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2013-03-12 02:56 9008684 Anonymous Fat Pony Thread (redribbon_ponk2.png 1229x624 187kB)
Post your favorite pudgy ponies!
Useful link:
And don't forget the cake!
8 min later 9008969 Anonymous (1355193072847.png 486x573 36kB)
How bout some chubby diamond dogs too?
25 min later 9009495 Anonymous
I'm super okay with this.
50 min later 9010281 Anonymous (tumblr_miy87rxAB51s4lnplo1_1280.png 734x742 173kB)
from Defenceless' mod blog
54 min later 9010421 Anonymous (tumblr_mitmozqPbV1s4lnplo1_1280.png 646x586 104kB)
57 min later 9010517 Anonymous (diamonddumps.png 910x630 216kB)
Good. Now put on your 3D glasses, bitch cuz it's comin at ya
58 min later 9010533 Anonymous (femrover butt 2 tess.png 910x630 293kB)
59 min later 9010550 Anonymous (13582047241.png 688x771 21kB)
59 min later 9010556 Anonymous (1362789773152.jpg 324x557 42kB)
2 hours later 9012607 rediv
aw yiss
3 hours later 9013955 Anonymous
How art thou, Queen of Butts?
4 hours later 9016078 Calorie
Well shit, what happened to old thread? reached limit or what?
Also, yes~
4 hours later 9016098 Anonymous
It did. Therefore, it has been bahleeted.
Your hands feeling better?
4 hours later 9016253 Calorie
lel. Im just wondering if ya'll liked that pastry pone.
yeah, they're feeling better. thanks for asking anon.
4 hours later 9016382 Anonymous
I saw the replies before it 404'd. It looked like majority liked it.
4 hours later 9016470 Anonymous (1362470897.calorie_moona.jpg 1300x1000 197kB)
No problem. And Princess Moona is one of the reasons I like your art. Super big and round, she's too irresistible to not cuddle. What are you working on, tonight?
4 hours later 9016517 Anonymous (Nightmare7.jpg 1200x1020 243kB)
I can totally imagine that being like a legend.
Nightmare moon IS the moon, and you have to sacrifice candy to her every year or else she'll lose weight to come get you or something.
5 hours later 9016699 Anonymous
That intrigues me. But the real question is, how DID Luna/NMM become a "moon"? Did Celestia... Ooooh snap!
5 hours later 9016751 Calorie
sweet~ (no pun intended)
Glad to see you like my art! I don't have anything in particular. Throw some ideas at me, I'll just do one drawing tonight.
5 hours later 9016868 Anonymous
Don't want to sound greedy, I know it is a very specific request, but did you do that edit of the pastry pony?
5 hours later 9016902 Anonymous
Like this?
5 hours later 9017064 Anonymous (1363024385382.png 384x429 33kB)
If someone could give me a pone with a gut just like that, my dick would surpass carbon nanotubes in hardness.
5 hours later 9017641 Anonymous (1360628793798.png 943x786 284kB)
Nice pic Calorie!
Is it Milky whose helping to make them more appealing? Or are you just growing to like the boobage more because of general exposure to them?
Either way, welcome to the fold.
5 hours later 9017679 Anonymous (mlfw3567-HpIyue1331456436.jpg 638x336 75kB)
>chubby ponies and crotchboobs
5 hours later 9017705 Anonymous
I need more like this. Because of reasons.
5 hours later 9017727 Calorie
thanks! not so much, I prefer them on fatter pones. a "fit" milkyway with huge knockers is eh. doesnt get my rocks off as much as a larger mare with said extra features.
5 hours later 9017747 Anonymous
I love you
5 hours later 9017752 Sanguinius
5 hours later 9017782 Anonymous
Believe me, there are PLENTY of people who agree with you, and love a nice, chubbied up Milky Way, or chubbied up pones with big crotchboobs in general.
6 hours later 9018421 Calorie (3qcjz8.jpg 300x300 22kB)
very good~ but lets not turn this thread into a crotchtits thread, I like my mares (and maybe stallions) nice and biiiig. Speaking of big, dat fluttershy pic from the last thread.
6 hours later 9018489 Anonymous (64815__safe_fat_anonymous.png 800x908 171kB)
>but lets not turn this thread into a crotchtits thread
Of course. One crotchboob thread is definitely enough for /mlp/. Now lets get back to fat ponies!
>dat fluttershy pic from the last thread.
Afraid I didn't catch that one. Would someone be so kind as to repost?
6 hours later 9018541 Anonymous
tfw you thought Calorie was about to jump ship and make a run for milky general
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKss 2uYpih8
I'm all for drawfags being allowed to roam where they please, but I would have cried like a bitch.
6 hours later 9018647 Anonymous (_fluttershy_plot_fat_cutie_mark_morbidly_obese_obese_macro_weight_gain_buttershy_stuffing_hose_mountain_impossibly_obese_growing_50eba811a4c72d611f000a9e.png[1].png 602x600 197kB)
haha time for Hindenburgs
6 hours later 9018681 Anonymous
7 hours later 9018724 Calorie
I laughed more that I should have... damn,,,
7 hours later 9018768 Anonymous
> tfw you thought Calorie was about to jump ship and make a run for milky general
The crotchboobs consume everything.
Soon the entire board will be crotchboobs.
It will be glorious.
7 hours later 9018787 Anonymous (rainbow_dash_belly_by_sneakylittlebastard-d4zpqkq[1].png 900x898 923kB)
also bluefast
7 hours later 9018825 Anonymous
as long as it doesn't take over the ass worship thread or this one I'm fine with it
7 hours later 9019166 Anonymous (samael_raritylard_01.png 1280x1158 468kB)
So if I wouldn't be stepping on any toes (hooves?) asking, what might be the chances of seeing a fat and flatulent Spike from you someday? :9
11 hours later 9021034 Anonymous
It's only autistic-ridden if it's some shitty pic made in MS Paint. I don't see anything wrong here.
11 hours later 9021042 Anonymous
How about a fat Spike snuggling on an rven fatter Rarity's belly?
13 hours later 9022074 bertrand n'avoir
13 hours later 9022096 bertrand n'avoir (cmsn_laugh_at_the_ghosty_by_dragon_storm-d5xq89b.jpg 894x894 109kB)
Dragon-Storm just finished this one for me, just in time to commemorate Luigi's Mansion 2.
15 hours later 9023074 Anonymous
I would like to see her in back view.
15 hours later 9023149 Anonymous
I want to slap her fat ass.
15 hours later 9023162 Anonymous
I want to hug her fat ass, massage it.
15 hours later 9023188 Anonymous (1360175666987.jpg 999x889 335kB)
so sexy
15 hours later 9023542 Anonymous (135655390983.jpg 1600x1200 399kB)
What do you all think of blueberries?
15 hours later 9023678 Anonymous
We need to bring back Marshmallow-Beam (MB)
16 hours later 9024300 Anonymous
Oh man oh man this thread is off to a flying start.
17 hours later 9024918 Anonymous
be warned it's not that good http://fav.me/d5xpksv
17 hours later 9025373 Anonymous
Completely lost me after the second panel
18 hours later 9026023 Anonymous (202092__safe_pinkie-pie_fluttershy_fat_sweat_obese.png 1179x800 427kB)
let's have some sweaty pudgy ponies
19 hours later 9026830 Anonymous
Saxxon RULES, the giant asses.
19 hours later 9027443 Anonymous
is it just me or does saxxon have no sense of pacing as far as weight gain sequences go?
20 hours later 9028372 Anonymous
I guess he was just in a hurry to set the premise up and get to the 'now she's the size of a planet' part
Its like skipping over 3/4 of a movie just to watch the action scene at the end
20 hours later 9028558 Anonymous (1351462331359.png 1024x731 173kB)
21 hours later 9030688 Anonymous
22 hours later 9031632 Anonymous (136178219601.png 500x518 65kB)
do we have any burping/belching fat pone
22 hours later 9031668 Anonymous (1358376269468.png 178x178 13kB)
22 hours later 9031678 Anonymous (107613__UNOPT__safe_fluttershy_blushing_soda_burp_embarrassed.png 2124x800 404kB)
This count?
You drink soda like that, and you're bound to get quite a bubbly, bulging tummy before you burp yourself back down to size.
22 hours later 9031680 Anonymous
I fucking love Celestia glutting herself on cake.
22 hours later 9031782 Anonymous
i guess. but i was hoping like something more along the lines of that soda pony sequence posted last thread. thanks though
22 hours later 9032092 Anonymous (1349992353826.png 587x467 136kB)
Is this suitable?
22 hours later 9032106 Anonymous (1349991552684.png 800x513 103kB)
Have another
22 hours later 9032138 Anonymous (221626__UNOPT__safe_computer_rover_diamond-dog.png.png 702x600 155kB)
yes these will do nicely
22 hours later 9032359 Anonymous (1349309827803.png 483x454 4kB)
Just dumping more of my chubby femrover collection, nothin to see here...no, wait
22 hours later 9032372 Anonymous (1352833042537.png 619x495 96kB)
22 hours later 9032386 Anonymous (chubby femrover butt colored 1 mangneto.png 746x796 212kB)
22 hours later 9032396 Anonymous (132749978050.png 619x510 351kB)
I love you, please keep it up.
22 hours later 9032398 Anonymous (muscley femrover butt flexin mangneto.png 400x492 66kB)
22 hours later 9032422 Anonymous (1352833687311.png 477x420 10kB)
Y'know I'm never sure whether to post pics like the two I've quoted in the fat pony or ass worship threads. You guys seem to overlap.
22 hours later 9032435 Anonymous (chubby femrover mangneto (2).png 524x465 12kB)
22 hours later 9032449 Anonymous (chubby femrover mangneto (3).png 784x555 106kB)
22 hours later 9032463 Anonymous (chubby femrover mangneto.png 523x684 101kB)
23 hours later 9032481 Anonymous (cute mad chubby femrover mangneto.png 589x682 15kB)
23 hours later 9032494 Anonymous (femrover 1.png 772x834 204kB)
23 hours later 9032531 Anonymous (1353873383442.png 582x582 37kB)
23 hours later 9032542 Anonymous
Please, more like this. It doesn't matter if it's diamond dogs, ponies, humanized, or whatever.
We need more of that "feminine" sort of chubbiness.
With a nice squishy tummy of course, but also with plenty of hips, thighs, and bosoms to go around (the boobs thing being mostly for humanized and diamond dogs, but also for pones if you're into that sort of thing.)
24 hours later 9034268 Anonymous (flutterbarney.png 636x700 155kB)
captcha: sour ssmells
24 hours later 9034721 Anonymous (1349154357285.png 358x469 7kB)
Might as well
24 hours later 9034737 Anonymous (1349154743072.png 358x469 8kB)
24 hours later 9034747 Anonymous (1349155447746.png 358x469 11kB)
24 hours later 9034758 Anonymous (1349157287225.png 358x469 9kB)
24 hours later 9034845 Anonymous (1349159941475.png 358x469 11kB)
24 hours later 9034857 Anonymous (1349160126030.png 358x469 11kB)
24 hours later 9034864 Anonymous (1349160297143.png 358x469 12kB)
24 hours later 9034943 Anonymous
10/10 would have many children with
24 hours later 9035018 Anonymous (drooling.jpg 640x360 29kB)
dem nips...
24 hours later 9035027 Anonymous
24 hours later 9035073 Anonymous (Marker pony shrug.png 945x945 141kB)
25 hours later 9035713 Anonymous (1359072312739.gif 192x224 43kB)
>tfw fat girls don't like dat diamond dog irl
25 hours later 9036245 Anonymous
>weight gain/stuffing comic with belly expansion and ass expansion featuring purple smart and/or sunbutt, no obese please
to many of these threads are over run by blobs, and there isn't nearly enough stuffing/WG ass expansion
25 hours later 9036286 Anonymous
26 hours later 9037297 Anonymous (1349312908441.png 1789x1500 1653kB)
And the original
guess she ate some kind of OC or something
good riddance
26 hours later 9037401 Anonymous
vore like this is very, very hard to find.
what i mean by that is, the lady doing the voring isn't a giant or anything weird, perfect size and belly is nice and round and plump... can't get enough of htis
26 hours later 9037455 Anonymous (1349311285217.jpg 580x578 109kB)
So you mean same size vore? Like in this pic?
26 hours later 9037507 Anonymous
I don't know why its so fucking hard to find
26 hours later 9037545 Anonymous (1362525855429.jpg 920x752 75kB)
You and I are niggas now
I'm not a fan of giant shit either. I don't see the appeal unless there's some kind of belly bulging out. Some kind of evidence that the prey has eaten someone else.
26 hours later 9037598 Anonymous (1359586756987.png 1200x924 298kB)
alas I don't have a lot of fat pony in this shape
26 hours later 9037624 Anonymous (189229__UNOPT__explicit_human_vore_anal-vore_artist-umbrage00.jpg 1800x1800 325kB)
You poor, anon
How do you feel about anal vore/unbirth?
26 hours later 9037649 Anonymous
it, doesn't ride me that way
if anything I like the soft vore, cause its well... soft
somewhat gentle in a really weird way
0.628 0.082