 9013900 Anonymous
To be fair, it will have three episodes, the other two are the season 4 premiere

1 min later 9013905 Anonymous
The new kid's book actually deals with her adapting to it. It also says Cadance was a pegasus orphan before she became an alicorn.

2 min later 9013926 Anonymous
As an avid Twilicorn hater, can we just please shut up about it? Nothing will change no matter what we do. We bitched and moaned for weeks, but it's over. We got one episode, there is no reason to speculate otherwise. It just makes more drama.

2 min later 9013931 Sardonic (1352673231334.jpg 327x277 20kB)
Sort of? Should have been cooler. Should have had more episodes.

3 min later 9013937 Anonymous
>>9013853 OMG finally someone with knowledge on this board! Just kidding you butt

5 min later 9014003 Anonymous
>>9013905 That book was shit. It also just goes and contradicts half the shit that S3 displayed. I would hardly count it as canon.

8 min later 9014091 Anonymous (twicarrot.png 212x314 38kB)
>>9013926 >Not letting people be excessively dramatic.

10 min later 9014145 Anonymous
>>9013853 Yes, who doesn't? Now let's move on.

49 min later 9015275 Anonymous (1355282678517.png 186x345 82kB)
>>9013926 >>9014145 >not wanting discussions >on a forum

51 min later 9015323 Anonymous
>>9013853 Twilight got a show about how she died and clone with wings took her place. Her death represents Hasbro telling Bronies "Twilight, the main character is dead, please go be cancer to some other fandom while we return to our target demographic, Little Girls" RIP Twilight

54 min later 9015404 Anonymous
>>9015275 it's because they're too mad and after crying endlessly they want to ignore it. We're never allowed to actually discuss things because 'omg it was so bad dat I rage!'

57 min later 9015477 Anonymous
>>9013900 This needs to be common knowledge in /mlp/ already.

58 min later 9015498 Anonymous
>>9015404 Every thread gets an infinite number of posts, even if it hits bump limit. Why can't you people ignore the babbys and continue your discussion. Though if I have to tell you this, you're probably one of them.

59 min later 9015529 Anonymous
>>9015477 People stopped believing in McCarthy when it became obvious she's Devil's advocate for Hasbro.

1 hours later 9015739 Anonymous
>implying Twilight is an important character to me No, we can't. Plus, odds are that if RD ever makes it into the wonderbolts or Rarity moves to Canterlot, it'll be treated even worse on the basis of them not being part god or the main character.

1 hours later 9015997 Anonymous
>>9014003 Ya, I am with rage anon on this one, that book was pretty useless, and OP does bring up a good point, one episode for this big of a bomb shell seems pretty bizarre (and there was that contradicting Hearts Warming Eve weather symbiotic relationship thing). Even if they threw 2 more eps to get her used to it it seems pretty strange.

1 hours later 9016117 Anonymous
>>9013853 I would've been okay with dropping one of the other episodes this season for that episode to be a two parter, but instead we got this and the FiM equivalent of a body swap episode rolled into one. I liked the episode, but it was really rushed. At least there's going to be a part two and three.

1 hours later 9016304 Anonymous
>>9015997 It is, specially when you consider the fact that her brother's wedding received one episode and a half. If you count it as Cadence's introduction though, it's worse considering the first character shown got less of a crowning ceremony than some pink derp.

2 hours later 9016732 Anonymous
>This was simply the most important moment in the series Disagreed.

2 hours later 9016840 Anonymous
>>9016732 The protagonist has her dream come true, she has reached her ultimate goal and is now an equal to her teacher. What could be more important?

2 hours later 9016844 Anonymous
>>9016732 It's at least one of the most important. What do you think is the most important moment?

2 hours later 9016953 Anonymous
It was an attempt at an overarching storyline, but in combination with the slice-of-life format of the show, and the fact Twilight wasn't the main focus of the show after S1, marks it as one of the worst creative decisions from the writers.

2 hours later 9016972 Anonymous
>>9016953 >from the writers Are we sure this wasn't Hasbro's doing?

2 hours later 9017028 Anonymous
>>9016972 Nope, I'm pretty sure the writers have stated that this was all them and while Hasbro gave them the Alicorn Twilight toy to incorporate into the show, it was the writers decision to implement it in this fashion.

2 hours later 9017051 Anonymous
>>9016304 That is a good point, considering that nether of them are even considered secondary characters. Yet, they received about two episodes of their marriage seems a bit excessive in comparison. The fact that they only used one episode (well really only half) to change a main character is pretty insulting to all the writers that spent time developing that character.

2 hours later 9017057 Anonymous
>>9016840 >The protagonist has her dream come true >Citation Needed >>9016972 For sure, for sure? Probably never, the way they've been required to say things that haven't been true. Meghan claims this was entirely her idea, though.

2 hours later 9017182 Anonymous (1291408749612.jpg 536x315 63kB)
>>9017028 Hasbro pls GO

2 hours later 9017365 Anonymous (vlcsnap-2013-03-12-02h30m51s78.png 640x360 190kB)
>>9017051 mah zebra >>9017057 Are you dense? First, Twilight said just getting into Celestia's school "was a dream come true". Second, Meghan eats from saying whatever Hasbro tells her to. On an unrelated note, I found Octavia's father.

2 hours later 9017425 Anonymous
>>9016840 as far as i know the show never mentioned twilight wanted to be a princess. She just wanted to learn magic.

2 hours later 9017449 Anonymous
>>9017365 From what I could gather from Cutie Mark Chronicles, Twilight saw Celestia raise the sun with her magical prowess, and decided she wanted to become just as powerful a wizard as Celestia. Her whole livelihood was studying magical spells and incantations, it was Celestia's grand scheme to groom her into a princess.

2 hours later 9017466 Anonymous
>>9017425 I always thought her aspiration was to learn magic and be a good student to Celestia. Not sure what her life goal is though.

2 hours later 9017481 Anonymous
>>9013900 >>9015477 You're forgetting that we have to wait for an unknown amount of time(likely several months, maybe until the end of this year) to even get the names of the next two episodes. I agree with OP though, MMC and the Discord episode needed second episodes, as it stands they're both horribly rushed.

2 hours later 9017634 Anonymous
>>9013900 >>9015477 >>9016117 All the twitter said is that she feels that the Coronation is a three-parter, she could mean that MMC feels like three episodes and just leaves it like that to calm the nerd-rage for who knows what reason. Also... >>9015529 >>9017365 >Second, Meghan eats from saying whatever Hasbro tells her to.

2 hours later 9017758 Anonymous
>>9017634 Does anyone have a link to or cap of what that tweet said? I though she made it clear that it was a part one of three.

2 hours later 9017766 Anonymous
>>9017365 >Octy's daddy. No fucking, no interest.

2 hours later 9017833 Anonymous
>>9017758 I have the link but it won't let me post...how do I get 4chan to lemme post a direct link to a tweet??

2 hours later 9017853 Anonymous
>>9017758 I don't have a link or image, but she said, "I consider this week's episode to be part one of three. Bronies just won't be able to see the other two parts for a while."

3 hours later 9017896 Anonymous (conspiracy tard.jpg 400x300 42kB)
>>9017365 >>Second, Meghan eats from saying whatever Hasbro tells her to. We've seen MA Larson openly criticize Hasbro on his Twitter and keep his job, yet his boss can't? Yeah, sure. You're just in denial about the fact that the writers don't hate Twilicorn as much as you do.

3 hours later 9017899 Anonymous
>>9017758 >>9017853 "But it will be worth the wait," she said in addition. Do you trust her, Anon? Do you?

3 hours later 9017900 Anonymous
>>9017833 Shorten it here: derpy.me

3 hours later 9017936 Anonymous
>>9017899 Yeah, I do. She wrote some of the best episodes of MLP. I see no reason to distrust her now.

3 hours later 9017937 Anonymous
>>9017899 I trust that the show staff like that we're enjoying the show and would rather not displease us. Not sure about each of them individually, but I know they want to try and keep us around if they can.

3 hours later 9017938 Anonymous
>>9017900 If anyone's still interested in a direct link: http://derpy.me/tltBK

3 hours later 9017990 Anonymous
>>9017938 >I consider the season finale of #MLPFIM a 3-parter. #bronies just won't get to see parts 2 and 3 for awhile. But it will be worth the wait. >won't get to see parts 2 and 3 for awhile. I'll interpret that as them wanting to expand on the finale's details in the premiere. I still have hope that they could make this okay.

3 hours later 9018028 Anonymous (130828471635.gif 300x256 21kB)
>>9017634 >>9017758 >>9017896 >>9017990 >>9017938 I stand corrected.

3 hours later 9018053 Anonymous
>>9018028 I'm surprised you can stand at all, Twily...what with all the fun you and Shining Armor had last night.

3 hours later 9018061 Anonymous
>>9017990 Yeah, that really sounds like damage control.

3 hours later 9018077 Anonymous
>>9017990 Fuck that, I don't give a shit about expanding on MMC...they should use the premiere to follow up on Applebuck Season, gaddambit

3 hours later 9018086 Anonymous
I'm fairly sure things were rushed because they weren't sure there would be another season. Season 3 was only 13 episodes. It took a while before word of a Season 4 came down. With a shortened season and no guarantee, there may have been concern about there not being another season to work with. So, they had to finish off the season with the potential of it being a series final rather than just a season finale, just in case. Twilight's ascension was probably a premise they had in mind early on, maybe even since the series' inception, but was supposed to be a sort of wrap up. If they have fully done the ascension as planned over 2 episodes instead of just one, there would have likely been a definite feeling of "the series is over now, everything has been resolved" and would have had trouble explaining things if another season came along and potentially lost viewers. With a single episode, they could get the idea out and if the series did end, it would end on a note that at least felt like an ending (rather than completely dropping off, like some shows). Plus, without the "fullness", if they did get another season (like they have), they'd be able to pick up the story again more easily without making viewers think the show had already ended. This is something many shows do. And considering how many other things were resolved/hinted at in season 3 (Rainbow with Scoot, Trixie and Discord, and some others), it does feel like the writers were being cautious of such a turn.

3 hours later 9018108 Anonymous
>>9018061 Haha yeah, Remember when it was a huge shitstorm leading up to the finale? And then everyone thought it not only was it not horrible, it may have been pretty good? Stop and think. The biggest complaint now is that we didn't get enough of it, not that it happened. I guess that's what happens when the vocal minority is a bunch of self-important man-children though.

3 hours later 9018140 Anonymous
>>9018108 Can't say I blame them for being scared though. This change could be awful if they fumble it.

3 hours later 9018179 Anonymous
>>9018108 Actually, I'm pretty sure people still think it's horrible, both in concept and execution. Only it's been a month since the episode aired, so people have moved on.

3 hours later 9018214 Anonymous
>>9018108 I dunno about that, from what I've seen outside of /mlp/ the episode itself is still "love it or hate it".

3 hours later 9018219 Anonymous
>>9018140 Or people could calm down and suck down a xanax and realize it probably won't even be mentioned outside of the main "story" premieres/finales. There will be her being a Princess and what it means for the premiere, what her new responsibilities are, and then a joke or two about someone treating her different, a Rainbow Dash flying adventure episode, and then back to status quo. People thinking the show is going to revolve around it now need to get a grip.

3 hours later 9018275 Anonymous
>>9018179 I hold as much weight to the people saying they're done watching the show as the people who boycott Left 4 Dead 2 and Modern Warfare 3 and were on the game the day of release. This is all just nerd rage and bluster because people have nothing better to do than be cynical and over analyze very simple material. How much do you want to bet 99% of the people who got butt bothered by Princess Twilight will continue watching the show?

3 hours later 9018306 Anonymous
>>9018086 Yeah except there was a LEGIT leak from an anonymous staff member that not only confirmed the rumors of Alicorn Twilight but that the writers were absolutely disgusted with the idea and were forced into it by Hasbro to sell the damn toys. /r/equesting leddit source before someone else does.

3 hours later 9018326 Anonymous
>>9018219 And thus, what sparked the debate for 3 weeks since the episode aired comes to light. People who think there's a happy medium between having the show not changing and yet still having this change existing at the same time. People who think it's going to change the show for the better because they hated how the show was stagnating and Twilicorn is a fresh start. and people who think this will change the show for the worse because it disrupts the status quo and places too much focus on Twilight, making the other 5 less important.

3 hours later 9018340 Anonymous
>>9018086 agreed 65 episodes is the standard for syndication. If you look at Hasbro's track record, many of there shows do not last very long. MLP is an exception cause of the fandom.

3 hours later 9018380 Anonymous
>>9018326 And it's going to be like this until we start getting S4 info. The magnitude of shitstorm this caused here and other pony places still makes me laugh. Nothing is more fun then watching a fandom collectively explode over changes like this.

3 hours later 9018397 Anonymous
>>9018275 I wager a lot, since most people are reasonable and are willing to give the writers a chance to redeem themselves, especially after they've gotten our general reaction. That and most fans are too invested in the series to stop because 1/6th of the show took a bad turn.

3 hours later 9018401 Anonymous (vlcsnap-2013-03-12-03h32m12s5.png 640x360 213kB)
>>9018108 No the biggest complaint is that it happened NOW instead of the last season. If the show lasts for six seasons or more, we would spend more time with Twilight as Princess stories than how she got there, like how it was originally planned and what we were here to see. I mean, you know how much impact Celestia's Ballad would have had in the LAST season?

3 hours later 9018423 Anonymous
>>9018401 That's part of what has me perplexed. What can they do to end the series now?

3 hours later 9018429 Anonymous
>>9018380 Some people just want to watch the world burn.

3 hours later 9018435 Anonymous
>>9018423 Easy. Rainbow Dash gets came in.

3 hours later 9018473 Anonymous
>>9018423 One of the Six gets a boyfriend.

3 hours later 9018475 Anonymous
>>9018401 So you say that Celesia singing had an impact, yet you don't have faith that they could ever top that. That is textbook cynicism. That's what makes it a personal problem to the people bitching about it. They skip cautious optimism and go right into nerd-rage sky is falling mode. Calm your tits, if you even could stand the finale then you'll probably go right back to liking it when its a full 24 episode season again.

3 hours later 9018480 Anonymous (187145__UNOPT__safe_applejack_image-macro_reaction-image.png 500x601 363kB)
>>9018435 see pic >>9018423 Twilight succeeds Celestia but honestly they're gonna have to think outside of the box for the series Finale to live the standards the show has set itself.

3 hours later 9018506 Anonymous
>>9018275 Ever considered that the people who boycott things and the people who ultimately buy them are two different groups? Yeah, the boycotts always fail, but I think you're making an unjustified assumption here. There are a lot of people, products can easily be successful even if some people really do never buy/watch/whatever again. I haven't gone back on my promises but Capcom is still in business and DLC's more common than ever.

3 hours later 9018507 Anonymous
>>9018423 I can see either they kill off Celestia (or she steps down) making Twilight the new ruler, or have Twilight give up her powers in some way to save the world.

3 hours later 9018519 Anonymous
>>9018480 That would take a few seasons of good set up for it to make sense that she would step down after so long.

3 hours later 9018526 Anonymous
>>9018423 Rainbow Dash joins the wonderbolts, Rarity opens a shop in Canterlot, group chemistry is never the same and they all slowly drift apart until suddenly 20 years have passed and Twilight gets them all back together again but AJ can't make it because she's busy on the farm so it feels incomplete but then they realize they don't even know each other anymore anyway so they disperse after 45 minutes of awkward forced conversation.

3 hours later 9018548 Anonymous
>>9018475 Actually, I believe what you quoted is cautious optimism. Reference the shitstorm on /mlp/ when Twilicorn was announced to see real nerd-rage sky is falling mode.

3 hours later 9018555 Anonymous
>>9018519 I see the show having a couple of more seasons and one movie at least.

3 hours later 9018572 Anonymous (1339651312045.png 270x305 49kB)
>>9018435 >Contest: submit your OC and it will appear in the show! >last seconds of the show >the sun rises and light enters RD's bedroom >there's a stallion with her >he speaks >"Truly, this is the greatest moment in history". >his cutie mark is: /co/ >voiced by Sethisto . He finally went to bed. With Rainbow Dash.

3 hours later 9018583 Anonymous
>>9018555 Be awesome if they could somehow manage to end the series with a nice long movie that ties everything up and leaves us content with where all of them ended up.

3 hours later 9018597 Anonymous
>>9018506 I was referencing the infamous image of the "Boycott L4D2" or "Boycott MW3" steamgroup that showed the overwhelming majority of the players in those games on launch day. People still shut up and eat their spoon fed shit, because they like it they just want to be assholes on the internet.

3 hours later 9018607 Anonymous
>>9018583 Nine hours ought to do it.

6 hours later 9020081 Anonymous
>>9018506 You also have to take into account the primary target audience: Little girls. MMC was particularly popular among this demographic, which indicates the episode was still a success regardless of how divided the adult audience is. The worry is Hasbro may view this as evidence that whatever contrived bullshit they pushed into the show will still be acceptable among these children and will continue to do this post-S3.

14 hours later 9024907 Anonymous (232808.jpg 1000x2374 935kB)
>>9020081 That's been nagging me for a while. If Hasbro decides there are no significant loses by neglecting the adult fandom, they might stop caring and make the episodes go full commercial, with toys inserted everywhere. Imagine Applejack's farm truck appearing one day in all it's pink plastic glory.

14 hours later 9024984 Anonymous
>>9020081 >>9024907 Just because the episode was a bit crunched doesn't mean the show is going to become an 80s toy commercial jesus christ We have been and always WILL BE a secondary audience. This show has been made for little girls from the start, and will continue to be made so. Lauren wanted to make a show for little girls that wasn't stupid, not a show for young adult men. Even the writers said that Hasbro is glad to work with the studio on stuff.

19 hours later 9031336 Anonymous (249101.png 500x616 95kB)
Something that saddens me is that, probably we won't see an episode with TS just contemplating the implications of being a princess, her reacting like a real person to it. Like back in Season 1. Not saying it was perfect, but the ponies were less a caricatures than what they have become now.

19 hours later 9031895 Anonymous
>>9017466 Well considering she was in magic school, she probably wanted to become a magician. Or maybe she doesn't have any goals and is just worst pony.

19 hours later 9032011 Anonymous
>>9018108 Actually, a lot of people still think it's horrible. Only mindless fanboys seem to think it was any good.

19 hours later 9032068 Anonymous
>>9024984 Yeah, but the show IS getting a lot more stupid now.

19 hours later 9032109 Mzuark (What just happened.jpg 553x720 139kB)
Where the hell was this thread hiding all day? Also, there ARE two more episodes on the way. So it's not too fair to talk about Twilight's Acension without the sequels.

19 hours later 9032119 Anonymous
>>9032068 ...And how exactly was it brilliant before?

19 hours later 9032158 Anonymous
>>9032109 >Twilight sitting Oh god....why can't it be my face under there...

19 hours later 9032228 Anonymous (1350097621160.jpg 273x273 21kB)
>>9032119 This, this right here. It's a fucking little girl's show about candy colored talking horses who sing about cheesy shit and it STILL is.

19 hours later 9032388 Anonymous (84644.png 563x771 339kB)
>>9032119 >>9032228 >this kills the Lauren Faust If you didn't think the show was above average then why did you watch it? >inb4 fan of the fandumb

19 hours later 9032448 Anonymous (retards.jpg 624x837 90kB)
>>9032388 You know, I am fanatically devoted to this show. And I have to constantly denounce it just to prove how stupid these doomsayers are. You have no idea, how painful that is.

19 hours later 9032450 Anonymous
>>9031336 I'm pretty sure they are gonna iron out every detail of alicorns and princesses so that they can move onto the rest of the season in peace

19 hours later 9032564 Anonymous
The finale was shit. The idea of Twilicorn is shit but could still turn out ok. So I'm taking predictions. My prediction is that for 80% of S4 they will basically ignore the princess thing. The eps will basically be normal aside from the fact that Twilight will have wings. We'll probably get the odd ep where Twilight is dealing with princesshood or some other way it directly relates to the issue at hand. The only thing that I'm worried about is that she might he wearing that damn crown all the time from now on.

20 hours later 9032955 Anonymous

23 hours later 9037208 Anonymous

23 hours later 9038529 Anonymous
>>9018086 So, lets say this scenario was true, and the ending was rushed as a result of the writers believing it was a finale. Then the first logical step after being cleared for more seasons would be to undo the finale portion of the finale.

28 hours later 9043189 Anonymous
>>9038529 It was all a wet dream!

29 hours later 9043428 Anonymous
I like how usually Pegasi are supposed not born with the ability to fly, and takes them years to learn how to use them, but Twilight knew right off the bat.

29 hours later 9043441 Anonymous (1353045982504.png 700x700 19kB)
>>9043428 Hey, who knows how much time there was between the ascension and coronation. Maybe she got lessons off-screen. Oh who the hell am I kidding, they just didn't care!

29 hours later 9043443 Anonymous
>>9043428 Magicks, ain't gotta explain that

29 hours later 9043459 Anonymous
>>9043441 they cared, just not enough to care >>9043443 but if you aint gotta explain it then why did you?

38 hours later 9048790 Anonymous

43 hours later 9054575 Anonymous (its_magic_ain't_gotta_explain_shit.png 640x360 173kB)

43 hours later 9054717 Anonymous
>>9013853 It should have been spread out in three episodes, but all at the end of the s eries.

43 hours later 9055254 Anonymous (vlcsnap-2013-03-13-19h47m10s140.png 640x432 196kB)
>>9054717 It should have had a whole season build up, with the last episode as an epilouge. It would have made me cry like a bitch. Like in Fist of the North Star, where the Final Battle takes elements from all the important parts of the story and happens with the glorious original fanfare in it's full version. Now THAT is how you finish off a series.

45 hours later 9057950 Anonymous (1362742279982.jpg 500x266 38kB)
>>9031336 >>9043441

45 hours later 9058085 Anonymous
>>9018108 Your words are hollow. People want "more" because too much happened with too little explanation, not because they liked what they got. Not all logic is transitive.

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