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2013-03-12 03:26 9009650 Anonymous (tumblr_m83bu8Cqal1qc5ffho1_1280.png 1280x1647 320kB)
Best pone thread.
1 min later 9009706 Anonymous (1362945699237.jpg 900x1257 319kB)
5 min later 9009837 Anonymous (the_derpy_and_the_bug_by_beaverblast-d4xjvsj.jpg 300x180 10kB)
10 min later 9009983 Anonymous (image.jpg 1600x3072 359kB)
12 min later 9010056 Anonymous
>That feel when no sexy green ponies you would stick your dick in, in an instant
No Granny Smith, I'm not into the elderly.
13 min later 9010095 Anonymous
please....just....what the?
13 min later 9010101 Anonymous (image.jpg 264x191 15kB)
37 min later 9010776 Anonymous
53 min later 9011228 Anonymous
54 min later 9011276 Your Friendly Neighborhood Anon (LyraTheBestBgPonyEvur.png 1009x792 563kB)
Its okay anon, its okay.
56 min later 9011315 Pononymous (1361206336947.png 1300x1500 407kB)
I dump in all Tavi threads, but I don't quite have time for this one....uggh, what to do...
1 hours later 9011446 Anonymous (image.jpg 110x177 10kB)
1 hours later 9011893 Anonymous
Dump whatever you want.
1 hours later 9011948 Anonymous
that's the cutest pinkie recolor i've ever seen.
1 hours later 9011983 Anonymous
I have been wronged all this time.....
1 hours later 9012077 Pononymous (lovely.png 672x1187 202kB)
Ehhh, I don't have the time/patience atm to dump my massive load again (was in a Tavi thread just a couple days ago). Sorry, no Tavi dump tonight, but you may have this: a great pic that everyone and their mothers have seen.
1 hours later 9012113 Anonymous (image.jpg 496x493 67kB)
I will start this, btw it's me again. I still have the pics from that one dump.
1 hours later 9012140 Anonymous (image.jpg 650x742 137kB)
1 hours later 9012159 Anonymous (image.jpg 482x515 27kB)
1 hours later 9012176 Anonymous (image.jpg 340x334 30kB)
1 hours later 9012186 Anonymous (image.jpg 900x506 54kB)
1 hours later 9012200 Anonymous (image.jpg 353x490 37kB)
1 hours later 9012213 Anonymous (image.jpg 166x232 14kB)
1 hours later 9012224 Anonymous (image.jpg 605x595 44kB)
1 hours later 9012249 Anonymous (image.jpg 307x315 20kB)
1 hours later 9012268 Anonymous (image.jpg 900x1200 183kB)
1 hours later 9012293 Anonymous (image.jpg 450x510 52kB)
1 hours later 9012308 Anonymous (image.jpg 293x294 22kB)
1 hours later 9012323 Anonymous (image.jpg 523x446 41kB)
OP still here?
1 hours later 9012330 Pononymous Don't let me down! (captain.png 243x293 56kB)
Ahh, hello again, and have fun. I'm sorry to say I won't be joining you in this dump; I've had a long day and I grow more tired by the minute.
I'm leaving this thread in your hands, anon. Don't let me down! I believe in you!
I still need to change this filename to something more accurate than Captain
1 hours later 9012362 Anon (image.jpg 894x894 112kB)
Yes I shall not let you down.
1 hours later 9012376 Anon (image.jpg 406x486 56kB)
1 hours later 9012395 Anon (image.jpg 1584x2592 243kB)
1 hours later 9012436 Kornheiser
Permission to dump clop, sir?
1 hours later 9012479 Anon (image.jpg 900x900 129kB)
I don't think I have clop. If you have it, dump that shit in here.
1 hours later 9012505 Anon (image.jpg 500x541 101kB)
1 hours later 9012516 Anonymous (Octavia Hair loose.jpg 608x871 84kB)
1 hours later 9012522 Anon (image.jpg 2928x3661 823kB)
1 hours later 9012524 Kornheiser (997274 - Friendship_is_Magic Lyra_Heartstrings My_Little_Pony Octavia Vinyl_Scratch crombie.png 1280x1067 1029kB)
Roger, sir.
1 hours later 9012527 Pononymous (crying octavia.gif 556x405 331kB)
>dump that shit
Oh anon....you have hurt me so! I had faith in thee!
1 hours later 9012540 Anon (image.jpg 401x617 39kB)
1 hours later 9012547 Kornheiser (179699__UNOPT__rarity_explicit_cum_octavia_facial_artist-randomdouche.jpg 1280x1071 232kB)
1 hours later 9012552 Anonymous (82cb2e935904e1f4059c6738c979a27b.jpg 972x1000 117kB)
Didn't you say that you have tons of clop in your files?
1 hours later 9012563 Anon
I know, I just don't care. I don't have clop, nor will I save it.
1 hours later 9012575 Kornheiser (Octavia Plot.png 850x1097 303kB)
1 hours later 9012578 Anonymous (1312059437266.png 1988x3000 571kB)
1 hours later 9012597 Anon (image.jpg 500x500 109kB)
Ya gotta add spoiler tags man!
1 hours later 9012612 Anonymous (1312427268580.png 396x359 31kB)
Never mind.
1 hours later 9012619 Kornheiser
What's the matter with /mlp/ these days? Clop used to flow like acid during Woodstock in these parts. Now everybody is getting offended over it.
Sad times indeed.
1 hours later 9012621 Anon (image.jpg 817x977 105kB)
1 hours later 9012630 Anonymous (1312354934334.gif 200x267 63kB)
1 hours later 9012653 Anonymous
link or spoiler.
1 hours later 9012656 Anon (image.jpg 1024x1365 214kB)
Because of the tight economy.
1 hours later 9012660 Anonymous (1312077619050.png 184x193 27kB)
1 hours later 9012666 Pononymous (1361207703247.png 800x850 89kB)
Oh ok, all is well :D
I don't save clop either, nor do I really like to look at it, but others who do generally don't bother me anyway.
Lel, I was joking brospeh. I don't mind clop really, I just don't save it, nor do I look at it. I won't hate anyone because they do.
1 hours later 9012670 Kornheiser (U6FZn0n - Imgur.jpg 500x537 77kB)
If I spoiler it, there is not a point in dumping at all.
I apologize, it just goes against every part of board etiquette I know.
1 hours later 9012697 Anon (image.jpg 900x1021 107kB)
Will the mods get angry?
1 hours later 9012700 Anonymous
then dump all of the clop you can!
1 hours later 9012719 Anonymous (1312059356406.png 169x197 27kB)
Kinda.. I mean. Well, it depends.
1 hours later 9012723 Anon (image.jpg 764x669 45kB)
1 hours later 9012744 Kornheiser (5061bc4bad2f1a43b9267e0600816916.jpg 1280x914 193kB)
you get banned for longer for spoilering it. I don't even know why.
1 hours later 9012751 Anon (image.jpg 1000x621 178kB)
I just don't wanna get this thread down.
1 hours later 9012773 Anon (image.jpg 1024x640 218kB)
1 hours later 9012788 Kornheiser
oh yeah, I understand. fact of the matter is, my clop is incredibly disorganized and it doesn't appear that anyone is enjoying my dump, so I can just leave you guys on your merry way posting SFW if you want.
1 hours later 9012792 Anonymous (tumblr_m7dxhinWme1qc5ffho1_1280.png 1280x875 234kB)
1 hours later 9012809 Anon (image.jpg 800x900 76kB)
Nah it's k.
1 hours later 9012822 Anonymous
Do you have any SFW Kornheiser? I don't mind you dumping your clop stuff. Just wondering..
1 hours later 9012831 Pononymous (octavia socks.png 1600x1413 310kB)
Dump whatever you please, bro. If people like it, they'll save it. if they're like me, they'll just skip it over and say nothing. No problems.
1 hours later 9012838 Anon (image.jpg 1920x1080 332kB)
1 hours later 9012853 Anon (image.jpg 283x404 35kB)
Damn, I was gonna post that one.
1 hours later 9012886 Anonymous (pone.png 200x199 70kB)
Just so you know, I'm monitoring and saving every single one of these images.
I seriously need to build a Tavi folder.
1 hours later 9012893 Kornheiser
Admittedly, I really only save SFW when it is highly suggestive or incredibly well drawn.
No, it's not even you guys, it's that I really need to organize my clop folder. I'll get around to that someday.
1 hours later 9012923 Anonymous
>That art style
It kinda looks that other Octavia.
1 hours later 9012948 Anon (image.jpg 900x729 134kB)
1 hours later 9012950 Pononymous (sockheil.png 1600x1413 819kB)
Hehe, have a couple others based from that (that someone edited for me)
I can just upload my Tavi folder for you...? It has over 200, and I don't have a time for dumping, otherwise I would love to help.
1 hours later 9012951 Anonymous (purrtavia_by_raininess-d5pwddw.jpg 800x890 379kB)
she is best kitten
1 hours later 9012967 Anonymous (1361503438616.gif 500x436 82kB)
1 hours later 9012969 Pononymous (highasfuck.png 1600x1413 444kB)
Other one
1 hours later 9012978 Anon
So I can stop?
2 hours later 9012982 Anonymous (commission__etude_for_cello__op__3_by_whitediamondsltd-d4udvb7.png 1094x1200 1325kB)
2 hours later 9013000 Anonymous (crystal_octavia_by_happyksu-d5krmd7.png 900x1188 429kB)
2 hours later 9013003 Kornheiser
gee I wonder who shoop'd these...
2 hours later 9013017 Anonymous (you_want_this_cake__by_csimadmax-d3w83yd.png 853x1000 221kB)
2 hours later 9013040 Anonymous
I am wondering.. Did someone from the draw threads made that?
2 hours later 9013045 Pononymous (mistletoe.png 500x500 114kB)
Ehh, if you have all the ones I have, but want to dump, I'll leave the thread be.
It was just a random idea that popped in my head. Not sure if I really feel like doing it tbh; would take ages with my internet.
huehue, exactly why I posted them. You did the Nazi one, someone else did the other one though ,but it was the same thread.
2 hours later 9013072 Anonymous (1350645660569.png 750x536 465kB)
>I can just upload my Tavi folder for you...?
That'd be nice. You're a gentleman and a scholar. <3
2 hours later 9013092 Anon
Yeah, I have all of yours, there's probably some I missed though.
2 hours later 9013101 Anonymous (double_bass_by_2snacks-d4pydis.jpg 1300x1699 346kB)
2 hours later 9013142 Anonymous (1312059942061.gif 126x116 13kB)
2 hours later 9013144 Anonymous (she_cleans_them_with_wubs_by_ric_m-d5e6vub.jpg 1000x800 133kB)
2 hours later 9013160 Pononymous
Debating; with my internet, it would take a while, and I wouldn't want to ruin this anon's dump.
I'll leave it up to him; I wouldn't want to ruin anyone's dump.
Mmm, depends how long ago you saved all mine...like, how long ago was the last dump we were in? So many unnamed anons that it gets confusing when one asks if I remember them.
So far, I;m going to guess you were from like, two days ago?
2 hours later 9013164 Anonymous (good_morning__octavia__by_pluckyninja-d4lgo0o.jpg 1000x1000 281kB)
2 hours later 9013185 Anonymous (1357079878341.png 945x945 72kB)
I think I prefer yours.
2 hours later 9013195 Anon
Little more. I named myself OP.
2 hours later 9013228 Anonymous (1355119329117.png 884x968 280kB)
Wait nope, yours doesn't have the cool text. fagut
2 hours later 9013229 Anonymous (octavia_by_adlynh-d5r6ghp.jpg 800x897 207kB)
2 hours later 9013254 Anonymous (a_true_artist_never_quits_by_buttercupsaiyan-d5rqjz1.png 900x1258 1631kB)
2 hours later 9013256 Pononymous (1361204336634.jpg 1920x1080 471kB)
OOOH, that thread. Right, I remember you now!
So I guess you remember this rice picture, even though it has this non-rice champ?
2 hours later 9013289 Anon (image.jpg 1680x1050 308kB)
Fuq yeah.
2 hours later 9013317 Anonymous
Playing the referenced game right now...lel
2 hours later 9013321 Anonymous (octavia_by_joey_darkmeat-d5h0rwc.png 774x569 615kB)
for your collective downloading pleasure, I have uploaded all of my octavia files.
As a fair warning, octavia shares her folder with DJ-PON3 and there are several pics with her mixed in.
2 hours later 9013412 Pononymous
>her play for me
Bro I'd play right along with her! Whether it be my violin or piano, I wouldn't just sit there!
But umm, as a duet, I've been thinking about this once recently
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Czc OcBb_ms
I'm fine with either piano or violin on this; I haven't learned the violin for it though, but the piano is easy.
Would violin the shit out of this with her, while she does the cello
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXDE scgiTa8
This as pianist
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAnQ QcIncq0
And the list just goes on. These are all pieces I've been dying to play in a duet or a group for ages.
2 hours later 9013420 Anon (image.jpg 650x619 122kB)
This is acceptable.
2 hours later 9013482 Anonymous (tumblr_mdodx37QF21ranlp4o1_r4_1280.gif 650x619 1046kB)
have the .gif
Since I forgot to upload a small number of pics, I'll just dump em
2 hours later 9013494 Anonymous (octavia_stylish_by_shysolid-d5a4nmv.png 900x1021 262kB)
2 hours later 9013526 Anon
Oh shit, forgot I was using my iPad.
2 hours later 9013535 Pononymous (209816__UNOPT__safe_octavia_artist-adlynh.jpeg.jpg 803x900 308kB)
To anyone wondering what I was replying to (and an excellent post it was), it was somehting alone the lines of:
>If Tavi could play anything for you on Cello or Violin, what would it be?
Welp, since you uploaded yours, I may upload mine for that one Anon up there (I haven't forgotten about you).
2 hours later 9013666 Pononymous (220006__UNOPT__safe_octavia_greyscale_50fdb5a0a4c72d62fe00051b.jpg.jpg 2800x3150 790kB)
Fuck it; uploading. Be patient, anon. The wheels of my internet turn slowly.
You will probably find duplicates in that other guy's album.
2 hours later 9013768 Pononymous (cake.png 534x600 104kB)
Will be around 20 minutes, but I will deliver.
I'm going to go shower; it's up to you lovely anons to keep it alive while I'm gone. You will be paid with my current folder.
2 hours later 9013846 Anon (image.jpg 900x648 62kB)
2 hours later 9014031 Anon (image.jpg 900x800 120kB)
2 hours later 9014201 Anon (image.jpg 1920x1080 317kB)
2 hours later 9014281 Anonymous (octavia_png_by_leopurofriki-d4y4gdk.png 2259x1760 947kB)
2 hours later 9014337 Anon (image.jpg 900x506 158kB)
2 hours later 9014548 Anon (image.jpg 1024x1024 157kB)
3 hours later 9014702 Pononymous (231157__UNOPT__safe_animated_solo_octavia_headphones_artist-verzi-9.gif.gif 473x552 218kB)
Alright, upload is finished!
Note: none of my Octavia featured gifs are in there; those were in a different folder, whoops.
I hope you're still here, Anon
And to the old OP (you know who you are), I know it's not all that differnt from my old folder; I should have well over 500 now, but nearly every thread after ours had 404'd before I could save the pictures from those.
I had left my computer on with the page open since I didn't have time to DL them at the time, but some times instead of hibernating, my lappy would go into a state where I would have to shut down and when I would come back, the page would be gone. Kind of sucks how many times it happened.
http://www.mediafire.com/?8bug6ossx 3xebym
3 hours later 9014855 Anon
I'm off to bed.
3 hours later 9014940 Pononymous (bed2.jpg 600x720 219kB)
Goodnight, horsefuckers!
I'm glad to have been a part of your day!
One of you should make a feels thread soon, I'll happily join in and dump my delicious feels.
3 hours later 9015193 Popa Sodinski
>A character with no real distinctions is the best pony.
Shows how well developed the main characters are.
3 hours later 9015205 Anonymous
Also, there's a program that automatically lurks and download new images uploaded to the thread you might want to check out. 4chan Image Downloader. It's like at I think right now.
Thanks again for the folder!
0.933 0.098