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2013-03-12 05:54 9013697 WolvesNight What's up (image.jpg 3264x2448 2440kB)
Hi everybody. I'm just sitting at a Taco Bell near LAX airport waiting to pick someone up. How is everyone doing?

1 min later 9013742 Anonymous
>>9013697 OCfag here, nothing much. Just testing out a mic I borrowed from a friend. Want to try my hand at "Let's Read"s and maybe attempt some Anon in Equestria stories if I can get it down.

4 min later 9013832 WolvesNight
>>9013742 I've never tried any sort of RP, but perhaps it's something I can do when I have free time like now. I just feel silly when I try to start. Like when I hear the mlp theme song haha. It is strange at MEPS because Orange County Marines have their own office but all other branches just have one...(military entrance processing station)

5 min later 9013844 Anonymous
>>9013697 I am doing okay, thanks for asking OP you butt

6 min later 9013876 WolvesNight
>>9013844 Haha np also nice dubs

8 min later 9013936 Anonymous
>>9013832 Actually, there are several air force offices from what I've seen. Been to one in LA, Mission Viejo, and I think Irvine.. or somewhere near there.

9 min later 9013944 SHA512 (1361156285036.png 800x800 528kB)
Writing a fanfiction about Greenrob and his friends, along with a few other members of /mlp/

11 min later 9014023 Anonymous
>>9013944 who now?

11 min later 9014026 WolvesNight (image.jpg 3264x2448 2099kB)
>>9013936 I don't mean recruiting offices, I mean the headquarters of the recruiting offices I guess you could call it...they have you do a physical, job interview, that sort of thing haha, and each branch has its own office inside

13 min later 9014077 SHA512
>>9014023 A bunch of DeviantArt autists. >http://arse-bandit.deviantart.com/ journal/Fan-Fiction-The-Autistic-Fo ur-incomplete-358816572 I'm Rob Swire

14 min later 9014111 Anonymous
Where are you from OP?

15 min later 9014135 Anonymous
>>9014077 wat

16 min later 9014171 WolvesNight (image.jpg 3264x2448 1607kB)
>>9014077 I wish I could draw. I'd draw like everyday, and have more people to talk to since I could talk about art stuff with other artists haha, 3 art classes and still can't draw anything!

16 min later 9014172 SHA512 (snug life.jpg 460x315 24kB)
>>9014135 Read, my anonymous friend. It'll explain everything.

17 min later 9014193 Anonymous (1353368897077.png 945x945 160kB)

18 min later 9014203 WolvesNight
>>9014111 Northern part of Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley to be specific. How bout yourself?

18 min later 9014207 Anonymous
>>9014111 Trips demands an answer, OP

18 min later 9014216 SHA512
https://docs.google.com/document/d/ 11UBOapv9Cs9Y_91FCrf9Jbs5mQKf6w-Dw6 X42RAphD0/edit?usp=sharing Have a gander at my part, if you want.

20 min later 9014260 WolvesNight
>>9014207 But I did! Also brb, the person I'm picking up just called.

20 min later 9014292 Anonymous
>>9014203 Not that guy, but I'm from Orange County; Mission Viejo. Its about 15 minutes away from Irvine.

22 min later 9014352 Anonymous (Check em.jpg 433x432 36kB)
>>9014216 Guess who

24 min later 9014388 SHA512 (rob swire.jpg 807x645 69kB)

26 min later 9014456 Anonymous (Check them swag.gif 400x400 164kB)
>>9014388 Nice so far And nice dubs

27 min later 9014481 Anonymous
>>9014388 >dubs

27 min later 9014495 SHA512 (1361179842694.jpg 680x653 102kB)
>>9014456 Off by one.

29 min later 9014556 Anonymous (check em 6.jpg 800x505 60kB)
>>9014495 I still haven't started on mine Kinda going for a batman story GET IT PATRICK BATeMAN HAHAHA! no but seriously hope we don''t get deleted before this is finished

30 min later 9014600 Anonymous
>>9013844 >>9014077 >>9014111 >>9014388 Nice dubs

32 min later 9014635 SHA512 (1360577601468.gif 176x144 2390kB)
>>9014556 I just hope the autists have no idea how to use the report button. As long as no assholes try to ruin everything by bawwing to the mods, we should be fine.

32 min later 9014639 Anonymous
>>9014600 >>9014111 christ almight did this thread derail

33 min later 9014687 Anonymous
>>9014639 >almight

34 min later 9014707 Anonymous
>>901463 Most likely

34 min later 9014727 WolvesNight
>>9014639 Yeah I was just driving for a few minutes lol! Oh well, yeah I'm kinda far I think 2 hour drive from Irvine

35 min later 9014754 Anonymous
>>9014727 Ouch. Do you attend any of those Socal brony meet ups? There have been a couple threads about it that I've seen. Couple anons apparently went.

40 min later 9014892 Anonymous
>>9014203 Oh shit OP. I grew up in Burbank, east part of the valley. Haven't been back there in over a decade...

55 min later 9015274 WolvesNight
>>9014892 It is probably worse now than when you were here. Great place to use coupons though!

56 min later 9015311 WolvesNight
>>9014754 No, I'm a fairly new fan of the show. I did attend a furry meet up once at Hollywood...not exactly my type of people for the most part, since I'm not a stereotypical fan haha, I am considering a meet up again though!

1 hours later 9015475 Anonymous
>>9015311 I went to a couple Furry meets in my time; namely the infamous "Prancing Skiltaire" and San Diego Lake Murray meet; LMFAO. Same people, different place. Could be worse. Considering going to one again just for old times sake. It's been a year now since I've quit being a furry anyway. I'd only be going to reconnect with a couple friends.

1 hours later 9015680 WolvesNight
>>9015475 Yeah I lost interest in it as well. I mean, heck I'm on a brony board just to find new friends. I did the same thing with furry stuff. Mostly because my current friends are few and scattered (I just moved to Canoga Park after not living in San Fernando in 6 years) so yeah. Never went to PS, could not drive when I wanted to go and still can't on my motorcycle really

1 hours later 9015810 Anonymous
>>9015680 Ha, you're living near Chatsworth; It's where my gran used to live, before she passed. We still make regular trips to my aunt out there though.

1 hours later 9015960 WolvesNight
>>9015810 Yep right near Chatsworth, I used to live at Topanga and Devonshire, and still ride motorcycles with someone from there, I'm just glad I'm not living in Simi Valley anymore tbh

1 hours later 9016141 WolvesNight (image.jpg 3264x2448 2515kB)
Well alright everyone, OP has to go to a Marine base tomorrow morning to pick up a trailer My Skype if anyone wants to chat later or w.e: zanzilfire

7 hours later 9020571 Anonymous
>>9016141 see you later, anon. I'll see if I can add you or something

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