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2013-03-12 04:23 9011316 Anonymous (1354475354654.png 900x804 228kB)
What if Lyra and Bon Bon are actually sisters?

0 min later 9011344 Anonymous
>>9011316 That just makes the sex even hotter

1 min later 9011353 Anonymous
Then >>8981413

4 min later 9011423 Anonymous
>>9011316 They don't even slightly look the same

7 min later 9011517 Anonymous
>>9011423 Pinkie Inkie Blinkie Twi and Shining Armor Celestia and Luna Cake twins

7 min later 9011535 Anonymous (1361841675420.png 384x403 108kB)
That is hot as fuck.

18 min later 9011861 Anonymous (265830.png 459x392 6kB)
>>9011316 Makes sense to me.

1 hours later 9013332 Anonymous (1353914495595.jpg 1024x662 95kB)

1 hours later 9013418 Anonymous (1360254403287.jpg 1200x1000 463kB)

1 hours later 9014157 Anonymous
>>9011316 Seems legit. But seriously even if it makes perfect sense, even if it's somehow confirmed in the show, the fandom will never accept it. It's far too late. Just look at the butthurt "Colgate" and "Berry Punch" fans not accepting the official names.

1 hours later 9014202 Anonymous
>>9011316 >implying anything changes

1 hours later 9014232 Anonymous
>>9011316 The Oedipus thread would rejoice.

2 hours later 9014847 Anonymous (1354475932561.png 900x900 195kB)
>>9011344 >>9011535 >>9013332 >>9013418 >>9014202 >>9014232 You guys don't have siblings, do you?

2 hours later 9014862 Anonymous (BadhairdayBonnie.png 1024x576 455kB)

2 hours later 9014899 Anonymous
>>9014232 >>9014847 I have a twin sister and personally I'm put off by incest, but if people are into it that's their business.

2 hours later 9014968 Anonymous
The official trading cards call them best friends. Though not impossible, it's unlikely that they'd use such terminology if they were sisters.

2 hours later 9015000 Anonymous
>>9014157 When did Berry Punch get an official name?

2 hours later 9015009 Anonymous
>>9014968 /thread

2 hours later 9015084 Anonymous
>>9015000 The Blind Bag Toys named her "Berryshine", but the recent book used Berry Punch so maybe they retconed it. It happened with Lyra (Heart Strrings) and Trixie (Lulamoon).

2 hours later 9015161 Anonymous (1345296700103.jpg 900x634 105kB)
>>9014899 >twin sister As in, identical twins?

5 hours later 9018706 Anonymous (1354475162787.png 569x600 301kB)

11 hours later 9021572 Anonymous
>>9015084 Well, the Blind Bag toys had a UNICORN named Berryshine who sort of looked like Berry Punch. And Minuette is a Twilight-looking Crystal Pony who bears NO resemblance to Colgate other than having a similar cutie mark. The MLPwiki declared that this pony must be Colgate and this was now her "official name", probably just to annoy people. It worked. As for Lyrabon as incestuous sisters, sure, why not.

11 hours later 9021612 Anonymous (267365__UNOPT__safe_lyra_50c4b92959eede456d7159f6_russian_monocle.jpg 700x560 88kB)
Lyra is Bon Bon's subtenant, she took her in because they've been BFFs since pre-school. Lyra is NEET and spends all her time browsing /mlh/ and obsessing over a little fillies cartoon.

11 hours later 9021637 Anonymous (1359673999094.png 900x1043 215kB)

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