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2013-03-12 05:50 9013576 Anonymous (168857__UNOPT__safe_vector_silver-spoon_artist-90sigma.png 591x600 112kB)
You have just watched an episode where Silver Spoon was struck and killed by a train. What happened in the episode, how was the subject dealt with and what was your reaction?

1 min later 9013623 Anonymous
Silver Spoon was struck and killed by a train Meanwhile important things happen

5 min later 9013731 Anonymous
>>9013576 Applejack reflects on her parents, which she went back in time to do with Twilight's help. People mourned for Silver Spoon, but sadly, they just couldn't give her voice actor the salary she was looking for and ultimately had to cut her... just like Percy Harvin.

6 min later 9013734 Anonymous
I would probably be unnerved and a little scared that a very warm children's show had taken such a dark turn.

9 min later 9013826 Anonymous
>>9013576 heard that she's being replaced by Ashton Kutcher

9 min later 9013842 Anonymous
When the hell did this happen?!

10 min later 9013854 Anonymous
Then the necrophiles of 4chan would come out.

11 min later 9013868 Anonymous
>>9013854 that was redundant

12 min later 9013921 Anonymous
>>9013868 You're redundant.

13 min later 9013929 Anonymous (1339968425961.png 500x330 17kB)
>>9013854 >implying they wouldn't cum in.

14 min later 9013975 Anonymous (05.jpg 300x278 11kB)
>>9013929 Captcha: lolat implying

15 min later 9013989 Anonymous
Initial reaction: Surprised MLP would go this dark. >>9013842 It's a theoretical question.

15 min later 9014006 Anonymous
I have to wake up for work in less than 4 hours, but I can't miss out on pony ponying.

19 min later 9014118 Anonymous
Diamond Tiara finally shows her soft side when she repeatedly breaks down in tears over the death of her only friend. Cheerilee tries to console her, but to no avail. The Cutie Mark Crusaders come along and try to be nice to her.

21 min later 9014162 Anonymous
>>9014118 Then she shoots up the school Coltumbine

32 min later 9014507 Anonymous
>>9014118 I can't be the only one who wants to see Diamond Tiara in a tender moment of feel. Apart from my exgf, no-one is all bad.

1 hours later 9015413 Anonymous
Seriously what the fuck is that Silver Spoon crap Who the fuck has a freaking spoon for a cutie mark HOW THE FUCK IS 'SPOON' EVEN A TALENT REALLY REALLY WHAT THE FUCK

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