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2013-03-12 04:50 9012098 Breathe In The Air Choose your own adventure (17_62_3.jpg 439x347 30kB)
Here's how CYOA's work, you respond to this post, and my succeeding posts with what you want to happen in the story. Winning posts are chosen according to the last 1-2 digits in your post number, if they match the numbers in the in the image name of the images I submit, then those posts win. For a post to be valid it must be linked to my most recent post of the story. Here is the prologue of the story: >You are transported to Ponyville >Upon your arrival Princess Celestia shows up out of no where >She breaks out a TV and VCR and forces you to watch the tape from The Ring >After watching the tape Celestia takes out a phone, which rings as soon as she takes it out. >She gives you the receiver and you hear a voice say "seven days". >Celestia then disappears and you see Ponyville straight ahead of you.

7 min later 9012292 Breathe In The Air (1350786991124.png 1290x620 195kB)
dumpin stuff.

10 min later 9012359 Breathe In The Air (1350787483853.png 1080x1260 772kB)

0.500 0.030