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2013-03-12 02:47 9008399 Anonymous Confession thread. (1349741774612.jpg 352x323 19kB)
Tell me your secrets so I may judge you /mlp/.
0 min later 9008426 Anonymous
No, Twilight is now is command.
1 min later 9008435 Anonymous
I think that OP is a fag
4 min later 9008533 Anonymous
I'm friends with a black person, there I said it.
7 min later 9008631 Anonymous
I'm a submissive with a True Rape fetish
8 min later 9008673 Anonymous (1350441869990.jpg 1024x1280 121kB)
I have a bondage fetish.
>pic related
9 min later 9008676 Anonymous
I started watching the show in november but I am trying to make up for it by being extra autistic
>tfw coulda been fan long ago but didnt listen to friend
9 min later 9008692 Anonymous
Guy or girl?
9 min later 9008700 Anonymous
I once cried like a bitch upon hearing Smile Smile Smile on the highway
Thank god I was alone
11 min later 9008743 Anonymous
I find you easiest to clop to, princess.
11 min later 9008766 Anonymous
The reason I didn't claim is because gender's not really relevant here. If I said girl, I'd have to prove it. If I say guy, I'm a sick neckbearded autist. It's a fetish, not a lifestyle
13 min later 9008824 Anonymous (good good.jpg 162x161 4kB)
im that black person
13 min later 9008826 Anonymous
I find Fluttershy cute as hell and it makes me want to give her my hugs with my big arms
14 min later 9008840 Anonymous
If you said guy, I might've hunted you down and raped you.
We're not all straightfags here.
15 min later 9008878 Anonymous (WP_20130311_001.jpg 1632x918 193kB)
I'm just covering all bases by being Gender Neutral.
Also, I doubt you'd want to rape. I don't fall into the broad spectrum of attraction to most people.
18 min later 9008999 Anonymous (tumblr_m2ui8heSOT1rusmvfo1_r1_500.png 500x375 101kB)
I like bug pone.
20 min later 9009047 Anonymous
Don't feel bad
I love Smile Song so much, it's probably my favorite of all of them. I sing it in the shower and everything. I absolutely love the moment when a bunch of the townsponies are lined up with Pinkie to shout the 'mine' in "From these happy friends of miiiiine".
I could listen to Applejack's part about showing friendship to Pinkie in MMC a thousand times, because that moment when the townponies all light up to shout "Pinkie!!" my god, I was moved. I still get moved by it.
38 min later 9009615 Anonymous
I'd do it.
42 min later 9009748 Anon (robot.jpg 189x267 6kB)
I am part-Heartless. Growing up as a punching bag for bullies and rejections from women. Surrounded by corruption through a big portion of my life has left me rather cold. I barely understand friendship because of lies from others. No doubt I wont understand love either. What's worse is that my memories are shattered and I can only remember the worst parts. You may not realize it but I am judging you when you judge me. So I must ask.
>Is there such thing as a kind heart?
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