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2013-03-12 04:32 9011582 Anonymous (huh.jpg 267x189 8kB)
Serious question,.....I used to like cartoons as a child but grew out of them and grew up... Here goes, do you Ponyfags think you will still like ponys in 10-20 years, or after having kids of your own?

6 min later 9011790 Pononymous (237905__UNOPT__safe_octavia_51151c107f123b5a35001823.png.png 500x614 191kB)
>>9011582 >implying the sperglords will have a chance at having children Joking Personally, I have never ever grown tired of cartoons; majority of the shows I watch are either cartoons or kid/"teenish" oriented (i.e., Drake and Josh). Even if you stop watching cartoons, I don't think you will lose interest; you will still probably be, well, interested if you see an old cartoon you used to watch on TV, and remember how much you liked the show/how awesome it is/was. If nothing else, I think your/our interest will remain for the sake of nostalgia and remembrance. Just my horribly worded 2cents.

8 min later 9011864 Anonymous
>>9011790 Yea,...but I grew out of the power rangers (older fag) and look back and laugh. When I see pics of 20 year old pony lovers I wonder if they are insane (no troll)

37 min later 9012594 Pononymous
>>9011864 That's the other ultimatum; you either see how silly it is, or get some form of nostalgia. I tend to have some form of nostalgia (unless it's something that you have had a drastic change of opinion towards (ie, I used to love basketball, now I'm all like whatthefuckwaswrongwithme.gif)) But mostly, I'm a nostalgic person, si at least for me, I probably won't ever get tired of cartoons. As for MLP? Maybe; it depends. I would probably come back to it (if I leave it behind anyway) if I had a daughter and show it to her. I'm going to be having a niece/nephew soon, so I guess I'll see how that turns out.

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