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2013-03-12 03:39 9010074 Anonymous (200px-Magus2.png 200x264 78kB)
Princess Twilight must defeat the new Evil in Ponyville. Its Magus from Chrono Trigger. both are bloodlusted and starts 5 yards from each other. who wins?

2 min later 9010140 Anonymous
Magus ain't even evil you pleb. Did you even play Chrono Trigger?

3 min later 9010177 Oh ~yeah~ baby
Can we drop bloodlust and just do .. oh .. say .. lustlust?

4 min later 9010206 Anonymous
>>9010140 hes evil in this scenario, just go with it man...

5 min later 9010230 Anonymous (doubt.png 343x150 17kB)

9 min later 9010342 Anonymous
Magus goes back in time to prevent Celestia from tricking Twilight into becoming an alicorn, then they join forces to end the solar princess' centuries of machinations.

12 min later 9010454 Anonymous (Dissidia_Golbez.png 591x600 419kB)
He needs to team up with Golbez, another totally evil to the core villainous scumbag.

17 min later 9010585 Anonymous
I've a confession: When the time comes, I usually opt for avenging Cyrus.

20 min later 9010676 Anonymous (___1358021276367.jpg 184x184 5kB)
>>9010585 I used to do that too, but then I found out Magus joined you. Then I never went back.

23 min later 9010743 Anonymous
>>9010676 this. also, Magus wins via Blackhole or turning her into a frog

25 min later 9010815 Anonymous
>>9010743 >not DarkMatter ISHIGGYDIGGYSHOOBEDOO

27 min later 9010868 Anonymous
>>9010743 Better hope that frog doesn't come back to wreck his shit, if you catch my drift.

31 min later 9010961 Anonymous (Darkmatter.jpg 553x541 75kB)
>>9010815 You rang?

34 min later 9011055 Anonymous
>>9010961 Is wrong if I consider Kirby's Dream Land 2 my favorite entry the series? Right after Super Star of course.

39 min later 9011194 Anonymous
>>9011055 >Not 64 OHSHITNIGGER etc.

41 min later 9011249 Anonymous
>>9011194 Kirby 64 was...disappointing.

43 min later 9011306 Anonymous
>>9011249 What was wrong with it? Great powers, great aesthetic and levels, cute story

48 min later 9011459 Anonymous
>>9011306 Don't get me wrong, it was a good game and combining powers was a great idea. But it didn't match up to the Adventure - Dream Land 3 pedigree, at least in my own personal opinion.

53 min later 9011589 Anonymous
>>9011459 I thought the smaller scale made it feel... I don't know "cute and cozy"? That a good way to put it?

55 min later 9011653 Anonymous
>>9011589 Yeah that works. Hey, to each their own dude.

2 hours later 9014732 Anonymous
>Being this 13 years old

4 hours later 9016402 Anonymous
>>9014732 HUE

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