4chan archive /mlp/ (index)
2013-03-12 04:53 9012180 SumoWamm (Getting+a+haircut+_7988c101958ac2cf00fcb9107ef66095.png 300x177 24kB)
How do I make an account here?
1 min later 9012201 Anonymous
You're now going to get shit thrown at you by the other anons. Brace yourself.
1 min later 9012219 Anonymous
You don't make other accounts here
2 min later 9012236 Anonymous (image.jpg 584x600 122kB)
2 min later 9012245 Anonymous
2/10 for getting me to reply, I really hope you are trying to troll.
4 min later 9012277 Anonymous (1360314573576.gif 538x502 45kB)
Obligatory "Assured replies"
4 min later 9012294 Anonymous
Hello friend!
4chan is an anonymous image board, meaning you don't have to make an account to post here (as I'm sure you have realized by now!) most users leave their name and email fields blank when posting, unless they want to be identified in the crowd. Make sure not to put your real email in the email field, because those nasty trolls lurking around might email you some rude things.
Hope you enjoy your stay here!
7 min later 9012367 Anonymous (12.gif 213x199 47kB)
Sword rape thread.
Fuck spoilers, this thread doesn't deserve them.
Remember, friendship is magic
30 min later 9012913 Anonymous (1360791818624 - Copy.jpg 903x741 89kB)
>being this new
It's like watching a child take it's first steps.
I almost had nostalgia....almost.
0.512 0.028