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2013-03-12 05:33 9013180 Anonymous (rosedust.png 999x909 181kB)
ITT: G1 ponies or other charactrs redesigned to fit G4. Pic related

1 min later 9013217 Anonymous (Tirek2.jpg 528x668 103kB)

2 min later 9013233 Anonymous (grogar.jpg 700x801 135kB)
Also obligatory.

14 min later 9013522 Anonymous
>>9013180 I assume this is the flutter pony Rose Dust right?

17 min later 9013611 Anonymous (1362954904223.png 1276x960 869kB)

19 min later 9013648 Anonymous (1362954825761.jpg 638x480 72kB)
>>9013611 original

21 min later 9013700 Anonymous
>>9013611 >>9013648 I may have to start watching G1

21 min later 9013724 Anonymous
>>9013611 I question the choice of some of the ponies, but awesome reworking otherwise.

22 min later 9013737 Anonymous
>>9013700 It's actually pretty watchable. Sort of like watching G1 transformers really, the cartoon was everything bad and everything good with 80's cartoons.

22 min later 9013739 Anonymous (1357989438654.png 1262x800 378kB)

22 min later 9013747 Anonymous
>>9013700 That episode really is the best place to start. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-Ll 5zaPcIE

23 min later 9013758 Anonymous
>>9013180 OP wouldn't happen to be "I HATE YOU STUPID BRONIES G1 Collector Masterrace " anon from yesterday, would you? ...or the day before

23 min later 9013773 Anonymous
>>9013739 Not even the smooze?

25 min later 9013817 Anonymous
>>9013758 That assclown is clearly a troll, pay him no mind. I remember him from last summer.

25 min later 9013823 Anonymous
>>9013758 Nah, I just like G1 because it had a lot of good ideas in it that I wish were used to their full potential. I saw this pic on tumblr recently and I liked how it gave off a 'last unicorn' vibe. Rosedust looks older and tired in this piece, like she's been through a lot. Plus I was digging the mane style.

28 min later 9013895 Anonymous (Scorpan2.png 1265x1122 166kB)
>>9013611 >>9013648

29 min later 9013920 Anonymous
>>9013817 If it's the same person, it's clearly an obsessive not a troll. Or just someone pulling the same boring trolll 6 months later for no real reason.

29 min later 9013934 Anonymous (FIZZY2020WINDWISTLER.jpg 295x207 16kB)
I'd love for Fizzy and Wind Whistler to come back in some shape or form.

32 min later 9014017 Anonymous
>>9013920 Might not be the same person, but that UNICORNjt - that's one your talking about right? - struck as being very similar in style to another poster from that time frame. Too lazy to conduct any research and confirm my suspicions though.

34 min later 9014083 Anonymous (galaxy_by_equestria_prevails-d5dmg0t.png 1800x2200 942kB)
>implying Galaxy wouldn't be best pony >again

36 min later 9014146 Anonymous (masquerade_by_equestria_prevails-d5dmg1y.png 2000x2100 1152kB)
A Masquerade is fine too.

40 min later 9014231 Anonymous
>>9014146 >>9014083 They look cool. Sadly, I have no intention nor interest in watching the old pony series.

42 min later 9014320 Anonymous
>>9014231 OP here, it's all good. I'd be the first to admit that G1 and the other gens after it were not that great, but I just loved the concepts G1 provided and think they'd be awesome in G4. I'd kill for a new version of Midnight Castle for FiM.

46 min later 9014414 Anonymous (danger_is_my_life_by_equestria_prevails-d59w3ck.png 2970x1620 2045kB)

49 min later 9014517 Anonymous
>>9014231 Understandable. It was pretty standard '80s cartoon fare, and I know that's not for everyone. >>9014320 Maybe not that great, but I still wouldn't lump G1 in with the rest of the previous gens. I still enjoy the original specials and some of the better serials from the first TV series.

51 min later 9014585 Anonymous (surprise__by_steelflex27-d4t3cpd.png 900x697 134kB)
Surprise is G1, right?

55 min later 9014701 Anonymous (1333314999341.jpg 534x346 24kB)
>>9014585 You betcha.

56 min later 9014743 Anonymous (surprise_alicorn.png 400x311 261kB)
>>9014585 She was even the first alicorn.

58 min later 9014810 Anonymous (upside_down_surprise_by_draikjack-d4b2j60.png 900x1376 168kB)
>>9014701 Righteo. I'll post the pics that contain other G1 ponies.

1 hours later 9014841 Anonymous (133675581438.png 472x324 222kB)

1 hours later 9014858 Anonymous (133674453298.png 900x645 150kB)

1 hours later 9014905 Anonymous (surprise_and_poesy_by_luckyenigma-d4cvs2b.jpg 1671x1190 1046kB)

1 hours later 9014914 Anonymous (1347589124947.png 1348x1110 1557kB)
I would a Firefly.

1 hours later 9014937 Anonymous (tumblr_lfx88tnyeZ1qeuz19o1_500.png 500x382 326kB)
Green never was her color.

1 hours later 9014944 Anonymous (133674500965.png 900x506 282kB)

1 hours later 9014970 Anonymous (g1_plot_powder_spike.png 500x384 346kB)
Spike was such a pimp.

1 hours later 9014971 Anonymous (133675906074.jpg 2568x1262 1000kB)

1 hours later 9015044 Anonymous (Wind_Whistler.png 900x1007 152kB)
I must inquire as to what the nature of this particular discussion thread pertains to.

1 hours later 9015047 Anonymous (133674485739.jpg 2400x1350 501kB)

1 hours later 9015072 Anonymous (1350088120322.png 1600x1484 312kB)
>>9014914 So would I.

1 hours later 9015164 Anonymous (beyond_the_bubbly_blue_yonder_by_issmafia-d4zto4k.png 1280x1707 787kB)
Off we go into the bubbly blue yonder...

1 hours later 9015215 Anonymous (1349497653487.jpg 774x1032 184kB)

1 hours later 9015282 Anonymous (1354907443342.jpg 916x985 315kB)

1 hours later 9015300 Anonymous (tumblr_m7aky5QZ5z1ql9qako1_1280.png 629x749 157kB)

1 hours later 9015336 Anonymous (fizzy_queen_chrysalis.jpg 1100x801 197kB)
Bubbles are fun, especially with friends!

1 hours later 9015405 Anonymous (i_accidently_the_bubble_beam.jpg 512x387 32kB)
>>9015336 *Adult supervision required.

1 hours later 9015538 Anonymous (1360533871930.jpg 600x3318 432kB)

1 hours later 9015636 Anonymous
>>9014810 Guys. What if. No, listen. Guys. What if Surprise. What if Surprise is... No, let me finish! What if Surprise is actually Princess Celestia?

1 hours later 9015671 Anonymous
>>9015636 Then who would Luna be?

1 hours later 9015694 Anonymous
>>9015671 I have no clue.

1 hours later 9015724 Anonymous
>>9015694 Maybe Tirek reborn as a good pony ala Majin Buu?

9 hours later 9021212 Anonymous
>>9014231 had this open. In case some else bumps this:L I just watched (half watched) Midnight Castle and it was fun spotting all the Parallels to MLP:FiM Friendship is Magic pts 1 and 2, notable the parallel mane (almost 6)s, and Darkness. If you're ok with HIE, you can easily head-cannon that the ponies handed the darkness over to the highest authorities, and it's power corrupted one of them. OR you can headcannon (lel I'm a prince and Meghan to LeL I'm a Griffin and I was a Griffin.)

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