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2013-03-12 05:41 9013360 Anonymous (claire.png 500x375 309kB)
Who is best filly and why?
1 min later 9013392 Anonymous
>No green fillies
2/10 would not masturbate furiously to
2 min later 9013416 Anonymous
scootaloo because i would fuck dat ass
inb4 24hour ban
3 min later 9013432 Anonymous (jeff_start_the_van.jpg 640x435 49kB)
Chicken one looks cute, other are too underage.
3 min later 9013444 Anonymous (1358715541065.png 600x675 66kB)
Silver Spoon is best filly
5 min later 9013502 Anonymous
Scootsies, because her VA has got some titties and looks so omg hawt in that SKIRT URGHHHH!!!!
6 min later 9013520 Anonymous
Ok, 1...2...3... Stupid face!
7 min later 9013538 Anonymous (tumblr_lthz5rCm8K1r2eva2o1_500.png 500x474 117kB)
8 min later 9013591 Anonymous (___1360297180510.gif 440x187 1109kB)
That fucking Pip
12 min later 9013664 Goldiecest (Silver_Spoon_Problem.jpg 873x911 78kB)
20 min later 9013896 Anonymous (sweetie_belle_by_thenaro-d4d4doo.png 894x894 130kB)
sweetie bellz is best filly.
how can u not c this?
23 min later 9013970 Anonymous (1358479917809.png 1550x1650 218kB)
>best filly
>posts Sweetie and not Silver
25 min later 9014044 Anonymous (tumblr_m4k4e0onP91rtzl8mo10_500.gif 450x250 33kB)
2 more years until Scootaloo's legal to fuck
26 min later 9014057 Anonymous
Shhh... Keep it down you don't want to wake up Mando, do you?
26 min later 9014072 Anonymous (sweetie_belle_by_jade_green_13-d582l1k.png 671x976 475kB)
silver aint shit
she hardly has any lines & no character develop.
just like the fags who like bg pones
also clair is uber cute u cant say that abput ur va
27 min later 9014088 Anonymous
you would probably blow it even if u hit it off
27 min later 9014109 Anonymous (MandoPedo.png 250x270 101kB)
Wanna tango with the mando?
28 min later 9014143 Anonymous (Silver_Spoon_Spoon.jpg 900x900 112kB)
posting more best filly, because this thread has shit tastes.
29 min later 9014163 Anonymous
Why Silver Spoon? Just curious.
30 min later 9014176 Anonymous (1358464774299.png 995x802 260kB)
We fillies now
30 min later 9014181 Anonymous (1361940102253.jpg 680x707 98kB)
Speaking of fillies, anyone have that image with Scootaloo captioned 'Now this is scooting'? I can't find it on Google (or get it out of my head)
Pic unrelated, it's all I have since my HDD crashed ;a;
31 min later 9014210 Anonymous (1358473668891.png 612x595 160kB)
Why would I like a blank flank?
31 min later 9014223 Anonymous
Oh god damnit, I hate LoL but this fits so well...
32 min later 9014225 Anonymous
shit tier asshole. She does not have even tenth part of Trixie's charm.
34 min later 9014298 Anonymous (Silver_spoon_glasse_weee.png 1411x1080 1309kB)
>implying Trixie is a filly.
34 min later 9014299 Anonymous (1362291182587.gif 380x304 1471kB)
Yeah I couldn't help it
35 min later 9014351 Anonymous
She is an asshole. So they play for the same team.
god, i love trixie
37 min later 9014398 Anonymous (1360554934465.jpg 500x543 114kB)
They could be friends, but SS is still superior.
I've wanted to use this for so long. Thank you Anon.
38 min later 9014426 Anonymous (Meanwhile at EqD Headquarters.gif 390x330 3086kB)
39 min later 9014440 Mean Mr. Milkman (sweetiebelle_bmgga.jpg 304x563 31kB)
>Best filly?
Sweetie Belle
Sweetie Belle
40 min later 9014483 Anonymous (Babs_'Sure'_S3E04.png 1280x720 314kB)
I know I'll get dogpiled, but I've taken a quite a liking to Babs Seed lately. I even like her accent and design.
41 min later 9014527 Anonymous (Silver_Spoon_in_Socks.png 1182x621 2941kB)
Best filly after SS
42 min later 9014553 Anonymous
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5UO 8zWWIBE
42 min later 9014554 Anonymous
That's cool. I still think she's ugly as shit, but good for you that you can appreciate her.
43 min later 9014586 Anonymous
Why Silver Spoon, of all ponies?
43 min later 9014591 Anonymous
We had an 'why do you hate Babs?' thread yesterday, and it turned out that quite a lot of people thought she was best filly, as well as the only good part of Season 3.
45 min later 9014632 Anonymous
I don't like her for the same reason people don't like hipsters: she's trying to appropriate the cultural capital of the CMC without earning.
45 min later 9014641 Anonymous (Babs_Seed_smiling_S03E08.png 1280x720 293kB)
Thanks. TBH her episodes started to make me like the CMC episodes a bit more than the regular episodes.
45 min later 9014654 Anonymous
scootabuse should be reserved for babs
46 min later 9014674 Anonymous
I just feel like she doesn't add anything to the group.
46 min later 9014675 Anonymous (daawww_babs_seed__by_felix_kot-d5oljnc.png 900x1200 160kB)
Yeah, I was in that. I think I was the one who posted the "Only good part of S3" thing, actually.
46 min later 9014692 Anonymous
48 min later 9014758 Anonymous (Babs_'we'd_never_get_a_minute_to_just_hang_out!'_S3E08.png 1280x720 319kB)
She probably gets it a lot in Manehattan anyway.
I'm not sure, but she actually seems a little like a "voice of reason" kinda character. The bullying thing was just a mask, she's actually kinds shy, isn't she?
49 min later 9014780 Anonymous (sweetie_belle___am_sorry_by_kooner01-d4f7nzk.png 1081x739 167kB)
S-so what?
50 min later 9014805 Anonymous
Perhaps.We haven't seen her as a full-fledged member of the CMC yet. We'll see how she acts in the inevitable S4 CMC episodes.
52 min later 9014852 Anonymous (1358457234855.png 420x404 130kB)
I want Babs Seed to leave.
53 min later 9014867 Anonymous
I want Babs Seed to come into my bed.
53 min later 9014869 Anonymous
Why would i want to fuck filly with spoon on her ass when i can stick any cutie mark i want on swetty bell?
54 min later 9014900 Anonymous (babs_seed_vector_by_theirishbronyx-d5m4w4d.png 791x1010 125kB)
Perhaps. It'll make interesting viewing.
mini-marshmallow pls
55 min later 9014939 Anonymous
What if babs have crush on one of the crusaders and she just wants to separate them?
57 min later 9014962 Anonymous (1358836465340.png 1024x1877 245kB)
b-bacon mane...
57 min later 9014974 Anonymous
57 min later 9014982 Anonymous
>tfw it's Applebloom
>tfw she wasn't bullied for not having a cutie mark; she was bullied for wanting to fuck her cousin
59 min later 9015018 Anonymous
Sweetie Belle is best filly because of that marshmallow pussy.
>Use chocolate syrup as lube
>cum inside
>eat her out
>tastes like smores, just needs graham crackers.
1 hours later 9015049 Anonymous (1358473744298.png 580x606 333kB)
If I told you that I don't hate you, will you stop crying?
You filthy blank flank
1 hours later 9015094 Anonymous (babs_seed_by_lunwere-d5m14n3.png 1477x1513 191kB)
Then the shippers'll go wild, we'll learn a lesson about how you can't keep someone all to yourself just because you love them, and Hasbro will be besieged by enraged Fundies.
Are we RPing? 'Cause I wasn't RPing.
1 hours later 9015097 Anonymous
1 hours later 9015138 Anonymous (1360480827112.png 835x600 294kB)
Don't say Anon never gave ya nothin'.
1 hours later 9015144 Anonymous (1359233264549.jpg 160x187 7kB)
can we filly fool?
1 hours later 9015149 Anonymous
Omg its a loop. I forgot how to stop them. Dam you c++ you dont make sense!
1 hours later 9015228 Anonymous (1358464637697.png 1600x1200 1449kB)
1 hours later 9015235 Anonymous (sweetie.jpg 258x195 8kB)
SS is worst filly
>pic related
1 hours later 9015335 Anonymous (1358875909583.png 2400x2600 334kB)
1 hours later 9015482 Anonymous (1357709590236.jpg 960x540 107kB)
>pic related
1 hours later 9015523 Anonymous
Why do people call her retarded? What stupid stuff has she done again"
1 hours later 9015537 Anonymous
1 hours later 9015570 Anonymous
How about all that stupid shit she did to Rarity, like ruin her sweater.
1 hours later 9015649 Anonymous (1361679350538.jpg 1200x675 80kB)
Why is there no apple pone?
1 hours later 9015654 Anonymous
Oh, the stuff in Sisterhooves Social? I thought that was just her being young.
1 hours later 9015663 Anonymous
she was birthed
1 hours later 9015669 Anonymous
She attracts faggots who spam "MANDO PLS LOL" all over the place.
1 hours later 9015679 Anonymous (feeldeal.jpg 633x465 68kB)
she did it to help her
do u even feel???
1 hours later 9015703 Anonymous (dropped.jpg 265x250 20kB)
At some point you have to realize you're making shit worse and just stop. At this rate she'll turn into pony Ben.
1 hours later 9015729 Anonymous
maddy peters, because the other two are just immature little girls
1 hours later 9015751 Anonymous
too late
1 hours later 9015788 Anonymous
mando pls
1 hours later 9015807 Anonymous (1361306852981.png 899x1200 332kB)
She's still best filly though
1 hours later 9015841 Anonymous
Okay, I asked for that.
She's a cute little LemonPone.
6 hours later 9020373 Anonymous (Worst Pony.png 2114x1080 646kB)
Twist is best filly
lol jks
6 hours later 9020408 Anonymous (AB.png 784x660 50kB)
You know what's up. Best filly.
7 hours later 9020588 Anonymous (silver spoon grin.png 1000x1000 204kB)
I never had a favorite filly, but I'm afraid I have to agree with Silver Spoonfag. I kind of love her now, based solely on the fanfic I've been reading about her. The one where she becomes Rarity's love slave and slowly gets more mentally damaged.
Yes, I am a colossal faggot, thanks for noticing.
7 hours later 9020667 Anonymous (shocked_sweetie_belle_by_erisgrim-d52in1r.png 894x894 168kB)
best filly here
7 hours later 9020710 Anonymous (.gif 538x502 45kB)
Scoots is cool.
8 hours later 9020909 Anonymous (1362902864074.gif 260x146 582kB)
Anon always delivers
9 hours later 9021369 Anonymous (apple_bloom___blowing_in_the_wind_by_bobthelurker-d52ks20.png 900x1165 217kB)
Disgusting lack of Applebloom itt. Fuck mando drama. We all know she is best filly.
9 hours later 9021478 Anonymous (special.png 863x1080 150kB)
you say that yet you don't provide link. What is wrong with you?
9 hours later 9021482 Anonymous (1363067908181s.jpg 125x70 2kB)
9 hours later 9021543 Anonymous
9 hours later 9021553 Anonymous (1362261082244s.jpg 125x92 2kB)
10 hours later 9021571 Anonymous (1362795112812s.jpg 125x70 1kB)
bump for more best filly
10 hours later 9021575 Anonymous (1332459650878.png 827x942 118kB)
Sweetie is the cutest, Scoot is the best.
10 hours later 9021595 Anonymous
How about Scootaloo is the cutest and the best
10 hours later 9021624 Anonymous (133286848645.png 545x540 177kB)
She is very close to being the cutest. Sweetie's voice though, it is hnngghworthy.
10 hours later 9021652 Anonymous (1362596834546.jpg 630x900 123kB)
10 hours later 9021709 Anonymous
10 hours later 9021759 Anonymous
double bump
10 hours later 9021773 Anonymous (vector.png 883x905 158kB)
>cutest filly
>voice cracks
>interesting relationship with her sister, not like perfect, boring Appleblom
>great mane
>the one that comes up with plans
>unicorn master race
Sweetie Belle confirmed for best filly.
bumping a thread every 3 minutes only makes you look like the biggest faggot, anon.
10 hours later 9021801 Anonymous
10 hours later 9021890 Anonymous (163884__UNOPT__safe_animated_babs-seed.gif 960x540 979kB)
Best filly, would snuggle.
10 hours later 9021929 Anonymous (562351234123.jpg 1027x896 121kB)
agreed. Would buy her some candy.
10 hours later 9021933 Anonymous
>butthurth rape victim
>bacon hair
>vomit skin
10 hours later 9021985 Anonymous
for the fuck sake
chicken is not best filly
~Silver Spoon
10 hours later 9021990 Anonymous (263829__UNOPT__safe_babs-seed_flockdraw_50e3e808a4c72d9c9c00023e.png.png 559x437 108kB)
>butthurt rape victim
headcanon not accpeted
chubby, totally different thing and fucking perfect for ultra soft cuddles
>bacon hari
everybody loves bacon
>vomit skin
Also, dem freckles
10 hours later 9022017 Anonymous (1362112296997.png 900x768 130kB)
Uhm... nope, neither of you is best filly.
10 hours later 9022022 Anonymous (dinky.png 1600x1776 297kB)
Best filly.
10 hours later 9022030 Anonymous
...nor a gray old lady
~Fag That Not Using a Pone's Name to Publish His Thoughts
10 hours later 9022040 LyrAnonBon (image.jpg 859x1126 165kB)
10 hours later 9022045 Anonymous (34995__safe_animated_diamond-tiara_vulgar.gif 738x500 1924kB)
Nor are you.
10 hours later 9022048 Anonymous
>master race
10 hours later 9022051 Anonymous
Because they obviously like being dominated by inferior beings. Probably the type of people who pay hobos to piss on them.
10 hours later 9022064 Anonymous (1362793808495.jpg 880x1000 743kB)
get out, ceptionpone
10 hours later 9022080 Anonymous (apple_bloom_vector_by_piolet231-d5l4350.png 900x1217 184kB)
voicecracks are nice and all, but bowties are the ultimate cute
10 hours later 9022101 Anonymous (1361314000849.gif 203x197 361kB)
from left to right
kill, marry, fuck
10 hours later 9022133 Anonymous
I'd go with marry, befriend, fuck
10 hours later 9022146 Anonymous
kill, fuck, marry
11 hours later 9022197 Anonymous
I want to fuck maddy peters so bad. I want to fuck her while she does Scootaloo's voice
11 hours later 9022208 Anonymous (1349676151895.png 460x312 274kB)
Oh Jesus Christ Ben why did you have to get Carly killed and make me leave Lily on the road and draw my attention away from Chuck causing his death GODDAMN FUCK!
11 hours later 9022255 Anonymous (filly_rarity.gif 599x429 1290kB)
Rarity is best filly
11 hours later 9022293 Anonymous (scootaloo_and_sweetie_belle_by_musepony-d5pun7d.png 900x635 164kB)
I'm torn between Scoots and Sweetie.
Appleshit needs to be gased!
11 hours later 9022414 Anonymous
Same, Applebloom is inferior to the other 2 crusaders in my option Scootaloo is my favoirte But somewhy AB is the leader. And she don't even recognise this. Always when ther others are with her, they goin to hivemind mode, and follow her in everything bullshit.
11 hours later 9022446 Anonymous
11 hours later 9022457 Anonymous
Haha, a mudhorse is bossing your waifu around.
11 hours later 9022488 Anonymous
Rainbow Dash is my waifu. Scootaloo is my daughter
11 hours later 9022549 Anonymous (happy_derp_scootaloo_vector_by_30coloredowl-d5m6s0a.png 894x894 181kB)
Do you wish for an incestuous relationship with your daughter?
I know I would!
11 hours later 9022559 Anonymous (scootaloooooooooooooooo__by_britishstarr-d5ogtyo.png 647x622 142kB)
Scootaloo best filly.
11 hours later 9022593 Anonymous (asdasdasd.jpg 210x240 9kB)
11 hours later 9022597 Anonymous (tumblr_m2yu74y08w1rr7bdjo1_500.png 500x433 97kB)
It varies, but at the moment, yes!
11 hours later 9022607 Anonymous
That's why you'll never have children. or a girlfriend
11 hours later 9022679 Anonymous (35440 - fillyphile kissing lesbian pedofoal rainbow_dash scootaloo.png 1280x1280 216kB)
Caring for children or a girlfriend?!
Stay classy Anon!
12 hours later 9022738 Anonymous
Applebloom! The Leader.
Sweetie Belle! The thinker.
Scootaloo! Has a car...
12 hours later 9022808 Anonymous (1359767301916.png 900x746 163kB)
>W-what are you staring at, anon?
12 hours later 9022829 Anonymous
>Sweetie Belle! The thinker.
>Sweetie Belle
>the thinker
12 hours later 9022869 Anonymous
Nothin, i just looking for Scootaloo.
12 hours later 9022894 Anonymous (1362110202429.png 900x940 187kB)
Bitch, please.
12 hours later 9022940 Anonymous
>God tier
Namby Pamby
>Top tier
Sweetie Belle, Babs Seed
>Great tier
Silver Spoon, Apple Bloom, Pip
>Mid tier
Twist, Scootaloo, Teacher's Pet, Snails
>Low tier
>Shit tier
12 hours later 9022959 Anonymous (90678__UNOPT__sweetie-belle_reaction-face_askbipolarrarity.png 620x523 92kB)
Sweetie Belle would be a total lolita. She knows you want it, she knows it's forbidden, but the thrill of it, oh how it excites her! Breaching into the adult's domain, breaking their norms and rules, practicing such naughty, dirty carnal pleasures right under their eyes.
12 hours later 9022961 Anonymous (1361814443917.jpg 255x258 22kB)
>Snails mid tier
>Featherwight low tier
>Snips shit tier
But that's wrong.
12 hours later 9022987 Anonymous (1361317215409.jpg 777x598 420kB)
100% agree from RD
12 hours later 9023009 Anonymous (slowpoke.jpg 446x194 53kB)
>you say that yet you don't provide link.
Slowpoke delivers.
http://www.fimfiction.net/user/HamG ravy
12 hours later 9023077 Anonymous
Sweetie Belle, Pip, Rumble
Apple Bloom, Silver Spoon, Dinky
Snails, Diamond Tiara, Featherweight
Snips, Twist, Bab Seed
12 hours later 9023107 Anonymous
Apple Bloom and Babs Seed are god tier.
12 hours later 9023163 Anonymous
redneck deceted
12 hours later 9023183 Anonymous
12 hours later 9023295 Anonymous
not bump
12 hours later 9023350 Anonymous (1362733275740.png 119x18 0kB)
13 hours later 9024028 Anonymous
>implying that a cripple can be god tier
14 hours later 9024458 Anonymous (1362690884579.jpg 751x1064 183kB)
She'll fly one day, anon. I believe Scootaloo can do anything.
14 hours later 9024580 Anonymous (MNBabs.png 294x291 70kB)
Fuckin' right. That faggot who keeps calling her a fat rape victim is just jelly.
14 hours later 9024650 Anonymous
Scootaloo is much like Rainbow Dash, seems cool at first but then you realize she's just an obnoxious retard.
Sweetie Belle is much like Rarity. Boring at first but grows on you and you really start to appreciate her.
Applebloom is like Applejack. Maintains a steady level of adorableness throughout.
14 hours later 9024691 Anonymous (1362190690735.png 500x557 88kB)
This nigga gets it
14 hours later 9024708 Anonymous
Yeah, I don't hate Scootaloo, but her and RD's "super amazing awesomeness" thing is really kinda lame.
14 hours later 9024718 Anonymous (fuckscootaloo.jpg 700x700 96kB)
14 hours later 9024730 Holy Roman Emperor
Well then what is Babs Seed most like, also spot on analysis.
14 hours later 9024783 Anonymous
>Rainbow Dash an obnoxious Retard
Isn't that pinkie who's obnoxious?
>inb4 pinkiefags
17 hours later 9029088 Anonymous (1361229978629.gif 387x393 426kB)
>voice cracks
ya won me right there
0.832 0.114