4chan archive /mlp/ (index)
2013-03-12 04:40 9011845 Anonymous music thread (Jesus.png 225x225 100kB)
What are you listining to /mlp/?
post music pony pics and/or what song your listining to.
>tfw i dont have a music pony pic
SO have some Jesus instead
2 min later 9011900 Anonymous
Blackmore's Night - Secret Voyage
Nightwish - Imaginareum
Luca Turelli's Dreamquest - Lost Horizons
Mass Effect 2 - Soundtrack
Olafur Arnalds - Eulogy for Evolution
Escala - Escala
The Fountain - Soundtrack
2 min later 9011922 Redneck No 59823562 (jack.jpg 103x125 2kB)
Fak yo rulz ima post country pone cause im listining to coantrayz muzac!
3 min later 9011939 Redneck No 59823562
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJlB VlVAaUc
4 min later 9011978 Red
http://djmcgranaman.bandcamp.com/tr ack/ultimate-sweetie-belle-alex-s
I couldn't find a youtube link but whatever
4 min later 9011980 Anonymous (huehue.jpg 238x212 7kB)
hue school hue the huesicle!
5 min later 9011988 Anonymous
Right now I am listening to blackmill, but it's in a playlist with all kinds of shit, my favorite music is this kind of calming shit, like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5xJ DYClnTA
or some more pretty songs, that are a little more exciting, like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5xJ DYClnTA
5 min later 9012003 Anonymous noko (mylife.jpg 500x375 109kB)
Hardknock - Joey Bada$$ (Feat. CJ Fly)
Any other hip-hop listeners here?
6 min later 9012036 Anonymous (1362279798923.jpg 793x494 49kB)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkPC b-uEjaI
7 min later 9012042 Anonymous (metalshy.png 851x838 209kB)
>>The Sickness (full album)
7 min later 9012048 Anonymous
https://soundcloud.com/americantopl oader/a-lust-for-love
9 min later 9012099 Anonymous
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWaD mOqmoZg
13 min later 9012202 Anonymous
Journey, "Wheel in the Sky"
Bit of a theme song to the story I'm writing ...
14 min later 9012223 Anonymous
Oh yah.
Whatcha writin
18 min later 9012321 Anonymous
man you people legit need to lurk /mu/ for a bit and broaden your horizons
just don't stay there too long
Also here you go, amazing background music that's fun to listen to when getting things done
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB3 0ZXGdenw
24 min later 9012454 Anonymous
won't lay down too much detail yet but ...
I'm envisioning some space opera .. ship's about to jump. Crew's lounging around an activity / break room area. Playing poker, reminiscing about stuff. Twi & RD are there, RD's a starfighter pilot ( Because that's how it worked out. They both got stuck behind the lines. ) They're cut off from Equestria, but this next expedition should see them get home. Must be winter time back home, bet they're building snow forts and having fun ...
Someone strikes up the song ...
25 min later 9012481 Anonymous noko (tumblr_lk95enqsN91qb15ryo1_400.gif 319x217 50kB)
1 hours later 9014238 Anonymous
I'm listening to this. It makes me uncomfortable. I think I like it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSgE GKonGzg
1 hours later 9014353 Anonymous (23AGsNa[1].png 550x550 247kB)
Liquid Eternity - Ayreon
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsA7 sowKO5E
1 hours later 9014383 Anonymous
Frank Sinatra - What Now My Love
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiUn XcdIF2M
1 hours later 9014442 Anonymous
Neutral Milk Hotel. Hue.
1 hours later 9014508 Anonymous
everyone else pleb
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