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2013-03-12 03:50 9010398 Spike (248234__UNOPT__safe_twilight-sparkle_artist-lilmisswaffles_51229896a4c72d6a49000a3d.png.png 933x700 101kB)
>Whew gosh that was a long day
>Did so much stuff, ate so much food
>It was a blast
>I don't know where to begin
>Twilight and Pinkie are here too
1 min later 9010448 Anonymous (___1359244302128.gif 550x400 25kB)
Hi Pinkie!
1 min later 9010449 Anonymous
Did you have fun today?
2 min later 9010489 Anonymous
Please die.
3 min later 9010499 Pinkie Pie (223659__UNOPT__safe_pinkie-pie_licking_fourth-wall_artist-tomdantherock.gif.gif 350x375 116kB)
10 min later 9010706 Anonymous
Squeeze Pinkie's ass
12 min later 9010744 Anonymous
Now wouldn't it be hilarious if you were banned for ironic shitposting?
13 min later 9010772 Anonymous
I don't get what's going on, but all my friends are here
Applejack is here too
27 min later 9011181 Spike (cute_twilight_sparkle_princess_by_martybpix-d5x2iih[1].png 600x831 386kB)
What's shit posting?
>Oh jeez Twilight
47 min later 9011759 Anonymous
48 min later 9011794 Ken D. Blackwell (SonyaThumbsUp.jpg 885x1039 217kB)
>one advantage to having wings
48 min later 9011796 Anonymous
51 min later 9011875 Anonymous
I didn't think people used the term spergs here
52 min later 9011902 Anonymous
So how did it go earlier?
54 min later 9011968 Anonymous
1 hours later 9012204 Spike (263138__UNOPT__safe_twilight-sparkle_solo_wallpaper_princess-twilight_artist-theparagon.png.png 1100x619 222kB)
Do you have any sense of decency? Spike and I are not going to violate my friend like that, and I'm not happy that you're asking me to do that.
I seriously can't tell whether you guys are faking it, or whether your species has grown so bored of itself that it needs to pleasure itself to another race.
I'm beginning to believe that you all influenced Spike into doing that lewd act that made a mess of my library.
>That was painful to type
1 hours later 9012299 Anonymous (1322321690001.jpg 472x600 134kB)
Spike tell twilight about the Horsocaust that killed 6 million ponies
1 hours later 9012303 Anonymous (1362456632342.jpg 381x365 15kB)
You must be new here.
1 hours later 9012335 Anonymous
Don't tell her about the horse meat scandal, that would really get her tit in a ringer.
1 hours later 9012496 Spike (261320__UNOPT__safe_twilight_artist-jack-a-lynn_513368eaa4c72d83e3000b30.jpeg.jpg 555x574 93kB)
Spike, you keep typing this
>But Twilight I don't think you get it
Just do it, Spike...Please!
What is this fascination with visiting Rainbow Dash's house? I'm assuming that the clouds would either stick to you making it really difficult to move around or you would just fall through them. She doesn't usually get visitors, but I'm sure if you wanted to see the inside of her house she would let you
1 hours later 9012550 Anonymous (1357493311141.png 213x236 51kB)
Excellent then, she'll let us cum inside
All Right Folks victory is near!
1 hours later 9012554 Anonymous (Death2.gif 176x144 1207kB)
Ponychan thread?
1 hours later 9012777 Spike (spike_by_mindnomad-d3gtl00[1].png 837x955 169kB)
>Oh wow that looks delicious!
1 hours later 9012865 Anonymous
Spike you can have that crystal cake all to yourself if you can get Twilight to open a portal from Equestria to the USA
1 hours later 9012933 Anonymous (Pink_Shame.png 700x570 151kB)
If Ponk is still there, tell her I say hello
1 hours later 9013206 Pinkie Pie (pinkie_pie_portraiture_by_fluttershythekind-d5xn9il[1].png 1024x1327 1161kB)
I look all messy and stuff!
1 hours later 9013325 Disgustingly Nice Anon
Twilight Sparkle, as an avid watcher, from a distance,
I would like to remind you we are sometimes very often not to be taken seriously, anything we say that can be lewd or endangering, is just a bluff or joke made by others for a means of... Twisted humor.
We generally say things for laughs, even when they can be taken as hurtful or wrong, it is human nature.
2 hours later 9013610 Spike (twilight_sparkle_by_hungrysohma16-d5wcxg6[1].png 839x951 220kB)
I realize that, I guess you can say it is difficult to NOT be trusting of others. I can realize it is a joke, but it is such a cruel joke that I have to break out of some old habits. Ponies are usually pretty honest with each other, and rarely will they do anything out of spite. Forgive me if it is hard for me to remember that these are just cruel jokes you're playing on each other...at the expense of everyone I know including myself.
2 hours later 9013754 Anonymous (Puppet_Show.jpg 813x729 128kB)
For you, Twilight.
2 hours later 9013801 Anonymous
So do you have the wings or not? Make up your damn mind sparkle.
2 hours later 9014010 Anonymous
Think about it this way, no one would ever really do these things to you. The anonymity aforded to us here lets us say the dumb and stupid thing we would never say or know would be inapropriate to say, and lets us do so without fear of retribution.
Havbe you ever just wanted to call some one out when they were being dumb? Let them know how you really feel? Or just really wanted to shout something bad?
You can't say those things to people in reality because we are decent people, saying these bad things online lets us releive stress without harming anyone. If anyone ever feels upset, they have the option to leave and tune it all out.
2 hours later 9014038 Anonymous
So spike, how did you enjoy your day of doing what you wanted to do?
2 hours later 9014051 Anonymous
Nigga shut the fuck up. I would bitch slap Twilight if I had the chance.
One good slap to the horn, a quick couple twists of her wings and she's helpless.
2 hours later 9014164 Anonymous
I doubt a slap to the horn would incapacitate, animals with horns use them to beat the snot out of each other. Even if unicorn ponies don't do that they probably decended from animals that did do that, so their horns are probably less sensitive than you would think.
The wings also seem remarkably robust, considering that rainbow dash was able to make a full and expedient recovery from a collision with the ground at full throtle.
2 hours later 9014262 Anonymous
Makes me wonder how much force it would take to snap a unicorns horn.
2 hours later 9014333 Anonymous
Marshmallow pones have nerf horns, they don't break they bend.
2 hours later 9014346 Anonymous
probably comperable to the amount needed to snap antlers on a moose/deer
2 hours later 9014382 Anonymous
I don't need to incapacitate her completely. Sweetie Belle was able to cancel rarity's spell with a slap. I just need to keep her from casting a spell right away.
And RD was incapacitated for days from one crash. Also considering I am likely more than double their weight and size, all I would need to do would be to get close enough to get at her horn for a few seconds.
2 hours later 9014415 Anonymous
considering that they do show their horns being filled down at one point in the show, i doubt they are squishy
2 hours later 9014434 Anonymous
for all we know the ponies are all godzilla sized
2 hours later 9014576 Spike (spikes_new_hat__by_permaxfrost-d5kmn8g[1].png 840x951 181kB)
>Yeah I went hiking
>I went to see a movie
>And we played board games at the hospital with Pinkie, Apple Jack, Sweetie Belle, Rarity, and Scootaloo
>I still don't have the nerves to ask her out
>I feel like it is kinda wrong, I'm 15 and she's 11
>I'm not letting Twilight read these comments
2 hours later 9014611 Anonymous
Not really. Things don't just scale up like that.
This is of course providing that they experience the same laws of physics that we do, and that their gravity is similar to ours, which by looking at the rate of speed things drop in their world, it is pretty similar.
2 hours later 9014659 Anonymous
Aww, where's the fun in that? Can you at least have Pinkie come back?
2 hours later 9014696 Spike (tumblr_mjgxok5Pp61rfjjs2o1_1280[1].png 1024x1024 657kB)
Yeah, I'm still getting used to this whole internet thing. I guess years of having that freedom will do that to you, but maybe ponies are just different.
I've been an alicorn for nearly half a year now...I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
2 hours later 9014699 Anonymous
good to see you had fun.
If you feel creepy about it, take your time. eventually the "one half pus seven" rule will place her in a socially acceptable dating range
2 hours later 9014716 Anonymous (Pony size.jpg 600x3962 632kB)
Their is always this, no matter how autistic it is
2 hours later 9014734 Anonymous
So, what sort of royal duties have you taken up so far?
Any big positions of leadership? Or was the tittle more honorary than practiced?
2 hours later 9014776 Anonymous
I personally like to imagine that their snouts are at belly button height on a 6'2" person.
This allows for optimum hugging
2 hours later 9014785 PonyDelight
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvMb 3c_GM_o
2 hours later 9014813 Anonymous
Answer me this then. You girls have radios? How common are they if so?
2 hours later 9014820 Anonymous
I knew exactly where that was going, and I still watched...
2 hours later 9014825 Anonymous
Twilight what is it like knowing that there are whole legions of people that hate for what you are now?
And don't hide this from her spike, I want to see how the princess handles the tough questions.
2 hours later 9014834 Anonymous
They have arcades, so it is not unreasonable to assume they have radios.
2 hours later 9014838 Anonymous
Being 6'2'' this is pretty easy to imagine. Yeah I could see them at this height.
2 hours later 9014854 Anonymous
>optimum blowjobs
Saw you had a type there, don't worry, I fixed it
2 hours later 9014875 Anonymous
I would have set it at waist height for that.
2 hours later 9014918 Anonymous
Close enough. I was working with the autistic shit I was given.
2 hours later 9014992 Spike (old_memories_by_chung_sae-d5xc4qf[1].jpg 768x1024 224kB)
Pretty common, ours are probably far closer to what you have had several decades ago, but they're pretty popular here.
>I knew it was going to get to this, she hasn't seen all the episodes and she's still reeling from trying to develop a better relationship with me.
It's difficult considering you're basing your opinion on an outside viewer knowing only about our news essentially. If you actually lived in Equestria for some time, then I'd believe you'd see things quite differently
2 hours later 9015040 RedCape (spike.png 600x600 91kB)
Did a drawing for Spike yesterday (pic related)
Is there anything or anyone you'd like to request a draw of, Twilight?
2 hours later 9015065 Anonymous
I think he would like to be drawn as the protagonist of "God hand"
2 hours later 9015090 Spike (hand_drawn_spike_self_portrait_by_sharpm1nd-d5qjrvc[1].png 1635x1750 263kB)
>Check out my artistic ability
>Do this, I want to show Twilight
2 hours later 9015111 Transistor radios, it's hip baby.
Crud .. transistor radios sound likely.
Well there goes that story line ... annnnd my writing comes screeching to a halt.
2 hours later 9015125 Anonymous
That reminds me, how did you come across that "dragon code" anyways?
2 hours later 9015152 RedCape
I'm gonna go grab a bite to eat and I'll get right on it.
2 hours later 9015158 Anonymous
Hey Twilight if you think the episodes are hard to wrap your head around, wait till you get a load of the fanfiction!
2 hours later 9015200 Anonymous
>she's still reeling from trying to develop a better relationship with me.
Wut? Care to elaborate?
>It's difficult considering you're basing your opinion on an outside viewer knowing only about our news essentially. If you actually lived in Equestria for some time, then I'd believe you'd see things quite differently
Never said it was my opinion. I wanted to see how you would react. You seem to have become pretty stand-offish since your coronation. Hopefully the real princess' didn't make a mistake giving you more power than you can handle.
2 hours later 9015251 Anonymous
this happened the other day, after twilight watched lesson zero when she discovered her fictional nature, she came to a realization that her relationship with spike was not very fair.
Many feels were had.
2 hours later 9015284 Anonymous (Hellbender Derpy.jpg 702x702 23kB)
>see the OP
3 hours later 9015339 Anonymous
> discovered her fictional nature
Are they saying that the shows aren't what really happened? I was gone the past few days, guess I missed some shit.
3 hours later 9015494 Anonymous
Could have phrased that better, meant to say that she was made aware of the show, and of her fans, and of the people upset by twilicorn.
3 hours later 9015582 Anonymous
Yeah I think she has. She watched Lesson Zero from the sounds of it.
3 hours later 9015621 RedCape
aaand I'm back.
>googles 'God Hand' under images
3 hours later 9015732 Spike
>Sorry, Twilight's trying to get Pinkie to leave, saying that she no longer needs to sleepover
>I guess we're going to have another houseguest for several days
3 hours later 9015769 Anonymous (CiMEa.gif 400x229 131kB)
does she want to join the fun ?
3 hours later 9015784 Anonymous
Sigh... Well Lesson Zero was one of the reasons I loved Twilight. Of course she went a little overboard but her quirks and blatant imperfections gave her character, they made her seem believable, alive and real.
I'll admit I don't have a lot to base this on, but I have a horrible feeling she has just become another perfect princess.
3 hours later 9015924 Spike (06_23_04_699_213245__UNOPT__safe_spike_solo_artist_nenaclaudia.jpeg[1].jpg 525x700 29kB)
>To speak on Twilight's behalf before she either gets Pinkie to leave or gives up
>What happens on the show isn't entirely accurate, many things are edited or fabricated
>The worst example is the latest episode
>Twilight was constantly trying to get her friends to change cutie marks
>She had to deal with her friends actually being good at something they utterly hated
>The first time Fluttershy was actually pretty good at making dresses, but hated doing it. >Rarity herself was actually pretty good at making ponies laugh, but wanted to be more than just a clown
>The effort Twilight put to fix her friends was a lot more than you could imagine
3 hours later 9015950 Anonymous
wait, did she try scrambling them several times to get the combination?
3 hours later 9016041 Anonymous
Hey Spike you know who Lauren Faust is? I'm sure you do by this point.
3 hours later 9016050 Anonymous
SO about all that stuff that happens off screen ...
Discord's not all the bad right? I bet he just takes a lotta naps.
3 hours later 9016061 Spike
>I'm pretty amazed you all came up with it
>That was her first idea, but she realized the spell did it randomly
>Applejack had Rainbow Dash's cutie mark twice
>She was trying to lasso clouds badly
>For me it was a really stressful day!
>It's difficult to find it funny
>It's like you all ignored how Twilight treated me there
>The show is like some documentary done for entertainment
>You can't trust everything you see on the show since it is edited heavily
>They missed out the time when Twilight and Applejack tried to explain their problems with Rainbow Dash's heroism
>I'll never get why they had problems with a pony saving lives
>I haven't shown Twilight the episode
>I'll bet you she'll hate it too
3 hours later 9016107 Anonymous (bffs_by_girgrunny-d5s1ely.png 1000x814 488kB)
we all do, it's fine. Feel free to skip it.
On another note, how has the "reform the reality warper for good" initiative worked out?
3 hours later 9016121 Spike (my_7_little_guests_by_dolphinsilverwolf-d5qq3iz[1].jpg 740x808 524kB)
>She's the one who came up with the idea to document our lives
>Rather than come up with her own idea
>He behaves like some of you guys
>The nice ones anyway
>He'll make fools of ponies or annoy them, but he's not going to try to seriously harm them
3 hours later 9016139 Anonymous
Then why keep watching the show? If it makes you all that miserable just stop. Jeeze what are you, a bunch of masochists?
3 hours later 9016140 Anonymous
>Rather than come up with her own idea
oh snap.
A wit a sharp as the fangs I see.
3 hours later 9016210 Anonymous
Well this was fun, but I didn't realize we were RPing and basically changing the real ponyverse. I prefer the show to this RP story, and I really don't like where the show is going.
I'm out.
3 hours later 9016419 Spike
>I think you should imagine yourself in my position
3 hours later 9016442 Anonymous
morbid curiosity?
Existential horror?
3 hours later 9016519 Spike (so_derptastic__by_catnipfairy-d516rhd[1].png 900x853 141kB)
>Looks like Pinkie's sleeping over
>Twilight's coming up again
>Any fanimations/comics I should watch?
4 hours later 9016591 Anonymous
4 hours later 9016606 RedCape
>Partway done through the draw.
Once again, I'd suggest just watching some Batman: The Animated Series.
4 hours later 9016647 Anonymous
4 hours later 9016668 Anonymous
4 hours later 9016856 Spike
>Twilight's really stuck in thought, I don't think she can comprehend ANYTHING she's seeing
4 hours later 9016980 Anonymous
I thought this was sort of nice...
4 hours later 9016983 Anonymous
Don't wrack your brain too much on it-- It's mostly silliness/shenanigans.
4 hours later 9017024 Anonymous
4 hours later 9017080 Anonymous (love_you_by_egophiliac-d5trvuf.png 900x723 171kB)
and some feels to wrap it up
4 hours later 9017201 Spike (lollipop-chainsaw[1].jpg 865x1000 117kB)
>Oh God Twilight's embarassed
>Pinkie's here, hopefully blocking the computer so Twilight can't see
>Share the prank idea with them
Spike apparently found this cartoon with Twilight saying all these nasty things meanies!
>I don't think that was Twilight, Pinkie
It was like she was wearing a cheerleader outfit that she had when she was a filly
>I don't think you get it, Pinkie
And she was like, "I'M GONNA KILL YOU ZOMBIES HEEEEYAAAA" It's funny how he have the same movie monsters!
Oh gosh, Twilight was super-embarassed and freaked out, she wrote on her handy-dandy schedule tomorrow to check and see if Discord was being a meanie pants.
>He likes to pick on Twilight.
Yeah, he must really like Twilight if he wants to play all these tricks on her!
>Or he really doesn't like her?
But if it isn't Discord we could play an awesome prank on her
>Are you sure about that Pinkie?
Just imagine if Rainbow Dash or Rarity hear these things
>I'm laughing right now guys, that seriously was a good idea
>Pic related, I want to know more about this
4 hours later 9017225 Anonymous
Watch Carl Sagan's Cosmos. Blow her mind with the heliocentric model
4 hours later 9017239 Anonymous
Even by our standards that game was hilariously over the top. It's all aout reveling in the madness of it all.
4 hours later 9017252 Anonymous
Watch as she goes insane trying to disprove heliocentrism.
4 hours later 9017348 Anonymous
show pinkie this: http://youtu.be/aYAGB11YrSs
4 hours later 9017410 Spike (at_your_service_by_cenyo-d5psefe[1].jpg 648x842 253kB)
>Umm, Celestia controls the sun
>The laws of your universe do not necessarily apply to ours
>Especially with how ponies control most of their nature
>Twilight's been writing a hypothesis about how magic would work in your world
>She fully believes that a lot of magic simply wouldn't be possible in your world as it is tied to our earth
>It's why she mentions that an Equestrian invasion would basically be suicide
>It's why she has some belief that humans might be much more powerful than alicorns
>She definitely believes it at least in the context of your earth
I don't understand this post
4 hours later 9017447 Anonymous
So, not so much force that I couldn't do it, then.
4 hours later 9017498 Anonymous
>Equestrian invasion would basically be suicide
As in, invading tour earth or us invading you?
4 hours later 9017587 Spike
>I've heard about some of those gruesome Conversion Bureau fics
>I can promise you that something like that will never EVER happen
>Aside from the idea being completely ridiculous, stupid, evil, whatever
>It would only take a small army with some serious firepower to basically wipe all ponies to extinction
>If we were to ever meet up, I can bet you that Princess Celestia is going to be damn sure to make sure it is a peaceful one
4 hours later 9017645 Anonymous (steam-tank.jpg 511x450 58kB)
On the subject of the military I need somthing clarified, if that's okay with you.
Rainbow Dash likens the durability of her pet tortise to that of a tank, which means that armored fighting vehicles for military purposes exist exist there. I always speculated that they looked like this picture, I base this assumption on the super speedy cider squeezy 6000.
How close or far off the mark am I?
On a lighter note, has pinkie pie taken the news better than twilight?
4 hours later 9017690 Anonymous
Considering the vast resources of equestria and the potential knowledge and goods that could be acquired through trade for both parties, military action would be minimal after the first contact awkwardness.
4 hours later 9017693 Anonymous (TWILEY.gif 500x500 138kB)
>mfw we've already driven thousands of species to extinction without even trying to.
5 hours later 9017802 Spike (princess_twilight_sparkle_by_liea-d5vk3z7[1].png 880x904 694kB)
I'll have to ask my brother about that, though our tanks are more of armored carriages.
Why do you keep posting that picture of him?
Also regarding the picture Spike uploaded...I can't say I don't find this pretty weird....what would compel you to draw something like this...? At least it is more tasteful unlike the things he wanted me to avoid seeing, is this what your children watch?
5 hours later 9017881 Anonymous (twilight_sparkle_13_by_xpesifeindx-d5mddbk.png 829x964 183kB)
nah, you look more like this in the show.
As for why some would draw that, the internet has really produced a culture where content producers have stopped asking "why?" and simply ask "why not?"
That pic we keep posting, it is mostly because he looks positively silly.
5 hours later 9017903 RedCape
Some people are just very artistic and others very imaginative or both. You are an inspirational individual to a lot of people, you know - not just to those of your world.
Also, the God Hand picture is nearly done.
5 hours later 9017906 Anonymous
What in the fuck is going on here?
5 hours later 9017920 Anonymous
5 hours later 9017969 Anonymous
>spaghetti everywhere.
5 hours later 9018031 Spike (7956__safe_pinkie-pie_humanized_japanese_barefoot_fingerless-gloves_martial-arts_artist-agu-fungus_capo.jpg 1016x1173 294kB)
But with all the art Spike's been able to find, as well as the questions asked, surely you must already know...umm umm
Pfff stop worrying Twilight, just look how cute I am as a cartoon human, we should all try becoming cartoon humans someday
Umm, maybe? I kind of like being a pony
5 hours later 9018042 Anonymous (moondancer.png 127x150 20kB)
Interdimensional Relations? I'm having an ambassador's suit made as we speak.
By the way, I'm 6'8". How tall are the ceilings/doors in Equestria? Also, what is the height of an average stallion?
And the picture is of Moondacner, supposedly. Spike, you mentioned a gift from her at one point, but we've gotten no other news about her. It really confuses me.
5 hours later 9018059 Anonymous
5 hours later 9018063 Anonymous
Holeeeey shit you guys
seek help.
5 hours later 9018083 Anonymous
>acting like you've never seen RP before
5 hours later 9018102 Spike
>I haven't seen her since Twilight moved to Ponyville
>I crush on Rarity now
5 hours later 9018130 Anonymous
How many other friends outside of the other core 6 characters does twilight have? Does she/did she have trouble expanding that small circle?
5 hours later 9018207 Spike
>Twilight and I have gotten to know pretty much everyone in Ponyville at this point
>We were always good friends with Lyra, so they hung out a lot as Lyra moved back and forth from Canterlot depending on what musical shows she could perform in
>Cloudchaser and Flitter come by time to time, to be honest I find them pretty hot
5 hours later 9018259 RedCape
Can't blame ya there
Also, neeeearly done. Just working the tail and the shading details.
5 hours later 9018270 Anonymous
>Cloudchaser and Flitter
you are gonna be living the dream just you wait
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.p hp/Main/TwinThreesomeFantasy
5 hours later 9018353 Spike
>Pinkie deleted my customized trip
>Now i have to go generate it again
>I might leave soon to do Fedora updates
5 hours later 9018394 Anonymous
well, do come back some time if you must go.
Just pondering, how sharp are those teeth of yours? They can seemingly chomp through diamonds, which is insane.
5 hours later 9018485 Spike
(Sorry I don't have a pic for this)
>They're super sharp, just like how my claws are strong enough to allow me to plow through so much dirt so quickly
>I'm reminded of Equestria Girls
>It's like engineered embarrassment for me, I'm sure the rest of my friends would agree
>Poor Rainbow Dash, she has it the worst
5 hours later 9018557 Anonymous
we're all a bit worried.
5 hours later 9018582 Anonymous
Hey Spike, this is a bit lengthy, but it might help all of you understand a number of things about our world.
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis t=PL474A7F1BA0FCEF8C
5 hours later 9018616 RedCape (God Hand Spike.png 600x1000 181kB)
aaand done. Sorry it took so long to deliver on the request. Still, any altercations can be made if there's something you don't like about it.
6 hours later 9018654 Anonymous (ten outa ten animated.gif 640x360 2971kB)
6 hours later 9018707 Spike
>Umm uhh
Oh wow you look soooo cool here Spike!
>Hehe yeah
>I guess
6 hours later 9018862 Anonymous
Where did you even get this connection to our internet in the first place?
Oh; and have you considered showing our films and programs in equestria? There's bits to be made there.
6 hours later 9018863 Anonymous
6 hours later 9019035 Anonymous
Are there superhero comics, stories or movies in Equestria? If so who's your favorite (both Twilight, you must have had a fillyhood idol, and Spike)? Here are a few links to quick expositions of popular human superheroes.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVu3 gS7iJu4
Iron Man
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIFa eqwES1Y
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atCf TRMyjGU
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atCf TRMyjGU
6 hours later 9019223 Anonymous (1361782114259.jpg 480x357 19kB)
12 hours later 9021981 Spike
>Of course! You didn't think Twilight got the idea for the Mysterious Mare Do Well from nowhere
>Spiderman huh? There's something similar here called Spider-Hoof
>I am absolutely sure Twilight's going to ask WHY our worlds are so similar, right down to the fact that our languages and names are extremely similar.
>Despite my surprise at your weird sounding names I do have one question
>Do some of you actually name themselves Trixie?
12 hours later 9022200 RedCape
People tend to have nicknames for themselves; usually as a means of role-playing or to disguise their actual name or because they just like it better.
Then there's being born with the name, which mostly comes down to parental decision and there's always a bunch of forms to fill in the case one wishes to change their own name.
13 hours later 9022585 Spike (dragon_rider_trixie_by_elslowmo-d5ntef1[1].png 1500x1500 1128kB)
>I meant that parents might actually name their children Trixie
13 hours later 9022674 RedCape
Trixie is a bit outlandish for a human name (to be honest, it sounds closer to being a name a stripper would use (don't ask)), but there's definitely worse names people could be born with.
13 hours later 9022687 Anonymous
inb4 Pinkamena Zecora Smith
13 hours later 9022719 Anonymous
I still like Courage Wolf.
14 hours later 9022850 Anonymous
Could I get a big bloody steak if I came to visit one of ponyville's restaurants?
14 hours later 9022876 Anonymous
Twilight, do you have statistical data on the status of your friends hymens?
14 hours later 9023467 Spike/Twilight/PinkiePie (pinkie_by_subject_241-d5xnw30[1].png 1024x1018 254kB)
I'm tagging everything so it is easier to read-Spike
What does a stripper strip? -Pinkie
Yes, I read about that concept and I don't quite get it-Twilight
Silly silly, ponies are herbivores.-Pinkie Pie
What kinds of animals do you make into steaks anyway?-Spike
14 hours later 9023517 Anonymous
In the western culture we eat everything except cats, dogs and equine creatures. I just pan-fried a juicy pork sirloin.
14 hours later 9023532 Anonymous
Steak is made from cattle.
14 hours later 9023546 Anonymous (1361294433109.jpg 319x244 16kB)
You guys are still here?
14 hours later 9023579 Anonymous
Some parts of europe eat pony and horse meat.
14 hours later 9023581 Anonymous (1354993360285564.gif 315x187 2229kB)
Behold, the pinnacle of human engineering.
15 hours later 9023611 Anonymous
Well, I guess most of Europe has now eaten horse meat as per the ground beef scandal.
15 hours later 9023632 RedCape
>great laughter occured
15 hours later 9023685 Anonymous
Its supposed to be better for you than beef is anyway.
15 hours later 9023686 Anonymous
so wait, if you are herbivores, why do you use eggs in baking?
15 hours later 9023707 Anonymous
Strippers strip...... themselves (our lack of fur coats requires us to wear clothes at all times. For money. It's usually a job for desperate young women. I'll leave the rest to your imagination.
We make cows into steaks. Don't worry, we find horse meat unappetizing, at least in the civilized world, and it would be against the moral code of 99% of humans to attack and kill something that is intelligent enough to speak (not to mention ridiculously cute).
Anyway, what kind of professional sports are there in Equestria? I highly doubt that you have anything as violent and unbridled as Mixed Martial Arts in the UFC (my personal favorite).
15 hours later 9023713 Anonymous
It's ironic. Cute, innocent ponies don't eat meat but they sacrifice chicken fetuses in order to make sugary pastries.
15 hours later 9023714 Anonymous
Because eggs are not actually meat, its just a blob of protein.
15 hours later 9023743 Anonymous
speak for yourself, horse is delicious
15 hours later 9023750 Anonymous
>implying eggs meant for consumption are fertilized
15 hours later 9023775 Anonymous
Unfertilized eggs exist. That's probably what they use.
15 hours later 9023785 Anonymous (Applejack Chewing.gif 300x300 412kB)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jpp PNPwFz_U
15 hours later 9023807 Anonymous
>implying they don't use the souls of unborn chickens to power their magic
15 hours later 9023868 Anonymous
The clothes those guys are wearing really don't help.
Especially the one wearing a trilby.
15 hours later 9024382 Anonymous
I'm now imagining a situation where Pinkie is baking and cracks open one of those fertilized half-formed eggs with all the blood vessels and shit.
15 hours later 9024415 Anonymous
That's a delicacy in some countries, called Balut.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLM IXLv4D-s
16 hours later 9024563 Spike (naughty_spike_by_ninga_bob-d5cxhne[1].jpg 852x937 61kB)
>From what I know the eggs aren't fertilized anyway
>We don't consider them meat
>Apparently their stomachs are okay with that
>Pinkie Pie left for work
>Rainbow Dash is here, when she got the letter that Scootaloo was in the hospital she left as soon as she could from the Wonderbolts Academy
>Luckily Scootaloo is going to get out of the hospital today
>She hasn't said much besides hello and asking me if I went to see Scootaloo
>Dash thanked Twilight for giving her the Daring Do books to read.
>I think she's going to become a fan of the book series too
>I'm waiting for a time to play that zombie-slaying cheerleader video thing
>I wonder how she'll react considering she sounds a lot like Twilight
16 hours later 9024683 Anonymous
like this
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zSH z7Thvbc
17 hours later 9025644 RedCape
What would you say is your favourite thing from our world so far?
17 hours later 9025692 Anonymous
Question: Is there a portal between Equestria and our world?
17 hours later 9026068 Anonymous
Hello? HELLO? H-E-L-L-O? Did i kill the thread?
17 hours later 9026139 RedCape
Yes and you should feel very ashamed of yourself for having let it come to this.
17 hours later 9026181 Anonymous
17 hours later 9026410 Spike (90834__safe_spike_animated_computer.gif[1].gif 400x300 125kB)
>I found this machine from a salesman in Canterlot
>All he gave me was a guide on how it works
>It seems to feed off the energy from both Celestia's Sun and Luna's Moon
>I'm not sure how it works exactly
>I'm not sure how you connect to the world wide web
>There is no portal
>Celestia already confirmed this
>She's skeptical of the whole thing which is why she hasn't actually tried to inspect this or whatever
>She said she'd know if a portal was opened up, and she didn't quite understand how knowledge alone could help the Equestrian Society prosper
>But she did ask Twilight and I to report any findings to her, and she did say she'd look into it when she had some time available for her
18 hours later 9026893 RedCape (Merchant_Pony_S3E5.png 1920x1080 638kB)
>I found this machine from a salesman in Canterlot
This guy?
19 hours later 9028293 Anonymous
Country: United States
State/Region: California
City: Fremont
Latitude: 37.5155 (37° 30′ 55.80″ N)
Longitude: -121.8962 (121° 53′ 46.32″ W)
Area Code: 510
Postal Code: 94539
19 hours later 9028298 Spike (connection.jpg 1360x672 119kB)
>This is apparently my connection information
>Does any of this help?
19 hours later 9028347 Anonymous
since RD is there, I have a question. Was that jerk she flew with in the wonderbolts academy ever disciplined beyond some harsh words?
19 hours later 9028370 Spike
>Rainbow Dash left
>So sorry can't help you there
19 hours later 9029059 Spike
>Pretty much what goes on here
>That's Twilight's face everytime you ask us to sexually harass our friends
19 hours later 9029083 Spike (all you jerks on 4chan.png 1000x616 197kB)
>The pic didn't load AGAIN
>Here we go now
19 hours later 9029154 Anonymous
I still want to know, how have the new royal duties and obligations changed things up?
19 hours later 9029383 Spike/Twilight (twilight_sparkle___alicorn_by_soapie_solar-d5tmsg7[1].jpg 1024x910 111kB)
It's stressful to say the least. I was failing in the beginning and I nearly had an emotional breakdown. I'm lucky to have such great friends to support me.
Aside from some diplomatic visits and the occasional meeting where I weigh in my opinion about what's best for Equestria, not much has really changed.
Since it does concern me...and I'd like to get some kind of feedback, why are you all so concerned about my change? I'm still the same Twilight on the inside just a little wiser and a little more mature.
20 hours later 9029554 Anonymous
There are fears that the show would become what hasbro thinks will sell toys, rather than being a good show.
There were also fears that your new status could harm the dynamics between characters.
Further query: do you spend your time in the town library still, or did you move to canterlot?
20 hours later 9029959 Spike/Twilight (Alicorn_Twilight[1].png 894x894 200kB)
I still live in Ponyville, I just travel to Canterlot a bit more often now.
20 hours later 9030030 Anonymous
Are there no therapists in equestria? They could probably make a killing considering how many emotional and anger problems the ponies have and just have trouble talking about.
20 hours later 9030044 Anonymous
Have your friends made big advances in their own goals in life?
20 hours later 9030176 Anonymous
Twilight, what would Luna say about Nazis hiding on her moon?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwsP LciYPyU
CAPTCHA: guise cutodes
20 hours later 9030376 Spike/Twilight (twilight_s_new_wings_by_pimmy-d5vhcw7[1].jpg 908x879 135kB)
Rainbow Dash is probably going to be a rookie Wonderbolt in a month, her final exams are nearing up, I just hope she learns to study. There's a written portion on those exams.
Rarity has made a presence in Canterlot, I can't remember a time in recent months where she didn't ask for my help in delivering some of her dresses to her customers in Canterlot.
A few days ago Fluttershy expressed interest in a more fulfilling career. One of Celestia's trusted doctors has been traveling to Ponyville to train her in becoming a nurse, even though she'll probably become a veterinarian.
20 hours later 9030383 Anonymous
I still need to see that movie, I was following it since the first 8 months, but never got a chance to actually watch it.
20 hours later 9030579 Anonymous (cpt_armor_class_a_by_myminiatureequine-d5wncf1.png 835x1080 818kB)
How has equestria stepped up it's defensive plans ever since the royal guard got roflstomped at canterlot by changelings? Changelings that apparently can be bested in large numbers by a handful of ponies with no combat training or experience.
On a lighter note; what does the use of magic actually feel like? Or would describing that be like trying to explain color to the blind?
20 hours later 9030618 RedCape
That picture is just terribly cute.
Anyway, um... how's Applejack?
20 hours later 9030638 Anonymous
Well, OBVIOUSLY, they probably went the Imperial Guard route of making a huge wall of men/pones and giving them all guns/spears, and seeing if that works.
20 hours later 9030643 Anonymous
Has the apple family farm/barn been demolished AGAIN recently?
20 hours later 9030655 Chaos Dragon
Ever thought of have dragons as personal guards?
A dragon like Spike?
20 hours later 9030869 Spike/Twilight (tumblr_mi01rcy4q61r6rr5xo1_1280[1].png 670x843 190kB)
You might know magic exists, but because it doesn't exist in your world you can only make estimates about it.
Celestia wasn't exactly expecting an attack that day, so yes. Usually the guards are stationed further away from the palace to prevent any threats from even getting close. We were both tricked and ambushed that day
>The other time, the guards were busy fighting off mutant cockatrices. I was kicking more cockatrice tail than any other guard was. Maybe we need another Captain,your brother is busy protecting the Crystal Empire to prepare the royal guard for any kind of threat
You still have a long way to go before you'll be considered Captain of the Royal Guard. My brother trained and fought for years to reach that position.
21 hours later 9031235 RedCape (floodspore.jpg 300x316 12kB)
Hmm... from what I've seen, Changelings can replicate the form of another individual being through another's thoughts and feelings, but out of sheer curiosity, what would you do if faced with a potential parasitic invasion of Equestria?
21 hours later 9031277 RedCape
...and not that of parasprites, but of all-consuming and potentially host-seeking monstrosities.
21 hours later 9031315 Spike/Twilight (spike_the_destroyer_by_johnjoseco-d3bwxzq[1].jpg 780x906 202kB)
Yes to both, I can't think of any Royal Guards besides my brother with as many heroic achievements as my number one assistant and child.
>Come on Twilight, you're embarrassing me
Just look how awesome he is in this painting!
>It's even more embarrassing now that you're my mom
21 hours later 9031317 Anonymous
How have things been going in the crystal empire? I imagine bringing an entire population and their infrastructure up to date after 1000 years of lost time is a logistical nightmare.
21 hours later 9031354 Anonymous
This is a mildly confusing topic for me, I have been lead to believe that celestia served as spike's mom until he moved in with twilight. Does this mean you have two mothers?
21 hours later 9031542 Spike/Twilight (crystal_empire_wallpaper_by_tviral-d5ky7t3[1].jpg 1920x1080 286kB)
The crystal ponies are very open-minded about new technologies and cultures. It was their choice to host the Equestria Games this year, if they were afraid of the changing times they wouldn't host an event that would attract ponies from all of Equestria.
21 hours later 9031585 Anonymous
As for the history they missed out on, any plans to bring them up to date on that?
21 hours later 9031649 Spike/Twilight
I'm not exactly involved in that, I'd need to ask my brother.
21 hours later 9032037 Anonymous
Spike, ever send something to celestia by mistake that REALLY should not have gone through?
22 hours later 9032341 Anonymous
Any plans to revise the weather paterns to distribute water more efficiently? Such as not pouring it on sidewalks where it will just be wasted as runoff.
22 hours later 9032959 Anonymous (a4d.png 623x960 288kB)
How's the diversity in Equestria? Do ponies get along with other species very well?
22 hours later 9032974 Anonymous
Since you established an internet connection, have either of you found any human music that you enjoy? Genres/bands/songs?
23 hours later 9034187 Spike
>Don't tell Rainbow Dash this, but the pegasai who are the brawn behind weather management are not very smart
>The brains are usually the ponies organizing it
>Rainbow Dash may be a fast thinker, but she has a limited amount of knowledge and sometimes does some very illogical things
23 hours later 9034230 Anonymous
the that a yes to the later question?
23 hours later 9034380 Spike
>I think weather teams are comprised of ponies that are either lazy, stupid, or both
23 hours later 9034616 Anonymous
Well, now that you know someone that can boss em around (hint hint twilight) tell her to seriously consider that proposition.
23 hours later 9034729 Spike (Shrugpony%20Spike[1].png 894x894 142kB)
>I don't think Twilight wants to but in where she isn't needed
>That's what got you all to hate her in the first place
23 hours later 9034818 Anonymous
Spike, planing on taking up any new hobbies?
24 hours later 9035655 Spike
>Yeah, maybe music or adventuring
>I could be a super awesome adventure hero like Daring-Do
24 hours later 9036010 Anonymous (23125650.jpg 400x400 100kB)
..........I don't hate twilight
24 hours later 9036136 Anonymous
Your a dragon I wouldn't doubt that.
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