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2013-03-12 05:08 9012544 Anonymous (image.jpg 396x264 23kB)
STOP. QUICK. The closest object to you on the floor to the left is now property of your favorite pony. GO.

6 min later 9012701 Anonymous
A Windex bottle for Fluttershy. At least she will be able to keep her cottage clean.

7 min later 9012743 Anonymous
>>9012544 A pair of track sneakers for Pinkie. She does do a lot of running around.

9 min later 9012783 Anonymous
>>9012544 A PS2 controller that I use to play my PC games. Well, I kinda somewhat "need" that but I guess it's alright. Sadly Panko won't probably get a lot of enjoyment out of it though.

10 min later 9012813 Anonymous
>Fluttershy... >Fluttershy, put that down... >FLUTTERSHY PUT DOWN THE GOLF CLUB! >That's a putter. You're going to want to use a driver at this distance.

12 min later 9012837 Vinyl Scratch (image.jpg 1280x1482 201kB)
>>9012544 A Seattle Seahawks rug for Vinyl..... LeL

13 min later 9012861 Durriken (say what?.png 1343x1602 175kB)
Gurren Lagann vol. 2 for Applejack, then.

15 min later 9012898 Anonymous
power supply for my laptop. shit, what is applebloom gonna do with this?

20 min later 9013073 Pononymous (1361208932163.jpg 403x403 14kB)
>my other pair of shorts. Welp, hopefully Tavi will like dark grey gym shorts with red trim that I used for track practice today.

23 min later 9013149 Anonymous (1340670567919.png 666x654 229kB)
Pinkie Pie now owns my snowboard pants They smell like dick sweat

33 min later 9013377 Anonymous
I guess Pinkie gets a new paintball marker. This won't turn out well.

34 min later 9013402 Anonymous
>>9013377 How do you pull a trigger with hooves?

37 min later 9013467 Anonymous
Power strip for Twilight. She needs to keep those science things powered somehow, I guess.

39 min later 9013512 Anonymous
>>9012544 Rarity will love my filing cabinet full of bills and contracts!

48 min later 9013762 Anonymous
Rarity now owns my box of broken dreams Okay I guess

50 min later 9013825 Anonymous
Well shit, pinkie pie has my dice-bag. WITH ALL MY DICE IN IT! how will i play D&D now. well, i bet she'll probably let me borrow just the 7 i need.

55 min later 9013942 Anonymous
>>9013402 Good point. We are all saved.

58 min later 9014035 Anonymous (1356480520220.png 617x767 145kB)
Rainbow Dash gets my prized $50 power strip. Maybe she'll be my girlfriend?

1 hours later 9014154 Anonymous
>>9012544 A small waste basket with a plastic bag that I ejaculate into. ... Applejack has some fucked up tastes.

1 hours later 9014258 Anonymous (1360109305797.gif 853x480 1981kB)
>>9012544 Dash gets one of my guitar pedals.. I think I can make this work.

1 hours later 9014294 Anonymous (1362888774413.jpg 720x720 85kB)
Fluttershy gets my entire bed. Wonder if she'll share.

1 hours later 9014335 Anonymous
I hope Pinkie likes her new fedora. I can buy a new one

1 hours later 9014370 Your Friendly Neighborhood Anon (LyraHeart.jpg 1024x640 50kB)
Oh wow lyra lyra can now learn Spanish with my level 3 Spanish book, I need that for school :c

1 hours later 9014387 Anonymous
What would Cheerilee want with my laptop's power supply?

1 hours later 9014389 Anonymous
i give aj an unfinished fluttershy plush

1 hours later 9014393 Anonymous
>>9014335 >fedora You better know how to wear it anon, you better deserve that hat and not be one of 'those' ponyfags

1 hours later 9014404 Anonymous
>>9014335 Please dont

1 hours later 9014430 Anonymous
>>9014393 >implying ANY ponyfag can pull of a fedora. Only Sinatra, man.

1 hours later 9014464 Anonymous
>>9014430 >only Sinatra Frankie Mercurie would pull it off better

1 hours later 9014509 Anonymous
>>9014464 Freddie just doesn't strike me as a hat man

1 hours later 9014550 Anonymous
>>9012544 Twilight... what are you doing with that glass of kool aid...

1 hours later 9014578 Anonymous (1362761990405.gif 550x450 113kB)

1 hours later 9014610 Anonymous (A blanket is a type of bedding, generally speaking, a large piece of cloth, intended to keep Princess Luna warm, especially while shivering.jpg 400x320 29kB)
>>9012544 Luna has my blanket that is on my floor for some reason Well I guess I can live without it...

1 hours later 9014658 Anonymous
Fluttershy now owns my DS with pokemon white v2 in it. I think she will enjoy it so as long as she finds a charger.

1 hours later 9014667 Anonymous (tumblr_ldb4thzG2Q1qe7hhvo1_1280.jpg 640x437 98kB)
>>9014578 Now ya fucked up!

1 hours later 9014803 Anonymous
>>9014393 As he walks through the door to the comic book store, all eyes are on him. Striding confidently in, fedora slightly raised on head, he exudes an heir of confidence. It is obvious that this is a man in control, on a mission, knowing exactly what he is here for. Not only why he is in a comic book store, but his purpose on earth. His goals not only in shopping, but in life. His personal mission to be in control, exude as much confidence commanding any situation as walking into a comic book store. He peruses the shelves of the aisle titled "kid's comics" and looks through all the silly "archie" and "adventure time" comics until he zeroes in on his target. MY LITTLE PONY:FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC, a comic book for TRUE MEN. But what is this? Looking on, it appears they only have issues number one and two of the comic book. He repeatedly shuffles through the copies they have, his palms and face getting sweaty, to no result. No amount of confidence or willpower can make a comic book appear that was not there before. His entire confidence and plan is breaking down. He doesn't even know who he is anymore. His purpose in life is smashed, all of his ideals like ice cream melting away on a sunny day. He starts sobbing like a little girl who's ice cream has fallen onto the ground, and starts attracting more attention. One of the comic book store attendents asks him if he needs help with anything. He repeats a multitude of slurred, unintelligible words, flings his fedora on the ground, runs home, and lays down on his bed and cries for five hours.

1 hours later 9014818 Anonymous
>>9014658 Equestia uses 86 volt, 73Hz AC power so she's probably out of luck.

1 hours later 9014856 Anonymous
>>9012544 My favorite cat book, noooooo.

1 hours later 9014884 Anonymous
>>9014578 lol'd

1 hours later 9014927 Anonymous
Fluttershy why do you have my Nia body pillow

1 hours later 9014929 Anonymous (pinkie_pie_by_shadawg-d4wa7yi.png 875x913 203kB)
>>9012544 A semiauto AK for Pinkie Pie. This is NOT going to end well.....

1 hours later 9014969 Anonymous
>>9014430 also Nox

1 hours later 9015258 Anonymous
My trashcan with fresh semen tissues and empty bags of chips. trixie will love it.

1 hours later 9015609 Anonymous
>>9013825 if not, you can always use random number generators

1 hours later 9015626 Anonymous (lyra_s_garand_by_totallynotabronyfim-d5tlo6c.png 720x781 180kB)
I hope she likes my garand

2 hours later 9015931 Anonymous
>>9015626 >>9014929 I'm glad I keep my gun on the right side. I hope my favorite ponies like their new lamp.

3 hours later 9017572 Rallak
My TI-84 Calculator, it'll help Twilight with her calculations, I guess.

3 hours later 9017596 Anonymous
My shitty mad cat wired xbox controller dammit why'd my wireless one have to break dammit applejack what you gonna do with xbox controller?

3 hours later 9017636 Anonymous
>>9015626 >garand that close at hand you must be an ameri/k/unt

5 hours later 9019030 Anonymous
My bed belongs to Twilight? Yeah, pretty much.

5 hours later 9019267 Anonymous (bunchofnumberslike129482.png 800x511 101kB)
>Ski helmet >Derpy hooves She'll probably need it, to protect her remaining precious brain cells.

6 hours later 9019428 Anonymous
Fuck you pinkie, you're not getting my last box of 9mm.

6 hours later 9019466 Anonymous (752639HBO111111M.jpg 250x300 3kB)
"Here you go Twilight. It's a hook... for pictures. To hang from a picture rail. Which I note you don't have; rendering it useless. To be honest, I'm not sure why I'm giving you this. But the internet told me to." >Is that the same reason you keep asking Rainbow Dash if you can come inside? "Sure, why not?"

6 hours later 9019479 Anonymous
>Half-finished two liter of Cherry Doctor Pepper Im fairly certain Braeburn has never tasted such a wonderous drink.

6 hours later 9019488 Anonymous
>Rarity gets my bed. Cue me begging like a desperate faggot to share said bed if you know what I mean

6 hours later 9019496 Anonymous (1322557827133.jpg 525x481 35kB)
AJ gets the rest of my whiskey. Hokey dokey. Let's see where this leads.

6 hours later 9019511 Anonymous
>>9019496 Not very far, you think she's a lightweight?

6 hours later 9019526 Anonymous (ch2-anti-static-bag[1].jpg 400x361 42kB)
Why would Rarity even accept this gift?

6 hours later 9019539 Anonymous (20130312_102539.jpg 2048x1152 845kB)
My gearstick? The fuck rarity I need that!

6 hours later 9019541 Anonymous
>>9019526 Bitch she makes dresses why wouldn't she, she doesn't want zappy fabric

6 hours later 9019546 Anonymous
>>9014803 >he exudes an heir of confidence So... His body secretes the inheritor of the estate of the concept of confidence?

6 hours later 9019561 Anonymous (1356846621254.jpg 720x480 24kB)
>>9019546 teehee.

6 hours later 9019588 Anonymous
>>9019511 a horsefucker can dream, man

6 hours later 9019589 Anonymous (1357586299491.gif 240x180 1234kB)
>A sandal for Applejack I'm gonna miss that sandal

6 hours later 9019608 Anonymous (m1ofx6ihQt1rqfhi2o1.gif 500x221 339kB)

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