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2013-03-12 04:43 9011907 Anonymous (264865_4261213885506_1892506887_n.jpg 720x720 50kB)
ITT: We post pics of ourselves and let others guess our favorite pony
Pic related: it's me and my cat
1 min later 9011937 Anonymous
Applejack, no doubt.
2 min later 9011958 Anonymous
How tall are you per chance OP?
2 min later 9011959 Anonymous
For OP, gonna say orange treekicker background pony.
5 min later 9012051 Anonymous (hayseed_turniptruck.png 800x1000 165kB)
Hayseed Turnip Truck
5 min later 9012056 Anonymous (113581321345589.jpg 960x643 77kB)
I'm the guy on the left.
6 min later 9012068 Anonymous
Rainbow Dash
6 min later 9012094 Anonymous
7 min later 9012104 Anonymous (1362639748989.jpg 680x866 90kB)
You look like a none autistic human being congratz OP
i don't have any good pictures of myself so i will not be posting
7 min later 9012107 Anonymous
9 min later 9012174 Anonymous
Like the guys sweatshirt on the right. I have the same one.
11 min later 9012207 Anonymous (Massivehomo.jpg 640x480 61kB)
Hell, why not...
11 min later 9012210 Soldier (image.jpg 800x600 130kB)
12 min later 9012217 Anonymous
What school is that? Fellow Minnesota fag here.
12 min later 9012231 Anonymous
12 min later 9012232 Anonymous
Vinyl Scratch
13 min later 9012238 Anonymous (image.jpg 640x480 87kB)
The day this picture was taken, I had just come down from a fucking HORRIBLE mushroom trip. Catatonic despair trip. Turned upside down. That weed I was smoking was literally the first enjoyable, relaxing thing I'd had that day.
No, rarity is not my favorite pone
I am aware that I look like a fuzzy headed lesbian.
13 min later 9012241 MXleo1
Aww, look at the kitty :3
I dont have any pictures of me (dont ask why), but i have some of my brother. Cant post it, though. Im at micky d's because i have the munchies
13 min later 9012243 Anonymous
13 min later 9012257 Anonymous
also nope, keep it guessing
13 min later 9012261 Nigger slayer (was niggercoonspook) (536771_454526911245048_878023086_n.jpg 560x400 22kB)
14 min later 9012270 Anonymous (1359824561061.jpg 1400x1700 168kB)
14 min later 9012285 Anonymous
OP is a Rarifag.
14 min later 9012287 Soldier
I thought it was favorite pony.
Not overall best :D
14 min later 9012290 Anonymous
hmmm... AJ?
15 min later 9012307 Anonymous (1348588899497.jpg 894x894 99kB)
Hahaha, holy fuck!
Good job
>I like the music
15 min later 9012310 Anonymous (2013-02-19 17.18.29.jpg 2448x3264 2288kB)
>inb4 get a haircut fag
15 min later 9012313 Anonymous
>average weed smoker
Now can you fags get into your heads weed isn't cool?
15 min later 9012316 Anonymous
Pinkie or Rarity, not sure
16 min later 9012329 Anonymous
16 min later 9012332 Anonymous
You should play for the Raiders.
16 min later 9012345 Anonymous
you gressed it, anon
classy ass works for me
17 min later 9012348 Anonymous
do you like instruments? you look like you play guitar
17 min later 9012349 Anonymous
17 min later 9012360 Anonymous (15615665132.jpg 376x376 30kB)
I am autistic, do not click
17 min later 9012364 Anonymous
definitely fluttershy
18 min later 9012366 Anonymous (sweetie_belle_grin.png 587x1362 159kB)
He you massive faggot a certain Sweetie Belle thread is still up and running with massive amounts of sweet foalcon!
Enjoy your stay!
18 min later 9012368 Anonymous
I want to learn how to play, but it's too cliche. I can't music anyway.
18 min later 9012371 Anonymous (23.jpg 800x418 47kB)
Not from USA.
photo is 5 or 6 years old.
18 min later 9012377 Anonymous (image.jpg 250x313 25kB)
Do I remind you of someone
18 min later 9012384 Anonymous
Get a haircut fag. inb4 be damned it needs to be said.
19 min later 9012389 Anonymous
but I'm not mexican
19 min later 9012394 Anonymous
Keep going
19 min later 9012400 Anonymous
do pictures of my penis count?
20 min later 9012414 Anonymous
20 min later 9012427 Anonymous (image.jpg 256x197 13kB)
Also I don't think you have enough denim
20 min later 9012432 Anonymous
Pinkie's like, 4th or so. keep going
21 min later 9012442 MXleo1
I met you at the atlantis resort in bahamas once
Why couldnt my grandma take a picture of you?
21 min later 9012443 Sombrass (577880_10200664295760580_891677977_n.jpg 243x601 40kB)
>"but he's too young to have a trip!"
digging through Facebook for a semi-decent picture is pretty depressing
21 min later 9012446 Anonymous
is it one of the mane 6?
22 min later 9012455 Anonymous
I was really poor back then. Also you guess gender but not pone.
22 min later 9012459 Anonymous
My hat (not a fedora) off to you, fellow Master Race.
22 min later 9012460 Anonymous
Cus I was in a hurry
22 min later 9012467 Soldier (image.jpg 1200x1560 709kB)
I have no clue really.
> pic unrelated. It was there. 'Nuff said
22 min later 9012477 Anonymous
23 min later 9012484 Anonymous
fucking fedoras...
23 min later 9012487 Anonymous
Depends upon the penis.
23 min later 9012494 Anonymous (05.jpg 260x227 7kB)
23 min later 9012503 Anonymous (1362220195695.png 500x500 303kB)
My first impression was indian for a split second.
Indians are asians
Asians are smart
Twilight is smart
Twilight is asian
Twilight is indian
Twilight is you
23 min later 9012504 Anonymous
regular size
23 min later 9012507 Anonymous (Ain't_Givin'_My_Face.jpg 440x440 24kB)
23 min later 9012511 Anonymous
get a haircut, fag
also either shave or lose weight, either way right now you just can't afford that "beard"
also fuck that video game popculture meemee shirt, alltogether you're the stereotypical "that guy"
fave pony rainbow or something equally as horrid
24 min later 9012530 Anonymous (image.jpg 197x132 7kB)
here I am
24 min later 9012531 Anonymous
Nope, guess again.
Funny how you got indian impression, I am actually German
25 min later 9012533 Snowlily (uz0YQs9.jpg 640x480 10kB)
Yes, I know I look like a faggot.
25 min later 9012534 Anonymous
Actually, Twilight, close, but no cigar.
25 min later 9012543 Anonymous
>dat ass
25 min later 9012549 Anonymous
a friend told me that if i go to the gym every day bitches would be all over me, 4 months still nothing happened, what did i do wrong?
26 min later 9012557 Soldier
Hard to tell, can't really read your face.
Wild guess than.
26 min later 9012559 Anonymous
Is your name Malachi?
26 min later 9012560 Anonymous
Let's see...Boba Fett...overrated cameo character that is easily dispatched...is the answer Trixie?
26 min later 9012561 Anonymous
or twins
26 min later 9012573 Anonymous (image.jpg 393x500 59kB)
>not sure if trolling
>average weed smoker
average weed smoker isn't an average mushroom user isn't an average acid eater isn't an average peyote user.
Psychedelics are my thing. You're right, weed isn't "cooI". I don't smoke weed because I think it's cool, I smoke weed because I enjoy it, and it relaxes me, particularly if I've just gone through an 8 hour psychological hell.
26 min later 9012580 Anonymous
26 min later 9012581 Anonymous
I go to the gym semi regularly and I get pussy
okay, that was a bad pun
27 min later 9012584 Anonymous
Yep I do look like a fag :/
27 min later 9012595 Anonymous
this nigger's lying, it's Dash
27 min later 9012598 Anonymous
Heh. That's funny. She's the second one I'd clop to.
I'd actually post an image of myself if I had a camera.
27 min later 9012604 Snowlily
I share the same name to a famous roman poet though.
28 min later 9012620 Anonymous
Hates jews
Nazi's were usually well dressed (officers anyway)
Therefore, wants master race
Master Race is white with blue eyes
28 min later 9012624 Anonymous
tell me your secret
28 min later 9012627 Anonymous
is it Autisticus?
28 min later 9012634 Anonymous
then fucking draw yourself or something
29 min later 9012642 Anonymous
I have a high metabolism I suppose
I don't know
I go like, once a week and I stay in okay shape
29 min later 9012645 Snowlily
As a hint, it's not part of the mane 6!~
29 min later 9012648 Anonymous (31895.jpg 560x400 33kB)
hey wassup
I can see this guy as a rarifag
29 min later 9012655 Anonymous (image.jpg 945x943 124kB)
flutterbutt or twilight.
also tracy.
29 min later 9012661 Soldier (image.jpg 600x600 70kB)
You said Nazi?
29 min later 9012663 Anonymous (305205_407640949298895_1059073327_n.jpg 500x500 23kB)
Do your worst.
30 min later 9012671 Anonymous (20130223_153430.jpg 1280x960 239kB)
30 min later 9012678 Anonymous
>beaner pony
>working class
30 min later 9012679 Snowlily
Et tu, Amar virorum?
30 min later 9012681 12yroldDorner (drawingFAEWFAWF.png 500x434 239kB)
You rang?
30 min later 9012686 Anonymous
Clearly a Rainbow dash fan.
30 min later 9012689 Anonymous
You look like an illegal
illegal work in the dirt to provide for family
31 min later 9012698 Anonymous
Wrong, try again
31 min later 9012703 Anonymous (Photo on 3-12-13 at 12.11 AM.jpg 1080x720 176kB)
H-here I go.
31 min later 9012704 12yroldDorner
31 min later 9012708 Snowlily
31 min later 9012711 Anonymous
This guy is right.
Please tell me you have the courtesy to not wear pony merch in public. You people are the reason I'm hiding my powerlevel.
31 min later 9012713 Anonymous
Is the pony in the mane 6?
32 min later 9012716 Anonymous
Stammering, obviously Fluttershy
32 min later 9012724 Anonymous
You look like Smosh.
Smosh is random.
32 min later 9012727 Anonymous
Going out on a limb here, Applejack?
32 min later 9012729 Anonymous
32 min later 9012730 Anonymous (image.jpg 400x300 31kB)
You look like these two mixed together.
32 min later 9012733 Anonymous
yeah well fuck you guys
more fun guessing some longhair fag's fav pony, eh?
32 min later 9012735 Anonymous
I can see your pile of books
33 min later 9012747 Anonymous
33 min later 9012756 12yroldDorner (1360471803778.jpg 617x531 41kB)
I'm going with fluttershe.
33 min later 9012758 Anonymous
Of course I don't. Autism and being "that guy" are two different things
33 min later 9012760 Anonymous
It's Rainbow Dash.
34 min later 9012763 Anonymous
Nope. I believe this lands one final guess
34 min later 9012767 Anonymous
German's are industrious people who make many fine products.
Value family
Secretly (or openly) hates jews.
34 min later 9012768 Anonymous
You've got it
34 min later 9012769 Anonymous
normally I'd ignore this because >trip but I'll go out on a limb and say Rarity
34 min later 9012774 Anonymous (image.jpg 640x480 89kB)
Well then.
35 min later 9012786 Snowlily
It begins
35 min later 9012789 Sombrass
well this is fucking awkward...
35 min later 9012790 Anonymous
...you're closer to the truth than you know...
35 min later 9012794 Anonymous
It's not
check his guess
35 min later 9012797 Anonymous
You probably have tits, so Milky Way
35 min later 9012798 12yroldDorner (jDd28.jpg 764x1024 81kB)
Not unless your this guy.
35 min later 9012799 Anonymous
Since all but one of the mane 6 got guessed, it's obvious it's Rainbow Dash
So this Autist best pone is Rainbow Dash
35 min later 9012801 Anonymous
Sweetie Belle
36 min later 9012803 Anonymous (screencap_308405838945.png 165x155 51kB)
Here we go.
36 min later 9012804 Sombrass
second favorite, keep going
36 min later 9012806 Anonymous
36 min later 9012810 Anonymous (internet.approved.corrections.jpg 254x239 69kB)
so many terrible pictures
36 min later 9012817 Anonymous
skrillex is that you?
Vinyl Scratch because TTTTEHH WUBBZZ
37 min later 9012823 Anonymous
She is actually my sister.
37 min later 9012825 Anonymous
Rainbow Dash.
37 min later 9012827 Anonymous
> :3
37 min later 9012833 Anonymous
You're a cat, so that's why i thought so
38 min later 9012841 Anonymous
she's actually my sister too!
38 min later 9012846 Anonymous
What about my :3?
38 min later 9012849 Anonymous (IMG_20130311_165758.jpg 960x1280 399kB)
Pic I took earlier. Guess away.
Yes that's a dildo on the ground.
38 min later 9012851 OP's Cat
nigger please, liking background characters and shit
38 min later 9012856 Anonymous
Im dead serious, she is my sister
39 min later 9012866 Anonymous
Must be a Pinkiefag.
39 min later 9012869 Anonymous
I'm dead serious too!
39 min later 9012873 Anonymous
>goofy, retarded smile
you's a derpy lover
39 min later 9012878 Anonymous
Holy fucking underageB&
39 min later 9012879 Anonymous
Creepy ass smile
Dildo in background
Hmm... On second thought, Mando must be your inspiration. Applebloom is your favorite
39 min later 9012885 Anonymous
she's my sister too, are you my long-lost brothers?
40 min later 9012889 Anonymous
Last name.
I will tell if you are related
40 min later 9012907 Anonymous
Nigga please
>implying you wouldn't tear dat cat-bird ass up.
40 min later 9012909 Anonymous (1352373459080.png 1024x961 199kB)
And to >>9012689 , I'm Chicano.
40 min later 9012914 Anonymous
41 min later 9012924 Anonymous
I can't tell you that silly, this is the internet!
but really shes is my sister! :D
41 min later 9012926 Anonymous (TPhoto_00001.jpg 640x480 26kB)
41 min later 9012931 Anonymous (773.png 376x376 73kB)
Chicano, Mexican, Illegal
It's all the same
41 min later 9012935 Anonymous
41 min later 9012937 Anonymous
so you're mexican?
42 min later 9012949 Anonymous
9/10 would bang.
42 min later 9012952 Snowlily
Pinkie pie no doubt.
42 min later 9012958 Anonymous
Take those posters down, you're not 12
42 min later 9012960 Anonymous
I asked for your last name.
42 min later 9012961 OP's Cat
well technically we're half related or some shit
I'd go for it, but fave pone? please
42 min later 9012964 Anonymous (334580_285436034802998_100000098125815_1262002_1826673028_o.jpg 2048x1360 327kB)
you niggas don't know.
43 min later 9012973 Anonymous
Gotta be Applejack.
43 min later 9012974 Anonymous
no if i tell u ur giong to find me and rape me i shouldnt give out my info but shes my sister!! XD
43 min later 9012988 Anonymous
43 min later 9012989 Sombrass
can I fuck your nostrils?
44 min later 9012995 Anonymous (children with cat.jpg 384x462 56kB)
I'm the one on the right
44 min later 9012996 Anonymous (applejack_by_up1ter-d4y5s94.png.jpg 894x894 28kB)
I'd fuck you.
44 min later 9012999 Anonymous (this.guy.jpg 238x170 56kB)
this look too much like me
44 min later 9013006 Anonymous
You're a cat, so it must be Fluttershy
44 min later 9013020 Anonymous (IMG_0333 (1).jpg 768x1024 241kB)
Try me, then.
45 min later 9013023 Anonymous
I fucking know you. You used to go to North Town.
45 min later 9013025 Anonymous (IMAGE_3-02-2012 (1).png 195x376 110kB)
picture from a reunion, can you guess?
45 min later 9013026 Anonymous
Silly cat is on the internet again.
45 min later 9013046 Anonymous
45 min later 9013047 Anonymous (1360905187698.jpg 242x208 7kB)
lel shitstorm over 17.
45 min later 9013048 Anonymous
Well duh
45 min later 9013049 OP's Cat
>implying I'd fall for that beta-tier shit
do I look like I have fucking cheeto dust on my paws?
45 min later 9013058 Anonymous (1351897369446.jpg 297x320 54kB)
The cat or the child?
46 min later 9013064 The Guy (image.jpg 1600x876 359kB)
Maybe it is you...
46 min later 9013069 Anonymous (1362848543458.png 900x900 437kB)
46 min later 9013081 OP's Cat
the fucking feather
47 min later 9013084 Anonymous
That an Atari logo tee I see?
47 min later 9013085 Anonymous (mlp.jpg 5000x5000 2973kB)
this went better last time
47 min later 9013089 Anonymous
Your hands are tiny.
>Tiny hands
47 min later 9013097 Anonymous (1356896283068.jpg 604x404 51kB)
Good fucking lord you look exactly like my buddy Ethan. Same dress style and everything. He probably even has that exact same hat.
47 min later 9013098 Pipe
Aye, yes it is!
47 min later 9013106 12yroldDorner (1343240783462.png 782x959 200kB)
9/10 actually has class.
48 min later 9013109 Anonymous
I see people that were there last time, haha
48 min later 9013110 Anonymous (thursday.jpg 960x720 87kB)
barely watch the show anymore but meh. also, im 21.
48 min later 9013112 Anonymous (44686114.png 903x711 951kB)
48 min later 9013120 Anonymous
Yes, I did...
48 min later 9013123 Pipe
Nope and note that this is at a shit angle.
48 min later 9013126 Anonymous (1362695587894.gif 378x364 225kB)
Jeez sorry.
Perhaps Rainbow Dash?
48 min later 9013128 Anonymous (cool guy.png 994x816 795kB)
Don't be to hard on me.
48 min later 9013136 Anonymous
Fine taste you have, good sir!
49 min later 9013150 Anonymous
Skinny, reasonable hair, I would say Rarity or Flutter.
49 min later 9013151 12yroldDorner (9fbe4f14f78b2504290f6a706700e163.jpg 630x472 66kB)
Rate me guys, i'm shy.
49 min later 9013152 OP's Cat
You're on it, m8
50 min later 9013156 Anonymous
No, but I'd like a pic of Ethan for comparison.
50 min later 9013157 Anonymous
Tracy, Our Queen
50 min later 9013159 Anonymous
Cool Guy!
50 min later 9013161 Anonymous
who's namefagging as my cat?
50 min later 9013170 The Guy
50 min later 9013174 Anonymous
50 min later 9013177 Anonymous
And peanut butter!
51 min later 9013184 Anonymous
51 min later 9013191 Anonymous
This thread is more fun than it should be.
51 min later 9013192 Anonymous (2012-10-14 16.19.14.jpg 3264x2448 2991kB)
Have at me bitches
51 min later 9013201 Anonymous
>That stoner on the laptop.
51 min later 9013204 OP's Cat
there's more than one computer in this house
52 min later 9013212 Anonymous (1355709421909.jpg 945x945 362kB)
14/10 I'd fuck that.
Guessing Rainbow Cunt.
Captcha: different Inhorse
52 min later 9013219 Anonymous (Hobbes Indifferent Face.png 178x208 14kB)
If you barely have any association with the show, than I'm gonna guess Rainbow Dash.
52 min later 9013226 Anonymous
That's for you to decide
52 min later 9013227 Anonymous
Let's see...looks like a potential serial rapist...Pinkie Pie.
52 min later 9013230 Anonymous
52 min later 9013231 Anonymous (IMG_20130204_113536.jpg 1280x960 359kB)
>>9012849 nobody got the guess the first time.
52 min later 9013232 Anonymous (IMG_6566.jpg 1024x768 231kB)
Spike with a Fu Manchu
53 min later 9013242 Anonymous
53 min later 9013246 Anonymous
Nature... The autist natural predator
So, you must not be an autist
So, I'mma say Rarity
you be stylin' wid dat goatee
53 min later 9013252 Anonymous
Nice beard thingy whateveritscalled
53 min later 9013253 OP's Cat
looks like you got the fucking silent treatment, tripfag
I say Rainbow Dash, because you look like about as much of a cunt as she is
you're my kind of guy
53 min later 9013261 Anonymous
little creepy, but yeah
54 min later 9013272 Anonymous
54 min later 9013279 Anonymous (1345012868167.png 1032x774 250kB)
Oh common, you're so not 21, quit messin with us.
If this was a video, we'd be watching your mom come into the room with a tray of cookies and pinch your cheeks.
54 min later 9013282 Anonymous (dont-listen-to-her-lies.jpg 800x955 35kB)
why did I make this?
55 min later 9013291 Anonymous
Fukin saved
55 min later 9013300 12yroldDorner
Guys, Rate my girlfriend.
>pic related it's my bitch.
55 min later 9013302 Anonymous
Sorry. Just been dying to use that picture.
I still love you T_T
55 min later 9013305 Sombrass
I like you, OP's Cat
you're a cool guy
oh god what am I doing I'm befriending an internet cat
56 min later 9013308 Anonymous
good one!
56 min later 9013309 Anonymous
Oh damn, that's golden.
56 min later 9013314 Anonymous (1359612595942.png 313x288 130kB)
56 min later 9013316 Anonymous
56 min later 9013318 Anonymous (6251_134100953487_748348487_3357178_5693178_n.jpg 604x402 40kB)
guess away !
56 min later 9013320 Anonymous (473140_291651944244018_964530870_o.jpg 972x1296 213kB)
go for it
57 min later 9013328 12yroldDorner (wrwrd56wdit.png 900x648 320kB)
Okay guys.
Serious time now.
Would you have a threesome?
57 min later 9013337 Anonymous
Twilight Sparkle
57 min later 9013339 OP's Cat
at least now you can say you have a friend, faggot
you're still my kind of guy
jesus christ, they have internet in afghanistan?
58 min later 9013345 Anonymous
8/10. Saving.
58 min later 9013346 OP's Left Shoulder (1363059788929.jpg 161x179 9kB)
G'head and guess
58 min later 9013347 Anonymous
58 min later 9013350 Anonymous
58 min later 9013352 Anonymous
a-are you a chick?
58 min later 9013355 Anonymous
7/10 would suck the ding dong
also fluttershy
58 min later 9013358 Anonymous (1362321659555.jpg 500x373 36kB)
captcha:Sergeant atesair
58 min later 9013365 Anonymous
Can I be your favorite pony stud?
59 min later 9013366 Anonymous
he looks more like a indian than a sand nigger
59 min later 9013367 Anonymous (IMAG0047.jpg 1552x2592 424kB)
Here's me. Guess away.
59 min later 9013373 Anonymous
59 min later 9013378 Anonymous
guys I'm flattered
59 min later 9013382 Anonymous
59 min later 9013384 Anonymous (face.jpg 606x458 131kB)
Kind of an older pic but go for it
59 min later 9013388 Red (1362801882589.jpg 189x267 8kB)
>Im in there
I never asked for this
59 min later 9013390 Anonymous
... Oh, no. Not this Yu-Gi-Oh shit, again.
59 min later 9013391 Anonymous
>>9013352 Nope, I'm a dude.
1 hours later 9013394 Anonymous
1 hours later 9013395 Anonymous (1353422669697_by_cj_archive-d5pr3ik.png 608x536 130kB)
Crying Colgate?
1 hours later 9013400 Anonymous
1 hours later 9013401 Anonymous
Rainbo desh
1 hours later 9013406 OP's Cat
and you care enough to tell the difference why?
he's got a fucking bamboo shack behind him
1 hours later 9013410 Anonymous
For better or for worse, I expect we'll be seeing a lot more of you for now on.
1 hours later 9013417 OP's Left Shoulder
Nope. Hint: This pone has some great deltoids
1 hours later 9013421 Anonymous
uhhh thanks?
Yep, it's Fluttershy
1 hours later 9013423 Anonymous (yesiam21.jpg 99x418 57kB)
1 hours later 9013425 Anonymous
1 hours later 9013429 Anonymous (1342089626948.png 1432x1399 386kB)
1 hours later 9013430 Anonymous
I couldn't even point to my deltoid if you asked
It's well defined, but I couldn't find it
1 hours later 9013431 12yroldDorner
1 hours later 9013433 Anonymous
1 hours later 9013434 Anonymous
twiche pls
1 hours later 9013439 OP's Left Shoulder
1 hours later 9013447 Anonymous
not even going to bother point out everything wrong with that post..
i lol'd
1 hours later 9013450 Anonymous (Photo on 3-11-13 at 12.44 PM.jpg 1080x720 196kB)
I'll play
1 hours later 9013454 OP's Left Shoulder
Too much roids.
This pony is all natural
and female
1 hours later 9013458 Anonymous (261862_10150219806543618_819398617_7107727_4042430_n.jpg 540x720 90kB)
old but only one that isnt a bitmap
1 hours later 9013459 Anonymous (kottick.jpg 1040x722 25kB)
I love these so much
my sides have achieved final harmony
1 hours later 9013462 Anonymous
OP's Cat?
OP's Left Shoulder?
what the hell is happening here
1 hours later 9013469 Anonymous (Snapshot_20130127.jpg 1280x1024 102kB)
come at me /mlp/!
1 hours later 9013475 Anonymous
1 hours later 9013476 Anonymous
holy shit I didn't realise I was wearing the shirt, but only as a musician, otherwise as a personal favorite not vinyl.
1 hours later 9013477 OP's Cat
I've sat on your shoulder before
you don't have any fucking deltoids
1 hours later 9013479 Anonymous
Don't take pictures with the prostitutes you hire
1 hours later 9013492 12yroldDorner
Because she has glutes.
1 hours later 9013498 Anonymous (alsoiam21big.jpg 400x1688 285kB)
made it bigger
1 hours later 9013499 Anonymous
That's a garage that is behind me
And I'm not Afghani or Indian
1 hours later 9013501 Anonymous (1334865936502.png 400x390 101kB)
Octavia, of course!
1 hours later 9013504 OP's Cat
don't tell him what to do! he's 21 now!
1 hours later 9013506 OP's Left Shoulder
The Magic of Friendship, that's what.
Mahther Fahker
1 hours later 9013510 Anonymous (1359702432859.jpg 363x461 91kB)
forgot pic
1 hours later 9013513 Anonymous (2013-02-28 18.07.43.jpg 1944x2592 1390kB)
I thought I'd look shit at first, but everyone else in this thread makes me look moderately okay.
1 hours later 9013516 Anonymous
It looks like you're driving a pedovan, so I'm guessing Applebloom.
1 hours later 9013518 Anonymous
1 hours later 9013521 OP's Cat
you live in a garage?
I take it back, you're Mexican
1 hours later 9013529 Anonymous (1344348818478.png 260x343 120kB)
Obvious Berry Punch fav!
1 hours later 9013530 Anonymous
Celestia because piss
1 hours later 9013539 OP's Left Shoulder
1 hours later 9013542 Anonymous
>Implying moderately good means a Jew nose.
1 hours later 9013549 Anonymous (563873_10151044119968255_1719758722_n.jpg 573x960 189kB)
My idea of a good time
1 hours later 9013550 Anonymous
rainbow dash
1 hours later 9013551 Anonymous
No. That is just me standing in front of a garage
You're close, I've been called Mexican for years but I'm not Mexican
1 hours later 9013553 Anonymous
>low self-esteem
1 hours later 9013557 Anonymous
>Implying I didnt fuck up my nose in a fight
1 hours later 9013562 Anonymous (1345490256609.jpg 816x851 159kB)
Ms. Cake?
1 hours later 9013569 Anonymous
1 hours later 9013573 Anonymous (me.jpg 900x1600 227kB)
Guess who my favorite pony is
1 hours later 9013580 OP's Cat
1 hours later 9013581 Anonymous
I just threw up in my mouth a little. Thanks you hideous freak.
1 hours later 9013582 OP's Left Shoulder
1 hours later 9013585 Anonymous
>Implying Jews can fight.
1 hours later 9013592 Anonymous
1 hours later 9013593 Anonymous (1334093981039.png 1761x1736 271kB)
1 hours later 9013595 Anonymous
Definitely Derpy
1 hours later 9013600 Anonymous
Implying I'm not Italian
1 hours later 9013602 OP's Cat
are you some Chicano/Latino/Hispanic bullshit?
if you answered yes you're mexican
1 hours later 9013605 Anonymous (Im just joking gosh.jpg 498x668 70kB)
had to be done
I'm sorry ;-;
1 hours later 9013614 Anonymous (4e26c8775b896dd80665ad725f60abcd.png 534x720 947kB)
Go for it.
1 hours later 9013616 Anonymous
No they don't. They look better.
1 hours later 9013617 Anonymous (dontforget.jpg 367x367 41kB)
1 hours later 9013627 Anonymous
Go away, little girl. The adults are talking
1 hours later 9013629 Anonymous (1355328820638.png 400x305 205kB)
it was actually a ford 150 xlt w/ 6" lift
appleblum is OK but not favourite
1 hours later 9013632 Anonymous
1 hours later 9013633 Anonymous (1360905918614.png 472x268 157kB)
>Implying Italians can't be Jewish.
1 hours later 9013634 OP's Left Shoulder
1 hours later 9013635 Anonymous (4FM3qRC.png 748x900 764kB)
1 hours later 9013636 Anonymous (pinkie_pie___at_the_gala_by_thehellbean-d4ufjzu.png 4791x3491 717kB)
That's actually a pretty good Pinkie cosplay
1 hours later 9013639 Anonymous (IMAG0050.jpg 1552x2592 351kB)
..... I'm calling shenanigans up in this bitch. How could you tell? (btw, only my fav out of M6)
1 hours later 9013642 Anonymous (1343809565247.png 500x510 91kB)
Pinkie pone!
1 hours later 9013655 Anonymous (1357262422919.jpg 561x581 133kB)
>implying there were any Italian Jews left after the holocaust
1 hours later 9013658 Anonymous
lnb4 im correct
1 hours later 9013663 Anonymous
I've been watching all of you for a very long time. I know all about you Jacob.
1 hours later 9013667 Anonymous (3b2.jpg 680x680 56kB)
Gotta be Dash then, she's the only one with arm strength canon over AJ.
1 hours later 9013673 Anonymous
1 hours later 9013676 Anonymous
I think I remember you from the last thread.
Pinkie Pie?
1 hours later 9013680 Anonymous
rarity, she is one of my favorites from the mane 6, but not my favorite pone
1 hours later 9013682 Anonymous
Hick, yes.
Applejack, no.
1 hours later 9013687 Anonymous (1359678228495.png 1390x459 89kB)
>little girl
>implying everyone here isn't a little girl
1 hours later 9013696 Anonymous
>likes to get down and dirty
>almost naked male
1 hours later 9013698 Anonymous (dead.jpg 399x667 47kB)
If someone would add a red shade to this much would be appreaciated
1 hours later 9013701 Anonymous
1 hours later 9013703 Anonymous (lul.gif 500x200 510kB)
brooo..... thats nowt nice
1 hours later 9013710 Anonymous
Hmmm... I'd have to say... What ever pony was in the Bloods.
1 hours later 9013711 OP's Left Shoulder
Wrong Again.
The answer is Derpy
All that mail, delivering.
Doesn't bulk up the shoulders, but got-dayum it tones them.
1 hours later 9013712 Anonymous
Very, very close, shes my second.
1 hours later 9013719 Anonymous
Moose, pls go.
1 hours later 9013721 Anonymous (1359525277705.jpg 1135x1017 69kB)
>Implying people can't adapt a religion and genes from past generations.
1 hours later 9013722 Anonymous (1334433030268.png 889x1000 176kB)
1 hours later 9013738 Anonymous (harrypotter.jpg 378x399 16kB)
Don't have any pictures of myself on my comp, but I look like this more or less.
1 hours later 9013740 Anonymous (13064909774.jpg 334x425 17kB)
1 hours later 9013750 Anonymous
Purple Smart
1 hours later 9013753 Anonymous (DAN CAMPBELL!.jpg 717x960 111kB)
I'm on the right.
1 hours later 9013755 Anonymous
1 hours later 9013757 Anonymous (207467_10151010059853568_384201147_n.jpg 960x717 126kB)
Welp might as well. I'm in the middle. For the record I've dropped about forty pounds since this was taken.
1 hours later 9013759 Anonymous
1 hours later 9013769 Anonymous (1361080973538.jpg 960x800 279kB)
You are my winner today...
Retard pone is best pone
1 hours later 9013770 OP's Left Shoulder (1362244018491.jpg 300x233 11kB)
I leled so hard, it hurt my anterior head
1 hours later 9013777 Anonymous (IMAG0052.jpg 1552x2592 359kB)
That's not my name.
1 hours later 9013782 Anonymous (1353619538387.png 1280x1024 1390kB)
my first favourite. so pretty good nut nope.
1 hours later 9013784 Anonymous
Second best
1 hours later 9013794 Anonymous (1342648845985.jpg 900x675 306kB)
Rarity! Because we know all you covet her glorious diamond butt.
1 hours later 9013795 Anonymous
awww i'm flattered you liked my pic lol
1 hours later 9013796 Anonymous
Skinny Pete? Is that you?
1 hours later 9013804 Anonymous
Said tones in an unironic way. You are a fucking idiot. Go kill yourself. Die in a fire, you stupid cunt.
1 hours later 9013812 Anonymous (MY WAR FACE.jpg 2048x1366 345kB)
1 hours later 9013814 Anonymous (1359353331009.jpg 2600x1782 523kB)
flootershy ?
1 hours later 9013815 Anonymous
you dont look so bad dude im just having some fun
1 hours later 9013821 Anonymous (132562577346.gif 680x544 751kB)
Pinkie pone!
1 hours later 9013828 Anonymous (1360859449766.jpg 180x281 8kB)
1 hours later 9013830 OP's Left Shoulder (1360976209103.jpg 1024x768 219kB)
I can give something in return for your hate
1 hours later 9013833 Anonymous
You have good taste in pony.
1 hours later 9013835 OP's Cat
Right Shoulder's the cool one anyways
it gets used more
1 hours later 9013840 Anonymous
1 hours later 9013845 Anonymous
mom you fucking casual
1 hours later 9013847 Anonymous (356tb.gif 720x540 656kB)
No problem!
1 hours later 9013851 Anonymous (1355191712159.gif 600x600 344kB)
thank you, I try
1 hours later 9013852 Anonymous (1359297159385.png 300x300 81kB)
Twilycorn because you also want to be a princess!
1 hours later 9013860 Anonymous (ihaveseenthepeanutbutter.jpg 1000x1092 343kB)
1 hours later 9013861 OP's Left Shoulder
So you don't deny, OP uses you as a jizz rag?
Jeez, no small wonder your fur is so matted
1 hours later 9013862 Anonymous
nope! She #4 on my list.
1 hours later 9013866 Anonymous
You're definitely an RD fag.
1 hours later 9013869 Anonymous
Ricer car club fags detected.
Rainbow Dash is your favorite.
1 hours later 9013881 Anonymous (swooner2.jpg 1068x2336 682kB)
1 hours later 9013889 Anonymous
No, but she is my second favorite...
1 hours later 9013890 Anonymous (1342390855517.jpg 900x924 57kB)
Welp... gotta be sunbutt then!
1 hours later 9013891 Anonymous
for the first time ever, I feel a strange mixture of honor and uncomfort
thanks, guys
1 hours later 9013898 Anonymous
considering I haven't shaved in a few days that's actually quite interesting, tell me more..
1 hours later 9013904 Anonymous (image (2).jpg 1224x1632 408kB)
timestamp is old i know, don't feel like taking another pic
1 hours later 9013906 Anonymous
Nope, but close...
1 hours later 9013909 Anonymous (IMG_20130311_215919.jpg 960x1280 384kB)
>implying Italian noses aren't commonly mistaken as jew noses.
Also check my beard and less edgy picture.
1 hours later 9013916 Anonymous (IMG_20121222_131922.jpg 1280x960 354kB)
Still no mutherfuckers got it yet.
1 hours later 9013919 Anonymous (1362618923316.jpg 256x256 16kB)
1 hours later 9013928 Anonymous (1346177694403.jpg 360x360 61kB)
1 hours later 9013932 OP's Left Shoulder (mlfw9077-205384.gif 400x266 1593kB)
1 hours later 9013939 Anonymous
10/10 would let you enter my pussy
1 hours later 9013947 Anonymous
Nope, getting colder.
Heres a hint: its one of the background ponies
1 hours later 9013948 12yroldDorner (dgsdgfdsfsd.png 454x340 130kB)
There ya go.
1 hours later 9013950 Anonymous (plebber-nubbet-an-jebber.png 949x703 1044kB)
1 hours later 9013953 Anonymous
go home whore
1 hours later 9013957 Anonymous
Now that you're smiling I can see just how sexy you are. 6/10, rolling with yellowkind.
1 hours later 9013959 Anonymous
Why thank you femanon
1 hours later 9013961 Anonymous
1 hours later 9013962 Anonymous (IMAG0271.jpg 3264x1952 1246kB)
Mmmm...... guess
1 hours later 9013965 Anonymous (The Fuck 3.jpg 251x251 6kB)
You look more like a Jew in that pic than the last one!
1 hours later 9013969 Anonymous
Nope. And the car belongs to the ginger kid on the right, we all went to a concert together.
1 hours later 9013974 OP's Cat
>liking a background pony
>any year
please tell me all the fanon qualifications Colgate has
1 hours later 9013980 Anonymous
it's not funny anymore
1 hours later 9013992 Anonymous
Of course it is
1 hours later 9013999 Anonymous
Well you like to hide in inconvenient places and poke your head out, so I assume it's Derpy
1 hours later 9014005 OP's Left Shoulder (1362244839436.jpg 250x250 19kB)
Don't mention it brah, I always got your neck
1 hours later 9014007 Anonymous
It's Diamond Butt actually.
pick one mongoloid scum
1 hours later 9014015 Anonymous (1360910139946.gif 213x200 692kB)
1 hours later 9014016 Anonymous (1359085283044.png 810x872 322kB)
holy fucking shit the wall
1 hours later 9014027 OP's Cat
ITT: OP's existentialistic breakdown
1 hours later 9014032 Anonymous (1343516436190.png 685x638 69kB)
That's a nice way to address your favorite pone...
1 hours later 9014033 Anonymous (muh beards.jpg 512x384 84kB)
guess based off my beard alone
1 hours later 9014039 Anonymous (some horsefucker.png 478x358 399kB)
Might as well post.
1 hours later 9014040 Anonymous
>responding to somebody calling you jewish by posting a picture of somebody who was highly likely to have been jewish
I can't even
1 hours later 9014042 Anonymous
Fuck, thought it was Diamond Butt but went with yellowkind just in case.
1 hours later 9014046 Anonymous
Anon of this pic. I want you niggers to guess.
1 hours later 9014047 OP's Cat
based beard
1 hours later 9014052 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014056 OP's Left Shoulder (mlfw9174-240788__UNOPT__safe_twilight-sparkle_rarity_spoiler-s03e12_50f13860a4c72d4916000f78.jpg.jpg 400x193 21kB)
ITT: your still a cum rag.
1 hours later 9014065 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014068 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014069 OP's Cat
fucking rainbow dash, I don't know
you're hot, who cares
1 hours later 9014074 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014084 OP's Cat
>ITT: your
1 hours later 9014086 Anonymous
Got the wrong guy.
I was the one calling him Jewish.
1 hours later 9014087 Anonymous
Twilight Sprinkle
1 hours later 9014089 Anonymous
Mr. Cake
1 hours later 9014090 Anonymous
No and no. Try again.
1 hours later 9014093 Anonymous (1359676227160.jpg 469x464 59kB)
>ever being a yellowkind fan
Please no
1 hours later 9014095 Anonymous (fixed.jpg 570x468 170kB)
1 hours later 9014096 Anonymous
Granny Smith
1 hours later 9014097 Anonymous (Screwball-3-my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-30445799-945-945.png 945x945 179kB)
1 hours later 9014106 Anonymous
your right!.... Derpy is my favorite pony
1 hours later 9014107 Anonymous (1358391904158.png 1363x745 609kB)
1 hours later 9014116 Anonymous
She used to be.
1 hours later 9014117 Anonymous (Picture 1.jpg 1600x1200 377kB)
Me and my younger brother
1 hours later 9014121 Anonymous
i regret posting in this thread
1 hours later 9014125 Anonymous (29 Nov 96 In the money.jpg 774x1174 356kB)
its not hard is it?
1 hours later 9014131 Anonymous (1361598206698.png 500x498 264kB)
1 hours later 9014133 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014138 Anonymous
No for fucks sake. i'm obviousely talking about best pone in the whole wide pone world...
1 hours later 9014140 Anonymous (1345352706713.png 336x448 138kB)
1 hours later 9014141 Anonymous
Applejack then?
1 hours later 9014142 OP's Left Shoulder
What the fuck do you want from me?
I'm the god-damned left shoulder of OP
At least when he faps, it doesn't feel like you ran a marathon on account of OP's erectile dysfunction
1 hours later 9014149 Anonymous (1354984498373.jpg 5000x5000 801kB)
Ricer plebs, the lot of you.
1 hours later 9014151 Anonymous
Heh no
1 hours later 9014158 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014165 Anonymous
just to clear things up, I am right handed
I don't even know why I'm sticking around in this thead
1 hours later 9014175 Anonymous
2 EZ
1 hours later 9014177 Anonymous
Rainbow Dash
1 hours later 9014178 Anonymous (1334093347254.gif 290x260 502kB)
Apa Jak?
1 hours later 9014182 Anonymous
It has to be Rainbow, did you even notice the toilet paper roll?
1 hours later 9014184 Anonymous
My... My heart is melting. Go in peace, left shoulder
1 hours later 9014187 Anonymous (1356893623525.png 1011x1088 613kB)
1 hours later 9014189 Anonymous (8070_10151800611375315_1389374977_n2.jpg 330x330 41kB)
As of the end of s3, when including only the mane6, this is correct. I would also have accepted RD. Has nothing to do with fashion though, if that's what you were thinking. I just had to go to court so I dressed nicely and took a pic after.
Now someone figure out my overall favorite pone.
1 hours later 9014190 Anonymous (I like to watch.jpg 445x446 55kB)
only thing this reminds me of
1 hours later 9014194 Anonymous (1358520369979.gif 600x420 827kB)
you must mean my teacher Celestia...
1 hours later 9014195 OP's Left Shoulder (mlfw8589-OP_is_on_the_loose.png 549x378 193kB)
Please, you switch after a while.
1 hours later 9014204 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014208 Anonymous
Yep you got it. I have a McDonald's toy of her in my truck.
1 hours later 9014212 Anonymous
okay another pic
im the middle one
xtc influence lel
1 hours later 9014217 Anonymous (1359324566213.png 945x945 82kB)
1 hours later 9014226 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014228 Anonymous
tbh I used to pick my nose with my left hand because my right was usually occupied with doing something better
1 hours later 9014230 Anonymous
I am starting to loose hope in you, /mlp/. Hint: She was best backround pone
1 hours later 9014236 Anonymous (lnb4opinions.jpg 774x1032 108kB)
then i forget the pic
this is going well.
1 hours later 9014242 OP's Left Shoulder
1 hours later 9014245 Anonymous
What makes us successful in deciding who likes what pony? Is there a stereotype that we should be observing in this thread?
1 hours later 9014246 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014255 Anonymous (old pic from the times of black and white.png 500x667 185kB)
1 hours later 9014261 Anonymous
ah ah ah another former favourite! but alas, no.
1 hours later 9014269 Anonymous
Pinkie Pie
1 hours later 9014271 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014274 Anonymous (1334419658031.png 500x480 292kB)
Hi there.... I'm Braeburn, what's your name?
1 hours later 9014276 OP's Cat
racism is key in good guessing
1 hours later 9014278 Anonymous
You guys look like the mascots for 9FAG in that pic.
1 hours later 9014279 Anonymous
Bingo. Finally. someone has a fine taste in pone. This anon guessed >>9013904
1 hours later 9014284 Anonymous
Underaged, fat, long hair. Pinkie pie.
1 hours later 9014285 OP's Left Shoulder (mlfw9320-226457_495456687157045_1399665395_n.png 480x433 72kB)
That don't affect me, I'm not your hand.
God, No wonder Brain is gonna convince you to kill yourself on your 38th birthday.
1 hours later 9014288 Anonymous (IMAG0054.jpg 1552x2592 332kB)
1 hours later 9014291 Anonymous
Rainbow Dash
1 hours later 9014297 Anonymous (celest.png 630x720 328kB)
>best pone
>not celest
1 hours later 9014305 Anonymous (image.jpg 897x897 270kB)
Guess my favourite pony
1 hours later 9014306 Anonymous (IMAG0057.jpg 1552x2592 359kB)
1 hours later 9014309 Anonymous (rid.php.png 250x175 34kB)
1 hours later 9014315 Anonymous (133284906845781.png 900x900 198kB)
1 hours later 9014319 Anonymous (1350954470345.png 806x806 154kB)
Racism is key in everything
1 hours later 9014321 OP's Cat
Suddenly Aroused, thank you
1 hours later 9014325 Anonymous
definitely Rainbow Dash
1 hours later 9014334 Anonymous (1361614589260.jpg 292x219 18kB)
1 hours later 9014336 Anonymous (appa jack.png 396x370 153kB)
>Not recognizing apple pone as supreme leader
1 hours later 9014338 Anonymous
Your hair says Fluttershy, but the tattoo says Rarity.
1 hours later 9014341 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014343 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014344 Anonymous
Blue fast.
1 hours later 9014347 Anonymous (IMAG0060.jpg 1552x2592 330kB)
1 hours later 9014350 Anonymous (1362923893832.png 417x500 20kB)
Thank ye kindly
1 hours later 9014357 Anonymous
I don't know but you're hot. Can i stick my dick in you?
1 hours later 9014358 Anonymous
Your favourite is twilight sparkle
1 hours later 9014359 Anonymous
im the middle one broseph
1 hours later 9014360 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014361 Anonymous
>implying not a trap
1 hours later 9014364 Anonymous
It depends. Which is the biggest whore pony in your opinion? It's that one.
1 hours later 9014368 Anonymous (0610120123a.jpg 504x886 106kB)
AJ is my least favorite of the mane6.
I'm also not homosexual.
Some more background: I've watched the show since S01E18. I've never purchased any pony merch but I have been given merch on multiple occasions.
1 hours later 9014373 Anonymous
is this whore serious?
1 hours later 9014381 Anonymous (1361616596366.jpg 442x341 12kB)
I know what I said.
1 hours later 9014385 Anonymous (4.png 960x640 414kB)
Do not want.
1 hours later 9014395 Anonymous (Zoolander-Magnum.png 236x221 115kB)
Can we get a pic of you making this face?
1 hours later 9014400 OP's Cat
You look like that twilight vampire that sparkles!
Twilight Sparkle!
1 hours later 9014401 Anonymous
Rainbow Dash because you look exactly like me.
1 hours later 9014403 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014409 12yroldDorner (BNJDnyU.jpg 2764x2073 452kB)
My mortal body awaits.
1 hours later 9014410 Anonymous (1359525269598.png 624x466 559kB)
1 hours later 9014425 AnonGuy (1223-38pic.jpg 480x720 27kB)
inb4 people say its not me
1 hours later 9014427 Anonymous
Rainbow Dash
1 hours later 9014429 Anonymous
You win X
3rd best pone sadly = /
1 hours later 9014433 Anonymous (1359731947102.png 330x329 216kB)
1 hours later 9014438 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014441 Anonymous
Allright guys i have a serious concern here. After analyzing some pictures here, i came to the conclussion that half of /mlp/ is underaged. The fuck?
1 hours later 9014446 Anonymous (1359869332447.jpg 400x294 20kB)
1 hours later 9014452 Anonymous (1345476168798.jpg 280x259 51kB)
1 hours later 9014453 Anonymous (confident-aj-001.png 150x150 23kB)
>I'm also not homosexual.
My throbbing cock says otherwise
1 hours later 9014454 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014458 Anonymous
if 4chan now accepts botmap, then yes.
1 hours later 9014459 Anonymous (avatar.jpg 226x204 33kB)
Let's see how good are you guise. Guess my two favorite pones.
1 hours later 9014465 OP's Cat
That's not you
1 hours later 9014466 Anonymous
its not me
1 hours later 9014477 Anonymous
easy peasy
1 hours later 9014478 AnonGuy
fuck you got it
1 hours later 9014484 Anonymous (1361084366856.gif 325x203 1142kB)
1 hours later 9014487 Anonymous
Pinkie Pie
1 hours later 9014490 12yroldDorner (1360474393336.jpg 600x424 113kB)
Shit you're good.
>2nd favorite.
1 hours later 9014493 AnonGuy
it is and no its not spitfire but I do like spitfire
1 hours later 9014498 OP's Left Shoulder
I can tell these things
You're actually a dancer in a jazz troupe
You bought the marines uniform offline to wear in front of your parents so they don't know the truth.
So you're gay for braeburn
1 hours later 9014506 Anonymous
Nigga what is wrong with your head?
1 hours later 9014510 Anonymous
>lots of Applefags
Wow /mlp/ has a shitty taste in pony.
1 hours later 9014514 Anonymous
i tried lel
1 hours later 9014518 Anonymous
some shitty OC pony you make that no one cares about
1 hours later 9014522 Anonymous
Rarity is my favourite pony !!
1 hours later 9014538 Anonymous (1359866811064.jpg 194x160 4kB)
I was wondering if I was the only non retard here.
Thank you.
1 hours later 9014539 Anonymous
It's the angle nigga.
1 hours later 9014542 AnonGuy
damn nigga, how'd you know
1 hours later 9014543 12yroldDorner (1343240267869.png 730x1093 315kB)
Ya did good son.
1 hours later 9014544 Anonymous
Pinkie and Rarity
1 hours later 9014546 Anonymous
Nope. Not a fan of OCs.
1 hours later 9014555 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014561 Anonymous (1342470855433.jpg 800x815 117kB)
Go to him...
1 hours later 9014570 Anonymous
Nope. Rarity is least favorite mane6
1 hours later 9014574 Anonymous (IMG_20121224_143834.jpg 1536x2048 543kB)
come at me bro
1 hours later 9014582 Anonymous
Hey OP,
your cat is a dick but your left shoulder is a bro.
1 hours later 9014584 OP's Left Shoulder (1358629354171.png 615x480 76kB)
I watched That's My Boy.
1 hours later 9014588 OP's Cat
Bring him to me
1 hours later 9014589 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014593 Anonymous
Rainbow Dash?
1 hours later 9014596 Anonymous (photo.jpg 720x960 453kB)
Take a guess /mlp/
1 hours later 9014597 Anonymous
Obvious Dashfag.
1 hours later 9014602 Anonymous (2013-02-28-205128.jpg 640x480 49kB)
Oh look it's that /soc/ thread again.
I'll just re-post my picture from last time
1 hours later 9014603 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014614 Anonymous (1336666858015.png 768x550 119kB)
How'dya know ifn' ya never tried?
1 hours later 9014615 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014616 Anonymous
I've never talked to my left shoulder
or my cat
I like my cat better though
I'm just really confused right now
1 hours later 9014618 12yroldDorner (1359954264763.jpg 771x1037 146kB)
How could you possibly hate rarity?
1 hours later 9014621 OP's Left Shoulder (1362855926677.jpg 292x321 16kB)
1 hours later 9014626 Anonymous
Panky poi?
1 hours later 9014627 Anonymous (1359871530582.jpg 225x225 7kB)
Nice trips.
1 hours later 9014629 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014633 Anonymous (34567890.jpg 400x300 24kB)
1 hours later 9014634 OP's Cat
>come at me bro
it's shits like you that make me embarassed to like Dash
1 hours later 9014640 OP's Left Shoulder
I bet that's your name
1 hours later 9014649 Anonymous (Milo.jpg 640x427 42kB)
1 hours later 9014652 Anonymous (Image11.jpg 2560x2048 247kB)
Taken from my shitty laptop webcam with a bad light source. It'll have to do.
1 hours later 9014656 Anonymous
..is it a background pony?
1 hours later 9014663 OP's Left Shoulder (1361729782830.jpg 640x640 61kB)
*sniff* If only you'd listen...
1 hours later 9014668 OP's Cat
nigger you know his name is Pablo or Enrique or something like that
1 hours later 9014671 Anonymous
Yellow quiet
1 hours later 9014673 Anonymous
fuck that cunt
fuck no
to bad she sucks ass
1 hours later 9014680 Anonymous
Pinkie Pie
1 hours later 9014681 Anonymous
It's your facial expression is similar to
Same answer.
1 hours later 9014690 12yroldDorner (xeJ5z.jpg 1024x768 80kB)
What is my AK's Favorite pony?
1 hours later 9014691 Anonymous (textplus_externaltmp.jpg 960x1280 292kB)
My penis.
1 hours later 9014697 Anonymous (oct-01.png 150x150 23kB)
I'd rather cum on you. You're cute.
Also, Flutterhsy.
1 hours later 9014703 Anonymous
Nope, she's just the only poni i have
1 hours later 9014704 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014709 Anonymous
RD obvious master race, everyone else autistic neckbeards
1 hours later 9014717 Anonymous
clearly its steve magnets because he is a proud gun owner as well
1 hours later 9014719 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014722 Anonymous
It's Twilight right? She is the main fucking character.
1 hours later 9014723 Anonymous (1342525411682.png 882x906 173kB)
2 ez
1 hours later 9014730 Anonymous
Pinkie pie
1 hours later 9014735 12yroldDorner (C9Pim.jpg 719x538 48kB)
8/10 looks like eminem.
1 hours later 9014737 Anonymous
um...thank you?
and no, not fluttershy
1 hours later 9014740 OP's Left Shoulder
Naw, man. He looks like this aspie i met in the south. Wasn't even a brony and he was beyond cancer
1 hours later 9014741 Anonymous
maybe it time you had a talk with your cat, really this is no way to act
1 hours later 9014745 Anonymous (56431345.jpg 519x370 68kB)
1 hours later 9014748 Anonymous
The picture wasn't my elbow before I clicked it...
1 hours later 9014759 Anonymous (2013-01-12_21-54-41_100.jpg 3264x1840 1549kB)
Follow the comment links, RD is my #2 in the mane6, was overtaken by Rarity at the end of s3.
1 hours later 9014760 Anonymous
Fuck no
1 hours later 9014761 Anonymous (1362456292825.jpg 800x1000 186kB)
1 hours later 9014767 Anonymous
everyone seems to tell me that, especially on omegle
1 hours later 9014772 Anonymous
Twilight then? last guess
1 hours later 9014787 AnonGuy
already said it was applejack
1 hours later 9014789 Anonymous (asdzxc0123.jpg 2592x1944 1470kB)
1 hours later 9014790 Anonymous (1359875797691.jpg 396x396 13kB)
1 hours later 9014797 12yroldDorner (Wzy03cF.jpg 2764x2073 739kB)
>no nugget
>no gasmask.
>the year of our lord 2013
1 hours later 9014802 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014807 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014809 Anonymous (1361078216165.jpg 241x233 12kB)
1 hours later 9014811 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014831 Anonymous
no minors allowed
that peach fuzz
1 hours later 9014832 OP's Left Shoulder (1362260073417.png 512x512 104kB)
>No black powder guns
>No Mauser
>2293 Shire-reckoning
1 hours later 9014833 Anonymous
you look like Eminem dude.
1 hours later 9014850 Anonymous (xmrah.jpg 920x1221 250kB)
I've a gas mask and access to an AR-15 and some shotguns (though not at this house).
I also didn't show my machete, tomahawk, or knives.
1 hours later 9014851 Anonymous
dude you're calves are shit
1 hours later 9014870 Anonymous
No, but she was my favorite when I first got into mlp.
I'm 20, I know I look like 14 or something.
1 hours later 9014872 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014873 Anonymous (RarityHmpf.png 1280x1459 336kB)
1 hours later 9014885 OP's Left Shoulder (1362792910159.gif 500x364 318kB)
1 hours later 9014902 12yroldDorner (57om0.jpg 477x358 29kB)
Whatchu packin nigga?
1 hours later 9014904 Anonymous (1360126669545.jpg 666x666 40kB)
>Implying calves are on arms
1 hours later 9014906 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014907 Anonymous (60746_201291516669740_1447902467_n.jpg 737x737 154kB)
my favorite pone?
1 hours later 9014913 Anonymous
#1 >>9013881
#2 >>9014574
#3 >>9013110
In that order
1 hours later 9014930 Anonymous (8pages.jpg 800x600 42kB)
1 hours later 9014931 Anonymous (1362896832722.jpg 1625x2085 997kB)
close second though
1 hours later 9014952 12yroldDorner (1358999461986.png 553x600 307kB)
1 hours later 9014953 OP's Left Shoulder (bicep-stretches.jpg 400x400 19kB)
Mahthter Fahker, I gotz the most powerful guns of all.
1 hours later 9014967 Anonymous
for a hiatus thread this is surprisingly good
1 hours later 9014976 Anonymous (IMG_20130311_223749.jpg 1536x2048 444kB)
Do I still look like eminem?
this picture was taken a few minutes ago, the other one was from like 2 months ago
1 hours later 9014980 Anonymous
1 hours later 9014987 Anonymous
I don't get it
1 hours later 9014991 Anonymous (1360709161918.gif 230x175 2038kB)
You are all autistic faggots.
1 hours later 9014999 Anonymous
if you sucked in your cheeks a little and puckered a bit you'd look just like him
1 hours later 9015005 Anonymous
Even more so
1 hours later 9015012 12yroldDorner (1358998930403.jpg 400x400 14kB)
>that feel when you lift everyday and play football
> still not Mahter Fahker master race
1 hours later 9015021 Anonymous
welp trips confirm it, Im eminem
1 hours later 9015028 OP's Left Shoulder (1361148520420.gif 500x276 737kB)
Says the guy who doesn't wallow in the autism with us.
1 hours later 9015030 Anonymous
You now look more of faggot. WHY AREN'T YOU SMILING?
1 hours later 9015032 Anonymous
and what does a pony no about human anatomy?
1 hours later 9015050 Anonymous
Show us your neckbeard.
1 hours later 9015056 Anonymous
I dont like pictures
1 hours later 9015063 12yroldDorner (mlfw5167-aj-fuckyou.png 512x512 77kB)
2 hours later 9015117 OP's Left Shoulder
Right there's your problem
Football? Fucking Casual
Now Wrestling is a man's sport.
2 hours later 9015154 wolverscream05 (image.jpg 300x225 17kB)
Hint, it's one of the OC's of the autistic four, some say the character design is not bad.
2 hours later 9015160 Anonymous
Any other guesses?
2 hours later 9015169 Anonymous
>mfw 5 years of wrestling
>mfw went to states twice
>mfw im not gay and still look 14
2 hours later 9015170 Anonymous
voraciously grappling with a sweaty muscular man with grunts to punctuate the silence of your battle of wills in a circular arena until one of you dominates the other.
You're a Fag.
2 hours later 9015172 Anonymous
2 hours later 9015173 OP's Left Shoulder
2 hours later 9015179 12yroldDorner (1360467453801.gif 400x300 283kB)
But I don't like singlets.
2 hours later 9015183 Anonymous (5234534534.jpg 485x351 27kB)
Everyone looks like a hopeless virgin in this thread. Please go outside faggots, it's good for you.
2 hours later 9015186 Anonymous
is it some kinda shitty luna oc?
2 hours later 9015218 OP's Left Shoulder
>voraciously grappling with a sweaty muscular man with grunts to punctuate the silence of your battle of wills in a circular arena until one of you dominates the other.
You are the worst kind of faggot. the straight, normal kind.
2 hours later 9015224 Anonymous
Same fag detected
2 hours later 9015226 Anonymous
at least we're not privileged
2 hours later 9015227 Anonymous
Show us your sad, cold existence on the fringes of civilized society.
2 hours later 9015237 OP's Left Shoulder
>>voraciously grappling with a sweaty muscular man with grunts to punctuate the silence of your battle of wills in a circular arena until one of you dominates the other.
>You are the worst kind of faggot. the straight, normal kind.
2 hours later 9015247 Anonymous
not according to the Olympics it isn't
lel no more wrestling in the Olympics
>inb4 Olympics is for plebs
2 hours later 9015248 wolverscream05
2 hours later 9015253 Anonymous
Target Aquired
Orders sir?
2 hours later 9015254 Anonymous
>Xxpu55yslay3rxX takes no brakes
2 hours later 9015278 Anonymous
yeah, well, you're mean on the internet.
2 hours later 9015281 Anonymous
It was pretty obvious man
2 hours later 9015288 Anonymous
I'm not sure I understand what you mean but,
Well done.
2 hours later 9015296 Anonymous
No. IRL ponies are fucking assholes.
2 hours later 9015318 12yroldDorner (1360476074274.png 458x344 18kB)
2 hours later 9015334 Anonymous
Granny Smith
2 hours later 9015356 wolverscream05 (image.jpg 800x627 80kB)
It looks like this donut steal
2 hours later 9015358 Anonymous
It's not any member of the Apple family.
2 hours later 9015388 Anonymous
why cant normal, attractive people take an interest in this show...
2 hours later 9015418 Anonymous (Absolutely lel.png 600x449 590kB)
>normal, attractive people
>on 4chan
2 hours later 9015423 Anonymous
because we are all autismal neckbeards
2 hours later 9015429 Anonymous
>Normal, attractive people
When you meet one let me know. Because I know plenty of normal people who aren't attractive and lots of attractive people with serious issues.
2 hours later 9015443 Anonymous
Define normal
2 hours later 9015454 GreenRob
Hey this looks like golden heart. Not bad
2 hours later 9015459 Anonymous
Man, there are a lot of nice looking people in this thread. I'm jelly
>tfw no camera
2 hours later 9015463 12yroldDorner
This thread has actually been enlightening.
There has been a stunning lack of autism here.
2 hours later 9015491 Anonymous
>stunning lack of autism
2 hours later 9015514 Anonymous (Feels on the bus.jpg 689x712 101kB)
>tfw im covered in pimples
>tfw im fat
>tfw im probably more autistic than most of this board
2 hours later 9015533 Anonymous
anyone else? not apple pone of any kind
2 hours later 9015534 Anonymous
Yeah, no one chose Fluttershy as their best pone.
2 hours later 9015553 polarmars9000 (image.jpg 1046x794 125kB)
Hint: it's a shitty treekicker recolor.
2 hours later 9015555 Anonymous
Same here man.
I'm a huge fat fuck and all I need is a neckbeard to reach my final form.
2 hours later 9015563 Anonymous
sweetie belle
2 hours later 9015580 Anonymous
welp quads confirm
2 hours later 9015605 Anonymous (mlfw5095-DOITFILLY.png 915x833 310kB)
So many examples
2 hours later 9015617 Anonymous
2 hours later 9015624 Anonymous
>second picture of mine made the list but not the first one
do I win?
2 hours later 9015633 Anonymous
Nope on both counts.
2 hours later 9015638 Anonymous (1356726925843.png 1920x1080 359kB)
You win.
2 hours later 9015656 Anonymous
fuck yeah
2 hours later 9015690 Anonymous (hue.png 960x720 893kB)
This was a monumental thread
2 hours later 9015711 Anonymous (wtf.png 600x450 157kB)
Also, to be honest I don't think i'm autistic because i'm not socially awkward or fat as fuck or have a neckbeard.
2 hours later 9015731 Anonymous
Yeah, when people say "Autist" they are usually being sarcastic, exagerating or just referencing when someone happens to act a LITTLE bit stupid. I act autistic occasionally but I don't let those few occasional moments define me. I can keep my shit in check. I'm pretty sure most EVERYONE knows how to do that. And sometimes it can be fun to act retarded and not be so damn guarded all the fucking time.
That's me btw.
2 hours later 9015736 12yroldDorner
Fuck my sentence structure.
2 hours later 9015757 12yroldDorner
Yeah I know, I shoped ya a couple hours ago.
2 hours later 9015773 Anonymous
eh, readable.
half those people seem decent to me, what makes them autistic?
2 hours later 9015811 Anonymous
Nobody guessed correctly.
Am Dashfag
2 hours later 9015831 12yroldDorner
I wasn't saying they were autistic.
I said they were normal.
2 hours later 9015853 Anonymous
ah my mistake, read that wrong
2 hours later 9015958 Anonymous
>favorite pony is Dash
You're full of shit. you Braeburn-loving son of a bitch
2 hours later 9015976 12yroldDorner (Screen shot 2012-12-03 at 6.42.png 986x762 517kB)
Okay, one last dorner pic.
Now bed
2 hours later 9016001 Anonymous
I hope you know that I fucking love that pic and I have ALWAYS wanted to use my own face for reaction images. I just seems funnier in my head.
2 hours later 9016021 Anonymous
well you have a guy hiding his entire face with a hood, "my penis.", a beard, some depressed fat kid, a group of kids doing a mirror shot looking retarded and a much weirder eminem.
If thats a better than average day for you, i just dont even.
2 hours later 9016082 Anonymous (thatcoffeeguy.jpg 640x480 132kB)
might bandwagon aswell, hit me with your best shot.
2 hours later 9016085 Anonymous
please tell me this thing still isnt going on
2 hours later 9016109 Anonymous
Let me guess Princess Twilight is your favorite.
2 hours later 9016113 Anonymous
2 hours later 9016128 Anonymous
naw its pretty dead now.
2 hours later 9016200 Anonymous
Wow, that was fast.
Good guess but please dont call her princess, it makes me empty inside
2 hours later 9016223 Anonymous
but she's a princess now. why not call her one?
2 hours later 9016268 Anonymous
Yea she is my favorite too, but I'm sorry man we are going to have to get used to calling her princess from now on. ;_;
2 hours later 9016347 Anonymous
>Implying you won't enjoy getting on your knees and bowing before Princess Sparkle
3 hours later 9016675 Anonymous (hue.jpg 230x264 61kB)
4.976 0.437