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2013-03-12 03:44 9010214 Anonymous (thatfuckingbook.png 129x130 39kB)
This wasn't a magic book.

0 min later 9010221 Anonymous (lalalaluna.png 143x128 41kB)
It was a book of her favorite grilled cheese recipes.

21 min later 9010859 Anon
>>9010221 there are many types of grilled cheese?

24 min later 9010918 Anonymous
>>9010859 You'd be surprised. There are restraints that specialize in it.

28 min later 9011040 Private_Knifegun
>>9010221 No, thats her book of pasta. One of her favorites is Copypasta. And Pocket Pasta: Spagetti on the go is one of mine

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