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2013-03-12 05:19 9012811 JCS (image.jpg 1191x670 174kB)
Last night I had a dream about starting a family with Rainbow Dadh, and how our little foal grew into a beautiful young mare. She was a pegasus (no shit), had a yellowish whitish coat, and a red-orange mane & tale. It was a heartwarming dream... Honestly. The other mane six had foals too, but my dream mostly revolved around me & RD. Anybody ever had a similar dream? Our foal looked like this, only Pegasus.

3 min later 9012882 Anonymous (image.jpg 755x1058 65kB)
I had a dream where I was surrounded by a bunch of twilights Then they all vanished into a black abyss then there was a gun barrel pointed at me it grew huge and their were Chinese dragons inside it I was sucked inside and fell down for a long time then I woke up My reaction when I woke

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