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2013-03-12 02:24 9007777 Anonymous MLP General (Pink horse reading her bank statement.gif 444x540 550kB)
Old thread: >>9004250
Horses dealing with the stock market Edition.
0 min later 9007790 Anonymous (Pinkie_pie_high.png 640x360 178kB)
1 min later 9007796 Anonymous
>when the thread was just getting good
every time
1 min later 9007800 Anonymous (1328420517593.gif 100x100 31kB)
Quick, remake the thread.
1 min later 9007809 Anonymous (if you say so.jpg 500x590 78kB)
1 min later 9007811 Anonymous (Its destined to fail.png 395x292 162kB)
1 min later 9007812 Anonymous
those digits.
so beautiful
1 min later 9007816 Anonymous (1327463654602.jpg 528x522 44kB)
I like where this is going.
1 min later 9007818 Anonymous
I wonder who suicided. I hope its the happy people who died off. They are really annoying and a bunch of braggarts.
1 min later 9007820 Anonymous
1 min later 9007825 Anonymous
fuck, I chuckled
1 min later 9007832 Anonymous (IN MATT'S HOUSE IN MATT'S HOUSE IN MATT'S HOUSE IN MATT'S HOUSE.gif 504x584 422kB)
2 min later 9007836 Anonymous
Every fucking time.
Did they fix it already?
2 min later 9007839 Anonymous (there were like thirty scooters in that ice cream truck.png 720x275 234kB)
no fuck you
2 min later 9007840 Anonymous
try to draw raidan pony
2 min later 9007842 ReiDuran (268579__UNOPT__safe_pinkie-pie_artist-killryde.jpg 939x900 78kB)
I love you pink pony
2 min later 9007851 Anonymous (maddox.jpg 227x258 29kB)
2 min later 9007853 Anonymous
2 min later 9007856 Anonymous (1358354482518.png 467x476 188kB)
2 min later 9007857 Anonymous (Pinkie bumpy sit.gif 345x383 1026kB)
go fuck yourself
3 min later 9007861 Anonymous
>file name
can't unsee
3 min later 9007870 Anonymous
That's as many as three tens
3 min later 9007872 Anonymous (Flutter2dope.jpg 694x800 90kB)
Think of every trollish bait post that could ever be posted. Every possible comment that could illicit a strong reaction.
I just posted it right now.
3 min later 9007873 Anonymous
You guys want to watch a movie? I can pop in Dredd or Tron. I also have Symbiotic Titan if you want.
3 min later 9007876 Anonymous
stop loving pony
3 min later 9007877 Anonymous (stronk.jpg 623x418 96kB)
Horses just eat grass but they're total beasts. Humans should have that kind of biology.
3 min later 9007879 Anonymous
3 min later 9007886 Anonymous
>posted it again lel etc etc
4 min later 9007890 Anonymous
Wow Applejack let herself go...
4 min later 9007891 Anonymous
dosent even have a cute mark
0/10 wouldnt even cross the street to hug if on fire
4 min later 9007892 Anonymous (1355381054164.gif 640x360 2849kB)
4 min later 9007898 Anonymous
We use up all our energy on this stupid brain of ours. It takes up a third of our energy intake.
4 min later 9007904 Anonymous
4 min later 9007910 Anonymous
no lets talk about suicide.
5 min later 9007919 Anonymous (1362634513055.png 965x705 627kB)
5 min later 9007920 Anonymous
best part of wonderbolts academy, y/y
5 min later 9007923 Anonymous (1329691872488.png 606x1034 371kB)
5 min later 9007932 Anonymous
Horses have a very bad digestive system. Do you know why there is so much undigested stuff in their shit?
Because they suck at digesting.
This is why they have to eat so much and this is why they shit all the time.
5 min later 9007935 Anonymous (Diglett.png 756x698 353kB)
>tfw I read that as "those digletts."
5 min later 9007936 Anonymous
6 min later 9007944 Anonymous
More like the worst
6 min later 9007950 Anonymous
I'd love to watch Symbionic Titan, but Tan got banned for advertising a stream so you might want to be careful
6 min later 9007951 Anonymous (1355591492520.gif 474x429 1455kB)
Don't know if best, but it sure was cute.
6 min later 9007954 Anonymous
Who loves their waifu more; Rei or Mew?
6 min later 9007961 Anonymous
So, MLPG, what do you think about
6 min later 9007964 Anonymous (1357989261108.jpg 2209x977 634kB)
I love you pink-maned pony
6 min later 9007965 Anonymous
How am I supposed to get my pretty pony waifu nice and chubby for full snuggling possibilities when pony is such a lean and active creature?
7 min later 9007967 Anonymous
7 min later 9007968 Anonymous
he drew himself kissing her
7 min later 9007971 Anonymous
Both are annoying.
7 min later 9007973 Anonymous
7 min later 9007974 Anonymous
I don't trust either of them. So I'll say they both suck and need to suicide.
7 min later 9007977 Anonymous
Ponk was very annoying in that episode
7 min later 9007978 Anonymous
Don't see shit yo
7 min later 9007983 Anonymous (atlantis-disneyscreencaps.com-1669.jpg 968x406 53kB)
7 min later 9007984 Anonymous (Pinkie Delivery for Dash.png 710x601 821kB)
>implying it wasn't the mystery box
7 min later 9007986 Anonymous (1352959839134.gif 379x350 2090kB)
Imaging if you're a petit mare and thing is trying to rut you
8 min later 9007994 ReiDuran
goggles got old
8 min later 9007998 Anonymous
that was entirely more hot that it should have been, i curse you
8 min later 9008002 Anonymous
I'd like Dredd, please
I've love Titian, but I literally just watched the entire series for the first time today. Real shame it didnt get picked up
8 min later 9008005 Anonymous
Not Pony
no particular order
8 min later 9008006 Anonymous (1361070103952.png 3301x4763 1064kB)
8 min later 9008008 Anonymous (1334939700796.gif 150x156 420kB)
Nice try, big gubmint, you won't find out my thoughts THAT easily!
8 min later 9008010 Anonymous
Can I report this?
8 min later 9008015 Anonymous (thumb463x_WhatsOperaDoc-1.jpg 463x344 72kB)
8 min later 9008018 Anonymous
Hell yeah, I'll second that.
9 min later 9008021 Anonymous
pretty much all the time
9 min later 9008029 Anonymous (Scootaloo (276).png 477x429 205kB)
oh you funny horse, i'll kill you first
9 min later 9008038 Anonymous
Sweaty feet, a lot of the time
10 min later 9008049 Anonymous
"The more humanized Mane 6 are the Human Mane 6, natives of the humanized Alternate Universe and the stars of the Equestria Girls spin-off. The more anthropomorphized Mane 6 are the Pony Mane 6: the stars of Friendship is Magic who have been sent to the human universe. Pony Twilight casts a spell to help her and her friends blend in with humans, not realizing they've just made themselves look really creepy by human standards. The Human Mane 6 will react with horror upon meeting their counterparts. "
10 min later 9008052 Anonymous (ghetto-blaster.jpg 500x375 47kB)
Shapes and movements, yo
10 min later 9008061 Anonymous
I'd really rather you didn't
of course me making this post almost guarantees that you will
11 min later 9008068 Anonymous
I did it after posting it though.
12 min later 9008091 Anonymous
how lonely i am
how lonely i will be
my lack of talent at every skill known to man
the unhealthy curvature of my spine
12 min later 9008099 Anonymous
I like Pink pony, but her crazyness and hyper activity is too much for me. Yellow pony better suits my slow paced, easy going life style, but I don't really like he all that much.
One is too spicy, the other isnt spicy enough. Why is there no medium pony?
12 min later 9008101 Anonymous
thinkgen bout colors
12 min later 9008113 Anonymous
12 min later 9008116 Anonymous
Rarity kind of fits the bill, don't you think? She's active but also likes taking it easy and relaxing.
13 min later 9008122 Anonymous (Pinkie Fluttershy Kisses.jpg 1330x920 266kB)
Do you really need just one?
Why not have them both at the same time?
13 min later 9008124 Anonymous
suicide. I still have the knife next to me.
13 min later 9008129 Anonymous (Twily channels the rapestatue.png 274x250 109kB)
Have you considered purple?
She's recently gone through some changes, but she's a still a very nice pony
13 min later 9008132 Anonymous
At the moment?
I'm really hoping Wander Over Yonder will be good.
13 min later 9008135 Anonymous
The future of the cartoon industry and whether or not new shows can survive in such a market where you'll only survive if you can keep yourself up with marketable merchandise.
13 min later 9008137 Anonymous
>suicide by knife
13 min later 9008139 Anonymous
i'm trying to talk to someone, but i'm afraid of what i'm going to say.
13 min later 9008144 Anonymous
mellow Straight hair Pinkie master race
13 min later 9008145 Anonymous
you should put that away
that could hurt someone
13 min later 9008147 Anonymous
What to doodle.
13 min later 9008148 Anonymous
aren't you not supposed to report your reports?
oh, and which rule did you cite me for?
14 min later 9008152 Anonymous
I was just thinking that too, haha
14 min later 9008153 Anonymous (1343432545977.png 250x3031 1012kB)
14 min later 9008154 Anonymous
Hey, me too!
14 min later 9008161 Anonymous
14 min later 9008165 Pants without Pants (Rock_Pikmin-Pikmin3.png 1800x2315 2415kB)
pick a pone
They've discovered Pikmin!
what happens?
14 min later 9008166 Anonymous
Can I report this?
14 min later 9008171 Anonymous
Femrover's paws
14 min later 9008175 Anonymous
She's a very sexy pony.
14 min later 9008178 Anonymous
which pony would HEYEAYEA the most?
14 min later 9008184 Anonymous
Scootaloo trying on girly panties
15 min later 9008187 Anonymous (1343863341355.gif 320x180 1595kB)
15 min later 9008191 Anonymous (ib7pD.gif 300x302 482kB)
There can only be one
15 min later 9008193 Anonymous
Might as well do it. Saves on resources, lowers the GDP per capita, less harm to the planet. There's no loss there.
15 min later 9008198 Anonymous (20081010[1].gif 600x253 23kB)
15 min later 9008200 Anonymous (1337785580448.png 450x450 76kB)
Purple is perfect for you
Yellow suits me just fine
16 min later 9008212 Anonymous
Too fru fru and stuffy. I need a fun pony
That's not ethical.
I like Purple, but she has really let me down. I don't want to look at her right now
I dont want sad pony. Pony should be happy
Too fast
16 min later 9008223 Anonymous
Yeah I will do it. I have nothing to offer. Good bye.
16 min later 9008224 Anonymous
What if vibrating Flutterpanties?
16 min later 9008225 Anonymous (tumblr_mjelexpsaN1s6b49go8_500.jpg 480x720 37kB)
>Too fast
16 min later 9008229 Anonymous (1361704226084.jpg 400x381 41kB)
17 min later 9008232 Anonymous
Well, I can't really jack off on Omegle as much as I used to, because they control that shit more tightly nowadays
17 min later 9008233 Anonymous
Hey, I resent that, Rarity's a fun pony!
17 min later 9008234 Anonymous
Wander Over Yander cross over
17 min later 9008235 Anonymous
HEY YOU! It's time to speed up! Again!
17 min later 9008239 Pants without Pants
The nightmares I'll be having about the Water Wraith
17 min later 9008246 Anonymous
Delete that post too
17 min later 9008248 Anonymous
Fluttershy would die from trying to keep them from dieing
17 min later 9008257 Anonymous (wiggum.jpg 1920x1080 260kB)
Fun, you say?
Have you considered blueprincess?
17 min later 9008259 Anonymous (Pinkie Fluttershy Air Kiss.png 1280x640 702kB)
>That's not ethical.
Why not, are you going to be bound by human principles if you actually make it to Equestria?
18 min later 9008264 Anonymous
Name one fun thing she has ever done ever
18 min later 9008265 Anonymous
But there's 18+ omegle that's designed for that now
18 min later 9008266 Anonymous (1343613226490.gif 200x225 98kB)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1246 0rr3sxk
why is she so perfect guys?
18 min later 9008270 Anonymous
As Twilight approached thew stone door, she had the mindset of a Fluttershy was walking down the street with Angle with he hand in her but as she floated upstream to Canterlot Rarity was too busy fucking the merchandise to think like a normal fill but little did she know if that Celestia flying down towards Cloudsdale at the speed of a jet fighter and punctured the cloud surface creating a hurricane destroyed half of Ponywille while but everyone was okay because they live at a reunion in the Apple Orchard Applejack was fucking her brother Big Mac while Granny Smith riding Apple Bloom to Spike was rubbing all over the books in Twilight's liberarium as he heard the creak of a croak and Rainbow Dash grew a penis while masturbating in her home and it wrapped around her in her butt bum and began to cum inside Pinkie Pie was making cupcakes out of Grifter organs and then spontaneously died out of a prolapse spasm and out came Scootaloo was drowning in a river while Sweetie Belle was acting retarded and having an cancerous reaction to chocolate shit and then the Ponyland imploded on in itself and Luna came on the sun and extinguished it, killing everyone.
Never again will Twilight walk to the stone door.
18 min later 9008273 Anonymous (Fluttershy-The-Brown-Colored.png 800x800 394kB)
We Fluttershy thread?
18 min later 9008277 Anonymous
She isn't sad though.
Just chill.
18 min later 9008280 Anonymous
so is wander over yonder like a gravity falls ripoff?
18 min later 9008281 Anonymous
Can I report this?
18 min later 9008282 Anonymous
Yeah, but it's not really as thrilling if you know what I mean
19 min later 9008288 Anonymous
Are they exceptionally warm?
19 min later 9008291 Anonymous (1333928502861.png 170x150 12kB)
I guess
19 min later 9008293 Anonymous
Of course.
19 min later 9008299 Anonymous
Does the "Two best sisters play" series count as brony shit
Because I find it really entertaining
19 min later 9008300 Anonymous
Not enough screen time. I need to actually see pony
19 min later 9008301 Anonymous (breakfast MLPG.jpg 424x283 187kB)
captcha: food UNeoss
you know what this means.
19 min later 9008304 Anonymous (angelink.png 673x1000 175kB)
19 min later 9008306 Anonymous (1334077901140.gif 720x405 1311kB)
19 min later 9008309 Anonymous
whatever floats your boat, bro
19 min later 9008313 Anonymous
She has fun with many stallions, sometimes at the same time.
20 min later 9008315 Anonymous
Let us know how it turns out.
20 min later 9008317 Anonymous
Brony: yes
Shit: no
20 min later 9008326 Anonymous (Pinkie Ready.png 660x708 424kB)
20 min later 9008327 Anonymous (2539694410.jpg 960x690 75kB)
Excuse me, young sir, but have you thought about bringing Apples into your life?
20 min later 9008331 Anonymous
You can report anything unless you're banned.
20 min later 9008335 Anonymous
>2 years since the Japanese earthquake
Shit. Time really does fly.
21 min later 9008345 Anonymous
Maybe. And maybe you are also a qt 3.14 little girl who is wearing them.
21 min later 9008353 Anonymous (1361494765453.jpg 630x570 142kB)
21 min later 9008356 Anonymous
This is bait.
21 min later 9008357 Pants without Pants
pikmin and ponies
21 min later 9008360 Anonymous
You can find brony shit entertaining, silly.
Open your mind and don't let us to tell you what's good and what's not.
21 min later 9008362 Anonymous
Is Fluttershy so shy that even she would say no to her own thread?
21 min later 9008366 Anonymous
Whatcha ready for, Pinkie?
21 min later 9008368 Anonymous
22 min later 9008370 Anonymous (Flutterdoctar.png 317x351 27kB)
I don't have enough pictures of Fluttershy
22 min later 9008372 Anonymous
Pony work too hard. I want to sleep in
22 min later 9008376 Anonymous
cadence reforms a garden variety enchantress, becomes an alicorn
fluttershy reforms the spirit of chaos, becomes a background pony
22 min later 9008381 Anonymous
Can I report this?
22 min later 9008382 Anonymous (Pinkie Belly Rub.png 674x900 92kB)
belly rubs!
22 min later 9008388 Anonymous
stop avatarfagging
22 min later 9008390 Anonymous
22 min later 9008391 Anonymous
Now you are spamming.
22 min later 9008394 Anonymous
She always was.
23 min later 9008406 Anonymous
If you have to ask.
23 min later 9008407 Anonymous
This should probably be the last my little pony thread ever.
23 min later 9008408 Anonymous (weh.jpg 92x130 14kB)
23 min later 9008411 Anonymous
Only on The Hub.
23 min later 9008412 Anonymous (tumblr_mj2pouPPAV1rlcncfo1_r1_1280-(n1362340986809)[1].png 892x1090 706kB)
I would rub her belly.
23 min later 9008415 Anonymous
At the moment?
That pregnant/lactating Flitter thing we got into for a little while last night. I don't think it lasted very long, but there's always something refreshing about a sexual scenario that involves taking care of your pregnant wife.
23 min later 9008416 Anonymous
Pinkie, you know the doctor said that you're not allowed to have belly rubs.
23 min later 9008421 Anonymous (1352660544645.jpg 268x200 25kB)
Avatarfagging is allowed on /mlp/ though.
It's the only exception to the rule.
23 min later 9008422 Anonymous
23 min later 9008427 Anonymous (fluttershirt.png 1024x1280 667kB)
She'd offer for it to be about some other pony instead
She's modest and insecure like that
23 min later 9008428 Anonymous
We should just move to the sub.
23 min later 9008432 Anonymous
I hope so. This circlejerk nightmare has to end.
24 min later 9008436 Anonymous
eating shit isn't against the law either
24 min later 9008442 Anonymous (hey kid wanna brushie.png 849x828 139kB)
try and stop us
24 min later 9008443 Anonymous
I still wonder why moot would allow it.
24 min later 9008446 Anonymous (1355361526509.jpg 1000x720 291kB)
24 min later 9008450 Anonymous
Applejack is a nice pony but... she's too Republican, the hat and accent basically scream, "Imma Republican, get outta muh way!"
24 min later 9008452 Anonymous
septic 8.avi
24 min later 9008457 Anonymous (1326148480653.jpg 466x366 24kB)
She was born ready
24 min later 9008458 Anonymous
she's just ready
24 min later 9008459 Anonymous
Oh god why did I miss this
Fuuck this sounds great
25 min later 9008472 Anonymous
because he doesn't give a fuck about us?
25 min later 9008476 Anonymous
Because it's a containment board and he doesn't care what we do here as long as we stay?
25 min later 9008479 Anonymous
but which pony
25 min later 9008482 Anonymous
Well, okay. Have fun!
25 min later 9008487 Anonymous
God, that's all you think about women. They're just pieces of meat for you to cuddle and forget.
25 min later 9008488 Anonymous (1355614838439.png 846x679 457kB)
25 min later 9008489 Anonymous
We have the power to wake up from this dream. We can all just...walk away.
But what's out there? What if...it's even scarier...
25 min later 9008490 AppleDan
Theory: So assblasted anti-pony mods/janitors cant ban for posting ponies on /mlp/
26 min later 9008500 Anonymous (Pinkie Confused.png 780x720 267kB)
26 min later 9008501 Anonymous
Then why is porn and anthro against the rules
26 min later 9008502 Anonymous
26 min later 9008505 Anonymous
That explains why here eyes scream nigga: >>9008446
Because republicans are racist.
26 min later 9008509 Anonymous
to suck all the dicks in ponyville
26 min later 9008516 Anonymous
>do not attach signatures to your posts
I don't think I've ever seen this on 4chan.
26 min later 9008522 Anonymous
We're not talking about ur mum, anon
26 min later 9008526 Anonymous
that's what you do to cancer, you isolate it from the host. It won't feed off the host and soon will die. Either that or it will circlejerk to death.
27 min later 9008529 Anonymous
27 min later 9008532 Anonymous
We need an Ice Pack pony to take care of all these burns
27 min later 9008543 Anonymous (1355616565088.png 493x608 238kB)
27 min later 9008544 Anonymous
but pinkie is my mum
27 min later 9008552 Anonymous
You fucking wish
27 min later 9008553 Anonymous
What's avatarfagging?
28 min later 9008556 Anonymous
>that fucking tripcode
Not this time, anon
not this time
28 min later 9008558 Anonymous (Greater than brony dental health.png 757x780 117kB)
I'm sorry MLPG, but I can't stop laughing; god damn man these people.
28 min later 9008559 Anonymous
>tfw I don't
>tfw MT can't into the namefield
28 min later 9008563 Anonymous
http://archive.heinessen.com/mlp/th read/8982031#p8984468
It starts here.
It begins with talk about pumping at first - just FYI.
28 min later 9008567 Anonymous
Nice autoban tripcode
28 min later 9008571 Anonymous (1362187130658.gif 441x363 477kB)
28 min later 9008573 Anonymous
>"Imma Republican, get outta muh way!"
I've never heard a Republican say this before.
28 min later 9008575 Anonymous
Does that stop it being posted?
If moot actually cared he'd figure out a way to enforce it instead of just having a janitor delete it when called. He doesn't.
28 min later 9008577 Anonymous (colgate pony - disgust.png 400x400 62kB)
>Not brushing.
Absolutely disgusting.
28 min later 9008580 Anonymous
28 min later 9008584 Anonymous
28 min later 9008586 Anonymous (1333890006471.png 4404x5000 860kB)
Attaching a consistent 'avatar' to your posts
like, always using the same character's reaction images throughout a thread
29 min later 9008590 Anonymous
>I'm MLPG,
29 min later 9008593 Anonymous
>ponies sometimes hire Ice Pack to comfort them after a particularly stinging remark made by another pony
>he comforts them with sex.
29 min later 9008594 Anonymous
MLPG I've just been diagnosed with a terminal illness. If I see any cute images my blood pressure will make my brain explode out of my butt, so don't post any cute pictures, ok?
29 min later 9008596 Anonymous
Flossing is more important, anyway.
29 min later 9008597 Anonymous
i've seen shit like that all the time when 4chan was still outside of the mainstream. i remember one time outside of 4chan was asking where you register and sign up.
29 min later 9008603 Anonymous (1355619303857.png 634x480 124kB)
29 min later 9008606 Anonymous
Being gay for Na'vi
29 min later 9008607 Anonymous
no wonder Glitter Glue likes her
30 min later 9008614 Anonymous (deviantart.jpg 4977x491 564kB)
30 min later 9008619 Anonymous (1329833977944.png 2276x1658 265kB)
I really want to massage Dash's butt and thighs.
30 min later 9008622 Anonymous
>tfw avatap
30 min later 9008624 Anonymous (Pinkie pie holding Fluttershy holding Juice.png 2560x1600 673kB)
so we can still post ugly ponies right?
30 min later 9008625 Anonymous
>having numbers as your username
30 min later 9008626 Anonymous
And i'm not so MLPG
30 min later 9008640 Anonymous (1315441903265.png 451x344 53kB)
Atlantis is boring though.
30 min later 9008643 Anonymous
She wouldn't just let you do that
30 min later 9008644 Anonymous
Rainbow Dash really wants to spray you while you massage her butt and thighs.
31 min later 9008647 Anonymous
And we're the bronies
31 min later 9008648 Anonymous
31 min later 9008651 Anonymous
Now, you have caught... the "cancer" and have become... the cancer.
31 min later 9008660 Anonymous (1328055107727.jpg 250x281 5kB)
31 min later 9008661 Anonymous
31 min later 9008662 Anonymous
Real tired of your shit, Pinkie.
31 min later 9008672 Anonymous
Global Rule #11
32 min later 9008677 Anonymous
go back to tumblr. your attention whoring is pitiful.
32 min later 9008678 Anonymous (1362015624849.gif 323x270 355kB)
32 min later 9008683 Anonymous
32 min later 9008689 Anonymous (1326962776524.png 758x879 981kB)
Oh, for sure.
We'd wrestle for a while before I finally pin her down and have my way with her toned muscles.
32 min later 9008690 Anonymous
>Kraut and SB will never be the draw grumps which is a series of entertaining, yet informative drawing videos.
32 min later 9008691 Anonymous
Be careful son. Posting live stream links is a bannable offense
32 min later 9008695 Anonymous
stop avatarfagging
32 min later 9008696 Anonymous (Scootaloo (211).png 224x228 82kB)
32 min later 9008699 Anonymous
no. eat shit. I want to see you die.
32 min later 9008706 Scrubbing Bubbles
I always considered Atlantis like the animated equivalent of Stargate.
So yeah, boring
33 min later 9008712 Anonymous
So you're saying you'd rape her?
33 min later 9008717 Anonymous (131499590011.png 350x390 114kB)
33 min later 9008721 Anonymous
Is ECM still doing stuff?
I haven't seen anything new for a while
33 min later 9008722 Anonymous (My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic - Applebuck Season (Season 1 Episode 4) 1080p - YouTube.mp4_000169416.jpg 1920x1080 444kB)
I know, it just sounds like it'd be Republicany and captures the Republican attitude pretty well.
33 min later 9008725 Anonymous
It's not rape if it's what she wants.
33 min later 9008728 Anonymous
"Oh god! Sweetie that was you! Y-you're not supposed to put your mouth on that part of a man, Sweetie! Oh no, Rarity's going to kill me..."
33 min later 9008729 Anonymous
Every time you post I just hate you a little bit more.
33 min later 9008733 Anonymous (1357792428532.png 690x514 185kB)
More like a struggle snuggle.
33 min later 9008734 Anonymous (animal abuse.gif 250x216 519kB)
33 min later 9008735 AppleDan (applelick.png 741x779 308kB)
33 min later 9008736 Anonymous (1355884086497.png 645x720 428kB)
33 min later 9008738 Anonymous (tumblr_inline_mi85p3YzeR1qz4rgp.png 400x300 8kB)
At least it's better than Treasure Planet
34 min later 9008747 Anonymous (Dash sad lip bite.png 480x448 359kB)
She doesn't
34 min later 9008752 Anonymous
shit, I'd watch that
I don't watch that series so I wouldn't get any references, but I'm sure it would still be fun
34 min later 9008756 Anonymous
Uh huhhunnf.
34 min later 9008757 Anonymous
No. What you did was rape, Anon. You RAPED Rainbow Dash.
34 min later 9008763 Anonymous (1362093772520.gif 364x424 1607kB)
34 min later 9008764 Anonymous (tfw night thread.png 520x322 191kB)
MLPG, how do you handle your powerlevel?
34 min later 9008770 Anonymous
Who cares what's more important? Important is important and therefore we should all brush and floss.
34 min later 9008772 Anonymous
34 min later 9008775 Anonymous (wait a sec are u trying to cheat me again.png 275x288 97kB)
That's not a pun
34 min later 9008776 Anonymous
>Kraut and SB
34 min later 9008777 Anonymous
You wouldn't rape a pony non-sexually
34 min later 9008782 Anonymous
Called the FBI, you sick fuck
35 min later 9008789 Anonymous (DON'T DO IT KID.png 548x620 208kB)
pls no
35 min later 9008796 Anonymous
Which humanized pone would have the cutest feet?
I think it'd be Twilight, she'd have little doll feet with long toes and high arches. And they'd be smelly all the time, so she never takes her shoes off at anyone's house and tracks shit in on the carpet.
35 min later 9008797 Anonymous
You're right, but I would sex a pony non-rapeually.
35 min later 9008808 Anonymous
Shout "I DON'T WATCH NO FUCKING PONIES" each time someone's eyes meet mine
36 min later 9008811 Anonymous
That'd make sense, though I don't see why anyone would be bothered by it.
36 min later 9008815 Anonymous
Would you nonsexually anal a pony for sole purpose of dominance?
36 min later 9008817 Anonymous
>Kraut is sullen and angry about everything
>SB is milquetoast-y and self-defeating
36 min later 9008820 Anonymous
wow. this board has 9 million posts.
Why is MLP such a big deal, MLPG?
36 min later 9008823 Anonymous
>no one will ever stream Fifth Element
Man, that movie is entertaining as fuck. Shame we never got more of it's universe. Seemed pretty cool to me
36 min later 9008825 Anonymous (alright.png 1066x926 247kB)
36 min later 9008832 Anonymous
>not knowing the skype group
they can be very funny if they want to.
36 min later 9008833 Anonymous
Now this is funny.
36 min later 9008836 Anonymous
>Not being able to spot anons based on the way they type and name their images.
37 min later 9008842 Anonymous
In the long run, it's really not.
37 min later 9008847 Anonymous (1324634417586.jpg 900x654 122kB)
37 min later 9008850 Anonymous
By not having anyone to reveal it to.
37 min later 9008852 Anonymous
I was in that thread
37 min later 9008855 Anonymous (1362373003893.jpg 626x480 84kB)
Because I have nothing better to do when monitoring these servers
37 min later 9008856 Anonymous
Let us rename MLPG to Kraut and SB General. You are all fond of mentioning those fags over and over.
37 min later 9008858 Anonymous (1359349091136.png 796x494 49kB)
I have no idea
37 min later 9008859 Anonymous
It's American touhou
37 min later 9008866 Anonymous
It is, it's a few steps away from becoming a global religion
38 min later 9008884 Anonymous (ۨۚۙۨۗ۬ۙۘۢۨۧ۬۟ۤۗۚۖۧ۟۬ۨۖۙۧ۟۫ۢۗ۫۬ۘۧۡۙۖۡۘۗ۠۫۟ۘۙۡ .jpg 254x365 19kB)
Go on then
Call me out
You know you want to
38 min later 9008885 Anonymous
Oh, we already went over 9000000? What was it, anyway?
38 min later 9008890 Anonymous
And Tiarawhy.
38 min later 9008898 Anonymous
Something with some OC princess.
38 min later 9008903 Anonymous
38 min later 9008905 Anonymous
/v/ pls
39 min later 9008913 Anonymous (1362384084540.png 550x990 148kB)
/mlp/'s flavor of the month pony
but really, >caring about gets?
come on, anonymous
39 min later 9008917 Anonymous
Which pone thing made you cum the hardest
I liked Darf's Vinyl fic where she gets fucked so hard she gets a nosebleed, I came quite ferociously
39 min later 9008920 Anonymous (Twilight.jpg 141x357 48kB)
I like this horse
she's nice and smart and purple
39 min later 9008923 Anonymous
/v/ has its moments
We even mostly refrained from using MGS
39 min later 9008924 Anonymous
Don't forget about Ross!
39 min later 9008928 Anonymous (1355863056233.png 1024x683 841kB)
39 min later 9008930 Anonymous (1326391466636.gif 455x491 635kB)
Just a reminder that five years from now you will still be in these threads. Have fun!
39 min later 9008934 Anonymous (9m get.png 901x544 39kB)
39 min later 9008938 AppleDan
>handling your powerlevel
Nigga, if someone wants to call me a fag for watching ponies let em.
They worry about their sexuality too much, my cousin will literally bellow "HOLY FUCK SHE IS SOOOO SEXY" every time he sees a chick on TV. He's already queer so his opinion doesn't matter.
39 min later 9008939 Anonymous
40 min later 9008944 Anonymous
>tfw we will never see what Chrysalis had planned for Twilight Sparkle
40 min later 9008952 Anonymous
I jack off a lot and drink bottom shelf vodka screwdrivers.
40 min later 9008961 Anonymous
Fuck you, I had honestly forgotten about Ross until you mentioned him just now.
40 min later 9008967 Anonymous (56.jpg 2157x3045 3139kB)
40 min later 9008968 Anonymous
Brother, mine
41 min later 9008970 Anonymous
Okay, thank you.
41 min later 9008971 Anonymous
Ha, jokes on you. I plan on killing myself before then.
41 min later 9008987 Anonymous
MLPG's Yoko Ono.
41 min later 9008991 Anonymous (1330575289488.jpg 240x312 17kB)
41 min later 9008992 Anonymous
>tfw you do that, except with ponies instead of girls
Twilight is sexy, though.
41 min later 9008993 Anonymous
>bottom shelf vodka screwdrivers
you mean only the vodka is bottom shelf or both the vodka and the orange juice are bottom shelf?
42 min later 9009004 Anonymous
>SB starts drawing beefy ponies
>Kraut ragequits and storms out
>SB starts doubting his artistic ability again
>Kraut ragequits and storms out
>Kraut draws ponies in military uniforms
>Kraut ragequits and storms out
42 min later 9009005 Anonymous
The only get that was the least bit entertaining is that furry one
42 min later 9009012 Anonymous (nottu_disu_shitto_agen.jpg 640x360 59kB)
42 min later 9009013 Anonymous
but i just finished fapping
42 min later 9009014 Anonymous (1356026881358.png 4000x2721 770kB)
42 min later 9009015 Anonymous
The picture of the main 6 and Trixie all with their tongues out and touching. As someone with a tongue fetish, this picture will never get old, ever.
42 min later 9009016 Anonymous (۫ۘۜۗۚۨۙۖۚ۬ۨۗ۠ۖۤۜۢۖۡۜۧۖ۟ۜ۫ۖۛۜۖۖۙۜۘۖۗۜۚۖ۬ۜۜۖۨۜ۠ۖۤۜۢۖۡۜۧۖ۟ۜ۫ۖۛۜۖۖۙۜۘۖۗۜۚۖ۬ۜۜۖۨۜ .png 900x822 134kB)
>tfw posted that image with that funked up file name a while ago
>tfw still see it posted a lot, name and all
42 min later 9009017 Anonymous
I use orange drink, it's not even real OJ.
42 min later 9009018 Anonymous
in the future you can refer to http://archive.heinessen.com/mlp/ if you want to find that sort of thing yourself
42 min later 9009023 Anonymous
never furget?
42 min later 9009029 Anonymous
>tfw no qtπ ponimouto who loves you unconditionally to cuddle, play vidya with, pony with, dump your emotional baggage on and maybe get high with sexually
42 min later 9009035 Anonymous
This, the covers and the first part were the only good things about Hoofbeat 2.
42 min later 9009040 Anonymous
Bottom shelf vodka, store brand OJ
42 min later 9009045 Anonymous
>that ladyjuice
she's going to ruin her equipment by leaking all over it like that.
43 min later 9009052 Anonymous
43 min later 9009053 Anonymous
43 min later 9009057 Anonymous
Pic? God I love tongues, had a wet dream about getting licked by Twilight. I rarely ever remember dreams, but that's one I'll never forget.
43 min later 9009059 Anonymous (ۚ۠ۨۢۙ۫۫ۖۡۧۘۛۖۙۗ۫۠ۜۗۤ۫ۚ۫ۗ .jpg 755x745 76kB)
I like you
43 min later 9009060 AppleDan (1345899447820.png 169x184 45kB)
The whole concert hall doesnt need to hear it anon.
BonBon is softer
43 min later 9009062 Anonymous
Ok SB/Kraut/Mewball, shut up already.
43 min later 9009068 Anonymous
wizard pls
43 min later 9009074 Anonymous
Aristocrat Vodka
43 min later 9009077 Anonymous
but I haven't married a pony yet
44 min later 9009078 Anonymous
Are you making Tangdrivers or do you use an off brand drank?
44 min later 9009079 Anonymous
Someone please draw Sad Sack and Jerry as the draw grumps.
44 min later 9009080 Anonymous (ۛ۫ۧۙۖ۬۬ۗۖۤۘ۬ۡۧۧ۫۫۟ۧۘۜۢ۠ۤۡۢۛۤۡۤۘۧۡۧ .png 1448x1837 398kB)
y-you too
44 min later 9009082 Anonymous (82170__UNOPT__.png 900x506 17kB)
44 min later 9009085 Anonymous
That o most of darf's work really.
44 min later 9009093 Anonymous
I don't get it
44 min later 9009094 Anonymous
Now you're not even trying.
44 min later 9009095 Anonymous (Berry Punch Unsure.png 365x630 68kB)
I like the ABC brand vodka myself.
$11, 1.75ml
44 min later 9009097 Anonymous
They should be fucking
44 min later 9009099 Anonymous
45 min later 9009105 Anonymous (rmmlptwilycorn.png 430x100 5kB)
45 min later 9009109 Anonymous
45 min later 9009113 Anonymous
>penis numb due to death grip
>so hard it hurts and I can't cum no matter what I do
what kind of god would do something like this to a man
45 min later 9009116 Anonymous
45 min later 9009121 Anonymous
That fic was great
I still want him to write more about that
45 min later 9009128 Anonymous
I don't have it saved on my laptop.
46 min later 9009134 Anonymous (tumblr_mabk7e7Rhe1rfs1kao1_1280.jpg 1280x819 239kB)
Which pone would be most irritable drunk?
I think Celestia or Rarity would be a whiny bitch the whole time
46 min later 9009138 Anonymous (colon w.png 496x538 86kB)
You're not even trying!
46 min later 9009144 Anonymous
She's kind of a cunt, even if she does have a big soft butt.
46 min later 9009147 Anonymous (AND WE'RE THE GAME GRUMPS.png 800x357 114kB)
Once is enough for me.
46 min later 9009150 Anonymous (1331514649390.png 371x393 119kB)
What the fuck no, I got bears to punch. Later, loser.
46 min later 9009152 Anonymous
We've been over this
On Her Feet All Day
46 min later 9009153 AppleDan (1995 recipient of the worlds biggest cunt medal of authenticity.png 358x384 97kB)
Sure, but its not like im going just because you asked me. i meant to go anyway
46 min later 9009157 Anonymous
His Applebloom fic
Best, and most shameful, fap ever.
46 min later 9009162 Anonymous
Fluttershy. Shy people are usually really mean drunks, like mean as in violent.
47 min later 9009183 Anonymous
Good taste, but Dash has the superior humanized sweaty feet
47 min later 9009185 Anonymous
SB quit asking drawfags to draw your shitty oc.
48 min later 9009197 Anonymous
Only on the durl
48 min later 9009198 Anonymous
if I could draw I would do OCs all day erry day just to spite jerks like you
48 min later 9009205 Anonymous
Not to mention she's always getting aggressive and violent on the show whenever she lets her inhibitions down. Imagine that in an alcoholic haze.
48 min later 9009209 Anonymous
something tells me you should stop touching your penis for a while
48 min later 9009210 Quantum FLux (1350959587249.gif 200x200 73kB)
48 min later 9009211 Anonymous
It's even better if you can't draw though anon.
48 min later 9009220 Anonymous
48 min later 9009221 Anonymous
then lets hope you don't ever learn to draw.
49 min later 9009230 Anonymous
>if I could draw I would do OCs all day erry day just to spite jerks like you
>if I could draw
But you can't, Kraut.
49 min later 9009232 Anonymous
I strongly disagree, as AJ wears boots all the time and I like to imagine she doesn't wash as often as she should.
49 min later 9009234 Anonymous (Fluttershy speaks Butterflies.png 750x750 164kB)
Could you take on a Fluttershy?
49 min later 9009243 Anonymous
>Drunk FS will never force herself onto you
49 min later 9009246 Anonymous (18.jpg 216x292 47kB)
Pinkie seems very proud of being a dumb horse.
49 min later 9009250 Anonymous
>that ending
Holy shit my dick
49 min later 9009256 Anonymous
We should just rename this to Kraut and SB general. In all seriousness that's all you poeple ever worship.
50 min later 9009263 Anonymous
50 min later 9009267 Anonymous
What happened in it?
50 min later 9009268 Anonymous
I found that nosebleeds aren't my thing from that. And that darf could trim words once in a while, in my humble opinion.
More on topic: Can't decide between Rarity or, and this is awkward, Scootaloo.
Can't really explain the latter, but Rarity I find incredibly sexy.
50 min later 9009271 Anonymous
>1.75 ml
Dude, what, isn't that like a drop or am I being a dumb americunt
50 min later 9009275 Anonymous
That's how I am. Whatever emotions you suppress while sober come out when you get drunk. I got kicked off campus housing for being belligerent and publicly intoxicated so many times. I need to get drunk on my own in a quiet place to be calm.
50 min later 9009283 Anonymous (1232 cia macro.png 688x690 132kB)
Evens: Rum and coke +vidya
Odds: Draw pone requests
Dubs: Rum and drawstream
50 min later 9009284 Anonymous
Or maybe she's smarter than us all?
50 min later 9009285 Anonymous (1361513052535.gif 121x100 43kB)
I worship purple horse though.
50 min later 9009287 Anonymous
>drunk irritable fluttershy talk
anyone else still here from this morning?
50 min later 9009290 Anonymous
51 min later 9009296 Anonymous
I think he means 1.75 litre's
1.75 ml is a drop
51 min later 9009300 Anonymous
no you're right it should be liters
51 min later 9009303 Anonymous
No, you're right.
And that's fucking outrageous even if he meant 175.
51 min later 9009304 Anonymous
Him wanting to feel the bump while fucking AB was what killed me the first time
51 min later 9009313 Anonymous
Dash probably wouldn't wash her workout clothes, the musk on her after she comes home from the day must be incredible.
51 min later 9009314 Anonymous
They attract a lot of hate though.
51 min later 9009325 Anonymous
Draw drunk FS hitting on anon or something
51 min later 9009327 Anonymous
femrover paws
51 min later 9009331 Anonymous (1358904406256.png 482x590 288kB)
I'd probably rape the ponies if I were in Equestria.
I don't think I'd be able to help myself.
51 min later 9009334 Anonymous
well, like
It's more than a drop
It's like 10 drops.
52 min later 9009340 Anonymous
draw OC pony makeouts
52 min later 9009341 Anonymous
i would worship purple hose non sexually
Also sexually
52 min later 9009345 Anonymous
Oh I'm leaving this general. Never did like drawing you all.
52 min later 9009351 Anonymous (1326590320964.jpg 643x703 90kB)
Pfhahahaha, a limp dick like you wouldn't rape a tree
52 min later 9009354 Anonymous
Loli x pony
52 min later 9009357 Anonymous
We're sorry...
53 min later 9009365 Anonymous
Do you have a tumblr or something I can follow?
53 min later 9009367 Anonymous
>"You- you MONkeys have litt- tin- smal- ITTY BITTY PENISES, you culdn't even FUCK me like like a DONkey, fucking prick fuck me harder you bitch"
53 min later 9009368 Anonymous
53 min later 9009371 Anonymous
Oh ok good
I thought I was actually forgetting everything I learned in high school and was getting worried
53 min later 9009373 Anonymous
I never asked to be drawn
53 min later 9009377 Anonymous (132073143216.gif 701x464 862kB)
We hate you too!
53 min later 9009381 Anonymous
Dash does seem the kind to have lucky socks or something, doesn't she? Ones she never washes?
But I don't know, she'd probably be more embarrassed about them than AJ would. AJ probably doesn't even wear socks.
53 min later 9009382 AppleDan (Oh, that's all...I see.png 360x391 55kB)
I dont have to take this from no stinkin' human.
I'll be there~
53 min later 9009385 Anonymous
What's she going to do? Hug me to death? And then feel sorry and kiss it to make it feel better?
53 min later 9009387 Anonymous
The fact that you announce it, especially anonamously, means that you aren't a worthwhile person anyway.
53 min later 9009388 Anonymous
who are you?
53 min later 9009390 Anonymous
Well there's no humans, and mares are pretty damn nice looking from the back end. I'd have a boner 24/7. Equestrian society is kind of like free love, too, so you'd be able to get plenty of eager, dripping mare pussy. Everyone wants a go at the human during cycle, even the stallions.
53 min later 9009391 Anonymous
>tfw anon will never draw you
53 min later 9009396 Anonymous
like he'd want creepy stalkers like us following him
54 min later 9009409 Anonymous
>with your name on
>it's not even ERP
what the hell are you doing
54 min later 9009411 Anonymous
>"Fluttershy, listen - I like you and all, but this is just too awkwa--"
>"No - Fuckin' - SHUT UP. Just... just SHUT UP. I haven't gotten laid in SIX. YEARS. SIX FUCKING YEARS. You have any idea what that's like?! I might not be a fuckin' BICYCLE like Rarity or Pinkie Pie but-- fuck, I got needs too, you know?!"
54 min later 9009414 Anonymous
All I want is a girlfriend with smelly feet who will torture me by holding them in my face
54 min later 9009416 Anonymous
Sop posting this ugly bitch and post a spretty pony instead
54 min later 9009421 Anonymous
>give me attention
No fuck you. Only I do pretend to leave for attention.
54 min later 9009423 Anonymous
>anon was never seen again
>Fluttershy now always mentions how she got a great new pet
54 min later 9009425 Anonymous (1326660698932.png 307x307 120kB)
Time to catch some Zs. Be less suicidal, more draw...cidal tomorrow, mulpeegee
55 min later 9009436 Anonymous
Very definition of Krautism
55 min later 9009438 Anonymous
MLPG for the firs time in a very long time....ever in fact, I have a change to go out with a girl and see where things lead
.....but this will seriously cut into my ponying time. I'm conflicted
55 min later 9009441 Anonymous
Anon in Equestria
He first tries to justify his urges to fuck pone
then he tries to justify his urges to fuck filly
and then he gets to indulge in those urges thanks to DT blackmailing him.
And then magic talisman happens and then anon falls off the deep end
It's really, really damn good
55 min later 9009442 Anonymous (1322616584770.png 900x795 217kB)
55 min later 9009443 Anonymous (118137__UNOPT__safe_animated_lyra_artist-snapai.gif 438x400 264kB)
55 min later 9009445 Anonymous
55 min later 9009446 Anonymous (pretty pony.gif 432x453 1573kB)
55 min later 9009447 Anonymous
What if the drawfags kill themselves while you sleep?
56 min later 9009454 AppleDan
I planned out most other things just as poorly.
There is no limit to my doofness.
56 min later 9009459 Anonymous
>that Darf fic with drunk fluttershy puking all over your cock
oh my goodness
56 min later 9009467 Aspirant
I'll fight you. All the ponies are pretty.
Even Twist.
56 min later 9009471 Anonymous
That one actually made real mare pussy sound enticing.
56 min later 9009475 Anonymous (Twist Scootaloo Sweetie.png 931x519 290kB)
57 min later 9009477 Anonymous
Everything about that fic was great
That slide into accepting everything
57 min later 9009480 Anonymous
How do you think her tail would feel wrapped around your dick?
57 min later 9009486 Anonymous
57 min later 9009492 Anonymous
That's why I like AJ's more.
She'd take her boots off and the room would almost instantly be filled with the stench. She'd prop her feet up and relax while leaving you to bask in it.
she'd tease you about your immediate bulge, too.
57 min later 9009493 Anonymous
57 min later 9009494 Anonymous
twist and bonbon are both fuckugly
I'd win that fight, pansy.
57 min later 9009501 Anonymous
Prove it
57 min later 9009504 Anonymous
Watch the fuck out, Anon!
Aspirant is trained in gorilla warfare now.
58 min later 9009507 Anonymous
A vast improvement. Still terrible, but a vast improvement.
58 min later 9009519 Anonymous
58 min later 9009520 Anonymous
Darf really, really likes shame.
I mean what's he even going to do when he suddenly materializes in Equestria and the ponies don't even give him a funny look when he finally breaks down and asks one for sex and they don't even give him a strange look?
58 min later 9009526 Anonymous
that's hot
58 min later 9009530 chistery
Pinkie would probably short gold, but waste tons of money on bitcoin mining.
59 min later 9009538 Anonymous
Where did this thread go so wrong?
59 min later 9009539 Anonymous
Horses have prehensile lips. Imagine those lips working your manhood, so many possibilities.
59 min later 9009551 Anonymous
in 2010.
August 2010.
1 hours later 9009563 Anonymous (is it the wonderbolts.jpg 442x555 18kB)
1 hours later 9009564 Anonymous
Shamegasms are the most satisfying of all. You get that explosion of intense pleasure knowing how wrong it is, and the lingering guilt afterward.
1 hours later 9009569 Anonymous
What made it better was the fact that, depending on the person, one could very well fall down that same path if given the chance like me.
Sorry but sweet Sweetie would be too much for me to resist
1 hours later 9009573 Anonymous
> that picture
[vomiting intensifies]
1 hours later 9009577 Anonymous
1 hours later 9009582 Anonymous
No, Dash, that's your belly.
1 hours later 9009587 Anonymous
Man, this word creeps me out so much. I probably would have gotten a boner if you used another word.
1 hours later 9009589 Anonymous
catholics and/or jews pls
That's fucking retarded.
1 hours later 9009595 Anonymous
Anyone have a pastebin of this handy?
1 hours later 9009597 Anonymous (1342440674921.png 694x645 150kB)
>Brush her hair
>It takes three hours to get through all of it
>Her mane is finally in some semblance of order
>Set down the brush
>a fly buzzes too close to it and is vaporized in a bright blue flash of light.
1 hours later 9009604 Anonymous
Gee no wonder, we are full of pedos.
1 hours later 9009607 Anonymous (1338446020150.png 792x901 181kB)
1 hours later 9009617 Anonymous
>hoof vagina
I know what it's supposed to be but still
1 hours later 9009619 Anonymous
That's how I felt the first time fapping to real mare porn, it was beautiful, like a work of art.
1 hours later 9009625 Anonymous (dash folded forelegs.jpg 1028x789 122kB)
Well are you gonna rub it?
1 hours later 9009627 Anonymous (1349229552840.png 600x600 122kB)
1 hours later 9009641 Anonymous
I'm not sure that's how static electricity works
1 hours later 9009643 Anonymous
With what?
1 hours later 9009644 Anonymous
I'm worried about that suicide anon. Should I be worried?
1 hours later 9009645 Aspirant (We pony now.png 193x298 134kB)
No pics on my phone, so have a Pinkie in a Pinkie suit for your troubles.
I insist all the ponies are cute, however.
Yeah, ook ook motherfucker.
1 hours later 9009648 Anonymous
1 hours later 9009664 Anonymous
is pone belly fleshy or fuzzy?
1 hours later 9009667 Anonymous
1 hours later 9009671 Anonymous (great_frog_5_10_2010.jpg 640x690 79kB)
it's called a frog
1 hours later 9009681 Anonymous
Anon please. Stop touching my cunny.
1 hours later 9009682 Anonymous
Fleshy and a little squishy
like a marshmallow
1 hours later 9009686 Anonymous
No, no one who was actually going to kill themselves would be posting on MLPG.
1 hours later 9009696 Anonymous
1 hours later 9009698 Anonymous
lyra says stop posting about her
1 hours later 9009709 Anonymous
Here bro.
http://www.fimfiction.net/story/755 53/forbidden-fruit
>darf's doing commissions
Oh shit nigga. Wish I had some money to spare.
1 hours later 9009719 Anonymous
Oh, okay.
Are you going to stop licking my penis now or what?
1 hours later 9009725 Anonymous (1331930863957.png 292x322 68kB)
Yeah well what's she gonna do about it?
1 hours later 9009730 Anonymous
i always imagined pone coats to feel like velvet or those microfiber towels
1 hours later 9009732 Anonymous
Gonna need to second this, I tried googling already
1 hours later 9009733 Anonymous
1 hours later 9009738 Anonymous
She's just jealous.
1 hours later 9009744 Anonymous
I agree wholeheartedly
I would probably try to resist
It isn't right, there's no way they're ready for that yet
I honestly don't think I would last very long though
Given something like that amulet
I'd probably get AB to convince the other CMC to come spend a weekend at a sleepover at the clubhouse
I really want a sequel to that
I don't think darf is a big fan of sequels though
1 hours later 9009745 Anonymous (and that leg is my wings.png 742x640 121kB)
I don't believe you
1 hours later 9009759 Anonymous
Heee not bad.
1 hours later 9009761 Anonymous
Any good fapfics with either of them?
1 hours later 9009763 Anonymous (say that to my face.jpg 640x960 119kB)
1 hours later 9009764 Anonymous (1362446600963.jpg 298x301 25kB)
No way Lyra. If you don't like it, come here and make me stop.
1 hours later 9009768 Anonymous (Pinkie_no.png 300x363 78kB)
1 hours later 9009777 Anonymous
I only hate the word cunny because the first time I actually heard it used was in those poorly drawn comics of Mickey Mouse characters discovering their sexuality with each other
1 hours later 9009781 Anonymous
what a slut
1 hours later 9009782 Anonymous (1329770471657.jpg 1060x1060 46kB)
Does this mean it's Bonbon's time to shine?
1 hours later 9009784 Anonymous
if someone commissions it I'm sure he'd be up for it
1 hours later 9009785 Anonymous
here >>9009709
1 hours later 9009799 Anonymous
Then... what am I supposed to do? Just sit here and watch it wink at me?
1 hours later 9009801 Anonymous (I6hDfxC2.jpg 222x254 30kB)
1 hours later 9009802 Anonymous
You better do it, Anon!
Remember what happened with Apple?
1 hours later 9009804 Anonymous (1348420547497.jpg 502x516 38kB)
1 hours later 9009805 Anonymous
name drawfags who are not here with us anymore.
1 hours later 9009812 Anonymous
how lewd
1 hours later 9009817 Anonymous
I don't remember where I saved this, but yeah - the guy does a pretty good Mario!
1 hours later 9009819 Anonymous (I6hDfxC.jpg 248x269 20kB)
1 hours later 9009822 Anonymous
1 hours later 9009827 Anonymous
No, fuck you
Look at the who's who
1 hours later 9009828 Anonymous (no.gif 301x223 432kB)
1 hours later 9009833 Anonymous
There's not much of a set up for it so it wouldn't be as good since the best thing about it is seeing the guy start falling down the slope.
1 hours later 9009834 Anonymous
don't make me post the list again
1 hours later 9009838 Anonymous
There's no way of knowing.
They could all be anon
Megasweet, probably.
1 hours later 9009839 Anonymous
How could you resist when you're walking around town staring face to face with all those beautiful, tight, pink mare pussies?
1 hours later 9009840 Anonymous
i'm leaving
1 hours later 9009841 Anonymous
Well, Sour Candy was a sequel.
And man, the ending was so cozy I want another continuation, somehow.
1 hours later 9009848 Anonymous
There's plenty with Rarity, though I'm a bit out of the loop on any recent ones.
Scoots is tougher to find, and I mostly end up with my imagination or that one thing Aspirant wrote forever ago.
1 hours later 9009853 Anonymous
see >>9009365
1 hours later 9009863 Anonymous
What's the character limit per post again? I don't think I could fit it all in.
1 hours later 9009869 Anonymous
fuck you kraut.
1 hours later 9009875 Anonymous (1348261046836.jpg 402x350 40kB)
1 hours later 9009880 GG
Oh yeah? Well I'm going to leave before you.
1 hours later 9009888 Anonymous (234572__UNOPT__safe_fluttershy_solo_pixiv_alternate-hairstyle_doctor_50e44740a4c72da3da0001b7_clipboard_511186d97f123b81360002ec.png.png 1000x1000 96kB)
It's horsefucker personal habits survey time.
How often does mlpg masturbate?
What method(s) and/or supplements does mlpg use to achieve this goal?
What volume and how far does mlpgdeposit?
Does mlpg consume the end product?
1 hours later 9009892 Anonymous
Might I recommend Hotsauce's Scoot fic?
Which one was that?
1 hours later 9009897 Anonymous (BUTTS.jpg 2458x2632 543kB)
1 hours later 9009900 Tess
I'm already gone.
1 hours later 9009903 Anonymous
That's a terrible advice Pinkie.
1 hours later 9009906 Anonymous
Pinkie pls
I...I don't think they need to know.
1 hours later 9009916 Anonymous
>Human dropped into Equestria
Is it strange at all that this is what I keep in my head whenever I start a game of Minecraft?
1 hours later 9009918 Anonymous
>Rate: $8/1,000 words up to the projected word count, and $2/1,000 for every 1k above that, up to a maximum of $6 extra.
I'm not the type to commission things
And even if I were I'm completely broke now anyway
But dang
I'd be tempted to throw some dough at that
1 hours later 9009919 Anonymous
pone feels like minky
1 hours later 9009927 Mewball
I guess I should go to. Its not like anyone likes anything I draw.
1 hours later 9009928 Anonymous
1 hours later 9009936 Anonymous
>no Rarity
Okay, I suppose I'm okay wi-
>no Pinkie
1 hours later 9009947 Anonymous
I can identify namefags most of you posting as anonymous
1 hours later 9009958 Anonymous
pink isn't a real color
1 hours later 9009962 Anonymous
Which namefag am I?
1 hours later 9009967 Mewball
White and pink aren't real colors.
1 hours later 9009969 Anonymous
i can have anybody sent to prison, just cuz I don't like 'em
1 hours later 9009972 Anonymous
I wouldn't say "most", but some of them are really easy to spot.
1 hours later 9009975 Anonymous
uhuh, sure
1 hours later 9009984 Anonymous (MAGIC STICK.gif 152x197 123kB)
I'm sure you can
I'm fairly transparent
Why don't you call people out more often?
1 hours later 9009987 LK
None of them appreciate anything we do.
1 hours later 9009991 Anonymous
Depends, can be anywhere from 1-10 times a week
My hand, beast porn weed, catuaba, and muira puama
Lots of it and it squirts far, over my head a lot of the time, a good few feet
No, I am not sick
1 hours later 9009992 Anonymous
Did you know there are over 65 million colors?
1 hours later 9009995 Anonymous
1 hours later 9009996 Quantum FLux (1343759083369.gif 556x576 443kB)
Never hide it. People know I go on 4chan and I am a ponyfan, but everyone also knows they would have an easier time to get a rock to give a fuck.
1 hours later 9009998 Anonymous
Oh oh, do me, do me!
1 hours later 9010005 Anonymous
As a butt connoisseur, I deem this picture unfappable.
1 hours later 9010012 RustyDooks
¡ey ese, you'll never guess who i am!
1 hours later 9010014 Anonymous
please go. please. maybe the cirlejerking would die down once you leave.
1 hours later 9010017 Anonymous
Who am I?
Hint: I am not sentinel.
1 hours later 9010022 Aspirant
>face to face
anon, you're much taller than them, you'd be looking over their heads.
But they'd be at hip height for you then, those ample flanks backing into you in every line, every store packed and hot with the bodies of the multicolored bundles of friendship. An accidental bump here, a prolonged grind there.
It'd be tough not to lose your control, I'm sure.
1 hours later 9010027 Creepy Curse
Fuck 'em, it's not like Anonymous contributes anything except shitposting anyway
1 hours later 9010029 Anonymous
jesus do people really keep track of this stuff?
1 hours later 9010040 Beatie Swell
Haha joke's on you, I have a name, I just literally never use it!
>inb4 I mis-type the trip password that I never use
1 hours later 9010060 Anonymous (1363027360170.jpg 700x700 172kB)
Pffft, yeah, right. Who am I?
1 hours later 9010061 Anonymous
i don't, but jerking off has never felt better after taking those supplements
1 hours later 9010072 Beatie Swell
>not sentinel
So you're sentenal?
1 hours later 9010077 Anonymous
I don't tell anyone I go to 4chan out of principle.
I don't tell anyone I watch ponies partly because I live in the South and I know it'd get me a lot of weird looks, but mostly because it's frankly none of their fucking business what I watch.
1 hours later 9010079 Anonymous
It'd be perfect, you could slam them from behind while standing without hunching over or anything. It's like nature wanted me to bust in all these juicy, enticing marehoods.
1 hours later 9010082 Anonymous
Did we not have this exact same post in last year's hiatus?
1 hours later 9010084 Anonymous
stop it you're making me jealous
1 hours later 9010092 Anonymous (69750__safe_lyra_bonbon_bon-bon_lyrabon_artist-wherethedooksclash.png 1085x1100 411kB)
1 hours later 9010097 tardy
Which ones?
1 hours later 9010103 Anonymous (8542__ponified_pokemon_nintendo_slowpoke.png 929x900 151kB)
1 hours later 9010106 Anonymous
which pony would you have do a heroic sacrifice to save Equestria?
1 hours later 9010110 Anonymous
What are you taking? I take longjack and it increased my libido a lot, and I get so fucking hard that it's almost painful.
1 hours later 9010115 Beatie Swell
We probably had that exact same post every month of last hiatus.
1 hours later 9010125 Anonymous (1362741223072.png 403x445 187kB)
1 hours later 9010126 Anonymous
Uh, few times a day
my hand, sometimes a banana . I take lecithin and pygeum when I remember to. Also I've been smoking a lot recently and that makes masturbation a lot better.
hell if I know the volume, but I can cum several feet. 4-5 if I had to put a distance to it
1 hours later 9010129 Anonymous
Huh. That wasn't nearly as interesting as I thought it would be. Way too much faffing about with the boring and unconvincing lead.
1 hours later 9010134 Anonymous
Don't forget your kegels, they increase orgasm intensity and the distance and force behind your load.
1 hours later 9010138 sentenal01
1 hours later 9010158 Anonymous
Fuck off ~
1 hours later 9010160 Anonymous
>tfw your building style is totally different from those of your friends
I'm always fascinated by watching others build things in Minecraft - the way they go about it says so much about them.
1 hours later 9010166 Anonymous (Rainbow_Dash_and_Fluttershy_noel_(2)-(n1298268396077).png 821x550 221kB)
Betcha can't guess me
1 hours later 9010173 marker (1348527172919.png 637x462 203kB)
>this thread
1 hours later 9010184 Anonymous
Catuaba, longjack, and muira puama together once in the morning in raw powdered form keeps me energized, and it really does make you hornier than a 13 year old kid who just discovered masturbation. I have to get up in class and go to the bathroom to relieve myself, otherwise I stay tented the whole class.
1 hours later 9010186 Beatie Swell
I miss Scrubs, that show was funny.
1 hours later 9010192 Anonymous
Shouldn't you be writing?
1 hours later 9010199 Anonymous
whats a kegel?
1 hours later 9010203 Anonymous
Also really fucking sad sometimes
1 hours later 9010205 Anonymous (1356741106714.jpg 500x500 80kB)
1 hours later 9010208 Anonymous (13246759762124.jpg 620x600 117kB)
You're right.
We need to post more pony.
1 hours later 9010213 Anonymous
I know, right?
I don't have a lot of fun building houses; what I usually do is find the nearest mountain and (starting from the top) hollow it out into a single massive fortress.
1 hours later 9010227 marker (1355701549873.png 1000x1000 152kB)
Yes please.
1 hours later 9010231 Anonymous
Why is that pony so pretty?
1 hours later 9010232 Anonymous
That's a really pretty Bonbon. I'd take her out to get Indian food and for a walk in the park.
1 hours later 9010237 Anonymous
inb4 where do you think we are
The thing I liked about Scrubs is that it wasn't JUST a typical sitcom, every episode tried to convey a little kernel of wisdom
1 hours later 9010243 Anonymous
lecithin, pygeum, zinc, arginine
thinking of getting more stuff like longjack too
1 hours later 9010248 sentenal01
Too late for Twiliycorn, busy the whole day. I feel an itch to write though. What's the next prompt going to be?
1 hours later 9010249 Beatie Swell (cute snow clothes.png 1300x1100 991kB)
Wait a minute
We can post pony here?!
1 hours later 9010252 Anonymous (1332706089896.png 675x744 256kB)
that pony looks awful
1 hours later 9010258 Aspirant
You'd be sure to earn a reputation after your first go with one of them, in no small part to the fervor you commit to plowing the lucky mare senseless, her tongue lolling from her mouth as she loses herself for a moment, before she regains enough composure to give a shakey whimper of overwhelmed pleasure.
The first of many in your carnal conquest.
1 hours later 9010259 Anonymous
>Too late for Twiliycorn
Deadline was extended.
1 hours later 9010262 Anonymous
like friendship reports?
1 hours later 9010267 AppleDan (1326841498536.jpg 475x447 25kB)
She wouldnt like it.
1 hours later 9010268 Anonymous
Can we start hating on happy fags? I don't like happy fags.
1 hours later 9010273 ---------Attention--------- (1360067916080.png 358x416 85kB)
You're all faggots.
1 hours later 9010277 marker (1355701549877.png 447x518 49kB)
Please fuck my ass.
1 hours later 9010279 Anonymous
1 hours later 9010282 Anonymous
I usually go smaller-scale than that - I literally sprint toward the nearest suitable hill, and burrow into it until I have a little hovel hidden inside, with a massive network of mines and tunnels beneath it that you would never know were there because i take so many pains not to disturb the landscape.
1 hours later 9010290 Anonymous (1346371452104.png 900x802 168kB)
I want to hug Bonbon nonsexually
1 hours later 9010296 Anonymous
Actually... yeah.
JD's inner monologue at the end of every episode is exactly like a letter to Celestia.
1 hours later 9010299 Anonymous
Longjack is the one with the most pronounced effect for me. The others augment it, but there's no mistaking longjack because it's strong. Muira puama and catuaba help with memory and alertness, too. I think it's catuaba that's called 'potency wood' in Brazilian.
1 hours later 9010304 Anonymous
That's one fuzzy poni.
1 hours later 9010307 NoHooves (stare.png 914x873 163kB)
This is how the hiatus is going to go, huh?
1 hours later 9010308 Anonymous
She doesn't.
1 hours later 9010310 Anonymous
>first of many
>not having made your selection carefully, and commit to a lifetime together
Aspirant, pls.
1 hours later 9010315 AppleDan
>Dear Princess Dr. Cox...
1 hours later 9010317 Anonymous
oh you must be a drawfag! using a name that instantly grabs attention.
1 hours later 9010320 Anonymous (1340237303196.png 1280x1002 1351kB)
1 hours later 9010323 Full Stop (omae wa mo boopdeiru.png 843x1000 382kB)
Hokuto no Boop
1 hours later 9010332 Anonymous
Cunt, do you have any idea what the Zagat rating is for this restaurant?
1 hours later 9010333 Anonymous
Not the guy. I bought some 'prostate care' blend ages ago from a Mexican hacienda. That shit's fantastic!
1 hours later 9010335 Anonymous
I pushed the deadline for tomorrow
And I have no idea myself
1 hours later 9010338 Anonymous
Anon, I don't think you can live a lifetime balls-deep in a pony.
1 hours later 9010340 Anonymous
Well when I say mountain, I'm not talking MASSIVE.
Just something with a little more prominence than a small rise. or hill. A good 20-30 blocks high suits me just fine.
1 hours later 9010356 Anonymous
>the word creeps him out
>but not the context
1 hours later 9010357 Anonymous
not good. not good at all. i suggest you read books to not suck.
1 hours later 9010363 Anonymous
Dooks pls
1 hours later 9010364 sentenal01 (3d lyra.jpg 2789x748 381kB)
1 hours later 9010370 Anonymous
>S4 starts
>Turns out there are even more Alicorns
>One of them keeps calling Twilight Newbie or various boys names
1 hours later 9010371 Anonymous
I say you're not really living unless you are.
1 hours later 9010377 AppleDan (1346372178538.png 385x435 150kB)
Whatever it is, it aint high enough
1 hours later 9010380 Anonymous
What's with that combo?
1 hours later 9010391 Anonymous
http://www.ktbotanicals.com/amazon- man%C3%82%E2%84%A2-p-14481.html
This stuff works great but it's kind of expensive.
1 hours later 9010394 Aspirant
That'd be my choice, but based on what that anon was saying he'd like a broader selection.
Besides, I gotta branch out sometime, yeah? If only as an experiment.
1 hours later 9010397 Anonymous
there anymore besides this and Twily?
1 hours later 9010399 Anonymous
Mother fucking crack ships
1 hours later 9010401 Anonymous
I found some prostate care tea blend ages ago at a Mexican hacienda that's fantastic!
1 hours later 9010404 Anonymous
The colours of the rainbow.
1 hours later 9010405 Anonymous
It's rainbow
1 hours later 9010409 Anonymous
>tfw you lose your virginity to a pony because no human will ever touch you
1 hours later 9010412 Anonymous (1335678526777.jpg 2130x350 340kB)
1 hours later 9010414 Anonymous
I've paused and masturbated to 3d turntable pony butts on DA on multiple occasions.
1 hours later 9010417 Anonymous
Rainbow. ROY G BIV
1 hours later 9010424 sentenal01
Alright, I'll try to write something out of my butt again.
1 hours later 9010425 Anonymous
Will I get cancer if I consume this
1 hours later 9010427 Anonymous
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlwk OhdE60w
1 hours later 9010428 Anonymous
How would your favorite pony build?
1 hours later 9010429 Anonymous
Has anyone ever rigged these and animated them in a way that makes them look not retarded?
1 hours later 9010430 Anonymous
Ooh, I second this! I've got a great idea for a fic about Rainbow Dash x Twilight Sparkle!
1 hours later 9010433 Anonymous
1 hours later 9010435 Anonymous
>Implying a pony will ever touch you
1 hours later 9010436 Anonymous (1331435855432.gif 184x239 383kB)
1 hours later 9010438 AppleDan
>Rainbow Dash becomes Twilight's Dr. Turk
>"Dash lets me call her Blue Bear...
1 hours later 9010443 Anonymous
what the fucK is going on here
1 hours later 9010444 sentenal01
Yes. The guy that made them has a deviantArt page.
1 hours later 9010457 Anonymous
He said crack ships anon.
As in ships that 1) Aren't popular and 2) Have a snowflake's chance in hell of happening.
1 hours later 9010469 Anonymous
Eh, I think Rarity would be more likely.
1 hours later 9010475 Anonymous (1361318638656.gif 275x200 65kB)
Oh, I'm fucking retarded.
1 hours later 9010481 Anonymous
well that fits 2 but not 1
1 hours later 9010485 Anonymous (1346371593882.png 579x400 25kB)
That only makes me want it more.
1 hours later 9010500 Anonymous
Crackships are boring, how about ADVENTURE?
1 hours later 9010501 Full Stop
In this case it'd be ATATATATATATATATA
1 hours later 9010505 Anonymous (rig_01_by_hashbro-d3ha7c5.jpg 381x485 91kB)
1 hours later 9010506 Anonymous
No. You'll get a raging hard-on, though, I can tell you that much.
I know the guy that owns the place in a business way, he's legit. He lab tests all his shit for contaminants, smart guy.
1 hours later 9010513 Anonymous
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUK4 wrBpjAY
I think this guy did a good job with rigging the characters so that the animations look pretty good. Now if it just used as high quality models.
1 hours later 9010515 AppleDan
Because Rarity is so great at flying
1 hours later 9010520 Anonymous (1351778379592.png 476x488 53kB)
I was thinking Main 6 discover a new creature to tie in with the MLPG Draws event or Adventures outside Ponyville (OC allowed)
Any of these sound good?
1 hours later 9010521 Anonymous (hang_in_there_baby.png 2000x2000 241kB)
1 hours later 9010523 Anonymous
Or fics with a villain as the protagonist.
inb4 a dozen Trixie and Gilda fics.
1 hours later 9010532 Anonymous
If anything, they'd do it for the novelty, and the fingers. I think I'd have an advantage when they find out semen is salty, though.
1 hours later 9010534 Anonymous (57626.jpg 2705x682 174kB)
oh geez
1 hours later 9010537 Anonymous
1 hours later 9010540 Anonymous
Those sound a lot better.
1 hours later 9010541 Anonymous (1361402966220.jpg 800x585 68kB)
1 hours later 9010545 Anonymous
well look here >>9010520
1 hours later 9010548 Anonymous
I have a screenshot somewhere of my coke pone's skeleton but I can't seem to find it...
1 hours later 9010549 Anonymous
Adventures Outside Ponyville, since it doesn't tie us down to anything else.
1 hours later 9010552 Anonymous
1 hours later 9010554 Anonymous
You have any referral code going on?
1 hours later 9010557 Anonymous (gilda.jpg 300x237 41kB)
1 hours later 9010563 Anonymous
inb4 panka
1 hours later 9010565 sentenal01
When are you going to finish that anyways? It was looking really nice.
1 hours later 9010573 Anonymous (durr.png 162x212 84kB)
dammit, panka!
1 hours later 9010574 AppleDan
1 hours later 9010578 Anonymous (1353278063449.png 278x234 135kB)
1 hours later 9010581 Anonymous
They're all alicorns, they're all pretty good at flying.
1 hours later 9010583 Anonymous
Oh great, ANOTHER sentenal. Like we needed another retard.
1 hours later 9010584 Anonymous (1362940178209.jpg 677x592 88kB)
1 hours later 9010590 Anonymous
>you will never receive a roman shower from gilda as a symbol of her disgust of you
1 hours later 9010597 Anonymous
What the hell is wrong with her
1 hours later 9010603 Anonymous
Newsletter2012 for 15% off
I'm not sure if it still works.
1 hours later 9010607 Anonymous (I just don't know anymore man.jpg 500x740 296kB)
1 hours later 9010609 sentenal02
Pay no attention to that one. He's an outdated model.
1 hours later 9010615 Anonymous
That's actually pretty impressive. However, I was thinking more along the lines of trying to animate their faces without them looking totally lifeless
1 hours later 9010616 Anonymous
Wouldn't mind a golden one though
1 hours later 9010618 Anonymous
She sure does like mushrooms that one.
1 hours later 9010622 Anonymous
Oh great, ANOTHER anon.
1 hours later 9010623 Anonymous
I don't
I don't know what that is
1 hours later 9010624 Anonymous (bomp.jpg 390x176 43kB)
1 hours later 9010632 Anonymous (1346371284688.jpg 816x979 110kB)
1 hours later 9010633 Anonymous (neftghsrgt.jpg 318x298 11kB)
Holy fuck Pinkie, calm down
1 hours later 9010638 Anonymous (woh.jpg 243x282 44kB)
1 hours later 9010640 Anonymous (oh god please don't hit me again.gif 640x360 1560kB)
>Ready for 0pone
>Huge pile of clean laundry on bed
>Throw it on floor, I'll get to it tomorrow
I think this would make my purple waifu mad
1 hours later 9010644 Anonymous
What kind of ERF filename is that?
1 hours later 9010646 Anonymous
How many Pinkie Pies have you murdered today?
1 hours later 9010651 Anonymous (1312493344915.png 574x458 21kB)
1 hours later 9010657 Anonymous
Thanks! I keep getting stuck on the eyes. Every time I try to re-make them they still seem off. I might try importing the model into zbrush for the eyes at some point.
1 hours later 9010660 Anonymous
Popular drawfags hello! I want you all gone. You shit up pony threads.
1 hours later 9010668 Anonymous (Pony Eater.png 2560x1440 1945kB)
1 hours later 9010673 Anonymous
Oh yeah, that's one thing nobody has been able to pull off right sadly.
Always makes me annoyed when I see otherwise fun SFM/gmod video with ponies, but the faces just make it look lifeless.
1 hours later 9010681 Anonymous
Thank god I'm not popular.
1 hours later 9010690 Anonymous
I'd rather eat an orange on the Blorenge.
1 hours later 9010692 Anonymous
i missed the last four days, what happened?
1 hours later 9010694 Anonymous
He did shoot the poor pony.
I wonder if he ate it afterwards.
1 hours later 9010701 Anonymous (1363003450783.png 1280x960 292kB)
1 hours later 9010702 Anonymous
Vomiting on somebody, sexually usually.
1 hours later 9010709 sentenal02
>Popular writefags hello! I want you all gone. You shit up pony threads
>Popular questfags hello! I want you all gone. You shit up pony threads.
>Popular contributors hello! I want you all gone. You shit up pony threads
The day we completely banish contribution is the day MLPG truly dies.
1 hours later 9010710 Anonymous
We talked about mare pussy for a few hours last night around 4 in the morning.
1 hours later 9010712 Anonymous
I hate it because I first heard it when joke ERP turned into real ERP.
Boy that was embarassing.
1 hours later 9010718 Anonymous
1 hours later 9010722 Anonymous
Oh god my heart
1 hours later 9010728 Anonymous
Cadence book.
1 hours later 9010734 Anonymous
populars can go. unpopulars can stay.
1 hours later 9010736 Anonymous
I remember the first time people started ERPing in active threads instead of waiting for the dead ones
these days I don't even blink an eye
1 hours later 9010737 Anonymous
She's just the flavor of the month.
1 hours later 9010752 Anonymous
I'm ded
1 hours later 9010753 Anonymous
Popular shitposters like you can leave too.
1 hours later 9010764 Anonymous
Why is BonBon such an angry lesbian?
1 hours later 9010769 Anonymous
>tfw I just watched The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit a few days ago.
Don't turn around.
I'm right behind you anon.
I'm right behind you
DON'T turn around
If you turn around you will die
I'm behind you.
I'm behind you anon
I'm so close
I could touch you
1 hours later 9010782 Anonymous
Yeah, it's just a moment this time will pass...
1 hours later 9010790 Anonymous (1355806398524.jpg 270x237 43kB)
cropped porn faces where
1 hours later 9010792 Anonymous
>not sitting up against a wall at all times to prevent this
1 hours later 9010797 Sentenal02
>Only have worn this name maybe three times
>Already poplar
Wow, that was fast.
1 hours later 9010803 Anonymous
funny how real sentenal stopped posting with his trip right when "fake" sentenal started
1 hours later 9010804 Anonymous
Yeah, 2010 was a wild time.
1 hours later 9010809 Anonymous
1 hours later 9010816 Anonymous
>not knowing how birds feed their young
if anything it would be a display of affection
1 hours later 9010818 Anonymous (1351952549762.png 171x161 40kB)
How about cropped faces that aren't from porn but could be instead?
1 hours later 9010823 sentenal02
He recognizes me as the superior sentenal
1 hours later 9010834 Anonymous
clearly you weren't there
1 hours later 9010835 Anonymous (first-time-anal.gif 315x270 1319kB)
1 hours later 9010836 BonBon
Because your very existence as a human makes my blood boil, the fact that Lyra likes you is even more infuriating.
1 hours later 9010837 Anonymous
What flavor is Bon Bon?
1 hours later 9010839 Anonymous
Would she have bucking, thrashing, screaming orgasms, or softly whinnying and nickering ones?
1 hours later 9010840 Anonymous (1362940178209.png 143x120 51kB)
1 hours later 9010850 Anonymous
>Applejack immediately starts clearing space to build a farmstead - house, barn, the works - rounding up the sheep and chickens and cows wandering about and putting them in pens, and the rest is all trees and saplings.
>Plants/builds MORE trees
>is disappointed none of them bear any fruit
>Twilight mods with Thaumcraft
>She builds a tower reminiscent of Luna's Castle in the Everfree Forest and fills it with bookshelves on every floor
>it stretches from bedrock to the top of the skybox and bristles with automated magical defenses for any mobs that fall into them
>Fluttershy builds a simple little cottage in the woods - close to a village - and takes care of sheep and chickens
>her defenses are less about killing mobs and more about driving them away.
>Rarity uses alternate texture packs and builds a stunning mansion with a scenic view of the ocean
>The interior is lush and finely decorated with a variety of materials
>several guest-rooms and studies and pantries and bathrooms, and a gorgeous Master Suite.
>if it were a real house, it'd be comfortable and homey and inviting and probably cost millions.
>She nearly faints when a Creeper blows up a good chunk of the front facade.
>RD doesn't build anything on the ground
>She sometimes forgets you can't fly in Survival Mode, and accidentally kills herself
>Pinkie Pie likes to start a map, close her eyes, spin around for ten seconds, then take off running; building into first thing she runs into.
1 hours later 9010853 Anonymous
Mare cream
1 hours later 9010854 Anonymous
I agree popular fags need to go. They have no place in mlpg.
1 hours later 9010856 Anonymous (1613434234.png 474x434 181kB)
1 hours later 9010858 Anonymous (mfw fetishfags 1.jpg 5000x5000 656kB)
1 hours later 9010861 sentenal404
highly suspious...
1 hours later 9010866 sentenal02
lemon flavored lube
1 hours later 9010874 Anonymous (list.png 599x498 9kB)
1 hours later 9010875 Anonymous (1336083390456.png 644x584 372kB)
1 hours later 9010890 Anonymous (F6gz5C6Wxz-2.png 300x250 31kB)
1 hours later 9010896 Anonymous
>not filtering "sentenal" from the name field
1 hours later 9010899 Anonymous (1350330598595.png 600x800 190kB)
Anyone have any adventure-y pics?
1 hours later 9010916 Anonymous
She just bites the pillow, squeaks a little, then her whole body shakes and a big wet spot spreads on the sheets.
1 hours later 9010919 Anonymous (would you an entire rarity.jpg 1280x1707 350kB)
1 hours later 9010922 Anonymous (tumblr_mhxct2YBKg1rea2a5o1_400.jpg 371x480 47kB)
1 hours later 9010923 Anonymous (tumblr_mj2uhl2vAI1s1wjh2o1_1280.jpg 479x611 108kB)
1 hours later 9010926 Anonymous (1360650943193.jpg 1169x1371 216kB)
1 hours later 9010927 NoHooves (Shiggy.gif 500x256 511kB)
>Tennant years
>Any year past 2010
1 hours later 9010932 Ross (Untitled-5.png 650x417 456kB)
Hey guys. Was trying to figure out lighting and colors today, so I decided to go back to basics and painted a nice scene from a photo.
Feel free to critique on anything.
1 hours later 9010936 Anonymous (celestia 3.png 240x160 7kB)
1 hours later 9010940 Anonymous (1337479780172.gif 366x321 132kB)
1 hours later 9010941 Anonymous (pinkie has a fever.png 243x243 62kB)
that looks fun
1 hours later 9010949 Anonymous
>not editing the text to read "BONBONAPARTE"
1 hours later 9010950 Anonymous
Worse than Hitler/10
1 hours later 9010951 Anonymous (1316662482081.png 1200x1800 1059kB)
1 hours later 9010952 Anonymous
Rarity is a supaho
1 hours later 9010958 Anonymous (8M2iO.png 1600x900 420kB)
1 hours later 9010960 Anonymous
Rarity's marehood is delicious, like lemon ice, pale pink lips and a cherry red inside
1 hours later 9010964 Anonymous
I don't think drawing is your thing, Ross.
Who knows, maybe you could give politics a shot.
Couldn't hurt.
1 hours later 9010966 Anonymous
I wish I was Pinkie Pie
1 hours later 9010974 Anonymous
sleepy eyed ponies are cute
1 hours later 9010977 Anonymous
Hitler was actually a pretty decent artist.
1 hours later 9010978 sentenal02
*le gasp*
sentenal404! How dare you show your traitorous face in these threads!
Did you honestly think we had forgotten about how you murdered sentenal03 after he discovered your plans to reprogram the sentenal supreme to serve your whim?
1 hours later 9010986 Anonymous (nothing sexual happening here.gif 552x567 522kB)
1 hours later 9010990 Anonymous
I wish a pony would put her mouth on my genitals
1 hours later 9010996 Anonymous (1351475701012.jpg 2500x1754 779kB)
We best ship now?
1 hours later 9010999 Anonymous (1362938242463.jpg 590x344 43kB)
>tfw President Bush paints better than you
1 hours later 9011003 Anonymous
1 hours later 9011009 Anonymous
I would hug a pony nonsexually
1 hours later 9011011 Anonymous
Who would be the Hinawa of the game?
1 hours later 9011021 Anonymous
Pinkie Pie
1 hours later 9011023 Anonymous (pinkie pie crossover Godfather.png 450x362 188kB)
1 hours later 9011026 Anonymous
inb4 mewball throws a ragequit.
1 hours later 9011031 Anonymous (mountain adventure.png 1280x720 1051kB)
I used to have music embedded in this one.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1iz 65vmgoo
1 hours later 9011032 Anonymous (MLPGDrawsDay4Complete.png 2195x1646 1901kB)
1 hours later 9011034 Anonymous
make me faggot~
1 hours later 9011035 Anonymous
1 hours later 9011038 Anonymous
>Pinkie fags ruining the thread
1 hours later 9011039 Anonymous
is he wearing a sweater?
1 hours later 9011042 Anonymous (1326572290631.jpg 300x300 20kB)
>those beads of sweat
1 hours later 9011044 Anonymous
I can't make you what you already are.
1 hours later 9011051 Anonymous
Speaking of that cum stack, get a box of cream chargers, some balloons, and a nitrous cracker, crack a cartridge into the balloon and inhale the whole thing right as you're about to cum. Cumming on laughing gas is a weird feeling.
1 hours later 9011058 Anonymous (loadsapone.jpg 764x764 114kB)
not an adventure, but perhaps a journey
into money
1 hours later 9011062 Anonymous
11fags pls go.
All the doctors have their own merits and demerits.
1 hours later 9011063 Anonymous (burn-notice-18.jpg 360x270 74kB)
1 hours later 9011065 Anonymous
From terrible politician into mediocre artist. Wow.
Career-wise Bush is like a reverse Hitler.
1 hours later 9011068 Anonymous (1359848182725.jpg 496x548 29kB)
1 hours later 9011072 Anonymous
I imagine pony hugs are vastly superior to human hugs.
1 hours later 9011078 Anonymous (1359774972582.gif 800x264 238kB)
1 hours later 9011079 Anonymous
How bad will that fuck me up
1 hours later 9011083 Anonymous (keep_calm_and_reveal_your_true_self_by_dreatos-d5s2god.png 1200x4000 2442kB)
1 hours later 9011087 Anonymous
1 hours later 9011089 Anonymous
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_ of_burn_centers_in_the_United_State s
1 hours later 9011091 Anonymous
Hitler painted nothing wrong.
1 hours later 9011092 Anonymous
This pic is what inspired me for both prompts.
So I hope someone does a fic based off of it
1 hours later 9011104 Anonymous (told_house.png 143x135 24kB)
1 hours later 9011105 Anonymous
They're supposed to be roomates
1 hours later 9011111 sentenal01 (the_road_goes_ever_on_and_on_by_morevespenegas-d5auapz - Copy.jpg 2700x3906 1909kB)
1 hours later 9011114 Anonymous (incredulous.png 600x338 251kB)
ten-star post
1 hours later 9011122 Anonymous
someone edit a link to this thread into the article
1 hours later 9011128 Anonymous
Jeez anon we're all friends here
1 hours later 9011142 Anonymous (1359907148103.gif 301x275 1448kB)
>pony mother
i would die
1 hours later 9011148 Anonymous
/b/ pls go
1 hours later 9011152 Anonymous
Nice digits there, Sent.
1 hours later 9011153 Anonymous
Hitler was a fantastic politician though.
1 hours later 9011156 Anonymous
You'll feel goofy for about 2 minutes. Same thing as you get at the dentist, except it's a little more concentrated so it hits harder. Makes you feel all warm and tingly, and dilates time so when you cum it feels like you're cumming for 15-20 seconds.
1 hours later 9011164 Anonymous (SICK BURNS.jpg 250x202 11kB)
1 hours later 9011165 Anonymous
h-hey guys, h-how do I find audio clips of girls moaning/orgasming to masturbate to?
1 hours later 9011170 Anonymous (Sigmund-Freud-9302400-1-402.jpg 402x402 18kB)
1 hours later 9011175 Anonymous (1346320316065.gif 258x138 187kB)
Can we talk about how pretty Bonbon is? We can talk about Lyra too I guess.
1 hours later 9011191 Anonymous
/pol/ pls go
1 hours later 9011192 Anonymous
Vocaroo threads on /soc/
1 hours later 9011198 Anonymous
>find porn
1 hours later 9011199 Anonymous
I did this once. It's really kind of overrated and makes your ears ring pretty hard. You feel woozier than you feel "good" necessarily.
1 hours later 9011201 Anonymous
She is very pretty. I would also like to state I did not look at her butt.
1 hours later 9011202 Anonymous
I don't know what any of those things are, except for the balloons maybe
1 hours later 9011203 Anonymous
1 hours later 9011205 Anonymous (245248__UNOPT__rainbow-dash_derpy-hooves_shipping_questionable_lesbian_traditional-art_carrot-top_carrot_derpytop_artist-mcstalins.jpg.jpg 1711x2433 1553kB)
Doesn't mean they can't fool around with each other
Man, I really want Pacce to do another Derpy/Carrot Top fic. The "fap"fic he did was incredibly cute
1 hours later 9011222 Anonymous
I would date Bonbon so that I could use her to get closer to Lyra
1 hours later 9011223 Anonymous (1361328638262.png 774x663 325kB)
Very clever.
1 hours later 9011231 Anonymous
You only want to make friends with pussies.
1 hours later 9011232 Anonymous
>tfw you've considered writing more off that blurb written with this pic
>tfw you drew something that inspired someone
1 hours later 9011240 Anonymous
But she's not pretty.
Not trying to start an argument, but Hitler really is one of history's greatest politicians right up there with FDR, Abraham Lincoln and Julius Caesar.
1 hours later 9011241 NoHooves (nighttime_mlpg.jpg 1024x768 127kB)
Is this close enough?
1 hours later 9011245 Anonymous
Someone care to tell me why we talk about that semen volume stack in like EVERY thread?
1 hours later 9011250 Anonymous
>You will never be able to afford a 3 story cloud mansion in the sky complete with rainbow waterfalls.
1 hours later 9011252 Anonymous
get a load of this krautism
1 hours later 9011259 Anonymous
Because gayfags are the loudest people in these threads.
1 hours later 9011261 Anonymous
http://tiarawhy.com/fluttergasm_va2 _new.mp3
1 hours later 9011266 Anonymous (Candyass.png 1494x1104 182kB)
What would happen if you told Bonbon she has nice butt?
1 hours later 9011268 Anonymous (37477.jpg 995x645 170kB)
1 hours later 9011275 Anonymous
I like it, always liked how it felt, and that flanging effect that sounds make is cool. It works better if you're getting a blowjob because then you can hold the balloon with two hands instead of using one to jerk off, and the other to hold the balloon, trying to time it right.
It works best if you inhale all the way, exhale all the way, inhale all the way again, exhale, and inhale from the balloon. You can exhale it back into the balloon and re-inhale it a bunch of times because your lungs don't absorb a lot of the nitrous.
1 hours later 9011277 Anonymous (1361122177819.png 512x384 447kB)
1 hours later 9011284 Anonymous
Do it.
I'll even make the deadline 4 days if I have to.
1 hours later 9011288 Anonymous
If that fic is any indication, she'd tell you its bigger than Lyra's and make you touch it.
1 hours later 9011295 Anonymous (1362083700741.jpg 604x453 106kB)
>That image
there are no words
1 hours later 9011296 Anonymous
1 hours later 9011298 Anonymous
Because the more you cum, the better the orgasm is, usually. You don't like shooting a huge load, one that keeps on coming, 15-20 shots?
1 hours later 9011301 Anonymous (BANG BANG.png 241x244 127kB)
1 hours later 9011303 Anonymous
w-what fic?
1 hours later 9011304 Anonymous
>>9011223 here.
I told you this was gonna happen.
1 hours later 9011308 Anonymous
It never ceases to amaze me when I think about shit like this and what we can program our bodies and minds into doing.
Every nerve in his body is screaming in pain and he sits there completely chill and unwavering. That's some real fucking dedication and fortitude right there.
1 hours later 9011314 Anonymous (1347324830859.png 337x284 106kB)
That's terrible.
1 hours later 9011317 Anonymous
1 hours later 9011320 Anonymous
>not readin Tsundere Bonbon
this nigga...
1 hours later 9011323 Anonymous
She'd tell you to stop looking at it with your disgusting, monkey eyes
1 hours later 9011333 Anonymous
Oh man, big deal, let's start throwing shit everywhere, who is going to start?
1 hours later 9011336 Anonymous
1 hours later 9011338 Anonymous (braeburned sees a horse cock.jpg 194x259 5kB)
i can't stop laughing
1 hours later 9011345 Anonymous
Seems more like suicide and stupidity to me.
1 hours later 9011348 Anonymous
2 hours later 9011354 Anonymous
>strategic friendzoning
My nigga.
For those of you unenlightened, if you want to fuck a girl first befriend her friend and don't put the girl whose pants you want on a pedestal and act indifferent about her and pretend to gradually get interested in her. Be nice to her friend to don't act like a tool towards her.
That strategy works.
2 hours later 9011367 Anonymous
> 15 to 20 shots
I average like four or five. How the blue fuck would the volume of fluids increase the number of contractions?
Surely that requires you make some kegel exercises?
2 hours later 9011375 Anonymous
http://www.fimfiction.net/story/833 38/sour-candy
2 hours later 9011378 Anonymous
It is suicide, but the stupidity depends on how you look at it.
In that culture, setting yourself on fire is the strongest form of protest there is.
And like I said the fact that he is just able to sit there while he burns away to ash is nothing short of astonishing.
2 hours later 9011379 Anonymous
whats volume stacking?
2 hours later 9011381 Anonymous
It's surprising what a person is willing to suffer through if they believe it's for a just cause
2 hours later 9011391 Anonymous
When will bronis commit suicide?
2 hours later 9011392 Anonymous
It's when you take a STACK of nutritional supplements to increase the VOLUME of your, ah, sexual output.
2 hours later 9011404 Anonymous
Taking supplements to increase your amount of cum and increase the orgasm intensity.
2 hours later 9011406 Anonymous
>monk setting himself on fire in protest
2 hours later 9011413 Anonymous
Not only what they are able to suffer through but what they are able to endure.
You can light yourself on fire in protest all you want, but it takes fucking balls to be able to sit there calmly meditating while you burn.
2 hours later 9011416 Anonymous
For the purposes of starting a family with your wife?
2 hours later 9011424 Anonymous (1361992658284.png 500x500 165kB)
Favorite ship
And why?
2 hours later 9011426 Glitter Glue (DERPIBOORU.png 615x509 26kB)
I found my guy
2 hours later 9011428 Anonymous
For the purposes of ensuring the tissue companies stay in business.
2 hours later 9011439 Anonymous
Once there are no dragons to slay
2 hours later 9011440 Anonymous
it kinda is. All he did was make some powerless white people in America angry. He did nothing to help free tibet from chinese rule
2 hours later 9011441 Anonymous
When the populars die.
2 hours later 9011444 Anonymous
Would you let a mare of your choice peg you with a bad dragon strapon?
2 hours later 9011445 test test
2 hours later 9011448 Anonymous
Wouldn't you set yourself on fire for your waifu, if you know that there was a tight, wet, warm mare pussy winking and throbbing, waiting for you to come home?
2 hours later 9011450 Anonymous (1331458057292.png 945x904 171kB)
2 hours later 9011457 Anonymous
no. you protest in order to draw attention towords a problem. and obviously that person was very passionate about it.
that picture went around the world and with that the point he was trying to make.
THIS is how you stage a protest.
2 hours later 9011469 Anonymous
No, just because it feels really fucking good
2 hours later 9011472 Anonymous
>That atrocious grammar and sentence structure
I have no idea what the fuck is happening.
2 hours later 9011473 Anonymous (13819__.png 1450x908 743kB)
The two ponies, according to Look Before You Sleep, go so well together.
2 hours later 9011478 Anonymous
2 hours later 9011480 Anonymous
>I want to fight a power and make change
>I will do that by removing myself as an obstacle
2 hours later 9011485 Anonymous
You know that arab spring? It was brought about by some guy setting himself on fire.
2 hours later 9011489 Anonymous (rumbdisgust.png 945x945 99kB)
2 hours later 9011496 Anonymous
>what is a martyr
2 hours later 9011501 Anonymous (1362340688770.jpg 1524x1214 313kB)
sweetie pls
2 hours later 9011502 Anonymous
When you've grown up used to the news spewing stories of someone killing others for their faith, seeing someone willing to kill themselves - and ONLY themselves - is downright jarring.
I think Robin Williams put it best -
>"What the fuck are you doing?"
>"Making you deal with your shit."
2 hours later 9011509 Anonymous
He made a statement. One of the most powerful ones that you can make in their culture.
Did the anonymous man who blocked the tanks rolling down a Beijing street end the oppressive communist regime?
2 hours later 9011512 Anonymous
I'd prefer if she was futa so I can feel her swollen mare balls smack against me each time she thrust.
2 hours later 9011514 Anonymous
Not your personal blog.
2 hours later 9011518 Anonymous
>I found my guy
I don't get it
2 hours later 9011527 Anonymous (hommhurr simpsnazz.png 476x360 248kB)
2 hours later 9011528 Anonymous
How about we continue our shipping discussion in this new horse over here?
2 hours later 9011536 Anonymous
See? Effective
2 hours later 9011538 Anonymous
Rumblebelle with NTR'd Scoots is best ship
2 hours later 9011539 Anonymous
2 hours later 9011546 Anonymous
exactly my point.
2 hours later 9011551 Anonymous
because it's great
2 hours later 9011561 Anonymous
NTR is an awful fetish, and you should feel awful for liking it.
2 hours later 9011570 Anonymous
Nigger, that's even worse than RumbleScoot.
2 hours later 9011576 Anonymous
>There She Is
Mah nigga.
Every time I watch Step 5 the feels runneth over.
2 hours later 9011578 Anonymous
2 hours later 9011595 Anonymous
It's only bad when you're being NTR'd
I think it's hot as fuck when two people are fucking and someone is left out
2 hours later 9011600 Anonymous
It has the same basis so it can't be any worse
2 hours later 9011666 Anonymous
I just can't fathom someone getting off on someone they care about stepping on their heart and mocking them for it.
I'd love to see an NTR story where the guy actually DOES something besides stand there and take it - even if it's to turn and walk out of the room before blocking the door and setting the house on fire, then sitting on the lawn and watching the place burn with them in it. .
2 hours later 9011727 Anonymous
Damn, Satan. Sorry you've got bad sexual experiences.
2 hours later 9011745 Anonymous
Speaking of that, I've been meaning to research the money to be made from donating plasma. I'm wondering if that's a good idea since I am currently on Synthroid and Amrour.
2 hours later 9011795 Glitter Glue
$60 a week is a pretty solid result if you go twice a week (which is the max). Less is common. That's the most I was able to find in a big city though.
2 hours later 9011842 Anonymous
I guess I just enjoy stories where people are pushed too far and just snap.
>Girlfriend calls Anon home so he can walk in on her fucking his best friend
>before she can say her pithy line about how she wants him to watch how a REAL man fucks a woman, he beats them both to death with a golf club
>he wakes up an hour later and doesn't remember anything
2 hours later 9011898 Anonymous
I'd call you edgy if I didn't know exactly how you feel.
Nothing's more satisfying than crimes of passion.
I still fap like crazy to NTR, though.
2 hours later 9012609 Anonymous
okay, the last horse just died, but here are anon's leads so far:
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6192643. html
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6419901. html
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6598184. html
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6730070. html
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6754387. html
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6801976. html
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6863038. html
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6957031. html
(ctrl+f "tiara")
2 hours later 9012651 Anonymous
Alright here is everything from when when it started to when Tiara goes anon. Search "tiara" in every link. Read discussions after each of the links on top
Tiara talking:
1st.http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6192 643.html
2ed.http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6419 901.html
3rd.http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6598 184.html
4th.http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6801 976.html
5th. http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6957031. html
Car talk: http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6754387. html#p6755102
Discussions going on about Tiara:
After first link:
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6290856. html#p6292427
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6314171. html#p6317205
After second:
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6423312. html
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6448448. html#p6450986
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6559255. html
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6566854. html
After third:
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6646820. html#p6648615 (shitposting starts here)
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6704169. html
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6726561. html#p6728983
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6776502. html
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6793987. html (imitators start showing up I think)
After fourth:
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6818294. html
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6847437. html
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6863038. html (The shitstorm)
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6918323. html
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6937316. html
After fifth:
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6960707. html
http://arch.413chan.net/mlp6964618. html (Wrap up)
2 hours later 9012771 Anonymous
hi sentenal, having fun?
2 hours later 9012820 Anonymous
Not sentenal, but it was very interesting to see the buildup happen and follow through.
9.567 0.647