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2013-03-12 04:52 9012165 Anonymous (MANDOBELEIEVEITWOW 80s.png 1600x1555 588kB)
I've been having the standard, "ugh, the fandom and the show're both gettin' pretty stagnant. I just don't care anymore" attitude lately. Then, out of boredom, I rediscovered why I freakin' loved the fandom before I saw the damn show: the great-ass music. Well, that and the porn e.g. : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3mI z2ij-kc
Post your favorite pony songs, original or otherwise. I don't care. Just something good and don't give me no subjective junk neither.
Pic unrelated Though he's certainly had his songs e.g. "Song of the Night
1 hours later 9014170 Anonymous
>Liking fan works
1 hours later 9015150 Anonymous (56.jpg 1440x1440 599kB)
Finished this piece today. Not sure if you like orchestral, OP.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLdN 1gJyasc
1 hours later 9015208 Anonymous
Time for a Mando thread.
2 hours later 9015366 Anonymous
OP freakin' LOVES orchestral! This was very nice, though I've never read the actual fic. Well done, good sir.
2 hours later 9015490 Anonymous
you fucking faggot all fan music is just electronic noises with lines from the show spliced over it
2 hours later 9015513 MLP Musician Obsessed
Here about 150 of 'em?
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis t=PLujEi880rOFrWmBPm9QHCjxAQ359UT05 H
2 hours later 9015566 MLP Musician Obsessed
Wrong sir!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yRi D5JP_dA
2 hours later 9015595 MLP Musician Obsessed
Wrong link OP
2 hours later 9015748 Someone
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvrP Z54AHTY&feature=youtu.be
If you like orchestral/cinematic.
0.429 0.030